Just an idea for a one shot that came to me out of nowhere. I know i've got like three stories on the go but I had to get this one out.
'I'll see you again, you never really left, I feel you walk beside me. I know I'll see you again' – I'll see you again Westlife.
It's been almost two months since you died, since your life was cut short and I can honestly say I miss you so much. You were like a father, a best friend and an uncle all rolled into one. I would do anything to have you back here with me, telling me tales of pranks you pulled on Snape and the fun you had with my Dad and Remus. Remus is missing you too, I can tell. He's trying to stay strong Sirius but he can't, much like me he just cannot accept that you're gone.
I hope that wherever you are you're happy now, I know that you were depressed stuck in Grimmauld place all the time and I can honestly say I wish I'd stayed with you instead of going back to Hogwarts then maybe I wouldn't have had to say goodbye so soon. Why did you leave me Sirius? Why? I can't do it without you anymore. I feel empty inside, I keep expecting you to run through the door with your bark like laugh and hug me. But I know that's not going to happen because you're gone and you're not coming back.
Ron and Hermione are getting even closer. It seems you made them see sense and admit they loved each other. I just wish it wasn't at such a price. I love you Sirius, i never said it but I do,i love you and always will. Well I guess I've got to go now Mrs. Weasley just called me. Goodbye for now.
My best friend. My hero. My Padfoot.
Love Harry