Chapter One

(Amelie's P.O.V.)

I can not repress the feelings that I have for my love any longer, after seeing her delicate beauty , and getting to know her brilliant mind I fell in love with her. She is like me in so many ways and I know that it is selfish seeing as my bestfriend, Myrnin, is in love with her also along with that colorful collins boy. Alas, being as selfish as a vampire can be, I disregard the feelings of the others for her. Tonight at midnight I will risk horrible humiliation and tell her my feelings towards her. No matter how many times my brain tells me no, I will listen to my heart and go where it leads me... to my delicate little Claire!

(Claire's P.O.V.)

"Shane please just leave me alone right now I have to get ready to go!" I shout at him. He's been bugging me all week about this girls only party at this new girl named Leah's house. "You can't go to a party hosted by a chick you've only known for a week, Claire!" he yelled at me. Shane can't get over the fact that I can't spend every second of the day with him all the time.

He's become such a suspicious ass whole over the past few weeks, always accusing me of cheating on him with myrnin when I come home 30 minutes late. I tell him I'm working, there's nothing going on between us, I have noticed though that myrnin does have a crush on me. I feel my face heat up as i think about it and giggle forgetting about the argument I'm having with Shane. He looks at me like he's about to kill me , I'm not gonna lie, it scared me. When he turned away from me he punched a whole in the wall with a sound as loud as a gun shot. I flinched away from him and started to run away when a grip, hard enough to make me whimper, grasped my shoulder and turned me back to face him.

The glare he through at me sent real fear through me down to my bones. "Do I matter to you at all, you prissy bitch?", he screamed in my face. By now, I was crying silently and trying to calm myself down. He shook me roughly by the sholder and shouted, "Answer me!" I open my mouth to say something but he pushes me painfully into the wall and storms upstairs. It's seven pm Eve's on her way and Micheal should be here any second. 'I won't be alone with him forever' I think to myself. I then let myself drift to sleep against the wall.

(Shanes P.O.V.)

When I stormed upstairs realisation flooded over me, "Oh my god!", I said frozen in shock. I not only emotionally hurt Claire but also physically, I had actually thrown her into a freaking wall. One part of my brain said, 'Go and apologize and talk to her' but, the other part said, 'She deserved it she laughed at you for caring and then she just ignored you!'. "Whatever," I sighed and flopped down on my bed putting my earbuds in and listening to my Ipod.

(Eve's P.O.V.)

I walk over the threshold of the glass house and shout, "I'm back bitches!" I walk into the living room and see a whole in the wall, "Oh my god." I mutter under my breath. I look down to see Claire passed out leaning on the wall where an imprint of her shoulders are dented in the plaster. "Holy Shit!" I scream. I know that Shane is home but with the drama that has been going on with the two of them, I don't know if he's responsible for this or not. I pull out my cell and text Micheal, ' CB KO OMG come home ASAP!'. Two minutes later he bursts through the door and rushes up to Claire. He picks her up and sets her on the couch. "Eve, try to wake her up I'm going to get Shane.", he tells me. He starts to turn around and head for the stairs when I grab his arm, "Wait!" I exclaim. "What?" he asks me clearly cofused. I look in his eyes and say seriously, "What if Shane dd it?"

(Micheal's P.O.V.)

"Oh my god," I whisper, after Eve says It might be Shane. Maybe it is Shane, but you've known him all your life and he's never hit a girl, not even Monica, I thought to myself. Then again, he is his fathers child and him and Claire have been arguing alot. So there's a 50% chance Shane did this to innocent little Claire. "I'll go talk to him, and see if he knows what happened," I say to my Eve to calm her down, "Just stay with Claire, scream if anything happens." She nods her head and I walk up the stairs.

(Claire's P.O.V.) Ps this POV is her Dream

I'm running for my life but I'm not sure what I'm running from! All I know about it is it's dangerous and, like most people, stronger than me. I get tackeled by the person and let out a blood curdling sream. I catch a glimpe of brown hair and a familiar face, Shane? Why am I so scared of him? Then he flips me on my back, him still on top of me he slaps me across the face when I try to push him off of me. I send out another high pitched scream, and knee him where it hurts the most. He grunts in pain and rolls of of me. I get to my feet and start running further and further through an unfamiliar meadow. Not even a minute of running later, I crash into a solid figure I imeadiatly recognize as Myrnin. "Oh thank god!", I sigh as wrap my arms around him. He pushes me at arms length and I see a manic smile with fangs as he says, "You look so pretty... and smell so good." I pull back from him, suprise on my side, his grip drops from my shoulders. With that smile still on his face he says, "you can run but you can't hide!". I run full speed away from him heading toward a petite beautiful angel who as her arms out welcoming me to her. Shane and Myrnin are less then ten feet behind me and the angel is so close! I run into her and hug her then look at her face. "Amelie!", I exclaimed.

(Eve's P.O.V.)

I'm holding Claire's head in my lap and all of the sudden she pops up- still completely unconcious- and hugs me. I gasp and then, she murmurs something in her sleep, I thought she said angel but, then she it more clearly. She was dreaming about Amelie!