New Story! Yay! I know it's going to be difficult with two stories going at the same time. But I wanted to do this one.

It will basically be each episode from my own point of view starting with Bloodlines. More commonly know as the BIG DELENA EPISODE. Some of the scenes will be somewhat the same. But I own none of it.

Hope you like it! However I can keep it as a one-shot but whatever you guys think. It will all depend on your feedback.

"Ready? Go!" Bree said and she drank down her shot, while everybody else surrounding the bar did as well.

Elena was the first one to finish and clapped her hands before turning to Damon. "You need a bib?"

"Sorry I can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol," Damon said and then wiped his mouth with her hand.

"Whatever. Alright. Another round, Bree?" Elena said cocked her head to the side and raising her eyebrow.

"Honey, You should be on the floor!" The woman beside Elena said, clearly very drunk herself.

"I'm not even drunk! My tolerance is way up... here!" Elena slurred out, raising her hand and jumping up to illustrate her point. She had the biggest smile on her face and as she landed back on the ground she almost fell on top of Damon who was occupying the seat next to her.

"Whoa there drunky, are you okay?" Damon asked her a smirk planted firmly in place as she placed her hand on his leg to keep her balance.

"I'm fine, how are you, baby?" Elena said huskily.

"Baby?" Damon said raising his eyebrows at her.

"God, you're hot," she whispered low in his ear.

"So I've been told," he said an amused expression on his face.

Maybe it was the alcohol that was making her flirt with Damon or maybe deep down she really wanted this. Her hand was slowly creeping more up his leg and her lips were now on his ear, biting at his earlobe. Damon quickly grabbed her wrist as it started to move up his leg and stopped it in it's place.

"Think about what you're doing, Elena..." Damon warned her keeping the moan he wanted to let out from her sucking on his ear inside.

"I don't want to think..." she whined, "I want you."

"You're drunk," he stated and she rolled her eyes at his obvious statement.

"Don't you want me?" Elena whispered seductively in his ear.

"Not like this, you'll just go running back to your boyfriend at the end of the day, Elena," Damon said and she pulled back with a hurt look on her face.

"You don't want me?" She asked him and before he even had time to answer she stalked away from him and out of the club.

She desperately needed the fresh air to clear her mind. The alcohol was starting to fade quickly as the hurt from his rejection slowly sank in. She knew it was selfish but nobody had ever said no to her before especially when she was drunk. She commanded the attention of almost every guy she knew.

"Elena..." she heard from behind her and she spun around to face Damon.

"Seriously Damon, I don't want to talk about this," Elena said running her fingers through her hair.

"You think I don't want you?" Damon asked her and Elena gave him a duh expression on her face that should tell him everything he needs to know. "You are so wrong about that."

"Then take me Damon! Don't try to be the good guy now because we both know you're not!" Elena screamed at him.

"You want me Elena? For how long? Until you go make up with your boyfriend?" Damon retorted back to her. "Sorry but I'd rather you not use me for my body. No matter how great of a body it is."

Damon's cocky little smirk had her looking up and down his body. God, no matter how hard it was for her to admit she wouldn't be able to have him for just one night.

"What if I don't want it to be just for one night?" Elena whispered softly.

"Interesting," Damon said and he walked towards her, a cocky edge to his walk. "You want me?"

Elena said nothing as he was suddenly right in front of her. His close proximity made her take a necessary step back. His eyes were drinking in her body and he reached out to grab her waist pulling her flush against him.

"I can smell your arousal, Elena," he said smiling down at her and it was making her slightly uncomfortable. His hand made its way up her shirt, exploring the skin of her back.

Her breath got caught in her throat and she arched into him, her hands clasping onto his arms in order to provide some balance. She could feel the muscles in his upper arms and she slowly pushed herself closer against him. She wanted to feel all of him.

"Oh, baby, do you ever want me," Damon said chuckling before releasing her and walking away towards his car.

"Where are you going? Elena whispered as she watched him walk away from her.

"Renting a hotel room for the night, you coming?" he asked her turning back around to face her.

She nodded and walked up to him and they walked towards his car silently. She walked over to the passenger side and he followed her, opening her door for her. Before she had a chance to climb in he had her pinned against the car. His lips were on hers in an instant and she found herself responding back to him. Her hands finding his waist under his leather jacket as she grabbed his shirt pulling him closer to her body. His hands were far from idle as one hand fisted into her hair angling her head to dominate her mouth. The other hand was running down her body to her ass. She moaned into his mouth as he squeezed it.

His tongue traced her lips begging her to open her mouth to him, she granted him permission by opening her mouth to him. He wasted no time shoving his tongue into her mouth urgently, tangling it with hers. She surprised him by grinding her hips into his erection.

Elena seriously thought she was dreaming but his body was everywhere which confirmed that this was not in fact a dream and her hands found their way inside his shirt tracing over his abs with her fingertips. They were even more perfect than she had ever imagined them being.

She broke the kiss for much needed air, and his lips found their way to her neck and she titled her head back giving him better access.

"Please..." she whined grinding her hips against him more urgently.

Damon lips found her way to her ear, and he spoke low in her ear, "Now remember that when you decide to go back to your boyfriend."

He pulled away from her and she gave him an exasperated look as he walked back to his side of the car. He got into the car as she touched her fingers to her lips, she could still feel him all over her.

"I can't believe you just did that," she said to him once she got into the car.

"You think it's over? We're just getting started baby," he said giving her a wink as he started up the car.

"What makes you think I want to continue this?" she said and leaned over in the seat, running her hand up his leg.

"Hello, look at where your hand is," he said gesturing to his lap.

"God, I need more alcohol for this," Elena said and leaned back into her own seat.

He leaned over to the glove compartment and pulled out a huge bottle of vodka and handed it to her without a word.

"You keep this in your car?" Elena asked incredulously.

"You never know when you're going to go on an impromptu road trip, especially with a pretty girl," he said shrugging as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Right..." she said sarcastically taking a swig at the vodka bottle.

"Don't take a personally that all the ladies can't resist my dashing good looks and charm," he said giving her another noncommittal shrug.

"Yeah okay," Elena said rolling her eyes at him. She took a long drink from the bottle. God, she really needed to get drunk again in order to mentally get herself through this. Physically, she'd have no problem. Her body definitely wanted him. Very, very badly.

"Whoa slow down there slugger, I don't need you passing out on me," Damon said taking the bottle from her and taking a drink himself.

"I can handle my liquor," she reminded him and turned up the radio.

Damon just laughed as he watched her roll down the window and scream out into the night. He took a sudden right turn into a cheap motel and she collapsed back into her seat.

"Hey!" she yelled but it was followed by a giggle.

"Get out of the car, drunky."

"Yes, sir," she said giggling again and got out of the car, she stumbled a bit and almost fell flat onto the pavement if it weren't for a pair of strong hands that pulled her back up.

"Let's just get a room before you injure yourself or someone else," Damon said and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders guiding her into motel. She clung onto him shoving her head in the crook of his neck. It would have just looked like they were entangled in a romantic embrace but Elena was attacking his neck with her lips and teeth. This had Damon instantly hard in his jeans and he was starting to get slightly uncomfortable.

"Elena, behave," he said in a low voice as he approached the lady at the desk to check in. "Can I get a room please?"

"Hurry, I want you," she said her hand finding his back pocket and squeezing his ass.

She could tell Damon was surprised by her actions but she was even more surprised herself. She was oblivious to the conversation he was having with the receptionist but suddenly she was being dragged away by Damon.

"Where are we going?" Elena asked him frowning as he pulled her along faster.

"Hotel room, keep it together baby," he said and sighed when she stumbled a bit on her feet. He bent down and scooped her up as he carried her to their room.

"Thanks..." she mumbled wrapping her arms around his neck. She was very aware that his hand was right under her breast and in the back of her mind she wanted him to move it slightly, so he was brushing against her nipple. She stared up at his face as he carried her and felt herself getting lost in his facial features. Her hand seemed to have a mind of its own as she reached up and her hand brushed against his cheek. His face turned towards her but her hand remained on his cheek.

"What are you doing?" he asked her softly and her hand dropped from his cheek.

She just smiled at him as he set her down once they got to the room. He opened the door and she was hot on his heels to get in the hotel. She spotted the big bed as soon as she entered the room and went to go lay down on it. When she noticed that he didn't sit beside her she leaned up on her elbows and saw him with his back to the door leaning against it and staring at her.

"Come here," she whispered and was surprised that she was the one to initiate the first move. I guess he always made her do things she'd never thought of ever doing before.

Damon stood there for another minute before walking towards her taking his shirt off in the process and throwing it on the floor.

"Aw boo, I wanted to do that," Elena whined as he suddenly stood right in front of her situating himself to stand between her legs.

"Good thing there's still one more article of clothing you can take off," Damon said smirking at her as he motioned to his pants.

Elena sat up slowly grabbing onto the belt of his jeans. Her face was close to his stomach and she found herself leaned over to place kisses on his abs as she took his belt off throwing it away. His hands fisted into her hair pulling her closer to his body. She nipped at his skin, leaving red marks where her teeth used to be. She frowned when they faded away quickly. Stupid vampire. Frustrated she unbuttoned his pants fast pulling them down his legs roughly. She was still faced with his boxers but didn't bother to take them off yet.

"Someone's in a hurry," Damon pointed out and she looked up and glared at him.

"You want this or not?" Elena asked him and when he didn't answer she stood up and pushed him roughly on the bed.

He stared up in surprise at her. "Never knew you were a wildcat in bed, Elena. Certainly your nights with Stefan didn't seem that enjoyable for you as I recall."

"Think you can top it?" Elena challenged and crawled on top of him.

"Oh, baby, I know I can, I'm going to rock your world," Damon said smirking up at her but the smirk slipped when she grinded her hips against his erection.

"Or I'm going to rock your world."

"I dare you to try."

"Challenged accepted," Her hands grabbed his shoving them up above his head. She intertwined their fingers together and squeezed tightly as she started to grind harder. She felt herself getting wet and she was suddenly very resentful of her jeans.

She leaned down so that their lips were inches apart, her breasts were up against his chest and her core was pressed against his erection. This would have never happened with Stefan, he never liked to do anything fun and would rarely let her have control in bed. But with Damon, she knew her control wouldn't last for long but at least she knew when she handed it over to him he wouldn't treat her gently.

Damon seemed to get impatient that she wouldn't kiss him and he flipped them over. His lips pressed hard against hers and she let out a low moan against his mouth. His hands removed themselves from hers to travel the length of her body. He paid special attention to her still clothed breasts, flicking over the nipples with his thumbs. His tongue snuck its way into her mouth and she accepted it, tangling her tongue with his.

His hands moved from her breasts to the bottom of her shirt, and found a way under her shirt and explored her flat stomach. He was playing her body expertly like a fine instrument and she wasn't even undressed yet. Her hands tangled themselves in his dark raven hair as a way of pulling him closer to her.

She could barely concentrate on anything else as his tongue fought against hers and she tried to get some control by biting gently on his lower lip, drawing blood slightly. She felt his stare on her as she licked it up, her eyes flicked up to his and she saw his eyes darken with lust as he drunk her in. He suddenly pulled his lips away from hers and grabbed the end of her shirt pulling it over her head swiftly. He threw it on the floor behind them and he stared at her.

Her chest was breathing heavily and she blushed underneath his gaze feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"You're beautiful," Damon whispered and she gave him a small smile before grabbing him by the waistband of his boxers so that he could fall back on top of her.

Their lips met again in fiery passion and she rolled them back over so she was back on top of him again. His hands explored her back to find her bra clasp and with a fastness that could only be accomplished by years of practice her bra was off and on the floor beside her. She giggled and he sat up underneath her to and his lips attached to her neck, nibbling and sucking at her pulse point.

"Damon..." she breathed out letting her head fall back as she slowly began grinding herself down on him. His hands were stroking the sides of her body as his lips were making their way further down her body. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and up through his hair, running her fingers through it.

Damon's mouth finally landed on her breasts and she arched into him letting out a gasp as he circled her nipple with his tongue. God, this felt way too good. She tried to remember the fact that she was still technically with Stefan. But after this she knew there was no way she could go back to Stefan without being completely miserable and so unsatisfied.

Even if Damon couldn't give her his heart, she would take everything that he gave her. She just hoped his body was included in that, because god he was so good.

Elena was brought back to the present situation as his attention left her breasts and went back to her mouth.

The next words out of his mouth surprised her. "I need you."

It came out in a breathy whisper and at first she thought she imagined it but before she could think about it she was being flipped back over on her back and he was on top of her. He was making his way down her body leaving kisses as he passed over her naked skin. His tongue dipped into her belly button and she let out a squeal; he chuckled at her before continuing down until he came to her jeans. He was using a slowness with her that she was almost positive that he didn't do with all the girls that had found their way into his bed at night.

She took pleasure in the thought he was taking his time with her but was still making her weak and still aroused by the end of it. He was slowly unbuttoning her jeans and she lifted her hips so that he could bring them down her legs. She kicked them off and he threw them away to join the rest of their clothes on the floor. His lips were on her legs, kissing his way up to her thighs. He gently spread her legs with his hands and her breathing deepened and became uneven as he made his way to her heated core.

"Damon... you don't have to..." she mumbled out, her hand fisting in the sheets of the bed as his breath landed over her underwear clad core.

"Funny, I never would have suspected you for a thong girl," Damon commented softly. Elena blushed and he moved her thong out of the way and gave a long lick to her clit that had her arching her back off the bed. He chuckled and that sent vibrations through her body. "Calm down, Elena, I promise you'll like this."

She tried to relax and stared up at the ceiling as he pulling her thong down her legs. He grabbed her legs throwing them over his shoulders as he brought her closer to his mouth. She looked down at him and watched as a smile formed on his face and he took another lick at her clit.

She tried to stop herself from arching off the bed too far but she didn't succeed and he used his hand to bring her back down and keep her there.

"Shhh, baby," he said and sucked on her clit hard. Her hands fisted in his hair as she threw her head back letting out a loud moan. He had an expert tongue, even though she didn't have anything to compare this to she just knew it. She was feeling things that she'd never felt before. The pleasure was becoming too much and her legs trembled.

Damon placed a finger inside her and that seemed to be what made her come undone.

"Damon... I'm gonna..." Elena said thrashing her head side to side as she felt her orgasm fast approaching.

"Let it go," Damon said and she did exactly that. Her orgasm ripped through her hard and she bucked against his face.

"Damon!" she all but screamed out.

Once she had settled down he crawled back up her body with a cocky smile on his face.

"Don't look so smug," she said as she recovered her breath.

"Best orgasm of your life wasn't it?" Damon asked her and she blushed; he knew that it was by the way she reacted.

Elena reached up and rolled them over quickly. Her hands grabbed at his boxers pulling them down his legs and off onto the floor. She licked her lips at the sight of his erection.

"You like?" Damon asked her putting his hands behind his head as he stared up at her.

"You're big," Elena stated obviously and he rolled his eyes at how naive she was. What he didn't expect was for her to grasp him and position herself over the tip. He was surprised further when she ran it along her opening; teasing herself. His eyes opened wide when she suddenly thrust herself down on it.

They both let out a loud moan together and she kept still letting herself adjust to his size. He felt amazing inside of her, she wanted this to last as long as possible. She closed her eyes and rested her hands on his chest.

Damon was growing more and more impatient with her not moving and thrust his hips up into her; this coaxed a low moan out of her mouth. She opened her eyes and he sees the lust in her eyes and knows he's in for one hell of a ride with her.

She slowly started to bounce up and down on top of him, finding her own rhythm. It didn't take her long as he held onto her hips in order to help her control her movements. She looked like a goddess on top of him. Her hands were in her long brown locks as they fanned out over her shoulders. Her mouth was slightly open and little moans were coming out of it every time she thrusted down. Her eyes were closed but he wished that she'd open them.

Elena swivelled her hips in a circle and she was surprised at the loud moan this caused to come out of him. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. He sat up and when his lips were just inches from hers, he said, "do it again."

She did as he said and circled her hips again and this time the moan hit her lips. She loved the reaction she was getting out of him and she closed the distance between their lips, kissing him as she circled her hips again.

"Elena..." he mumbled against her lips and she kissed him harder. In order to take some of the control back, Damon's hands found their way to her breasts and he massaged them in his hands; he felt the low moan coming from Elena against his lips.

Elena didn't know how long she wanted this slow pace to last but she was still loving every single minute of this. "Damon... I need you... harder."

He didn't need to be told twice and he flipped them over and braced himself over her, he was still buried deep inside her. He wasted no time and started to thrust faster inside of her. She was putty in his heads as she thrashed her head side to side as he thrusted harder and harder.

"This what you want?" Damon said a little unevenly but still with his usual cockiness.

"Yes! Keep going!" Elena screamed out as her orgasm was right around the corner. Her nails dug themselves into his back and scraped down his back.

He leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips wasting no time in shoving his tongue in her mouth at the same pace as his thrusts. It was getting overwhelming and she screamed out into his mouth as she came all over him.

He followed soon after her removing his mouth from hers and burying it in her neck.

He let out a few uneven breaths before rolling off of her onto the other side of the bed.

"Wow..." Elena whispered staring up at the ceiling and stupid smile plastered on her face.

"I never would have taken you for a vixen in bed Elena," Damon said as he turned to face her.

"Surprised by that?" she countered back turning her head to face him.

"Yes, you're not such a good girl after all," Damon said giving her a wink that had butterflies forming in her stomach.

"I can be a very bad girl if I want," Elena said rolling over to get closer to him. "Do I have to prove it to you again?"

"Yes, Miss Gilbert, I believe you do."

Elena rolled on top of him and this time it was her turn to explore this body. He watched her slither down his body, nipping and licking at his skin as she went.

They spent the rest of the night getting lost in each other. They were trying to satisfy their need for each other. But in the end it would never be enough for them and they would get lost in each other again.

Elena woke up the next morning and found herself curled up on Damon. She was surprised he'd allowed her to do this while they were sleeping. When they went to bed they were on opposite sides of the bed. But now her head was on his chest, with his arm wrapped around her shoulders; her arm was thrown around his waist and their legs were tangled together in the sheets.

Elena lifted her head up to look at Damon and saw that his eyes were still closed and he was breathing evenly in and out. She took the time to study his face. She appreciated the way he looked like a child when he was sleeping and not the cocky, sarcastic vampire that she was constantly faced with. He looked almost human, she realized. She couldn't help herself and pressed a kiss to his chest before resting her head back on his chest. Her hand was slowly tracing shapes into his stomach.

Her thoughts drifted back to last night and she couldn't believe that it actually happened. Yeah, she could use the excuse that she was drunk but she didn't think it would suffice considering the amount of times that they actually did have sex last night. She didn't even want to move for fear that she would be incredibly sore if she did. She knew that it was wrong to do what she did because of Stefan. But her thoughts reminded her that he had lied to her, and that was something that Damon had never done. She had always appreciated his honesty it was one of the things that made her grow to care about him as a friend. And now more, she added in the back of her mind.

But could she love him? That was the big question. She didn't know the answer to that one or if she ever would. But she didn't think she could go back to being just friends with him. She knew before she allowed this to happen again that she would have to end things with Stefan once and for all.

One thing still entered the back of her mind. What if Damon was using her because she looked like Katherine too? She didn't think she could take it if he thought the same thing. It was hard enough being Stefan's replacement for Katherine but she couldn't handle Damon thinking the same thing too. She didn't need her heart broken twice in the same week. That would be too much for her.

"I can hear you thinking from here."

Elena looked up and Damon's eyes were still closed but a smile was on his face. She didn't say anything and placed her head back on his chest, her fingers still tracing the lines in his abs.

"Talk to me," he whispered and she sighed closing her eyes.

"Did you only sleep with me because I look like Katherine?" Elena asked him in a small voice.

"No, the differences between you and Katherine are very apparent," he said softly, his hand rubbing up and down her arm. "You're sweet, kind and loving where she was manipulative, and demanding. I've never thought of you and her at that same time."

Elena nodded against his chest but stayed silent at his words. The silence only lasted for a few minutes before she broke it.

"What happens now?" she asked him lifting her head up to look at his face.

"We could do it again?" Damon asked her with an innocent look on his face.

"Seriously? I don't even think I can move from last night!" Elena said incredulously.

"There's only one way to find out."

Damon rolled her over sliding inside of her in one quick thrust. She gasped at the intrusion.

"You're insatiable," Elena gasped out as he started thrusting inside of her at a faster pace.

"Baby, you know it."

"I'll give you a quickie, that's it," Elena said giggling when he gave her a cheeky smile before leaning down to kiss her. And before she knew it they got lost in each other again.

It had not just been a quickie. It took them five hours to get back on the road. They had sex twice. In the bed. Then once in the shower. Then again on the bathroom counter. She had been surprised she was actually able to stand after all this to be honest. But they had finally made their way to his car and were finally heading back to Mystic Falls.

They hadn't talked about what this meant at all yet but she knew she needed to talk to Stefan. Things were different with Damon. She could be herself and play with him in a way that she could never be with Stefan.

She wanted more with Damon, but she wasn't sure that was what he wanted so she kept her mouth shut. He looked over at her every once and awhile and she would give him a smile. But what surprised her the most was when he reached over and took her hand. She gave him a confused look but he did nothing but look back at the road. So, she squeezed his hand gently as he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles.

They made it back to Mystic Falls in perfect time. She was unbelievably tired and even though she tried to sleep in the car because she didn't get much sleep the night before. Curse Damon and his sinfully evil ways of keeping her occupied. She wanted to get things over with Stefan though so she asked Damon to take her to the boarding house instead of her house. She'd have to deal with Jenna and her wrath later. It was going to be a very long day and she just wanted to get it over with now.

She walked through the house, Damon decided to give her privacy and only dropped her off to go to the grill. She found her way to Stefan's room and she saw him lying down on the bed.

He sat up as she entered the room and she gave him a small smile. But it changed quickly when she realized why she was here.

"Why didn't you tell me I looked like Katherine?" Elena started bluntly.

"I don't think of you as her," Stefan gave a weak reply.

"You could have told me!"

"I wanted to," Stefan said looking down.

"You said no more lies! Believe it or not Stefan I can handle the truth. All the things you've told me, that you're a vampire who has a vampire brother and that I have a witch for a best friend. Those things I've handled. But this lie. I cannot take. What am I to you? Am I just a replacement for her?" Elena yelled at him.

"You're not Katherine. You are the opposite of everything that she was."

"So I've been told. But Stefan when did you figure that out? Before you kissed me? Before you slept with me?"

"Before I met you."

"What are you talking about?" Elena said her voice suddenly low.

"The first day at school wasn't the first time we'd met. We met the day your parents car drove over Wickery Bridge, and I was nearby and I heard the accident. I got there fast but you had already been in the water for awhile. I tried to get your father out but he wouldn't let me help him until I helped you," Stefan explained and he stepped closer to her moving to take her hands but she backed away.

"Nobody could figure out... how I... how I got out of the car," Elena said and the tears were flowing freely down her face. "They said it was a miracle."

"When I saved you I was shocked by the resemblance. I watched you for months making sure you weren't her. You are nothing like Katherine. I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't."

"That's not your call! You should have told me I had a right to know why my parents are dead!" Elena screamed at him.

"I know I should have told you, Elena, I'm sorry," Stefan said and his face broke as the tears kept streaming down her face.

"Why do I look like her, Stefan?"

"It didn't make any sense. You were a Gilbert. She was a Pierce. But then I learned the truth, Elena. You were adopted."

Elena couldn't deal with this anymore. She was not expecting this. She's adopted.

"Stefan, this is all too much. I can't do this anymore," she said backing out the door.

"Elena! What does this mean for us?" Stefan yelled and he caught up to her as she was exiting the front door.

"As far as I'm concerned we were over from the minute I saw that picture that you kept of her," she yelled at him and made her way through the front door and realizing she didn't have a car she had to walk all the way home.

It gave her some time to think. Jenna tried calling her a million times but she ignored them all. She was now mad at Jenna for not telling her she was adopted. Her parents weren't her real parents. Could the stress level get any worse for her? She just kept walking and burst through the door of her house and ran up the stairs, she heard Jenna follow up the stairs after her.

"Where were you? I trust you to tell me the truth, Elena. How could you lie to me?" Jenna yelled at her.

"Now is not the time to talk to me about lies, Jenna."

"Don't turn this back on me," Jenna warned her.

"Okay, why didn't you tell me I was adopted?" Elena fired at her and she saw Jenna visibly flinch at the force of her words.

"Elena, they asked me not to tell you..."

"I don't care! You lied to me!" Elena said and slammed her bedroom door in Jenna's face.

She already had tears down her face and she fell down against her bedroom door burying his face in her hands. She didn't even notice that someone else was in the room with her staring at her in shock.

I can keep this as a one-shot or continue on with the story? But I kind of like where it's going. There's a second part to this chapter anyways. So I'll at least write that one ;)

Read and Review? :)