Chapter 4 We're Together

            "Mary Jane!" The stage hand wandered around the set, looking for the red head. She found her in her dressing room. "Mary Jane,"

MJ turned to her. "Hi Anne, what can I do for you?"

Since their introduction, they had hit it off, and Mary Jane was hoping for once in her life, besides Peter, she would have a real friend.

            "There's a gorgeous guy out here with the bluest eyes looking for you. Want me to take him off of your hands?" she asked with a wink.

Mary Jane grinned. Peter. She laughed. "That's my boyfriend, send him in please."

Anne winked and took off.

Mary Jane sighed contently. Her first day on the set of the new soap was almost finished. She spent all day meeting everyone, and going over scripts, and arranging publicity photos that Peter and his sense of balance was a nice change. He poked his head in her dressing room, with a bouquet of flowers.

            "Peter!" she squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "What are you doing here?"

            "I was in the neighborhood," he replied sheepishly.

            "Thank you," she said, taking the flowers, and gave them a sniff. "How did you know roses were my favorite?"

He blushed.

            "What?" she said, looking around for something to put them in.

            "In third grade, when we had to do What I Love the Most speech, you talked about roses."

She stopped and stared at him. "Oh my God. You remembered that?" When she thought he couldn't get any sweeter, he always surprised her.

He grinned.

She kissed him. "Just when I think I can't love you more, I can. That is so sweet."

He grinned. "I know,"

She laughed. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when his face went blank. "What is it?" she asked.

            "I have to go," he said.

            "Oh," she said, and held up eight fingers.

He nodded. To his surprise, she smiled.

            "I understand," she said. "it's going to take me awhile to get used to it, but I understand what you have to do. Just be careful. Okay?"

He kissed her. "I promise. Meet ya back home." He walked out the door.

She sighed happily. Home. After having a rough childhood, that was the place she dreaded. But with Peter, it was where she was happiest.

Peter slowly snuck up behind the robber. He thought he was scott free. Boy was he wrong. The siren of the jewelry store's alarm blared loud enough to wake the dead. Another two steps and… got him.

            "Don't move," Spider-man said. "You won't get far."

            "The spider," the robber said, drawing his gun. "I was expecting you."

            "If you were expecting me, you should have baked me a cake." He grinned beneath his mask.

The robber didn't laugh. He cocked his gun. He saw a flash of red, and Spider-man had vanished. "What the!?" he exclaimed.

Spider-man whistled. "Yo stupid, up here!"

As the robber looked up, Spider-man landed behind him and grabbed him by his throat, the gun flying lose. "That floor taste good?" he said as he over powered the man to the ground. The robber struggled, his flailing hands searching for his gun. Spider-man clamped a boot on it and kicked it to the wall. "Guns are not the answer," he said, as he hog tied him up with webbing.

A shot shattered a display case close to Spider-man's head. He jerked his neck and saw another man in the threshold of the jewelry store, a gun trained on him. "And then the bug went splat," the man said.

Spider-man leapt up onto the ceiling, easily dodging the man's shots. Once the gun was empty, the man cursed.

Spider-man dropped down in front of him and kicked him in the face. "And then you went splat," he grinned. The man staggered back, and Spider-man used this distraction to tie him up as well. He grinned at his handy-work, and walked to retrieve the gun in the corner. He stopped when he heard glass shattering and yelling from just outside. So there was a third member of this party? He walked out of the jewelry store and froze. Felicia, in the Black Cat costume was kicking the shit out of a man. Seeing she was in no danger, he crossed his arms and watched. She wasn't kidding when she said she could handle herself. She rammed him into the side of the jewelry store, and smiled as his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed.

            "Nice," Spider-man said.

She turned to him, absolutely beaming. "You're not the only one who knows how to have fun, Bug Boy."

            "Is he part of this crowd?" he jerked his head to the jewelry store.

            "Yeah, there's about ten thousand dollars worth of jewelry in the black van around the block."

They sat on top of the jewelry store's roof, watching the police apprehend the baddies.

            "That was fun," she said. "I deserve a nice hot bath… care to join me?"

            "Fun?" Peter asked. "That's your idea of fun?" he exclaimed, ignoring the other half of her statement.

            "Don't you dare tell me you don't enjoy doing this."

            "No, it's my gift… yet, it's my curse. I love helping people…"

            "But?" she prodded.

            "Nothing," he said.


            "Forget it," he said in a tone that he wanted her to drop it. He was going to say he wished he had realized what he could do to save his uncle Ben. "It's late. I better get back to Mary Jane."

            "Oh," she said.


            "You're together?"

Stupid! He silently yelled at himself. "Uh, yeah… yeah, we are."

She gave a small "hmph," and turned away from him.

            "Felicia," he said. "wait."

She kept on going. "Bye, Bug Boy,"


But she had gone.