This is a typical day for a typical blond like him, studying in an elite university. The same things happen every day. He would wake up early in the morning, go to school, practice tennis, go to his classes, practice music, go home, study, sleep, and repeat the same cycle over and over again.

It's always the same.

Nothing good ever happens. Nothing exciting.

His name, Kurapika Kuruta, is quite famous around the campus. He's the "blond genius" they say. He had lived up to that name, often proving that they're right. His tennis skills are legendary and so is his intelligence. Kurapika's music makes people swoon over him and they think that he has everything. Girls adore him and guys want to be like him.

They think his life is perfect.

But they're so wrong.

Somehow, somewhere inside him, he's incomplete. He doesn't understand it himself. However, Kurapika did not try to find that missing puzzle piece because as long as he can fulfil the promise he made to his family, he's satisfied.

"Kurapika, snap out of it, will you?" a hoarse voice suddenly yelled, making the blond slightly jerk out of his thoughts. He shifted his head and saw Leorio approaching him with a silly grin on his face.

"Leorio." Kurapika acknowledged when he stopped a few feet away from him. "You're not a tennis club member." Leorio has a habit of often visiting him during his morning practice in the tennis courts. The tennis club members know him as his best friend even thought the truth is that Kurapika gets very annoyed when he comes around. Somehow, the man knows his thoughts as if he can see right through him.

"You always say that." Leorio pouted childishly. "Anyway, I came here to inform you that there will be shortened classes for music club members every Friday starting today."

"Why?" the blond asked. He is also a music club member and plays the same instrument as Kurapika.

"There will be an intense practice for the recitals next month and famous personalities will be attending. Can you believe it? Senritsu-sensei said we have to make a very good first impression."

"Is that so?" Kurapika mused as he gripped his tennis racket. In the music club, he plays the violin and is the very best among the rest. Senritsu-sensei is very proud of him and during their monthly recitals, Kurapika always receives a solo.

"Also, there will be some new pianists joining in. As the veterans, sensei said that we should train along with the newbies."

"Is that all?" the blond asked and Leorio nodded. "Then get out of here. I'm playing."

"Tsk. Prick."

Kurapika ignored the last comment and proceeded towards the tennis court B, where he will be playing another set of matches.


Kuroro was never the type to join clubs and stuffs. He thinks it's a waste of time and energy and he should just focus on his studies instead, graduate with flying colours, and get the hell out of this university. However, his close friend doesn't seem to agree with him.

Shalnark initially insisted that he join the music club since he can play the piano decently. The guy himself plays the flute and would appreciate it if Kuroro could be with him in music. The man agreed since there will be extra credits given to the grades of each member, especially if he or she is doing well in the club.

So that's how he ended up sitting on a plush chair, waiting for the veterans of the music club to arrive and start the activities. Senritsu-sensei is currently away, probably making early arrangements regarding their recitals next month.

Sighing, Kuroro stood up and walked towards the piano on stage. The club room has a mini platform where soloists and duets perform or practice the music they'll play. He was about to press a light key on the board when he heard the doors of the club room click open, followed by a couple of indistinct chit chats coming from the people coming in.

"They must be the veterans." Kuroro thought and decided to go back to his seat.

A gruff man with short, spiky hair and wearing what looked like a suit went up on the plat form, carrying with him a sheet of paper. It's probably the list of the new members of the club. Usually, as what Shalnark have told him, the newbies are being partnered with the much experienced ones. Age is being disregarded in the music club. They don't care whether the veteran is younger than you. As long as you're a novice, the experienced person is your superior. Kuroro slightly hoped that he will be partnered with Shalnark.

"Alright." The man cleared his throat as he scanned his eyes over the place. "I'm Leorio and I'm one of the veterans here. I play the violin. Who among you here are fresh meats?" he asked.

Many hands rose up, including Kuroro. Suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of a familiar blonde hair of a certain person, sitting not far away from the right side of the platform. His hands were crossed and on his lap is the case of a violin. The blond's head is slightly bowed, causing his bangs to cover half of his face.

"Is that him? It can't be. It has been five years." Kuroro thought with disbelief and surprise. He almost wanted to stand up and walked over towards the guy to confirm if it really was him, but out of respect to the person in front, he did not.

"Now, the veterans please stand up." Leorio requested and most of the newcomers stood up, including the blond. However, his face was slightly turned to the side and his eyes were close, as if he was sleeping.

"Damn." Cursed Kuroro, hating that he can't get a very decent view of the person he had missed so much for the past five years.

Leorio started talking again after they sat down. He's now calling the names of the newbies and the partners that Senritsu-sensei assigned to them. Kuroro listened carefully, waiting for his name to be called and hoping once again that he'd get partnered with him.

And it seems like Lady Luck is on his side.

"Kuroro Lucifer, you will be partnered with Kurapika Kuruta."