You what's kind of sad? Having to go back and reread the entire story you wrote yourself because you basically forgot everything that happened. Well, all the important parts, anyway. And from that I realized something really dumb. See, I was originally planning to get rid of Orestes and his wolf friend and the human girl and then I found out they had the time machine that Shade basically needs to end the dang story -_- So whether I like it or not I will have to include them anyway...Asdfghjkl...Okay, I will find some way to make this work...
Enjoy :D
Chapter 16: Fateful Encounter
The wind was harsh and frigid against Goth's jagged wings. His eyes became slits as the darkening sky began to open up and a violent downpour of rain surged forth from the tumultuous clouds above. Thunder growled in the distance and the familiar slash of lightning blazed the foggy mountains. Goth winced slightly. He had survived lightning once. It was uncertain if he could live through it again. But he needed to find this object, this machine that would transport him into a different time, a better time. He needed a fresh start, a new beginning. The world just needed to give him one more chance.
The rain grew fierce and angry with every moment that dragged on, but Goth was determined to pound through it, push through the rough times to break into the next day. No matter how long it took, he would make it. Dead or alive, he would find it. Then he could live without fear, without hiding. A different world waited for him on the other side of the unknown.
As he neared another mass of sharp, unforgiving mountains, Goth swore he could see another figure in the distance. It was small in stature and although it was blurred from the heavy rain something about the way it flew, the slightly unsteady way it would occasionally veer to the left or right, it reached into the distant depths of his memory. As it got closer, Goth sneered with distate. Shade. I didn't think we'd meet again so soon.
Goth stopped flapping his weather beaten wings and decided to glide stealthily towards the target. Once he got close enough, he would strike, attack with fury and drive Shade into a corner where he wouldn't be able to escape. Goth wasn't one to let things go so quickly. No, he needed to grasp the opportunity tightly with both claws, and capture it in one final blow. It would be the end of Shade. Yes, today, today would be the last day he lived. When the sun rose to announce a new day, Shade's last breath would have evaporated into the cold, morning air. There was no tomorrow for him any longer.
He flew close enough until he could decipher Shade's expressions on his face. The puny bat could barely peer through the rain, his fur matted thick with rainwater. He flew with heavy flaps, his chest giving out with every stroke, his breath ragged, coming out in sharp puffs. For a moment, Goth was stunned. He could swear to the heavens Shade had died to save his son, Griffin. How could he possibly...? He grumbled and quickly shook the thought off like an unneeded burden. Memory was a sly creature who liked to screw with your mind. Maybe Goth had fabricated that memory because he had so desperately wanted Shade dead. Yes, that had to be it.
Suddenly he sliced through the rain faster than a strike of lightening, the howling wind rushing past his jagged ears. His eyes, eager and vicious, shone crimson with bloodlust as he grinned wide, revealing impressive rows of razor sharp incisors that gleamed yellow like a sallow moon. In the last moment, Shade looked up and fear froze cold in his eyes. He tumbled backwards, narrowly escaping Goth's open jaws that dripped with saliva, voracious with hunger.
Shade raced past the oncoming forest, darting over and under the complex interlocking of black, gnarly branches, the twigs grazing his skin, the thick brush of leaves slowing down his flight. Panic filled his heart as it pounded loudly, knocking painfully into his ribs. He was beginning to feel short of breath, but he needed to escape, he needed a crevice, a hole, anything tiny where Goth could not fit his angry mouth into. But tree after tree, rock after rock, it was no use, there was nothing, nowhere to hide. He needed to keep flying. But he would soon lose his breath and then it would be the end for him.
Suddenly Shade shot straight up into the sky and made a complex turn back into the trees. He disappeared into a thick mass of leaves and branches. Goth was nowhere in sight. Shade sighed with relief. He had just barely escaped. Shade shook his head. He needed to be more careful of the predators he would encounter in his journey. This could've easily ended an entirely different way, with Goth tearing out his heart and eating it as he devoured the rest of him until he was an empty carcass. But he had escaped. Yes, he had luckily escaped.
Shade turned to regain his course when he was interrupted by a sudden rasp of heavy breath. He froze. No. No. No, it couldn't be...! He had escaped, Goth couldn't have-
"Well if it isn't Shade Silverwing. Do you remember me? don't need to answer that. I can see it in your eyes that you know exactly who I am,"
Shade shuddered, coughing forcefully and tried to look away, tried to think of some method of diversion. Goth's eyes were black with hatred and hunger, and it wouldn't be long before he closed in and ripped the daylights out of him. His wings were pinned tightly on either side, completely blocking any means of escape. This was it. This was the end. Shade could feel it. He could taste the cold, empty tinge of death making it's way towards his soul.
Goth's breath stunk of rotten meat and wet saliva. He breathed deeply, baring his frightening teeth into Shades face. It was like a nightmare had come to life. Goth had returned. And this time, he would never go away.
"Any last words, Shade...?" Goth jeered mockingly. " - before I rip your heart out and devour you alive?"
Shade could feel tears beginning to rim his eyes, his eyesight blurring into nothing. Never again would he see Marina. Never again would he see anything. Darkness would become infinite. He would be lost forever, unable to reach his destination.
Without another breath, Goth pounced and Shade closed his eyes as he heard a distinct rip. In that moment he knew it was all over. The blood would soak through his body now and he would die, die as a someone who accomplished nothing. Someone whose life was now meaningless.
Heaven was dark. A place he'd once believed would be so beautiful was shrouded in black, a dead color, no, the absence of color. He could here a chorus of voices, other bats in this dark heaven, murmuring quietly to one another. Sometimes he would hear the rustling of wings. He stretched his own wings. They felt heavy and limp, like extra limbs on his body.
A flash of white caught his eye. At first he thought it was a bat. Then as he looked closer, it was a bird, an owl to be more specific. Its back was to him. Shade flew over and as the owl turned around Shade gasped and suddenly dark heaven shattered into light.
It was several moments before Shade regained consciousness. His eyesight was blurred. Two familiar orbs of gold and black peered over him. As his eyes focused, Shade found himself looking into the eyes of Orestes, an old friend. Shade smiled. He wasn't dead. No, he was still alive. Unless Orestes was dead as well...
"Shade! I didn't think I would see you again...! You came just in time, I need you to help me with something-
"Goth. Where is he...?" Shade mumbled groggily.
"Oh, him? He's over there,"
Shade froze. Orestes quickly reassured him Goth was badly injured and wouldn't be able to hurt them too much. Shade looked over. A part of his left ear was torn off and his right wing was tattered in the edges. He would not be able to fly for at least a week. Heck, he probably wouldn't even wake up for at least a week. Shade sighed with relief. He had escaped death once again.