a/n: Hey guys! First of all thanks CountessDiscordia, for reviewing! I'll actually be having a twist at the end of this story. ;)

Disclaimer: EA and Spicy Horse own Alice Madness Returns, I do not. I only own Abigail and Doctor Phillips, Thomas and Chester. Idea of Alice disappearing belongs to me.

Chapter Two

I spun around too quickly, and I ended up falling on my face. Thank god I caught myself. I get up quietly while Nurse Witless giggled while smiling eerily. "Alice, your so clumsy nowadays! What's gotten into ya?" That wretched Nurse is still believing I'm my sister, stupid old hag. "I've told you before and I'll tell you. One. Last. Time." I say very kindly and quietly while dusting my orange and black skirt off. The old hag leans in, as if I'm telling her a secret.

"I'm not my sister!" I scream in her ear so loudly that only she can hear. Nurse Witless seems to brush it off and smiles like the idiot she is. She then continues to smile and waves her hand. "Sister or no sister, your still coming to see me pigeons, right Abigail dear?" Nurse Witless opens her eyes wide and nods, like it's settled, and drags me off to her house. I'm practically being dragged as Nurse Witless's eyes scan everything. At least that's what I presume. I'm still jogging by the time we get to the house, and Nurse Witless lets go of my hand and leaves me to go inside, alone.

It wasn't funny, really, that when I walked into her house there were mirrors everywhere. I didn't understand this at all, no, not one little tidbit. I look to the left, the right, forward, or behind me, there's sure to be mirrors. Hell, there's even mirrors on the ceiling, to add to the insanity. But then again, I'm the insane one here. So I might be imagining it. With that last thought, I catch my reflection yet again. My bright, vivid green eyes and small nose and chin. I wish I could say that about my lips, there a normal size, if not a little bigger. My, strangely enough, blond hair is cut short, to my shoulders. I keep wondering if my grandmother really did have blond hair and my grandfather had brown hair. It just seems to, twisted, and the annoying thought of adoption was writhing it's way back up too my center of thought.

I shake my head, my hair not getting in my face for once. Alice would have told me if our parents had adopted me. I make my way up the stairs and come out on the rooftop. I walk over to the first few cages of pigeons and smile. They may not seem like beautiful creatures, but they are. To me anyways. I walk across the makeshift bridge Nurse has made, and look over to the stunning view of the skyline. My mind isn't strange to myself, I guess I just view things differently. I hear Nurse Witless call out and I walk over, tossing some of my leftover bread to some of the pigeons. The old hag turns around and starts to speak, but her voice is deranged, and the world starts to spin.

Nurse Witless turns around, and now she has small wings and the same face - No. Wait, that's the Jabberwock's head! Again my mind is twisted, unbelievable, and horrid! I step back and look down, the ground is crumbling, and I fall down. Suddenly, I'm rid of Nurse Witless, and the world, and it's as if I'm weightless, but not exactly so. First, the scenery is quite astounding, then it turns horrific, with doll faces and such. My mind shuts down and then, my body becomes filled with electricity, and numbness fills my ears.

The landing is anything but horrid. I float down and my mind immediately recognizes the area. It's my Wonderland. "Having fun there?" I snap towards the voice. Tears come from my eyes, and I rush towards her. "Alice, why are you here? You're not alive though..."

She's exactly how I remember her, medium length brown hair and the same green eyes as me. She's wearing a blue dress and white apron, but somethings off. She's the same height as me. At least she still has that old stuffed rabbit with her. She laughs just a little and smiles. "In your mind I am." She says the words carefully, as if not too disappoint me.