The Opposites


Sunday, May 8th, 2012

"Just bring your elbow in, closer to your face. Like that. Good job," Fang said.

We- me, Maximum Ride, and Fang D'ante- were currently outside. To be specific, he was teaching me how to perfectly shoot a free throw. I wasn't bad before, but it went in without any interference from the rim now. I shot a couple more, and then tossed the basketball over my shoulder. I sank into the grass on the edge of the driveway, and smiled to myself, despite my headache.

To catch you up: Fang's Angel's brother. Angel is one of my closest friends. Fang is my best friend.

"You did pretty good, Ride," he said.

"Why, thank you," I said in a ridiculous British accent.

"But I'm still better." Sure, you are.

"Besa mi culo, puta," I answered. Since my mother is Hispanic, I knew Spanish. And quite a few good swears. This one translated to "Kiss my ass, bitch." Rolling over to face away from him, I began to play with a dandelion.

At least, until Fang tackled me. Apparently, he doesn't find me amusing. We rolled over, and our noses almost touched. I started noticing things, like the fact that his eyes have flecks of gold in them, and his hair almost covered said eyes, and I really shouldn't be thinking about stuff like this because he was Angel's brother, and the fact that we were in what would be observed as an "awkward" situation by others.

Deciding to take advantage of him, I grabbed his arm and pulled it behind his back, efficiently pinning him beneath me.

"Pendejo," I whispered. Jackass.

"That's the best you can do?" Fang replied.

I stood up, dragging him with me, and stumbled inside. The difference from the bright outside and inside was blinding. Hence the stumbling.

Anyways, I went in and began ransacking their kitchen for food. They got used to it after a while. I finally decided on just grabbing a Gatorade, and then threw another one at Fang. He caught it easily, and I opened mine. We sat in silence for a few moments.


He looked up as he answered. "Hm?"

"Have you gotten your acceptance letter from school yet?" I asked.


"And you didn't think to tell me?" I was shocked. The reason I came over here today was to inform him of my letter.

"I didn't think about it. I'm not going there anymore," he said.

"What the hell, Fang?" I shouted. "We've been planning to go there together since sophomore year!"

"I know, I know. It just... didn't fit me anymore. People change."

"That's nice. 'Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you I was accepted to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I'm not even going to ask if you got in, because best friends obviously keep secrets from each other!'" I said in a fake voice. "Well, just in case you weren't wondering, I did get accepted and I have an appointment next week with the scholarship committee. Thanks for asking."

Fang ran his hand through his hair, obviously exasperated. "Just leave it alone."

"Great," I snapped. I tossed the empty bottle into the trash can and glanced at the clock. "Shoot. I was supposed to be home fifteen minutes ago. See ya."

I raced back home, my head pounding.

I kept thinking about what had just happened. I mean, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts wasn't exactly cheap, but then again, Fang's family wasn't exactly poor, either.

Monday, May 9th, 2013

After school the following Monday, I angrily threw my books in my locker. I slammed the door, and threw my backpack on my back. If you couldn't tell, I was spitting mad.

At who? Oh, none other than my very good friend Nicholas "Fang" D'ante. Yesterday, I learned the reason why he was going to a different college. To be specific, George Washington University. It wasn't a bad school at all. There was just no reason for Fang to go there.

Well, actually, I found out from none other than the reason herself.

His lovely girlfriend, Briana, told me that apparently she couldn't bear to part with him. Apparently, Briana had been trying to convince him to go there ever since they began dating seven months ago. Apparently, his seven-month girlfriend was more important than his life-long best friend. Apparently, "You can still hang out and stuff, like on breaks." Apparently, I'm supposed to be taking this all calmly and not want to rip out Briana's esophagus, poke holes in it, and use it as a clarinet.

Sorry. Violent moment there. But wouldn't you be completely crazy if your best friend did that?

Anyways. Iggy came over from across the hall with Nudge, his girlfriend who would be joining Iggy and I at AADA, and raised an eyebrow. "Why so angry? It's a beautiful morning-" he began to sing until I punched him in the arm.

"Fang is the reason I'm so angry. I don't suppose he told you yet?" I asked.

Iggy's face fell. "Yeah, he told me. Over the phone. Yelling at me to mind my own business when I asked why. Do you know something?"

I nodded. "Briana."

"Oh, my god. Are you frickin' kidding me? That little bi-"

Someone cleared their throat, and I whirled around. "What were you just going to say?" Fang asked.

"I was just going to say 'that little bi-yootiful girlfriend of Fang's'. Is that okay?" Iggy responded.

I snorted. Attractive, right? "Sure, Iggy. Let me finish your sentence. That little bitch needs to go die in a frickin' hole, before I put my foot so far up both of your asses you'll be spitting shoelaces for a week. Oh, and we'd appreciate if you stopped wasting our air. It'd be easier if you just dropped dead," I said.

This time, Iggy was the one who snorted. See? It's real attractive.

Fang's face went from amused to slightly mad while he comprehended what I just said, to about to blow a gasket. Whatever a "gasket" was.

"You don't know anything," he hissed, and walked away. Presumably to angrily go to the gym to blow off steam. Who cares? After that, Iggy stormed off, too.

Actually, I couldn't go home yet. I had another lovely visitor in the form of a red-headed bitch. I assume you know who. If not, well, where have you been?

"Look. I know Nicky here is your best friend, but he's my boyfriend. And we all know you love him. But honestly? It sucks to be you, because the way this is playing out, he'll hate you by graduation."

I sighed. "Look, Briana. I know you think you're all that. But 'we all know' you're faker than a plastic bag."

She spluttered. "You better watch yourself."

I sighed again. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. "Why don't you make this easier for all of us by shoving a rocket up your ass and firing it?"

Her face matched her hair. "You will regret this, Max. Just wait."

"Sure I will, Bri. You keep thinking that," I said.

"At least I have Fang. Look who doesn't," Briana retorted.

I stepped a bit closer. "Look at yourself. Did a crayon rape your face this morning? Oh, wait. That's just your makeup. Sorry. Couldn't tell the difference."

She copied her boyfriend and, well, stormed off.

Hello! I'm not new to fanfiction, but this is my first story I plan on continuing.

:) I liked it.

-_- It's horrible.


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