Author's note: There will be OC characters. Characters may be out of character. This fan fiction is not related to the anime/manga. It will contain boy x boy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Warning: Rated M for adult content.

Chapter Nineteen: The Great Hero

What was is that woke him? He wasn't sure, but something was nudging him awake. A pull, a tug, a brush. Whispering voices—no, it was a voice. Soothing and pleading, the voice was familiar to his ears. Soft flesh pressed against his cheek. Hot liquid dripped in droplets on his forehead. It rolled down his face, leaving a wet trail. A shaky gasp, followed by a trembling exhale. Someone was crying or was suppressing a cry? Who was crying? He didn't know, but he wanted to comfort whoever was crying because it pained him too. He stirred or did he? He thought he did, but his body didn't obey his command. Please. He begged to himself and to whoever could hear him. He wanted to wake up. But the darkness pulled him back. Another voice told him to sleep. Sleep. He didn't want to sleep. He was tired of sleeping. Sleeping meant being trapped in a nightmare of nothing as if the world didn't exist at if he didn't exist.

Sleep. The voice was firm. It sent a blow to his chest and he struggled to breathe. His mind drifted till he was lulled once more into the bleakness. His body was frozen as if time had stopped for him. He wasn't sure how long he stared into the abyss, but it felt like an eternity. The familiar voice was gone. All he had left was the sound of his own breathing and the thumping of his heart. Was he alive or dead? He couldn't tell.

"You can move now," a rough voice said from somewhere in the distance.

Frowning, his arm twitched. His leg jolted next. Slowly, he stood. He looked around, but the world remained black. "Where am I?" he asked.

"In my realm...beyond the souls of the lingering."

Again, he frowned. Ryoma twisted around to the sound of the voice. Red eyes stared at him, startling him. Flashes of memories flickered through his mind. He gasped, struggling to regain his breath as he clutched his chest. He staggered backward. "You..." he scowled. He lifted his gaze to stare at the God of Destruction in front of him briefly. Immediately, he began looking for a weapon, but there was none in sight. He cursed under his breath at his cruel fate. "Have you come to kill me?" he asked.

"No," Caos answered.

"Then why are you here?"

"I told're in my realm."

"So I'm already dead?"

"You're near death. Your soul needs to rest a little longer for you to recover, so you're resting here for the mean time."

Ryoma scoffed. "And I'm suppose to be thankful after everything you did. You stole my body, nearly destroyed the world...and you killed Armonia." His last words caused Caos to wince. Ryoma laughed without humor. "And here I am...not a speck of gratitude though."

"I am not expecting gratitude," Caos said, "I am merely keeping my promise to Armonia."

He shook his head disbelievingly. "You hate Armonia. That's why this whole war started."

The God of Chaos glanced at him. A painful expression marred his face as he held out his hands before himself. A soft glowing ember emerged from his chest. The orb hovered over his palms, emitting a warmth that stretched to touch even Ryoma. Caos looked up from the shimmering, yellow globe. "I...have never hated Armonia. I merely missed Him. Just as He longed for me, just as He wished to have me only at His side, I, too, wished for the same. But Armonia was a God loved by all. Worshiped and depended on, He could not only stay at my side. I grew impatient, envied the humans that He loved dearly. And though He already told me I had His love, it was not enough. I became greedy, consumed in it...I looked for ways to cause trouble for cause trouble for the humans. In the end, we turned on each other. When the human stopped me from taking Armonia's life, I realized what I had become...and thus, the darkness that I was...that I am, took over me completely. And when Armonia took away my memories, it only made things worst because I no longer knew who to direct that anger and hate." Caos brought the circular glow toward his face and pressed his forehead against it. He sighed. "Ahh, the two of us were foolish Gods. Wanting the other's love and attention only, we brought about a tremendous war."

"Yeah, the two of you were fools," Ryoma agreed. "So, what are you two going to do to fix this?"

"I was once born from Armonia...and now it is His turn. He will be born from me. This light is what is left of Him. As long as it remains within me, Armonia will return. I don't know how long it will take, but I will wait for Him. In the mean time, I will withdraw from the land of the living and resume my duty. After all, I still have my promise to Armonia to protect the souls of the dead."

"And what of Mors?"

"He has returned to his duty as a God of Death. He has also regained his memories from when he was a human. As for what he has done...he won't ask for forgiveness. However, I do have one more thing for you."

Ryoma arched his brow. Before he could ask what Caos meant, a cold chill ran over his body. Fleshy bumps tickled his skin as he whipped around. There, standing in front of him, was the familiar face of a man he didn't think he would ever see again. Lips pressed into a thin line, he fought the urge to cry. Step by step, he moved until he could reach out and touch the man's silhouette. He thought his hands would pass through him, but instead his hands came into warm contact. "Is it really you?" Ryoma asked.

Momoshiro smiled brightly and nodded. "Yup."

"Such a way to go." Ryoma tried to joke, but his voice broke mid-sentence.

"Yeah, but it was very heroic, don't you think?"

"What's so heroic about dying?"

"Well, you know, I died for my kingdom and my king and all that."

"It would have been more heroic if you lived."


Biting his lower lip, Ryoma swallowed a large lump. He scrapped his pride and embraced the man, the one who became a dear friend to him. "I will miss you."

His comrade chuckled, wrapping his arms around him. "As will I. I knew it wasn't you who struck me down. You would never have had such cruel eyes. Know that I don't blame you for anything."

Ryoma nodded his head and released Momoshiro. They bid their final farewells and he watched as his friend turned to walk away. His body began to fade, becoming translucent. But before he completely disappeared, Momoshiro stopped.

He raised a hand in goodbye, then said, "Don't worry too much, Ryoma. I'll probably linger here for a while and then be on my to be reborn. You'll probably see again when you're old and wrinkly!" And as he said his last words, he disappeared into the darkness.

Even after death, Momoshiro was still Momoshiro. Ryoma huffed a laugh. He truly would miss him as he turned back to Caos.

The God flicked a finger toward him with a mysterious smile. "Now then, it is time for you to sleep once more," he said.

Scowling, Ryoma shook his head. "I'm done sleeping. Let me go back already."

"Your soul has not healed enough to return. Now sleep."

On his command, Ryoma was forced to lay down once more. Against his will, sleep pulled him back into its embrace. He was consumed into the darkness once more, melding into its black liquid, becoming one with it until there was nothing in his thoughts.

He breathed life into his lungs, taking a full gasp of it. When he exhaled, it was as if he was born for the first time again. Ryoma's fingers twitched. Alive. The thought went through his mind, forcing him to open his eyes. He blinked twice, taking care to examine the familiar white ceiling, though a few lines of crack were there now. Puzzled, he groaned and tried to sit up. His whole body felt lethargic like it hadn't moved in ages. He frowned and ran his fingers through his hair. As his fingers swept through the lush hair, he realized his hair was much longer than before. It nearly reached his shoulders. Blinking in more confusion, he looked around the room. Everything inside the familiar, comforting chamber room was as he had last remembered it. He hoped he wasn't dreaming. "Shusuke's room," Ryoma whispered. It had to be true. He touched the sheets, feeling the comfort of them as his fingertips glided over them. He lifted the blanket and took a whiff. Shusuke's scent invade his nostril. He sighed contently.

A surprise gasp jolted him from his nostalgic. Glancing up, he saw a maid servant. Her jaws were dropped to an 'oh' as she fumbled around before darting out of the room once more. He blinked, dumbfounded by her actions. Ryoma frowned as he tossed the blanket aside. He needed to check what was going on, but when one of his leg swung over the edge of the bed, he stopped as a man stepped inside. His, his king stood by the doorway, staring at him in disbelief. Ryoma stared back, unsure of what to do next. However, he didn't need to do anything because Shusuke was striding toward him purposefully. He shrank back a bit as the king grabbed him by the shoulders. Wincing slightly from the rough grab, he turned curious eyes to Shusuke when he began tracing his hands over his body. Down his arms, over his abdomen, up his neck, and finally cupping his face. Shusuke stared hard.

"You're...awake," he whispered.

Ryoma nodded. Now that he took a closer look at him, he noticed Shusuke had grown slightly older; his hair a bit longer. "How long was I asleep for?" He asked tentatively.

Shusuke smiled forlornly. "Three winters have passed since then. It is now the fourth of summer...nearing the same time when you first arrived."

Practically four years!? Ryoma's eyes widen in shock. He grabbed Shusuke by the elbow, guiding him to his side. His king sat down beside him, still in disbelief. And then as if everything finally clicked together, Shusuke broke down. Tears rushed forward, streaming down his cheeks. Hot droplets plopped loudly on the sheets and over his revealed thighs. His courageous, strong king was crying in front of him without a care. Heartbroken at the sight, Ryoma tugged him toward his chest. He wrapped his arms around his lover and whispered sweet promises into his ear. Shusuke trembled against him, sobbing silently. He turned his head and pressed kisses against his ear.

"I thought I had lost you," Shusuke muttered, "when your body crumbled in my arms, I thought I would never see you again, but then Caos was saying something and all of sudden you were there again, but your heart wasn't beating. I felt like I lost you twice. Caos...he...that damn God said your soul needed rest and that he would return it when it was time and then he was gone. I didn't know what to do. The others...they kept saying you needed to be buried, but I didn't let them because despite everything that happened, I wanted...needed, to believe Caos's words. I kept you here, believing one day you would wake up again, but you never did. A year passed and then another, I nearly lost hope. But Oishi pointed out that your body had remained intact which meant something. So I waited again...I kept waiting. I nearly lost all hope once more..."

Shusuke broke into a shaky cry. Ryoma hushed him. He lifted his king's head, brushing away the tears with his thumbs. "I'm here now. I'm awake and I'm back. I'm alive." He gently kissed each of Shusuke's eyelids, the tip of his nose, and then his lips. "I'm here..."

He felt Shusuke nod his head. He held him for a bit longer, but then Shusuke was pushing away and pulling him back into bed. They lay together, wrapped in each other arms. Shusuke placed his head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He didn't know how long they remained like that, but when he finally moved to look around again, it had gotten dark. Looking back down at his king, he brushed away locks of his light brown hair. He dipped his head, kissing the top of Shusuke's head. He didn't want to let him go, but Shusuke was a king and he still had a kingdom to rule. "Shouldn't you head back?" he asked quietly.

"It's fine. Oishi was there too when I heard the news that you had awaken. He told me to go to you and stay with you," he replied. "He will handle things in my place for today."


"Tonight, I wish to stay with you. I want to know this isn't a dream."

"It's not." Ryoma said firmly. He dipped his head again and kissed him hard, then softly. Their lips moved against one another leisurely. Sweet and yearning, they kissed over and over in confirmation. This wasn't a dream for either of them. They were awake and alive. Tonight was just for the two of them to feel, to remember, to know. Tonight was theirs and only theirs.

He woke to sunlight beaming on his face. Blinking awake, he found blue eyes on him. Smiling, he kissed Shusuke's beautiful lips in greeting. Last night had not been a dream after all. Shusuke kissed back in longing desire, taking his time in tasting him despite their stale breath. After separating, Shusuke traced the side of his cheek with his fingers. For the moment, they lazed in bed, seeping in the presence of the other. But eventually growling stomachs and kingly duties called them away from the comfort of the chambers.

He wasn't sure how his presence would be accepted in the palace after everything that had happened. Once he entered the training grounds, all the soldiers who were there openly welcomed him back. They even celebrated his return with cheers. His gaze met with Tezuka who stoically bowed his head in recognition. He turned his attention to the sitting red head who grinned at him. Ryoma made his way over to Eiji. His eyes dropped to the missing leg and he winced.

Eiji seem to notice his reaction and waved it off. "No need to pity me."

"But—" Ryoma protested with a frown. Eiji had a bright personality and his way of fighting depended solely on his ability of maneuvering around with his energetic jumps. Without the use of his legs, how was Eiji, a skilled warrior, to fight?

"I heard King Keigo is looking for a way to invent a fake leg for me."

Ryoma blinked. A prosthetic leg? If only he knew more about it, he could have offered some advice. But he was satisfied that the monkey king was thinking of ways to help him. Since it was him, Ryoma believed he would be able to. He nodded his head and then checked over the rest of the soldiers. They had lost many, mourned for their dead comrades and brothers, but he was grateful that at least those he had grown close to survived, albeit scarred, but alive.

Among the cheer and celebration of his return, he had overheard a rumor about Shusuke throwing a party for his return. Intrigued by his lover's plan, he sneaked away from the rest of the soldiers and made his way to the council where Shusuke was still in a meeting. He waited in the shadows of the corridor for the meeting to finish. It took some time, but it gave him time to rest and be away from all the commotion. Funny how he had missed all the noises when he was in the other realm, but once he was back, he sort of missed the silence. Closing his eyes, he resumed his waiting. He wasn't sure how long he waited, maybe an hour or so, but the door to the council room finally opened. A wave of old men trickled out into the hall. They were whispering to one another, but none of them had noticed him. Eventually, the one he was waiting for came out of the room. Trailing behind him was a young servant boy carrying a few scrolls in his arms. Ryoma stepped out from the shadows, drawing Shusuke's attention. The king tilted his head and smiled briefly. Ryoma walked halfway and waited for Shusuke to meet him. Shusuke's lips quirked at his antic, but he soon left an order for the young servant to take the scrolls to his chambers. When the servant was gone, Shusuke walked over to him.

"I heard an interesting rumor," Ryoma said.

Shusuke lifted a brow. "Oh? And what might it be?"

"I heard a certain king wanted to host a party for my return."

"He does."

"And why might that be?"

His lover's brow furrowed slightly. "I wanted to celebrate the return of a hero."

"A hero?" Ryoma was baffled. He wasn't a hero. He wasn't...anything. Shaking his head, he said, "I'm not a hero, Shusuke."

"You brought Armonia back, fought alongside the God of Light, rescued me, and prevented Caos from destroying the world." The King crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm sure that deems you a hero."

"No." He shook his head again. He took another step closer to Shusuke, bringing his hands to rest on Shusuke's hips. "I didn't—I mean, I didn't want the world to be destroyed, but me trying my best to come wasn't to save the world. It was to save you. I couldn't bear to lose you. And...I didn't stop Caos. He stopped himself."

"Doesn't matter how it happened. In the end, you were able to bring the Gods to us."

"The war was never ours to begin with. It all started with Armonia and Caos and they were able to stop it themselves."

"It was our war...especially since it involved that man."

"Rohan, you mean?"


Ryoma sighed. He lifted his hands, cupping Shusuke's face. He leaned and pressed his forehead against his. No one was here to see them, so he could do as he wished. He remained like that, holding onto Shusuke as he breathed him in, taking in everything of the man. "I don't want a celebration as a hero. If you want a celebration, make it for...a peaceful four years."

There was a moment of silence between them, but Shusuke finally nodded his head. "Okay. We'll do that." Shusuke's hand found its way to rest on his hips. They held on for bit longer and then Shusuke kissed him softly. He whispered against his lips, "Walk with me?"

Smiling, Ryoma agreed.

They walked through the courtyard toward the palace gardens. Looking around, Ryoma could still see the damages done from the battle, but things were slowly being repaired. They reached the gardens and strolled through it, finding their way to a gazebo, and settling down on the seat. In the silence of nature, they sat side by side. No words were needed between them, but their hands intertwined tightly. Even though he knew this wasn't a dream, a lingering fear remained behind. He was sure he wasn't the only one feeling it. It felt as if the moment they released their hands, one of them would disappear. Neither he nor Shusuke would probably be able to handle that again.

Shusuke scooted closer to him and he leaned over, resting his head against the king's shoulder. He closed his eyes and relaxed to the familiarity of everything around him. He hadn't realized he drifted to sleep until Shusuke shook him awake. Groggily, he woke up. He felt lips softly brush against his temple followed by a light chuckle. Ryoma tilted his head and looked over to Shusuke. The young king was smiling fondly. Embarrassed by the look, Ryoma flicked his head the other way. His face heated because he could still feel Shusuke's eyes on him. "What?" he asked with a scowl when he turned his head back in hopes of hiding his emotion.

"I like watching you sleep. Unfortunately, we must go. King Keigo is here and wishes to see both you and me," Shusuke said with a faint disappointment.

"Oh...okay." Ryoma sighed as he stood. He wanted more time with Shusuke, but if the monkey king wanted to see Shusuke too, it must have been urgent. Shusuke stood up after him, then laced their hand together. With a smile, Shusuke tugged on his arm and together they left the gardens.

He had expected them to meet in the throne room, but Shusuke had mentioned it was still in repair after Armonia's and Caos's battle, so most meetings were in the council room. When they entered, Keigo was sitting in one of the chair, swirling an ornate, silver chalice in his hand. He sipped at the wine before noticing them. Keigo smiled crookedly, pointing at their tangled hands. "I see you two are still on good terms," he teased.

"If only you hadn't bothered us, we would have had more time alone together," Ryoma retorted.

"Ah, yes...probably would be best if you guys did have more time together."

Perplexed by his words, he and Shusuke walked over to the table and sat down to hear the news. Ryoma carefully glanced between Shusuke and Keigo. The war had only ended three years ago and as far as he knew with the talking he overheard within the palace, every other kingdom was still in the process of rebuilding too. It couldn't be possible that another war was brewing. There was a moment of silence that made his heart palpitate in anxiousness. And then Keigo sighed. He folded his hands, letting his elbows rest on the table. His expression turned momentarily dark. Ryoma frowned. His patience began to wear thin. Leaning forward, he said, "Would you spit it out already? We don't have all day."

Keigo sighed again. "You're going to regret you asked. Even so...I guess I should tell you. One of my trusted priest has found a way to return you home. In a mere three days, it will mark the fourth summer since you arrived in our world. On that same day, we can return you home."

Home. Ryoma sat back in the chair in shock. He could go back to his parents, back to the life he lived before all of this. There was also Haru too. But now that everything was over and his ever growing feelings for Shusuke continued to grow, he wasn't sure if he wanted to leave now.

"As you know, Ryoma isn't apart of this world." Keigo said, "In truth, he should return back to his own world where he belongs, but I thought this decision should best be left to you two. Let me know within two days so I can have my priest prepare the ritual." King Keigo gave them a pointed look, then stood and left the room.

The door closed with a loud thud that left an echo, not only in the room but in his chest as well. If Shusuke asked him to stay, he would. He would give up everything he knew, his family, and his friends from the other world as long as Shusuke wanted him. Turning to face the king, he was surprised to see Shusuke already standing up. He wanted to ask Shusuke, but the distant look in his eyes prevented him from saying anything. His lips thinned and courage turned to fear. He didn't want to ask anymore. He didn't want to know the king's answer. If the answer was the opposite of what he wanted to hear, he didn't think he could handle it. Instead, Ryoma looked away. The long pause didn't help him either. It transformed his unease into a gloomy outlook. Since Shusuke wasn't saying anything, it must have meant he didn't need him there anymore. Just thinking about it made Ryoma's clench in pain. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the agony away.

"Let's go. We have a party to attend tonight. The main guest shouldn't show up dressed shabbily," Shusuke said with his back facing him. It took a minute, but Shusuke turned to face him. His lips lifted somberly. "It seems we only have two days left together. We should make the best of it."

Those words pierced his heart. Ryoma's lips trembled, but his pride wouldn't let him shed any tears. He closed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat. If Shusuke decided he didn't need him anymore, then there wasn't any point in staying in this world. Still, it hurt to know that the man he loved—still loved—was readily going to let him go. Ryoma sucked in a shaky breath. He was not going to cry. Standing up, he held onto the table for support for fear that his legs would stumble beneath him.

"Let us take a bath," Shusuke suggested, "and ready ourselves for the celebration."

He couldn't trust his voice, so he nodded his head. He pushed the chair away and followed after Shusuke. Their hands that once interlaced minutes before comfortingly, now hovered beside one another hesitantly, becoming a flickering memory of the day. By the time they reached Shusuke's private baths, their hands remained solely at their sides.

Entering into the baths, Ryoma was overwhelmed by the floral, herbal scent of soap and oil fragrances. Looking around, he smiled that nothing had changed since the first time he bathed with Shusuke. His eyes fell on the king who turned around to face him. Blinking, he watched as Shusuke lifted an arm and held it before him. Ryoma huffed. Words weren't needed for this. Taking a step forward, he took Shusuke's arm into his hand and began unlacing the strings on the side of his outfit. Memories of how to unlace the tie came back like flowing water. When he was done with that arm, Shusuke lifted the other and he repeated the motions. With both sleeves undone, Ryoma stepped around him to undo the back lacing. The white string loosened under his ministrations, falling slack against Shusuke's back. His shirt eased off, revealing Shusuke's marred skin. He slipped his hands inside before Shusuke could remove the garment. Fingers trailed over warm skin as he slid the shirt off. It pooled around his feet. Shusuke turned around, stepping out of the fallen shirt and closer to him. He could feel Shusuke's warm breath on his skin. Shuddering, he traced his fingertips down the king's abdomen. Slowly, he began to kneel. On his knees, he unstrapped Shusuke's boots, tugging each off, then stood again. His hands made its way to the sash at his waist and pulled until the sash undid itself. Soft rustles whispered as the sash unfastened and plopped to the floor. His eyes landed on Shusuke's gaze. He took another step closer as his nimble fingers untied the drawstrings of Shusuke's trousers, then the cloth that covered his nether region. That too joined the puddle of clothing on the floor. Shusuke stepped out of them and then began removing his clothes. One by one, the article of clothing that covered him came off, joining Shusuke's pile of clothes.

Naked and bare, the two ran their fingers over each other's heated skin as if to memorize every expanse of exposed skin. Even as they cleaned and washed, their fingers never stopped touching against flesh. Body free of grime and dirt, they entered the bath and remained connected. Shusuke's back pressed into his chest. His arms easily wrapped around his lover's waist as his lips found its way to kissing new scars he hadn't seen before. They eventually parted, but kept their hands entwined. Sitting down on the bench and lowering themselves into the steamy water, Ryoma sighed. Shusuke lifted a hand, brushing away the black locks of hair over Ryoma's forehead. Taking Shusuke's hand before he withdrew, he brought it to his lips and brushed them over each knuckle. Lifting his head slightly, he gazed at Shusuke from under thick eyelashes. "So, how am I to dress for this celebration? Decorated like an object again for being a sex slave?" he asked.

Shusuke blinked. Huffing, the king scooted closer causing the water to slosh around them. He practically straddled Ryoma, letting his arms rest on his shoulders. Shusuke smiled. His finger lazily twirled a strand of Ryoma's hair. "Did you forget what I said that time when we went to our first battle?" he asked.


"I said you were a sex slave in name only."

"Okay? That doesn't answer my question though."

Sighing, Shusuke tugged on his hair lightly, not enough to hurt him. "After Caos disappeared and the war ended...all the kingdoms were slowly recovering. During that time, I was officially crowned king. The first law I created was outlawing slave trading and use of sex slaves. Of course I am not naive enough to believe that just because I made it illegal, people won't continue the practice. Slave trades and sex slaves have been a big part of this kingdom's foundation that it will be hard to end it entirely quickly. That's why I have a few of my men keeping a close on eye it. Which also are no longer a sex slave even in title."

Ryoma opened his mouth and meant to say something nice, but nothing came. Instead, he asked, "So I don't have to wear that disgusting outfit anymore?"

"Yes. No more of that and the nasty paints."


Chuckling, Shusuke brushed his hair back. "Ready to get out?"

"Mmhm." Ryoma nodded.

He let himself be led out where they dried each other and then dressed in sheer, long tunics. Together, they returned to Shusuke's chamber where a new set of outfit was given to them by servants. Shusuke wore his complex laced attire, but where his old ones were normally a neutral color, the one he wore now was vibrant in gold and orange, etched with swirls of leaves on the edges. A long, silky, gold robe was also worn over the outfit. A dangling, bright aquamarine earring was attached to one of Shusuke's ears. Necklaces of gold and glittering rubies hung around his neck. Clinks of swaying coined bracelets wrapped around his wrists along with swirls of twined elegant rings on his fingers. Finally, the last piece that made Ryoma suck in a breath of awe was the circlet around Shusuke's head. A single red jewel was attached to the middle, placing itself on Shusuke's forehead. Delicate weaves of chains hung down the sides and looped around to the back. His crown, although not as embellished as those he knew from his world, was still a beautiful sight.

As for him, he wore a long blue tunic with long sleeves. Over it, he wore an orange red, short sleeve shirt stitched with gold leaves design that reached his thighs, buttoned only from the waist up. A colorful or blue and gold sash was wrapped around his waist. Beneath, he wore a loose, black, cotton trouser. The end of the legs were tucked into leather boots. He was also forced to wear a blue turban sewed with gold coins despite his zealous rejection of it, but Raol was having none of it. Ryoma huffed as he crossed his arms across his chest. He glared at the older man. "I'm surprised you survived," he said grudgingly.

Raol gave him a deadpan look. "As I am to see you alive too. I told King Shusuke to give up on you after the first year you didn't wake up, but he wouldn't listen to me. Foolishly, he continued to believe...and here you are...a pity."

Ryoma scowled. "I don't like you."

"Oh? Funny, I'm not fond of you either. However..." Raol 'hmphed' with a turn of his head, chin lifted upward, "I am thankful you are alive. It seems now that you are awake and living, his highness, King Shusuke is a lot more lively. He smiles more and seems...happier. I've known him since he was a child. He's suffered with enough burdens. I am glad to see him like this. For that, I am grateful."

"O-oh." Taken aback by his gratitude, Ryoma could only embarrassingly shuffle his feet. He was brought out of his stupor when Raol handed him a curved dagger. Arching a brow, he took it from the older man. The sheath was pure white, embedded with twinkling emeralds and lapis lazuli. The handle was made of wood that was smoothed and polished. Gold paintings of intricate arches and floral designs covered the grip and pommel. It was clearly designed for appearance and not for practical use. Ryoma tied it to his waist, finishing the last touch of his ceremonial garb.

Finished with their clothing, the two left the room together to attend the celebration. On the way to the ball room, Ryoma was told kings and nobles of other kingdoms were attending too. Seiichi was also going to be present which led him to ask about the Shakir Tribe.

Shusuke hummed for a second, then answered, "I have given part of the Erutan land to them as it was theirs to begin with. We lost many lives during the war...there wasn't many who put up much of a fuss, especially those that sided with the regent. They've been imprisoned for treason and such. There was still some tension between us and the tribe, but things have finally settled and now we are allies."

"Hmm, that's good." Ryoma nodded slowly. Walking down the familiar hall, he couldn't help but chuckle. It caught Shusuke's attention. He waved it off, but then said, "I just remember coming down this same hall when I had to attend that party as a sex slave. Painted, chained, and humiliated. Hard to believe that was almost four years ago."

Shusuke brushed his hand against his in comfort. "It won't happen again. Such parties are also outlawed. At least, it won't be happening here."

Ryoma hummed in agreement. Smiling, he and Shusuke entered the ball room where they were announced. Already, there was a crowd of people in the room. Some faces he knew from sparring and fighting alongside with the soldiers, others he didn't. He did recognize King Nidan, King Seiichi, and of course, King Keigo. They mingled with different groups and he was even introduced to Shusuke's older sister, his brother-in-law, and his newly born nephew.

Eventually, everyone was called for dinner. He sat in the chair beside Shusuke, then suddenly remembered when he was hand fed a piece of meat during their time Nagyu. At that time, he was still on bad terms with Shusuke and what made it worst was that he was attracted to the man, though he was fervently denying it. He cleared his throat, casting a side glance at Shusuke. The king was staring at the plate of chopped meat before him. One glance and their eyes met. Ryoma knew Shusuke had also recalled the party at Duke Hemming's place. A twitch of his lips was enough of a hint. Shusuke tilted his head leisurely to look at him as he reached for a piece. He picked it up the same way as he did back then, between thumb, index, and middle finger, but he didn't feed it to him. Instead, he brought the meat to his own lips. The juice of the meat formed into a droplet at the corner. Ryoma kept his eyes trained on it, anticipating its fall. However, Shusuke flicked his pink tongue, swiping the drop of juice away and licking along the side. The piece sucked into his mouth, but it didn't stop there. Shusuke teased with his tongue, swirling around his stained fingers and tempting him. Ryoma would have glared if he could, but he was infatuated with the darting tongue. He should be embarrassed because anyone could be seeing this, but he really didn't care anymore. And damn it, he was getting hard. Clearing his throat again, he inhaled deeply and turned away before he could be seduced even more. Even without looking, he heard Shusuke chuckling. He cursed the man in his head for teasing him.

"A toast to the great hero who saved us!" Oishi's voice rang out inside the dining room.

Ryoma looked up in surprise. He didn't want to be known as that, but before he could deny the title, everyone already had their cups raised. Sighing, he raised his as well and everyone cheered. They drank, ate, and merrily chatted. People mingled some more, laughed, and shared stories. Kings huddled around Shusuke, talking about other things than politics. But as he watched this celebration transpire around him, he felt out of place. Soon, he would be leaving all of this behind. He didn't belong. It was probably best he didn't try either. No longer having his appetite, Ryoma stood to excuse himself. He made his way back to Shusuke's room where he found a pitcher of wine on the study table. He poured himself a cup of wine and drank it in two gulps. Not a good idea as it made him a woozy, but he poured himself another cup. This time, he drank it slower, sipping on it every now and then as he sat down on the silken bed sheets. His hands rubbed over them as he reminisced his time with the king. Shusuke was a prince then, but now he was a king. His people needed him. He wasn't free to do as he wished anymore. Being a king meant having a duty to the people and the kingdom. It tied them down with great responsibilities. And soon, Shusuke would need to have an heir. He wouldn't be able to have one with him. He wouldn't be able to give him much actually. Just him and his his body. Sighing, he took another gulp of wine.

The door opened abruptly, surprising him. Ryoma blinked, confused for a moment when he saw Shusuke standing at the doorway. Smiling crookedly, he said, "The host of the party shouldn't be away."

Shusuke closed the door behind him. He shrugged nonchalantly. "As the guest of honor, you shouldn't be either."

"Ah, well...I'm not really comfortable being that."


Silence befell them. He could have kept staring at Shusuke, but he felt awkward. Ryoma set the cup on the side table, unsure of what to say and hoping to distract himself. But his eyes wandered back to the king standing by the door. Shusuke kept to himself, but standing there in silence, tall and prideful, Ryoma felt a surge of desire. His lover looked brave, but beneath it all, he was also vulnerable. Before he could change his mind, he stood from the bed, swiftly walking to the king. One hand to Shusuke's waist, the other clasping his nape, Ryoma pulled Shusuke into a rough kiss. Shusuke responded immediately by wrapping his arms around his neck. They kissed hungrily, greedily. Hands roamed to removed clothes, but Shusuke was wearing his laced outfit and it made it difficult to remove. Growling, Ryoma unsheathed his ceremonial dagger. He was surprised to see that it was actually sharp. Unceremoniously, he cut Shusuke's shirt, top to bottom, then ripped the rest off.

Shusuke gasped, but laughed quickly after. "Raol is going to be mad."

"I don't care. Next time, he should choose an easier outfit to get out of," Ryoma grumbled.

He muffled Shusuke's laugh with another kiss. Clothes and jewelry stripped and bare once more, Ryoma pushed Shusuke onto the bed. He crawled over the man, kissing his way up from navel to chest, neck, and lips. He moaned, grinding their rising cocks together slow and hard. He sat up, straddling the majestic king. Shusuke's hard cock slipped between the cheeks of Ryoma's buttocks. He groaned, rolling his head backward as he gyrated his hips, letting Shusuke's penis slide between his ass, but not penetrating. Shusuke huffed. His hands quickly gripping his hips and squeezing twice. Shusuke let his hands roam again, one tweaking Ryoma's nipple and the other going to stroke Ryoma's cock. A guttural moan escaped from Ryoma's lips. He leaned forward, trying to feel more of Shusuke, but was suddenly flipped over. Gasping, he arched his back as Shusuke continued to stroke his dick. His hot lips kissed everywhere over his skin, then hovered over his ear.

"We have two days," Shusuke whispered.

His words jolted Ryoma. His eyes fluttered opened. Turning his head, he glanced to Shusuke who was also looking at him. "...Yeah..."

"Should we lock ourselves up in this room for those two days? Food and drink can just be delivered here. We can eat here...and then fuck all day."

Ryoma groaned at the thought. "But you're a king and have duties to attend to."

"Oishi can handle that. Two days...that's nothing for my duties, but those days...for you and me, it's not not enough."

"It's never enough..." Ryoma kissed him then, tenderly and sweetly. He swiftly pulled back with a wicked smile. "Fuck me, Shusuke. Burn your image into me, make me remember every inch of your body and continue to feel you even after I'm gone."

There wasn't a need to respond. Shusuke kissed him deeply. Hands fluttered over sweat slicked skin, scraping and scratching. Arching and letting himself be opened, Ryoma moaned and whimpered. His legs spread wide, he buried his fingers into Shusuke's hair, begging him to enter. At first Shusuke was reluctant, claiming he wasn't ready, but Ryoma tugged his hair and crushed their lips once more. He whispered against Shusuke's mouth. "Make me remember."

And then Shusuke was groaning and entering him. Ryoma sucked in a breath. It had been too long since he felt Shusuke inside, but he savored the slight burning pain and pleasure. His hands flew, gripping the headboard tightly. Shusuke plunged in deep until he they were flesh to flesh, balls deep inside him. Slowly he pulled out almost to the crown of his cock, then thrust back in, making him cry in pleasure. His cock was hard, leaking, and craving for attention, but he kept his hands to the headboard, digging his nails into the wood. Shusuke had his hands on his thighs, spreading them for easier thrusting. They suddenly slipped from the sweat, then latched onto his hips tightly as Shusuke piston his hips. In. Out. In. The lewd noises of flesh pounding mingled with their heavy breathing and pleasurable whines. It would send anyone blushing if they heard.

Ryoma mewled, gasped, and begged for more. "Oh fuck, fuck!" His spine curved as he tried to gain some footing with his legs. He groaned, thrusting back to meet Shusuke's pounding. Shusuke panted, moaning as he shifted backwards. Ryoma cried as Shusuke's cock hit the perfect, pleasure spot. "Oh God, yes! There! Fuck me right there!"

Shusuke slammed into his prostrate over and over. Ryoma released the headboard, wrapping his arms around Shusuke instead. His legs twined around Shusuke's moving hips and tightened. With a growl, he bit Shusuke's shoulder as his orgasm reached him with a high intensity. Shusuke's thrusting became frantic just as Ryoma came, shooting over his chest and Shusuke's. Once, twice, Shusuke thrust, and then once more as he shouted his climax. Ryoma felt his hot seed bursting inside him. He whimpered quietly as he sagged into the bed; his arms and legs falling limp. Moaning softly, he opened his mouth, letting Shusuke slip his tongue inside. It drew another soft moan from him and even more when he pulled his softening cock out. Shusuke fell beside him, trying to catch his breath. He chuckled at the sight of his lover. "Intense?" he asked.

"Been a while," Shusuke replied.

"It better be." Ryoma frowned.

Shusuke laughed. "You were the only one."

"I was? I mean…I am still, right?"

"Yes." Shusuke smiled.

He leaned in for another kiss and Ryoma returned it, but groaned when his body was too lethargic. "I can't move."

His lover laughed. "Glad to know I was the one who did that."

"Mmm..." He sighed, settling his head to the side so he could see Shusuke. "This isn't over. You know we're gonna go another round."

"Of course. We have two whole days anyway." Shusuke smirked.

" know...I may not be able to move right now, but you can." Ryoma raised a brow.


"Uh-huh." Ryoma smirked as he settled comfortably on his back. Shusuke moved to straddle him. "I like a little show just like what you were doing at the dining table."

Chuckling, Shusuke rolled his hips. "I like that too...but I can do better than that..."

"Really now? I think you should show me to prove it..."

"Don't worry, I'll being doing more than show..." Shusuke slyly smile as he leaned down to kiss his chest, then lower and lower.

Ryoma wasn't sure if it was day or night anymore. Shusuke had kept him inside the chamber just as he had said. Food was delivered to them, left in front of the doors with a tiny knock. The king never allowed him to retrieve the tray either. Ryoma was confined to the bed and pampered. If he was thirsty, Shusuke made him drink from his mouth. If he wanted to eat, Shusuke fed him from his fingers. And when he felt needy, Ryoma took those same fingers and sucked them. He'd swirl his tongue around each digit, then bob his head up and down. Shusuke would understand and they would either make love, slow and sweet or they would fuck hard, rough, and passionately.

Today...or was it tonight? Ryoma wanted it hard. He rolled onto his hands and knees, wiggling his ass in the air. His head tilted slightly so he could look over his shoulder, he begged Shusuke with his eyes. Smirking, he slowly licked his lower lip. Shusuke pounced him before he could even let out a huff. His thick, slicked cock slid inside with ease. Ryoma moaned contently. When his lover was inside, it was perfect like it belonged there. Ryoma thrust backward, impaling himself on the thick rod. Shusuke chuckled as he gripped his hips tightly to stop him. Ryoma winced slightly. He knew there were definitely bruises on his hips now, especially with the many time they already had sex. Four? Maybe five? They were long.

Shusuke pulled out to the tip and plunged back into him repeatedly. It was fast, brutal, and pure filled carnage of lust. Lascivious cries and moans spewed from his slacked mouth. It grew louder as Shusuke dug his fingers into his ass cheeks, pulling him open wider. He buried his cock in one long, hard thrust causing Ryoma to lose balance on his arms. Ryoma let his upper torso fall to the bed with his ass still raised for Shusuke to continue railing into him. His lover grunted with each hard stroke, slamming into his prostrate. His thrusts were quick and deep, burying farther. Shusuke stopped a moment, pressing himself flush against Ryoma and rolled his hips in short thrusts before dragging his thick cock back out and swiftly impaling him again. Ryoma tried to shift away just for a second to gain his breathing, but Shusuke pulled him back, pressing into him once more. "Ah! Shu-Shusuke! I can't-I can't take anymore!" he cried. He was so close. He wanted to come badly, but at the same time hold on for a little while longer.

Shusuke huffed and said hoarsely, "Not yet. Fuck, just a little longer. You can take it." His lover leaned forward, pressing his chest against his back and thrust shallow. His breath huffed against his ear unevenly. "Tell me, Ryoma. Is this what you want? Or do you want to feel my cock inside, pumping so hard, you want more. "

"Unn," Ryoma whined. He shook his head. No. No, this wasn't enough. He wanted more. He wanted to feel Shusuke. "More," he begged. "Give me more, Shusuke. Ahh...fuck, Shusuke. I want it harder!"

Shusuke chuckled as he complied. Ryoma moaned gratefully as he clenched his ass and snapped his hips back, meeting Shusuke's erractic thrust for thrust. Shusuke pounded into him one last time to the hilt and shouted as his orgasm exploded. Ryoma didn't get a chance to breathe as Shusuke pulled out, letting his cum dribble out his asshole. His lover's hand wrapped around his erection and jerked twice. Ryoma didn't need much stimulation as he was already close to the edge. Gasping, Ryoma twitched as he came, climaxing with such intensity, his whole body shook. With a satisfied sigh, he blacked out.

He woke up groggily to new sheets and a clean body. Ryoma groaned as he rolled onto his back, then groaned again as painful tingles surged from his lower back and ass. Sighing, he rolled onto his stomach once more. Blinking, he found Shusuke sitting in a chair reading through a scroll on his study desk. He let himself enjoy the moment of watching Shusuke in silence. He wouldn't tell the older man, but when he leaves, he would never forget Shusuke. He probably wouldn't love anyone else either. And he would always miss him. Ryoma wondered briefly if he would be able to live the rest of his life alone without him. There was painful tug in his heart when he thought about it, but he chose to brush it aside. This was merely the beginning of such pangs and longing. He had to get use to it.

"What time is it?" he asked. His voice was scratching and rough from all the moaning.

Shusuke lifted his head from the paper and glanced over to him. Silently, he stood and walked back to the bed. He grabbed a goblet along the way, then settled on the bed beside. His king smiled gently as his fingers ran through his hair. "It is only mid day...but it is our last day together. Tomorrow marks your fourth year here...and the day you can return home."

Shusuke held out the cup to him. Ryoma rose slowly. Gently, he sat in a way where his butt wouldn't hurt. He took the cup from Shusuke and drank the cool water. The cold quenched his parched throat. He hummed satisfyingly. After he was done drinking, he handed the goblet back to Shusuke who set it aside. Shusuke rolled back into bed, pulling the covers open so he could slide back into the warm covers. Ryoma scooted slightly to let him in. Smiling, he said, "Don't you still have paperwork to look over? I just saw you reading something."

"It can wait," Shusuke replied. "Unless you're already tired of me?"

Laughing quietly, Ryoma shook his head. "Never."

With Shusuke at his side, Ryoma snuggled closer. He fell asleep again, but woke up a little while later to a soft nudge. Shusuke had a tray of dry meat, freshly baked bread, and some fruit. His stomach grumbled at the sight of food. He sat up gently and as usual, Shusuke fed him. They ate mostly in quietness and when their stomachs were filled, they rested in bed again. Shusuke sat, leaning against the headboard while he lay his head on his lap. Ryoma didn't want this to end, but it seemed fate was cruel to the very end. In the beginning, he wanted nothing to do with this world and the harsh prophecy that was put on him, but as time passed and he grew to know the people and his beautiful king, he came to love this place even with all its brutal violence. And he came to love his sweet king who opened up to him; his fleeting heart felt smiles that only he saw. Now, he was to return, leaving behind everything he grew to love.

Of course, he had many things he missed from his own world too like his family and his cat; even Haru, who briefly flashed through his mind. He would have to end things with her when he returned. But was returning to the world he came from truly home now. Ryoma closed his eyes, unsure of his answer. A hand combed through his hair and his eyes fluttered open. He turned his body, so he was looking up at Shusuke.

"You seem to be deep in thought," Shusuke said.

Ryoma shrugged—or tried to at least. "Just...thinking about tomorrow. And wondering where I'll end up when I go back."


When Shusuke didn't continue his sentence, Ryoma nudged him. "You what?"

Shaking his head, Shusuke smiled. "No, it's nothing. Let's not think about tomorrow." Shusuke pushed Ryoma off his lap and delicately rolled on top of him, aligning their bodies.

Sighing, Ryoma said, "You want to do more?"

"Do you want to stop?" Shusuke arched a brow.

"No, not really. It's ass still hurts."

"I was quite rough a few times."

"I asked you to be, so don't blame yourself."

Shusuke chuckled. He kissed the tip of his nose tenderly. "I'll be gentle...and I want to take it slow. I want to savor every last bit of you."

His lover kissed his eyebrows, then his lips. Lips pressing softly, then his hot tongue pried his mouth open. They kissed long and slowly, tasting the hot cavern of each other's mouth. Tongues swiping and rolling, sucking and thrusting. Their kiss broke, but Shusuke's tongue licked down his chin, along his jawline, down to his neck and then everywhere. It left a hot trail, heating his skin in an everlasting burn. His legs spread, allowing Shusuke to fall between them. His mouth traveled lower, to his navel. It trailed below the belly button, making him gasp in delight. His stomach quivered and grew taut. He bit his lower lip, not wanting to cry for more. But a soft mewl fell from them as Shusuke's fingers found their way to his nipples. He loved the way Shusuke's hands played with them, twisting and rubbing till they became firm. He rolled them between his fingers, drawing out more wails. And then his hands were gone, making their way to Ryoma's thighs where he spread his legs and licked along the inner side.

Ryoma covered his mouth his hands, throwing his head back as Shusuke's tongue drew closer to his erect cock. His tongue never touched his aching dick. Instead, Shusuke demanded him to rolled onto his stomach and stick out his ass. He listened, turning over for his lover. Shusuke kissed from his nape down his back and over each ass cheek. His hands gently spread his ass. Something wet and hot licked around the rim of his asshole. Ryoma yelped, twitching and trying to move away from Shusuke's exploring tongue. "No!" he yelled, "Tha-that's—!" Dirty! He wanted to say, but his words died on his tongue as Shusuke licked down to his perineum and stroked, pushing against his skin back and forth. Caught up in the pleasure, he could only gasp his moans. His tongue trailed back up, swiping around the rim before pushing into the trembling asshole. Ryoma shuddered as it entered, thrusting and swirling inside of him. He wiggled and panted. He hands gripped the sheets as his teeth bit the pillow. Shusuke's tongue pushed out, licking around his asshole again before dipping back to the skin between his balls and asshole. It lingered, teasing him sweetly. Then his tongue moved lower, swirling around one ball, then the other. Ryoma couldn't take it anymore. He pleaded, "Shu-Shusuke! Please...oh God, please…! I need—need—fuck!"

He didn't even finish his request. His lover's talented tongue found its way back to his puckering asshole and dipped inside, tasting him hungrily. There was no warning for Shusuke before he was coming hard. Ryoma whined, his voice caught in his throat. Exhausted, Ryoma slumped down on the bed. Once his body calmed down from his climax, remembered Shusuke's needs. He rolled over into Shusuke's awaiting arms, surprised that the king was already there. "What about you?" he asked.

"I can wait. I want to be inside you, so I'll let you recover first," Shusuke replied.

Although he nodded, he reached down and gingerly wrapped his hand around Shusuke's penis. He stroke the hot length. Down. Up. Down. Back up again, he squeezed lightly and smiled when Shusuke's breath stuttered. His thumb fingered the crown, rubbing the tip in circles. Slick precum leaked, dribbling down the side and pooling around his hand where he held Shusuke's cock. He continue his attentive care, bringing Shusuke nearly edge. He stopped and squeezed, a bit harder than last time. Shusuke groaned and quickly pushed his aiding hand away.

"Stop. I want to come inside you," Shusuke said hoarsely.

Ryoma rotated onto his back, bringing Shusuke along with him. The older man lay over him. The tip of Shusuke's cock pressed firmly against his asshole. "Then hurry up and take me," Ryoma whispered, "I want you." And he was ready. His cock was aroused again, lifting upright and already starting to leak.

Shusuke groaned in need and slowly pushed in. His thrust slammed in hard, but his pull was agonizingly slow. He made love to Ryoma tenderly and roughly, wringing out every cry from his lips. Soft whispers of nothings fell from Shusuke's lips, promising pleasure. And Ryoma welcomed each whisper. Like soft pulls of waves, Shusuke took him farther into the open vastness, exposing every bit of emotion he felt. He was left bare, welcoming each thrust, each loving words even if they were empty promises, and he took it all as this was his last. Hands lacing together tight, they pushed and pulled together, sighing and grunting till their orgasm came powerfully, slammed hard. Ryoma gasped, feeling the hot seeds pump into him in two, three jets. He clenched his ass, milking his lover dry and eventually let him pull out. They kissed, exchanging unsaid words between tender touches of lips.

Sleep took hold of them once more, but Ryoma knew there was still more to come. They still had all night and they would make the most of it before the cruel fates separated them once more.

The third day came too fast. By the time he woke, Shusuke was already up and dressed in his tightly knotted outfit. Any trace of the lewd king from the last two days was gone. Ryoma sat up, wincing from their daily love making for the past two days. Shusuke turned to him and gave him an apologetic look. Ryoma merely shook his head and waved it off. He realized that he was clean from any stickiness. Shusuke must have cleaned me he probably did many times. He blushed, finally realizing how vigilant he had been.

Slowly, he got out of bed and began dressing. He was slow, not because he wanted to, but because he was sore. Shusuke noticed and came over to help him dress. He tightened laces, tied the sash, and buttoned the shirt. He smoothed out any wrinkles, but his gaze never met his until there wasn't anything left to fuss over. Shusuke finally met his gaze.

No exchange of loving words. In its place, Shusuke looked away and said, "King Keigo is waiting with his priest." He turned and began walking to the door.

Ryoma took a breath to calm his beating heart. Everything was moving to fast. He hoped there was at least a little more time to say more words. He opened his mouth to say something. Anything! Anything was better than staying silent, but when Shusuke opened the door and turned, waiting for him, the words died on his lips. He closed his mouth, accepting the outcome. Straightening his back, he forced his legs to move one step at a time. It felt more like an execution than a celebration for him to return home.

He tried to walk slower in hopes to extend his time here. He even stopped in his tracks to take one last look around the palace. When he had first arrive, he didn't think much of the palace. To him, it was a prison in a foreign world. He was trapped and given a terrible fate. But now as he looked at the world around him with new eyes, he saw how magnificent it was. The cream palate of the walls, carved with intricate designs. The exquisite marble flooring. The columns with its symmetrical flutes. Despite that everything was still in repair, he could still find beauty in it all. Then his eyes fell on Shusuke again. He stood waiting for him, tall and silent with the backdrop of the palace and the shimmering of the golden morning sunlight. It was as if he was a painting come to life. He took a calming breath, then began walking once more.

They arrived in a temple where a man made spring covered the center. He hadn't expected many people to be there, but when he entered, he found all the soldiers, including Tezuka, Oishi, Eiiji, Kaido, Kawamura, and Inui, waiting there. In the water, a young male priest waited. Off to the side stood Keigo. He flicked a gaze toward the other king, however, his face remained neutral. Sighing, together, he and Shusuke walked toward the spring. The eyes of everyone was on them, but no one uttered a word.

When they reached the edge, the priest lifted his hands toward him. "Please remove your clothes. You may leave your undergarments on. After, please step inside. I will began the chanting once you are submerged into the water."

Ryoma did as he was told. He neatly folded them and set them aside. Standing straight again, he stared at the clear water. He took a breath, inching his foot. He stopped midway. There were too many unsaid words. He didn't think he could keep going and not regret. Without looking at Shusuke, he whispered, "Ask me to stay, and I will stay. I don't need anyone to tell me if I belong here or not. I just need to know that you need me."

Shusuke said with an underlying hint of sadness, "I have many responsibilities and I don't want to burden you with it."

"I don't care. I just want you, Shusuke. I want to be near you. Ask me to stay...tell me to stay..."

Shusuke didn't answer. Ryoma closed his eyes. He tried and that was his answer. Quelling his breaking heart, he walked forward. His toes touched the cool water and still Shusuke remained silent. This was the end of their relationship. When he returned to his world, he hoped he would learn to let go. Walking farther into the water, it slowly reached him mid-thigh. Farther and farther, the water crept along his body. Finally, he smiled sorrowfully to himself and whispered, "I love you, Shusuke." The water reached his waist when he stood in front of the priest. The priest began his chant. His voice was a youthful melody, rising high to the sky. Glimmering orbs rose from the surface of the water, creating small rippled around him. They circled around him, emitting warmth. Eyes closed, Ryoma waited for the inevitable.


"Your highness!"

Voices shouted abruptly, startling Ryoma. There wasn't a chance to react as a pair of familiar strong arms forcefully turned him around. Shusuke pulled him into an embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around him. "Shu—?" He frowned as Shuske shuddered.

"Don't go. Stay with me," Shusuke said. "I love you, Ryoma. I'm not such an honest person. If I was selfless, I should let you go, but I'm not. Don't go."

Burying his face into Shusuke's neck, Ryoma wrapped his arms around him. He nodded. "Okay. I'll stay with you. I want to stay with you. I love you so much."

In the background, he could hear the others whistling and cheering for them. Before, he may have pushed away from Shusuke in embarrassment, but now he didn't care. He loved being held by Shusuke. And from now on, he would always be held by him.

Author's note: THE END! I originally had this split as two chapters, but then the last chapter was too short and didn't make much sense as a chapter on its own, so I just combined them. And boy, does this chapter now have quite the smut, haha. XD

I had debated how I was going to end this since the start when I first wrote this fanfic and originally, it was going to end with Ryoma returning home. But I thought that would be too messed up with everything he went through.

Anyways, here is the end. It's been a long time. I'll probably write an epilogue or one shot about what happens to them afterward. :D Thank you for staying and reading this fanfic to the end. I hope you all enjoyed it!