Rider's Ransom

Princess Rapunzel of Corona has been kidnapped. A note is left on her bed; her ransom. Miles away from the Kingdom, a young princess learns that perhaps her captor, Flynn Rider, isn't as bad as he makes himself seem.


Rapunzel was bee lining to the lower dungeon. Sundown was upon them and Rapunzel had only the intention of getting to Flynn Rider on time and saving him from his wretched fate; a fate that he so did not deserve. She pushed a small door open and sprinted down a long and dark corridor. Rapunzel had only been to the lower dungeon once in her life, and that was because she was playing hide and go seek with her mother when she was younger.

She was lost and a guard had to bring her back to the main palace area. After that, she was forbidden to enter the lower dungeon unless it was a dire circumstance.

This was a dire circumstance.

Rapunzel arrived at a steel door that was guarded by two knights. She let go of her dress and stared at them with all the royal authority she could muster me.

"Open the gate," she commanded, "and escort me to the prisoner named Rider."

One of the knights fumbled to get the key out of his pocket… he had never, in the four years working in the palace, ever was addressed by someone of the royal family. His nerves were getting the better of him so he ended up dropping the ring of keys. Sighing impatiently, Rapunzel swooped down and picked it up, asking the knight which key it was.

"The… the largest one… majesty…"

Rapunzel selected the largest key, shoved the knight aside, and opened the gate. "Well," she glanced over her shoulder, "aren't you escorting me?"

The knight who dropped his key gulped and quickly hurried over to the princess. His partner gave him a sympathetic look; the one time he met one of the royals of the palace, and he screwed up. Oh well.

"For what crime is Flynn Rider being put to death for?" Rapunzel asked as she passed a row of prisoners. Some of them stuck their hands out of the iron rods to reach her dress, but they were too far off. She cringed and kept close to the knight that was escorting her.

"For…" The knight glanced down at the princess. "For… kidnapping you, majesty."

Rapunzel sighed. "Really? He saved me. Why doesn't anyone believe that?"

"Because he's the biggest conman of this era."

Rapunzel snorted, which was very unladylike. "Right. And I have long magical hair that glows when I sing."

The knight raised both eyebrows and Rapunzel shot him a look that clearly said: laugh and you die. He looked away from Rapunzel and took a left. Rapunzel was on his heels, keeping her eyes peeled for a glimpse of Flynn. "Why has he been put so far?"

"The worst criminals are put deeper in the dungeon," he responded. Rapunzel wanted to make a comment but bit her tongue. There was no point in lashing out at a knight who was doing his job; her parents, and forefathers were the ones that decided how prisoners would be dealt with. Rapunzel made a mental note to change some policies when she was coroneted as Queen of Corona.

"Here we—"

"Flynn!" Rapunzel rushed past the guard and dropped to her knees in front of Flynn's cell. His eyes widened as he approached her; his arms were cuffed and he was sporting a rather nasty bruise on his left cheek. "Oh my, what did they do to you?!" She put her hands through the iron bars and caressed the bruise softly.

Flynn winced. "Don't worry about me," he croaked, "I'm so glad you're safe."

Rapunzel's eyes searched his. "It's all thanks to you. Gosh, you don't deserve this."

"I turned myself in of my own accord, Punzy."

She raised an eyebrow and he chuckled. "I'll let that slide only because you saved my life. But," she looked over her shoulder to see the knight standing behind her. She turned back to Flynn. "You stop calling me that after I save your life."

"You save—Rapunzel, don't do anything that'll jeopardize you." Flynn warned.

"Like what?" Rapunzel stood up, dusting her dress. "Saving the man who saved me? I doubt that'll jeopardize me in any way, Eugene."

"Don't call me that!" He winced before relenting. "Rapunzel," he stood up to and, awkwardly, tried to stick one hand out of the iron bars. Rapunzel leaned her face in and he was able to cup her cheek. His other hand was dangling awkwardly between him and the bars. Flynn hated being cuffed.

"I'm glad you're safe." He whispered. Rapunzel blinked back tears; she hated seeing Flynn the way he was there. "At least I can see you once more before—"

Rapunzel pinched his nose. "Flynn Rider! You should know me better by now; if I can slingshot two ugly thieves, I can save you from being hung."

"How does that even compare?!"

Rapunzel shot him a knowing smirk before turning to the knight. "You. Unlock Rider's cell and release him of his cuffs."


"Do not question me," she said lethally, "if I say let Rider out, you let Rider out. Now."

Not wanting to be decked by the princess, the knight did as he was told. He fumbled with his keys again and, sighing impatiently, Rapunzel grabbed them and began trying each key on the key ring. Flynn watched, highly amazed and feeling more attracted to the woman before him than he was twenty seconds ago. When she was in the role of being Princess of Corona, she was mighty hot.

"There," Rapunzel flung the door open and raced inside. Without a word to Flynn, she dropped the keys and began undying his rope cuffs. Flynn only stood and watched and, the second she undid the last knot of the rope, he wrapped his arms around her waist and twirled her around, not wanting to let go of her.

Not wanting to relinquish the feeling of her.

After the moment spent on reunification, Flynn gently placed Rapunzel down and caught her face. Without word, he dipped his face forward and placed his lips on hers. Her arms snaked around his shoulders and she pulled him closer and tighter against her body. Flynn's one hand was wrapped around her waist and his other hand was rubbing the length of her back, leaving a tingling sensation everywhere he touched.

The knight had to turn away.

As air was a necessity, Flynn and Rapunzel pulled back but kept their foreheads touching. Rapunzel's lips were red and Flynn could only stare at her beauty—god, he was a lucky man. He curled his hand around the back of her neck and placed a kiss on her nose.

"I love you."

Both of their eyes widened.

Both of their hearts stopped beating.

Both had uttered the three words simultaneously.

The arm that was wrapped around Rapunzel's waist tightened.

"Say that again," Flynn whispered. Rapunzel smiled and dropped her hands from around her shoulder to around his waist, where she pulled Flynn in for a tight hug. Her face was pressed against his chest ad his arms enveloped her close to him.

"I love you. A lot, Flynn Rider. Eugene Fitzherbert. Whoever you are."

Flynn laughed. He threw his head back and laughed heartily. After recovering, which didn't take too long to be honest, he lowered his lips to Rapunzel's ear and whispered: "I love you just as much Princess Rapunzel. Corona Fitzherbert… whoever you are."

Rapunzel giggled into his chest.

The knight cleared his throat: "Ahem… shall we… uh… leave the dungeon?"

Flynn sighed and thought: Way to ruin the moment.

"Way to ruin the moment," Rapunzel snorted and Flynn bit back his laughter.

She so was a woman after his own heart.


Standing before the King and Queen in an empty room was Flynn and Rapunzel. Her eyes were fiery with defiance and Flynn was rather unsure of how to approach the situation. He kidnapped their daughter, from the safety of her own bedroom, but saved her from a crazy witch and two crazier thugs.

He was a bad guy gone good.

Kind of.

"You mean to say that you," the king looked at Flynn, "kidnapped my daughter to complete a task on your bucket list of life. You fed her, gave her a roof over her head, and the dignity and respect she deserves, and saved her from two notorious thugs?"

"After beating them to a bloody pulp, highness." Flynn added for comic relief. The king smiled and the queen shook her head.

"And you," the king looked at his daughter, "love him?"

Rapunzel nodded slowly. "I do," she whispered. "Besides, you have to thank Flynn. Because of him we know that we have to increase security in the palace."

Pascal, who was sitting on the king's shoulder, nodded vigorously. He was on Rapunzel's side but felt safer being perched next to the king. Traitorous toad, Flynn thought dryly.

"Then," the king looked at his queen, "then what?"

The queen sighed. "Then we have a happy ending."

"Just like that?" Rapunzel squeaked and her parents nodded.

"Just like that," the king nodded, "though I do believe we need to send your Uncle Cornelius a letter…"

Flynn raised an eyebrow and looked between the love of his life and her father. Where did this talk of an uncle come from? Was he going to be surrounded by a dysfunctional family now? Rapunzel and her mother both had amused expressions on their faces.

"Really now?" The queen mused. "And what, pray tell, brought this decision?"

The king looked at Flynn. "From seeing how a bandit can be changed because of true love. You see," the king started, "Cornelius Corona, you might recognize him as Eli Anoroc—"

"The famous bandit who stole heirloom jewels and distributed them amongst the poor?" Flynn gasped. "Do I know him? He's my idol," Flynn paused before adding "highness" to his statement.

"Yes, him," the king muttered. "He's my younger brother who ran away from the kingdom to pursue his dream of becoming the most famous bandit the land had to offer. Needless to say he was successful, but when he tried to return to the kingdom after Rapunzel's birth, we shunned him. I wasn't about to arrest my brother, so we exiled him from Corona indefinitely."

"And now because your daughter is in love with a bandit, you feel the need to bring him back?" Flynn mused. "I love this. I'm already changing the Royal Family and I've only been in your presence of ten minutes—ow!" Rapunzel smacked Flynn.

"He claimed," the king ignored what Flynn said, "that he met a woman that changed his ways. He wanted to take the responsibility that was given to him as the Prince of Corona, but he had already damaged his reputation, which also damaged his relationship with his family."

"Well I think it's a wonderful idea," Rapunzel smiled. "We can be one family again. Us three, Uncle Cornelius and his family and…" she paused and looked at Flynn, as if asking him if he wanted to be part of the life she was talking about.

Flynn smiled and wrapped an arm around Rapunzel's shoulders. "Exiled or unified, it doesn't matter. Rapunzel owns my heart and wherever she is, I'm there. Besides," he winked at the Princess, "having a wife and a few kids were also on my bucket list of life."

Rapunzel's jaw dropped and the queen gasped. The king stood up from his throne, his sceptre clutched in his right hand, and approached his daughter and the ex-conman. "Rider, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Flynn let go of Rapunzel. "I would never say anything without your permission, majesty." Flynn bowed. "But if you're asking me, then yes, I would love to make Rapunzel my bride and spend the rest of my years proving to her how much I love her and how I've changed."

The king furrowed his eyebrows. "Any misbehaviour from you, Rider…"

"There won't be any."

The king nodded, after staring at Flynn for an incredibly long time. Rapunzel's face broke into a huge grin and she threw her arms around her father. "Really?!"

The king smiled, hugging his daughter back. "Really… darling! Spread word, our daughter is getting married…"


Six years later

"Uncle Cornelius and his wife and children are coming for dinner tomorrow," Princess Rapunzel Corona Rider said to her husband, Prince Flynn Rider (also known as Eugene Fitzherbert, depending on his mood).

"Again?!" Flynn whined and the king snorted wine out of his nose. "They came last week!"

"I agree," The queen muttered, "must they come every week, darling?" she turned to her husband and asked. The king shrugged.

"He likes being part of the family, don't rain on his parade." The king muttered. After a nice family dinner (which was interrupted only once when Flynn had to check up on his and Rapunzel's daughter, Corona Rider), the royal family decided to call it a day. After Rapunzel kissed her parents goodnight, she and Flynn went to check up on their daughter.

Flynn's arm was wrapped around his wife's waist, which was bigger due to her pregnancy (gosh, he loved his wife and children), as they strode to their daughter's room. He kept glancing down at Rapunzel… he and his five year old daughter had a prank up their sleeve and they hoped that Rapunzel didn't react too badly to it.

Opening Corona's room, Rapunzel shrieked when she saw an empty bed with a note on it and an open window. Racing over, she picked up the letter:

The Princess is safe, I assure you. All I am asking for is one million gold coins. Once it is gathered, send word to the Village of Duckling, just due north. Once word is spread there, I will send a message on how we proceed in this transaction.

Yours truly,


Rapunzel stared at the letter… it sounded oddly familiar…

She heard a giggle and whirled around to find Flynn retrieved their daughter from the closet.


In a heartbeat, Flynn dashed out of the bedroom with his daughter in his arms and his pregnant wife was following suit. He was so dead, but hearing the laughter of his daughter made it all worth it.

Besides, he still was Flynn Rider, greatest conman after Eli Anoroc, his uncle-in-law. His thieving tendencies still existed, even if it was just in the form of pranking his wife.


Kidnapping Rapunzel was the best thing he ever did.

Making his bucket list was the second.


The end :) I know the ending was kind of… well, eh, but I think it was alright. Remember, it was a short story so well… wasn't my BEST, and it was my first Tangled fic.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Bye!

PS: Anoroc is Corona backwards :P