Ever since getting out of medical school, my life has been pretty hectic. I'm 25 and alreaddy married. My girlfriend and I got out of high school early and started college at 17. I married my girlfriend, Kuki Sanban, two years afterword, when she was 18. I can still remember how beautiful she looked that day. But now she's the head of Rainbow Monkey Co. and she's been stressed out. I dedcided to take her on a vacation to Louisiana. We'll never do that again! She still scarred. If you'll listen I'll tell you what happend. It still haunts our dreams. Kuki's, mine, and our daughter May-leen.

I had just graduated out of Harvard. She was the president of Rainbow Monkey Co. and was excited. She wanted to celebrate me finally getting my PHD. degree and she was freaking out. She wanted to leave the country but I wouldn't let her go to some weird place while she's two months pregnate. She was always adventurous and wanted to see some alligators. I didn't approve but she didn't listen. We made a deal, I'll take her to Lousiana where there were many alligators IF she promised to hold my hand while we were outside. Last thing I need was some cruddy gator attacking her.

She had everything ready to go in a matter of minutes. I thought that she had pre-packed everything knowing I couldn't say no. I booked our airplane tickets and hotel room. We left a month after that. I remember right before we left we watched the sun come up from our balconey in Cleveland. I compared her beauty to it. Eventually she got upset saying that in two more months I wouldn't find her attractive. I comforted her saying she'll always be beautiful in my eyes. She giggled, which is one of my favorite sounds-ever. It was like heaven to hear her laugh. It's a shame I don't hear it that much anymore.

We left for the airport at 8:45. Our best friends Nigel and Racheal dropped us off. They were so happy for us. We scurried through the airport, her dragging most of the way, eager to catch our flight. When we got on our plane she was so excited. I was too, after a long eight years I was happy to be out of school. After half an hour she fell asleep holding a little boy's hand. She looked like an angel. That would be last time that she ever slept so soundly.

A very young boy sat next to us. He was terrified of the whole trip. He was going to see his father, while his mither stayed back. For the ride he sat in the middle-between us. It was weird. He had green eyes and purplish eyes. Everytime the flight attendants walked by they asked if he was ours. We denied but they still smirked. When she ffell asleep he started talking to me. He asked, "What's your name? I'm Shane. She's your wife?"

"I"m Wally and that's Kuki. Yeah," I whispered.

"You two are having a baby?"

I smiled. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I guessed. She's pretty."

"Thanks. She was always pretty."

"I was talking about the baby. She has blonde hair and my eyes. She has your nose and looks like Kuki. But Kuki's pretty, too."

"How old are you?"

"I'm gonna be ten in three months."

I thought that this kid was weird. Kuki started stirring in her sleep. He simply rubbed her stomache and she calmed down. "Shane. How do you know what my baby will look like. And how do you know if it's a girl?"

He laughed. "I can just tell. Your lucky, Wally."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess so Shane. I guess so." Shane went to sleep on Kuki. They looked so peaceful. I woke them up when we were landing. She looked at me and then Shane. "Hi, cutie! I'm Kuki."

"I know. Wally told me about you. I'm Shane. Your gonna have a pretty baby." Kuki looked at me and I shrugged.

"What does it look like?" she asked confused.

"She has blonde hair and our eyes. She has Wally's nose. She looks a lot like you."

"It's a girl?"

He nodded. She smirked. "Well thank you. What are you doing here? Where's your mommy?"

"She at home. I'm seeing my dad."

The announcer told us that we're getting off. Shane unbuckled himself like he does this everyday. He even helped Kuki being mindful of her condition. I was able to get out of it. We let him go first with us right behind him. Kuki whispered "I know what we can call her!"


"Shanie." She smiled at that name. I thought about it and smiled back.

"I like it." She squeased my hand and started to get off of the plane. We went to the hotel and checked in. When we got there it was creepy and eerie. Kuki didn't mind it at all. There was a man who looked at bit older than me. He smiled at a maid who was around his age. He watched us, for a while. When we got to our room on the 9th floor. Kuki immediatly went to sleep. I unpacked everything. I went to get some ice when I saw the creepy old guy. He said, "How old are you and your...?"

"Wife. And I don't see how that's any of your cruddy buisness."

"Did she make you mad? You seem hostile. But serously how old are you? 19? 20?"

"We're 25. I'm kinda freaked out by an old man asking my wife's age!"

"Hey, I thought you two were runaways. You look so young. You have so much living to do. I am mighty sorry but only old people come here. This place was built in the 1800's and people who are 1800 come here for the history lesson."

"Yeah, just-leave me and my wife alone." The man walked away. Wally was kinda freaked out by how conversation played out. He went back to the room. She was still sound asleep. He took a couple of pictures of her. She was just so pretty.

After a couple hours he went to bed.

Kuki woke up calmly. She shook Wally. "Yes?" he said with his eyes still closed. She layed back down and still shook him. "Yes?" this time he opened his huge green eyes.

"I wanna see alligators," she said. He sat up.

"Really, Kuki? Alligators? With teeth and a tail?" Kuki nodded. He can tell she really wanted to see them. He sighed. "What am I even gonna do with you two? When Shanie's born you're staying in. Go get ready. I'll take you after breakfast." She squealed and hugged him.

"Thanks, Wally! I love you!" she said walking away.

"I love you too." he watched as she went into the bathroom. He then took out his phone and started googling hot spots for alligators.