Author's Note - I always thought that the scenes where Azula slowly lost her sanity were interesting. It was a really beautiful moment in the show - Bryke did a great job with her. Anyways, the dialogue is taken from the actual episode, so it belongs to Bryan and Michael. No copyright infringement intended. Well, now that that's done, I hope you like it!
When Mai and Ty Lee betrayed her, Azula's world broke down. It was like she walked on ice – solid one day, shattering the next. But none of that mattered now. She was to be the Fire Lord, the ruler of the Fire Nation. After all, her own father had entrusted her with that role. She had to remain as regal and imposing as ever.
Azula sighed. She had never realized how dangerous the palace servants could be. That foolish girl, leaving in a cherry pit, on the day of her coronation! And the Dai Li – they really didn't realize that their tardiness could have ended with their Fire Lord assassinated, without their protection. The fools. Even the two old crows Lo and Lee had come and undermined her ability to lead. They all were suspicious. They all would have betrayed her in the end.
"Just like Mai and Ty Lee…" Azula muttered. She couldn't understand why on earth Mai would choose that traitor of a brother Zuko over her. She had extended friendship as well as the (incompetent) servants to her, not to mention she continually graced Mai and Ty Lee with her presence every day. Ugh, and Ty Lee too. Choosing to help Mai and chi-block her! The acrobat would pay dearly, Azula thought.
Azula really had believed Mai and Ty Lee were her friends. At least they hadn't abandoned her, like her father, or mother, or even Zuzu. Mother had always loved him more than her. Maybe that's why Azula never trusted anyone with love; fear was the only sure way to ensure someone's loyalty.
But as it turned out, that hadn't worked on Mai either.
She stood in front of her more-than-full-length mirror, and stared at her hair. Azula had never really put her own hair up – it had always either been done by a palace servant, or it simply just stayed in an elegant bun. The unruly ribbon she held continuously slipped between her fingers, and something within Azula snapped. As the ribbon drifted to the ground, Azula snatched up the scissors.
"Alright hair, it's time to face your doom."
And without further thought, she snipped her bangs and let them fall to the ground with the ribbon. Staring at herself, Azula cringed at the uneven snips and the hair that hung loosely in a ponytail.
She stared deeper into the mirror, flinching as she saw her mother's reflection.
"What a shame, you always had such beautiful hair," Ursa said.
Azula didn't turn. She spoke in an icy tone. "What are you doing here?"
"I didn't want to miss my own daughter's coronation."
Azula stiffened. "Don't pretend to act proud. I know what you really think of me." She paused, and looked to the side angrily. "You think I'm a monster," she spat.
"I think you're confused. All your life you've used fear to control people. Like your friends, Mai and Ty Lee."
Azula couldn't believe what she was hearing. Confused? There wasn't any confusion about anything! Controlling people with fear wasn't confusing. She narrowed her eyes at the mirror, then glanced down. Mai and Ty Lee weren't worth mentioning. She really had trusted them. But now, Azula realized trust wasn't guaranteed. Trust was too fragile. Too delicate.
Her next words came out in a half sob, but Azula quickly steadied her voice. "But what choice do I have? Trust is for fools; fear is the only reliable way." Azula whipped around to face her mother, and whispered, "Even you fear me."
"No, I love you, Azula. I do." Ursa spoke with such a pitying voice, with such tenderness. Azula's chin began to quiver uncontrollably. She was losing it.
She no longer cared.
In rage, Azula gripped the hairbrush, whipped around, and hurled it at her mother's image. The glass shattered on impact, shards littering the ground. The crash muffled Azula's loud cry of anger, and she slipped to the ground, sobbing.
Her whole world had fallen apart. Azula was losing her grip on her emotions, on her goals and plans. Her dreams. Her coronation had been tainted by betrayal and lies.
When Zuko had been banished, Azula thought about how his world had been broken. His shattered life meant nothing to Azula. Yet today, it pierced Azula sharper than any lightning she could produce.
She now understood what it meant to lose everything. And all that was left was madness. If she slipped into it, she'd never go back.
But what did it matter? Azula had already lost everything. But today, she was to be the Fire Lord. No one should dictate her behavior. Not even her own conscience.
Azula rose from the debris amongst the ground, and soon had two roaring blue orbs in her palms. She laughed, a high-pitched cackle slicing the tense air around her.
It was time for the coronation.