Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto, and i wish i did because at the rate Masashi Kishimoto is going with it... nevermind, im not getting into it. Just continue please.. :)
Chapter 1:
"Ready to go Naruto? I feel like I'm gaining years just waiting for you to finish eating," Sakura asked me.
"You can't rush me, baby. Ramen doesn't get any better than this, especially when the bar is empty and the cook can just focus on me."I answered as I slurped another noodle.
She groaned and sat back down in the chair. "I swear, I don't understand what I saw in you."
"My adorableness?"I suggested.
"Maybe, or also you're annoying persistence. Never giving on me really paid off huh?"She smiled.
"Yes, yes it did." I replied chewing my last bite.
I got up, paid for the fifth bowl of ramen, and took Sakura by the hand.
"Where are we going now?"She groaned.
"Oh stop complaining. Since when did you become the complainer in this relationship?"
"Since you stopped I guess."She said looking somewhere else.
I stopped and looked in the direction she was looking, and saw Sasuke looking at us. He smirked, then walked towards us.
"Here comes Sasuke! Hey Sasuke!"Sakura shouted.
"Gosh, you act like he is your boyfriend!" I covered my ears from her squeals.
"Well, well, well. I didn't expect to see this day. Sakura and Naruto together without Naruto getting hurt? This should be in the record books."Sasuke smirked.
"What do you want Sasuke?" I asked annoyed slightly
"Just to talk to Sakura, that's all."
"Well, we're busy."I held her back.
"Oh no we're not! Can't I just talk to Sasuke alone for a little? I haven't seen him in forever. Please?"Sakura begged me.
I was torn. I sighed and let go of her.
"Go ahead. I'll be here."
"Thanks baby!"She kissed my cheek, then walked off with Sasuke to the meadow.
I stood against the wall, regretting my decision. I had a bad feeling about this "conversation", but I decided to ignore it because I trusted Sakura. She never let me down, and I believe this time isn't going to be any different.
I noticed Shikamaru and Temari walking up to me with a concerned look on their faces.
"Hey guys! Whats up?"I greeted them.
"Nothing much, just wondering why you were just standing here alone and where Sakura was."Shikamaru replied.
"Oh, she's talking to Sasuke in the meadow."
"You just allowed Sakura to talk to a boy she liked for like always before you?"Temari asked surprised
"She doesn't have feelings for him like that anymore."I snapped.
"I don't know, man. Love can be a drag sometimes."Shikamaru started before Temari cut in.
"And what is that supposed to mean, baby? I'm a drag to you now!"She shouted.
"No, I didn't say that! You see what I mean, Naruto?"He shook his head.
"Yup, but my Sakura is different."I nodded with confidence.
"Okay, see ya around."Temari smiled as she dragged Shikamaru with her.
I stood around for another 15 minutes, waiting for them to return.
"What's taking them so long?"I thought to myself.
I decided to walk to the meadow where they were talking to check up on them. When I was near the spot they were, I stood frozen.
They were making out…
I started to back up silently, trying not to make a sound, but failed when I stepped on a broken branch.
"Naruto?"Sakura called out.
"I can't believe this! It was too good to be true!"I shouted.
"Naruto, wait! I can explain!" She started walking towards me.
"Get away from me! I trusted you."I shouted louder.
"I thought you were the best girl I ever met. I guess I was wrong."I continued.
"Naruto…"She whispered.
Sasuke came up behind her and hugged her. "I guess it wasn't meant to be Naruto."
I turned around and started walking back to the village, wanting to erase all the memories of her. Never again I will give my heart to a girl again.
A/N So? What do you think so far? I hope you like it so far Forgottenkami. Chapter 2 is on the way!