Better late than never huh? Thank you all for reading; yes I have changed my name sorry for any confusion. Hope you all enjoy this chapter please R&R guys!

Rose Pov

"Do you want to escape?" I asked Adrian quietly, I picked out a strand of hair from Adrian's chestnut locks and twirled it around my finger.

"What do you mean escape?" He whispered back a little intriguingly, making me smile.

It was so calm and peaceful sitting her with Adrian just us, even though we were in a plain quiet deserted changing room waiting area, it seemed fine as long as we were together.

"Like let's walk out of the shops with some wigs on and tour some shops in secret." I said menacingly adrenaline laced my voice as thrill lit up my eyes. I stared hopefully into Adrian's eye and I knew he was debating within his head. After a while though I knew I was slowly starting to loose.

Adrian let out a short sigh, "No offence Rose but as your soon to be husband I need to look out for your safety," Adrian said protectively.

"And..." I prompted on making sure boredom was shown in my voice. He raised his eyebrows and gave me the 'no way in hell' look which earned him an evil glare.

"Rose I need to take care of you not let you walk around unprotected when your best friend stalker," he said sarcastically making me laugh, "is on the loose," He kept his voice to the down low so the others couldn't hear what we were debating about.

"You can't protect me?" I tried to hurt his ego so in a way he'd have to do it, kind of like blackmail but you don't really realise until after it's all happened. What was the harm anyways I was already prepared for this, I had secretly planned it out. Part of the mall was shut down for us anyways we could just act like regular citizens but on the sly.

"Don't try it with me Rose," damn, he's good. "Don't think I don't know these tricks of yours." He shook his head and look ahead at nothing trying to advert his eyes from mine.

"But Adrian…" I whined. I looked up at him from the spot on where I was sat on his lap. He tipped his head slightly and kissed my head. His other way of saying no in a nice loving way, I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest and looked away dramatically.

After a few seconds of holding the dramatic look Adrian softly pulled my face back towards his. I stared into his deep liquid emerald eyes that anyone could get mesmerized with in a blink of an eye; the eyes which made me swoon at first sight. "You know I want to do everything to make you happy, but how can I make you happy if I lose you?" Did Adrian Ivashkov just say what I thought he said? Don't over think it Rose, I assured myself. I pursed my lips happily as I wide smile took over my face. I didn't know what to think of what he had said but being happy of the thought that he cared so much for me made my whole body heat up from the care and compassion.

"Really?" My voice was a little high pitched and squeaky which made Adrian smile even more than me.

"Yes really," he answered softly caressing my cheek as I then leaned into his tender touch. Just as I thought that marrying Adrian would be the worst thing in the history of worst things, life really did have it ways of proving you very wrong. I didn't know whether I was happy that Adrian cared so much for me or if I was happy about the secret meanings that were behind those words.

"Rose!" A high pitched teacher's like voice screamed my name making me flinch in Adrian's hold. "Don't you know its bad luck to let the groom see you in your dress before your wedding day?!" Natasha had been turning into a grumpy superstitious mum who came up with weird sayings no one had ever heard of you'd think she's making them up as she goes. She stood in the door way towards the big changing rooms I was supposed to be in, but I was instead in the waiting room with Adrian in one of the white dresses that were in line for me to try.

My head hung a little guiltily as Natasha's stare burnt into me like lasers. "I expected better from you to Adrian," She rolled her eyes at the both of us as I began to get up from Adrian's lap letting out a sulky sigh. She can be a real drama queen sometimes. I slowly made my way to the doorway dragging my feet along with me. A perfect moment ruined, I turned back to look at Adrian who was looking back at me with a smirk on his lips giving me one of his signature flirty winks in the process.

The procedure of trying dress after dress wasn't really my ideal way to be spending time, I'd rather be sat back at home in the Palace playing games on my PlayStation. I had gotten so bored that I had decided to sneak out for a while, while the girls tried on bridesmaid's dresses which happened to somehow include me, which had now leaded to the scenario that I was currently in.

When I thought of getting married I thought it would be the most exciting time of my life. Getting married to the love of my life, my soul mate, my other half sounded like the best thing that could ever happen to me. But getting married to someone you were in the procedure of starting to really like ruin the moments you are supposed to treasure the most in your life.

"Rose honey we have so many things to do still before your wedding you can't run off," Natasha had a soft velvety soothing tone on now as she led me down the hall to the changing room.

"I'm tired of trying on dresses can't we pick one and leave?" I grumbled moodily still dragging my body helplessly down the hall.

"Honey there are still loads of shops we have to go to as-well. It's your wedding dress not a party dress." She used a soft tone trying to coax me into going to loads more shops to try on similar dresses. I wanted to tell her how I really felt if only we could push the wedding back I would be so much happier than I would be now.

I looked up at her and she gave me a sad smile.

"Come on Rose just give me one smile and turn to the camera so we can get a shot of you looking so beautiful in that dress." The day couldn't have dragged on even more than it had to originally as we had to take a picture of every dress I tried on since everyone had suddenly remember that we had to send pictures to my mum and dad back in Turkey. Oh the joy, I thought sarcastically. I probably had tried on a hundred dresses and on the hundredth one Jill cried out, "Oh my god Rose what about your parents? We need to send them pictures!" As usual everyone in the room agreed and I being the luckiest girl had to re try every dress, you're probably thinking why they couldn't send the picture of the dress on its own. Well apparently my mother would most probably want to see me in the dress to get the initial wedding look. How thoughtful of everyone.

Towards the twentieth or thirtieth picture I started to pose stupidly through boredom dragging in anyone I laid eyes on in the changing room hall into the picture. As much as I hate to admit it taking photos was a tad bit better than trying on dresses and looking in the mirror for ten seconds and then taking it off and repeating the same thing a hundred times over. The rack of dresses started to get smaller and smaller over time until we were left with only one. I took the phone from Natasha and handed it over to Jill and insisted that I took the photo with Natasha who hadn't posed once with me.

I put my arm around her neck and my other around her front as she put her arm around my waist as we brought our faces close together so our cheeks touched and smiled at the camera and held the pose until the shutter noise took over the room. "I'm printing that one especially." I said to her quietly. She grinned and hugged me tightly.

I re-changed back into my original clothes as we left the store and departed back to the parking area to finally leave this place and head on back home, back into my nice room I shared with Adrian. Just sitting on the bed curled up into Adrian's tight hold on me would be the perfect way to end the day.

I began to doze of slowly but quickly, I was on the verge of finally falling into the relaxation of sleep on Adrian's chest when his phone started to ring one of his favourite indie band anthems. He shifted to get to his pocket as slowly as he could, stirring me in the process. "Hello?" He answered. There was a short brief silence in the car as Adrian listened to whoever was on the other line. "Oh wow that's great brother congratulations!" Dimitri, his name went off flatly in my head as I realised who the caller was. Well I wonder what he has done to get Adrian to say congratulations; I can't wait to hear this. "Of course we'll come I would never miss it bro, well done man I knew you'd do it!" Wow had Dimitri Ivashkov done something with his life? Adrian ended the call and I moved from his chest back to a sitting position rubbing my eyes in the process.

"What's happened with Dimitri?" I yawned out.

"He's graduated!" Adrian said proudly. There were a few 'oh my god really' and 'wow that's great' but I really needed to get straight to the point.

"Does that mean he'll move out?" I said rather too quickly. Adrian gave me a look as everyone in the car started laughing. I shrugged my shoulders at him, "doesn't harm to ask," I truthfully.

Adrian shook his head but that smile was still on his face. "He's having a graduation party, in the palace basement, aka my club." Now it was my turn to shake my head. It was good to know that Dimitri had finally graduated; I had to hand it to him he was a very bright guy and at-least he had bothered with school which I had dropped out of and never reapplied to again once I became a princess.

"Dimitri always has an excuse to party," I finally said, and when Dimitri throws a party make sure you have aspirin ready at your bedside table for the day after… if you can make it there.

"I for one love Dimitri's parties," Natasha piped up from the back.

"You love any party with free food and alcohol," I answered back earning me a smack on the back of my head from behind. I rubbed my head trying to ease off the sting, though everyone in the car once again thought it was funny. I grumbled under my breathe and stared straight ahead at the road. The last time I partied with the Ivashkov's I ended up with the worst hangover headache in the world and I couldn't even walk straight.

Once we arrived home everyone had either left for the kitchen or left for their rooms to get some peace and quiet before Dimitri's party. Adrian and I had been relaxing on our bed for the past hour with me tight in his embrace his arm perfectly around me and my body moulded effortlessly into his side. As the season on True Blood had returned I demanded that, that was the program we would be watching. I could sense Adrian's eyes on me throughout the program; he occasionally caressed my head twirling strands of my hair in-between his fingers or drawing circles on my arm with his fingertip making me shiver. As the program ended I knew it was time to go to Dimitri's graduation party. But really I just wanted to stay curled up in a ball with Adrian beside me; I didn't understand how in doing just a simple thing as being curled on the bed with Adrian would make me so happy. It was hard to conclude why, but I liked the feeling I felt when I was like this. Nothing mattered just, us, and being connected in a way, was what mattered. Well for me it was.

I started to contemplate on whether or not I should tell Adrian these deep thoughts in my head.

"Can we just stay here instead of going to the party?" I piped up quietly, I knew he was very proud of his brother finally graduating of course he wouldn't want to miss it for the world, but there's no harm in asking. I untangled from his hold and sat cross legged on the bed a few centimetres from him.

"What's wrong?" He asked putting his hands behind his head, which flexed his biceps.

"I just-nothing," I stumbled my words out, suddenly feeling really embarrassed and selfish for even thinking of such a thing. It's Adrian's brother and his only graduation in his life and I wanted to be a bitch and try make Adrian miss it. It was hard to keep a hold of so many emotions coming at me at once, I didn't understand myself or why I was really saying those words. I smiled at a confused looking Adrian and started too shuffled out of the bed ending the conversation. Just as I made it towards the edge a hand clasped around my wrist and softly pulled me back onto the bed. And just in that split second of skin contact a heated sensation went over me making me shiver.

Once I was in Adrian's reached he put his arms around my waist as they fit perfectly, his hands feeling just right in the position they were against my stomach, as he then heaved me in-between his now spread legs. Once I got into the little space he closed the gap tightly so I didn't have any way to move out of this position.

"What are you doing?" I sighed out blandly, this made Adrian smirk to his amusement.

"Why don't you want to go?" He wasn't at all angry when he asked me. It was a simple question he paraphrased with a sweet caring tone. He lifted his hand and glided a finger delicately across my cheek and my jawbone. I gulped nervously and looked up at him.

I adverted my eyes back down to the white sheets of the duvet. "I just wanted to stay with you," I answered quietly. I looked back up at Adrian and he smiled delicately, no amusement no joke just that smile. We stared at each other for a few seconds, not looking for anything in particular just staring into each-other's eyes maybe looking for something just might just answer the question that was rolling in our heads.

Without even realizing it our faces became inches apart I could feel his warm breathe on my cheek travelling down to the top of my neck. I didn't really know why I was nervous, I had kissed a guy before, and I had kissed this guy before. But every-time we get this close I feel my heart rate accelerate, my palms start to sweat a little and my breathing becomes quite jagged. Suck it up Rose.

And this time it was me who closed the gap and I pressed my lips firmly onto his. He had both his hands around my waist tightly pushing me closer to him; I tangled my hand into his chestnut hair pulling him closer towards me so there wasn't a single gap between us.

He slowly started to push me backwards down onto the bed as he continued to kiss me hungrily, once I laid flat on the bed he grinned widely at me making me giggle just before his velvet lips travelled down to my neck totally silencing me in the process. My eyes closed and a short moan escaped my lips making Adrian smile against my neck. His hands roamed up my t-shirt as his warm hands touched my bare waist steadying me on him. Every millimetre of skin he touched ignited making tingles take over my body. "You are so beautiful," he murmured against my neck. Then I brought his face up from my neck and pressed my lips hard against his.

I started to un-buttoning his shirt which he helped in then tossed the shirt in any odd direction. I pushed my hands backwards from his muscled shoulder blades onto his back, soon after my t-shirt came off which led to his kissed travelling lower and lower. I didn't know what to think I didn't know If I should stop because it felt so right I didn't know what to do because I was in such star struck that my mind had totally collapsed. It felt like I needed him, I wanted him.

His hands travelled down the sides of his body till they reached my jeans, he didn't hesitate to un-button and pull them off somehow flinging them to the other side of the room. He continued to kiss me everywhere touch me in the right places. My mind was in overload I didn't know what to think there was only one more piece of clothing-

"I should have brought my damn camera," I yelped at the sudden voice making a sharp sigh come from Adrian's mouth. Adrian reached over and grabbed the crumpled quilt on the side of the bed and pulled it over me.

"Jesus Christ, Dimitri you could have knocked," Adrian spoke quite annoyed. He ran a hand through his hair and looked down at me.

"Now what would be the fun in that brother," He replied with a snarky but playful voice. "Future sister-in-law do you mind covering up," I raised my eyebrow at him, but still pulled the blanket tighter.

Adrian sighed and shook his head at his brother. "What brings you to my room," he finally asked. Dimitri made his way to the small couch directly opposite our bed and fell onto the leathered sofa. A mischievous smiled played across his lips as brought his hand down to the back of his jean's pocket and brought out a bottle of Vodka, he waved it about in front of Adrian who immediately got up and went to him.

I sighed with frustration "Well I'm getting changed," I said stubbornly. Truthfully I was a bit jealous that it just took a bottle of vodka waving in Adrian's face to get him out of bed me.

"Do you need help?" Adrian asked in a seductive tone, thinking that I was actually still in the mood, but little did he know.

"No," I said sharply and marched off into the walk in wardrobe, most probably leaving him stunned from my attitude.

"Women," I heard Dimitri say as two glasses clicked together, most probably drinking to that.

I picked out a nice dress, it was a simple white skater dress which crossed at the back and a nice medium sized white bow was placed in the middle of the criss-cross design, it was at a presentable length but not too long. It was paired with a long layered silver chain that dropped elegantly down the front of my dress. And lastly I pulled on my favourite pair of black converses. I looked at my reflection checking myself over in-case I missed anything or had too much of anything. I was impressed by my outfit I had pulled together in a few minutes, I smiled at my reflection. Then brushed my face over with some powder and left for the doors that led back to our room.

Adrian was leaning against the wooden frame of our bed opposite to Dimitri who was sat comfortably on the small sofa. Adrian's head turned towards my direction, making him raise his eyebrows. He looked me over and stopped at my feet smirking amusingly at himself then giving me a wink, which I smiled too. "Don't you look dashing Rosemarie," Dimitri commented as I sat on the sofa beside him. I scowled at him for using my full name which he smiled to at his own amusement.

"Natasha and the others will arrive any minute now-"Adrian got cut off by the door being opened and loud voices taking over the once quiet room. Everyone greeted each other and made themselves comfortable where ever they could.

Mason and Eddie then quickly gave a debrief of security and all emergency protocols that were needed to be used in case of any incidents that would occur in the night. "We've doubled security this time, including under cover just in-case. We will not be using the inside door so all attenders will exit and enter from the outside. There is a strict restriction on who enters the Palace." Mason gave us a serious talk on how the security was working, who we needed to go to if anything suspicious aroused and that there should be two personal with us when we leave and enter. It gets a bit scary sometimes when there is such a strictness and tightness on security, but I guess it's just all for our safety.

After the break down on security we all started to get up and leave our room and head towards the basement where people had already arrived. I guess in the Ivashkov family the hosts always have a grand entry.

Thank you all for who read and enjoyed it, SO, SO sorry for the lateness so many exams now-a-days that I didn't have the time, but I'm on holidays now so ill update a little more frequently. Sorry to keep ya'll waiting and if this wasn't to your expectations I'm really sorry but it will improve. Thank you for you all who waited!