Hey all! This is my first fanfiction, I hope y'all enjoy it! Please review!

Clove's POV

I quickly brush the tangles from my slick hair. No time to wash it today. I can't believe I slept in. This is the biggest day of my life. The day I have been training up to since age 5. I slip the dress over my head that my mother bought for this special occasion. One quick glance in the mirror and I know he'll think I'm pretty. Cato isn't supposed to volunteer until next year. That will be my motivation to win. I have to come back to my Cato.

Cato's POV

I lounge in my dad's office chair and stare at the ceiling. Today might be the worst day of my life. My suit itches, but I think she'll like it. That's my other problem. This might be the last day I ever see Clove alive. I have great confidence that she'll win; I've never seen a better knife handler. But if she doesn't, I don't know what I'd do. But if she wins, she would be with my through everything next year when I volunteer. A bell in the distance disrupts my thoughts. Time to head to the square. Time for the reaping.

The square is packed when I finally get there. I give a quick hug to my mom and give my dad's hand a squeeze. We all know that even if my name is drawn, the predetermined volunteer will take my place. Before I head to my section, I look around subtly for Clove. No one knows we are together, and we'd like to keep it that way. Love is a weakness that is easy to use against someone. We won't let that happen to us. I see her walking away from her mom. I can tell she's decided to save her heart wrenching goodbye for the closed room after the reaping is finished.

Her gorgeous dress takes my breath away. The dark brown hugs her waist and shimmers lightly with gold as it sways. Even though the other girls I see probably spent three times more money on their dresses, they are nothing compared to Clove. Her brown eyes flit up at mine, and I pull her to a corner where no one will see us.

Clove's POV

I giggle as Cato pulls me to our corner. The corner where we've talked so many times.

"You look magnificent," he says with that smile of his. Even through it though, I can see the pain and sadness in his eyes at what I am about to go through. I know he won't mention it though. He may be tough and mean to others, but he hates to make me upset.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" I try to comfort him. His eyes gloss up with tears, something that only I have seen happen before. Mine are threatening to do the same. He leans down, slowly. His hand encloses mine. I hear the familiar clink of our matching purity rings and the sound brings me comfort. He lightly brushes my cheek with a kiss and then hurries away, leaving me to think about the suffering I am about to put us through.

Cato's POV

I couldn't take it anymore. The sight of her in that dress, knowing she might be dead within the month. I want to take a walk, away from the banners and cheers of reaping day. But one look from a Peacekeeper squashes that idea. I take my place in the section off area of the square for my age group of boys. District 2's escort, a one Miss Lucy Shine, takes the stage in her bright outfit. I zone out during her speech and the mayor's boring monologue. I think of all the ways I've seen people die in the Hunger Games. It is a great honor here to win them. Sure we all feel bad for killing innocent children, but it's what we're trained to do. We'd all rather have blood on our hands than bring our district dishonor. Finally I hear Lucy's excited squeal and know it's time to choose the girl tribute. And then watch the love of my life take her place.

Clove's POV

Girls come up to congratulate me and wish me luck as I make my way to our section. Soon it will be their turn. Their training at the academy will be over and they will volunteer to be swept away to the Hunger Games. All I can do during the opening ceremonies is look at Cato across the square. I think of all the times we've played and practiced together. All the times of comforting one another. And then I see Lucy Shine's gloved hand in the girl's glass ball full of names. I don't hear the name that is called though. All I hear is my confident voice shout clearly through the crowd, "I volunteer as tribute!"

Cato's POV

I hear her voice. I see her eyes flick towards me as she walks down the aisle and up onto the stage. I see her talking into the microphone beside Lucy, but all I hear is her volunteer statement ringing in my ears. I hear laugh, her crying, and her joyful giggle in my ears. They all make me think of the promise we made back at our first year at the academy together. She had gotten into a fight with a boy three grades above us. We had been room neighbors and had become good friends. She had gotten hurt pretty badly. When I went to visit her in the infirmary, we made a promise to always have each other's backs. To always protect one another.

I see Brutus, the assigned male volunteer for this year, taking the drawn tribute boy's place on stage. I look at Clove. She appears calm, but I see the panic in her eyes. The fear of being alone and hunted swirling in her head. Before I can stop myself, Clove's words escape my lips.

"I volunteer as tribute!"

Clove's POV

I had known he would do it. The second I got on stage I saw his wild and panicked look and knew he would volunteer. I had prayed he would forget our promise to each other, to protect another. My smile masked the fear inside. The horror of the realization that only one of us could live. I turn to shake his hand. He gives mine a squeeze. I see the apology in his eyes. I also see the raw determination to get me out of the Hunger Games alive. I won't let him sacrifice himself for me. He is the one who will be coming home to District 2, whether he likes it or not.