Hi everyone, this is my first ever fanfic so please be kind on me. .

I have nothing to say except that I do not owned Man characters.

Please enjoy the story and tell me frankly what you think and how I can improve.


In the breezy afternoon, at the end of the street called Summer Drive, stood a quaint little shop called the Black Café. Quite opposite to what the name might suggest, the café was in fact a cheerful, sunny place that was looks small on the outside, but big on the inside decorated with huge windows. Floored with polish maple wood, comfortable round tables that could seat two to three people without actually feeling squeeze littered the shop. Coupled with cushioned chairs, not to mentioned heavenly food, it was the perfect place for those who wanted to have a quiet afternoon tea with friends. It was no wonder that this small little shop was extremely popular with females, though for more than the given reasons above. (Males, not counting the ones who worked for the shop, strangely enough were never seen in the shop except for a few special cases. )

The doorbell of the Black Café tinkled, as mobs of white hair and midnight raven hair entered through its door.

''Allen-chan~, Kanda-kun~'' Jerry the owner and cook of the café greeted them warmly from the bar. ''Here to say your last goodbyes?''

''Hi Jerry,'' the British teen greeted the owner warmly, ''I wanted to see the cafe one last time before I left and also to thank you. Thank you for the care you've given me these past few years.'' Allen said gratefully as he bows slightly to the owner.

''Sniff... sniff... Stop it Allen, are you trying to make me cry?'' Jerry chided as he wiped away the unbidden tears. '' It was a pleasure to look after you, though our customers would miss you.'' Jerry smiled fondly. '' If you want to repay me, just be happy. And Kanda, don't make Allen cry, got it?''

''Che. I don't need you to tell me that,'' Kanda said, irritated. Hugging his beansprout possessively, he ignored Allen's soft protests, ''I won't let him regret marrying me.'' He vowed while looking straight into Allen's eyes. If their usual female audience was here, the shop would be bursting with excited squeals.

''Ba-Bakanda! Let go,'' Allen mumbled, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

''So Jerry, where are the girls and Lavi?'' Allen asked when he finally got free of Kanda's hug.

''Lenalee and Miranda went out for their lunch dates, I'll pass on your goodbyes to them. Lavi on the other hand...''Jerry's voice died off while looking at the back room where the employees took their break. ''Allen-chan, I'm sure Lavi would be very happy to see you right now, go have a good talk with him.''

''I got it,'' With that said, Allen walked towards the back room, Kanda following him unbidden.

''Kanda-kun, stay. Just Allen-chan will do.''

The Japanese gave his customary stoic face when Allen turned and gave a quick peck on his cheek, ''I won't be long.''

Kanda sighed, ''Hurry up or we'll miss the flight.''

''Yes sir!'' Allen joked teasingly and quickened his pace towards the back room.

''And moyashi!'' Kanda called, stopping Allen in his tracks, ''Tell the baka usagi I said hi.'' Kanda said, as he left the cafe,''I'll be waiting in the car.''

''Allen-chan'' Lavi greeted gloomily when he saw the British boy coming towards him.

''L..La...Lavi?'' Allen asked hesitantly, ''Are you alright?''

''Ya...I'm fine,'' The redhead replied tiredly, giving Allen a weak smile.

''Lavi, what is it?'' Allen was really worried now, he had never seen the hyper active rabbit so depressed before.

''He's coming...''

''Who?'' Allen asked in confusion, wondering who could have affect the carefree Lavi so much.

'Tyki Mikk, he's back.'' As soon as those words left him, Lavi started crying.

''Tyki! Huh, how did you know?'' Allen was really confused. ''It's been a month since we last saw him, didn't we all agree that he has gotten over his lus...ahem! I mean infatuation for you and decided to move on?''

''T...That's what I thought too, but you know the spine chilling feeling I got whenever he was near? Sort of like a GPS?'' Lavi sobbed.

Allen nodded, knowing what Lavi meant. He had that feeling before, it happened during the first few months after knowing that idiotic Japanese male who had almost killed him on their first meeting due to a stupid misunderstanding.

''That feeling is back again and it's stronger than before!'' Lavi howled.

Allen didn't know what to say, he could only pat his friend's back in sympathy.

''It happened this morning,'' Lavi sobbed. ''I don't want to go back to those molesting days!''

Allen sighed. Lavi was just being Lavi, dramatic. Though Allen could sympathize with Lavi, if Lavi would just accept Tyki, things could never be simpler. Tyki was not that bad, if one doesn't include his lusty nature, Tyki was in fact a perfect lover of course not comparing to Kanda. Then again, he understood how Lavi felt, the more one is hunted, the more one would try to run which in turn would make the hunter trying to hunt more. Compared to Lavi, Allen was just thankful that his lover did not woo him in such a lusty fashion, but then his lover was never one to do so straight forwardly.

Tyki Mikk, the source Lavi's trouble was an extremely queer writer, albeit a rich one, though no one would know that least they are close to him. He came to the cafe two months ago in his worn out longed sleeves shirt, loose comfortable jeans and sandals. His black hair was curly and unkempt, sharp golden eyes hiding behind the thick black rimmed old fashion specs. Upon greeted by Lavi as he entered the cafe, he had pull Lavi into a close embrace and without warning in front of a sea of audience, stole Lavi's first kiss deeply with his tongue. Needless to say their female audience, customers, Lenelee #their waitress# and Jerry included went crazy. Thankfully Miranda was off duty on that day or she might have fainted.

It was lust at first sight everyone agreed. Only Lavi insisted that it was an accident and refused to think about it anymore save that, Tyki never fails to remind to him by coming to the cafe each day just to get his 'Lavi vitamin' as he likes to called it, consisting of lots of groping and finished with a deep kiss. During that time, their female customers had increased quite significantly.

Lavi thought that he could never escape from that hell. When Tyki suddenly stopped coming a month ago, Lavi was so happy that threw a huge party to celebrate his new found freedom much to the girls and Jerry's disappointment. They were all betting on Lavi to be together with Tyki.

''I'm sorry Allen, I wanted to give Yu and you a happy farewell,'' Lavi smiled tiredly, having finally stopped crying. '' After all, you guys are moving to Japan today and who knows when you'll come back for a visit.''

''Lavi...'' Allen didn't know what to say, he knew Lavi was just being stubborn, refusing to accept the small amount of feelings he had developed for Tyki. During the past month, he didn't missed the forlorn look Lavi gave while looking at the table where Tyki used to sit and the said redhead would always hang around the entrance of the cafe when it was the usual time for Tyki to show up, but Tyki never did show up. Allen knew he would never have a peace of mind in Japan if he was constantly worried about the rabbit. An out of sorts Allen would lead to a piss off Kanda which would result in punishments whereby ….ahem! Let's not go that far, just know that Allen would not be able to walk for three days straight the minimum, depending on how Kanda wants to love to moyashi.

''Lavi,'' Allen began, ''What is destined will happen sooner or later, it would be easier if you would just accept Tyki. You like him, don't you?''

''I do not!'' Lavi denied vehemently. ''How could that thought even cross your mind?'' Forest green eyes stared angrily at soft silver ones only to sign in resignation. ''Alright fine, I like him ok? But it's not like he'll get serious with me. He just want to have a taste of me and after that he'll just throw me aside.''

''Lavi-'' Allen signed worriedly, part of him agreed with what Lavi said yet another part of him wants to believe that Tyki was serious. In any case he didn't want to leave Lavi in such a depressed state and Kanda would be worried too, denied as he might about him caring for the stupid rabbit. Allen took out a key and gave it to Lavi, ''Here, my house key, in case you need a place to hide. There's no one living there and only dad has the other key. Since I'm moving and dad's traveling round the world, you can have it. Just don't burn the house down or anything,'' Allen joked, trying to cheer Lavi up. # Allen's father, Neah, was a famous musician, who was currently on a world tour accompanied by his manager, Mana.#

''Thank you, Allen,'' Lavi took the key gratefully. Hugging his friend tightly, he whispered,'' Be happy.''

''I will,'' Allen replied with tears in his eyes.

''Moyashi, hurry up already.'' Kanda called out impatiently, after a long wait in the car, he decided to fetch his beansprout only to find the stupid rabbit crying all over him.

''It's Allen, BaKanda.'' Allen retorted and after one last round of hasty hugs and goodbyes the couple left, leaving Lavi to face his worst nightmare all alone.

''Say... Jerry, I was thinking that it's time to use my hols, don't you think so?'' Lavi asked, as they were closing up the shop, the girls having already been escorted home by their boyfriends.

''Sorry, no can do Lavi,'' Jerry replied without hesitation. ''We're short-handed as it is. I haven't even found a replacement for Allen and Miranda's preparing for her wedding. Unless you can find someone to fill up Allen's place and another to take over for you, the answer is no.'' Sensing Lavi's disappointment, he gave a comforting pat on the youngster's back and headed home.

''You're late, idiot grandson!'' Bookman scolded as he gave Lavi a whack on his head. How the old man who was half of his height accomplished that was always an unknown feat to Lavi. Bookman or Professor Bookman, as the students of Matel Academy would address him, was a famous historian who prefers studying the world, exploring ancient ruins, collecting books than teaching his students. Never the less he was a good guardian and role model for Lavi, whose parents had passed away when he was young.

''It's not like you need me for anything,'' Lavi winced, rubbing the sore spot on his head as he took in the emptiness of the house. Even the old Persian rug that decorated the living room was gone.

''I need you to pack up.'' The old man said as he secured the stings of his rucksack, filled with supplies needed for a long trip. ''I'm going to Cambodia to see the ruins of Angkor for research purposes.

''Am I coming with you?'' Lavi asked, the only time Bookman would take Lavi along with him was when he needed someone to carry his extra luggage which does not seems to be the case this time, seeing that the old man had only packed one bag.

''No, I need you to move out during the time I'm away,'' Bookman said. ''I'll be going for an indefinite period of time and the house will be going under construction.''

''How long have you been planning this?'' Lavi asked, shocked. He didn't even have the slightest idea nor indication that such a major event was happening.

''Long enough, I needed to expand the library and I thought I might as well just renovate the house,'' was Bookman's simple reply. ''I've already sent all the books for safekeeping to various friends of mine and Tiedoll has kindly volunteered to take in the furniture. So the only thing left is for you to pack up and move.''

''Question,'' Lavi began, he had no problem finding someplace to sleep, after all Allen had gave him his house. And this was definitely not the first time the old man had kick Lavi out of the house without a warning, at least he had given Lavi time to pack. ''Move as in move-as-soon-as-I-pack or move tomorrow?''

''As soon as you pack. I need to catch the midnight flight. So hurry up.'' Bookman said as he shooed Lavi to his room.

He might as well just pack it for me was the first thing that came to Lavi's mind when he saw his pile of clothes stacked neatly above his tidy collection of books. Seems like the old man had taken the liberty of sending more than half of his books to his various friends. After he finished packing, Lavi took his one last tour of the house, lingering in the empty library that he had spent most of his time in. Taking a picture of the house with his phone, he bid Bookman a safe journey and headed towards Allen's house, dragging an extremely heavy luggage with him.

It was well past midnight when Lavi reached Allen's house. Lavi was beginning to doubt whether he should have taken the part time job at Jerry's since now he had to cut short his sleeping time to get to work on time as Allen lives further away. And it's all because of the job that he met Tyki, the source of his headaches. Just then, Lavi felt his spine chill. He shook his head, after all Tyki could not be in Allen's house, could he?

Sighing, Lavi unlocked the door, surprised to find a pair of extremely familiar looking sandals in the entryway. Shrugging, too tired to think about anything other than bed, Lavi took off his shoes and went straight to Allen's bedroom. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Lavi groaned, shutting off his horrible rock-concert-vs-hard-metal alarm which was the only noise that could wake him up. It took him a minute to get his bearings in the empty room as last night events clicked into place. Rubbing the sleeping out of his eyes, he opened the door, paused and slammed it shut.

Heaving, Lavi pinched his cheeks to see if he was still dreaming. He opened the door again, this time a slight crack, took a peek and screamed. Starring right back into his eyes on the other of the door was a golden eye. Weak from fright, he legs gave way as the door swung open. Lavi was speechless, what the heck was Tyki Mikk standing in his doorway? Scratch that, why was he even in his house? The said man who was staring back at Lavi in astonishment with only his pajamas pants on.

So what do think of the story so far?
Please tell me.
Reviews will be very much welcome and love.
Thank You