Disclaimer: Only plot is mine.

A/N: So I know I have disappeared and I apologize! I am re-writing/editing the chapters and then I will finally, finally update! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing and adding this story to your watch/favs lists. Thank you to those who have stayed with me through these years of silence! I hope you enjoy and I hope the upcoming chapters will be to everyone's liking! Thanks again and if you have any kind of constructive criticisms please feel free to review or message me! I am also debating on whether or not to write the scene in which Hermione and Draco get sexual or if the implication is enough and I can move on...I don't know yet so if you have an opinion on it feel free to write me. I'm leaning towards getting on with the plot but then I kinda think you all deserve somethin sexy ;) I just don't know if I can make it sexy enough! OKAY done with my ramble! Thank you all for being here!

Ch. 1: Just a Thought

"Congratulations!" Hermione said cheerily as she clinked glasses with her dear friend Ginny. Ginny laughed, "Thank you, thank you very much."

"I'm so bloody proud of you!" Hermione said before taking a sip of her mimosa, "I mean, 21 and you're the new seeker of the Holyhead Harpies!" Although she was extremely proud and happy for her best friend, she did feel a bit sad. Ginny was starting a new career, she had a supportive boyfriend and she was going to travel the world. Ginny was accomplished and Hermione was still in university working part time at Flourish and Blotts. She really needed to do something with her life.

"Although I am not entirely okay with you relocating to Wales."

Ginny rolled her eyes, "Pssh, Wales is beautiful! And that makes you, Harry and all of my family. Seriously it's not that far. Harry makes it seem like I'm moving to South Korea."

"Aw, how cute," Hermione teased before sticking her tongue out at Ginny.

"I know."

Throughout Ginny's training and Harry's and Ron's process in becoming Aurors, Harry and Ginny had remained fiercely loyal and loving in their relationship. Ron and Hermione, however, did not have such luck. It was no one's fault, really, they were just happier apart and with other people. Eventually, and strangely with Hermione's guidance, Ron discovered his feelings for a certain Miss Luna Lovegood.

After their celebratory brunch, Hermione and Ginny parted ways. Ginny went off to meet Harry while Hermione ran home before heading to one of her classes. She attended the University of Magical London, an affiliate of the Muggle university. Hermione chose it because if she wanted, it allowed for witches and wizards to take courses at its Muggle counterpart.

Hermione lived in a tiny, one bedroom flat in wizarding London. The flat was in a small building about twenty minutes away from the university and was mostly occupied by other students. When she arrived at her flat Hermione grabbed her book and supplies, stuffed them into her bag, fed Crookshanks, and decided to take a quick power nap. After fifteen minutes she awoke refreshed and ready to head to her favorite class of the semester, and it wasn't even a requirement for her course, she just thought it would be interesting. It was only 5 weeks into the semester and Hermione was already thinking of a career that dealt with the subject. Maybe she wanted to be a sex therapist. Unfortunately she knew it wouldn't sound as professional as being a Healer would. It was a bit of a shame though, the Psychology of Wizard Sexuality was loads of fun.

Hermione arrived in time for the class to begin. The students who were in the room for the previous class started pushing their way out while Hermione and her classmates started moving in. Just as Hermione got to the doors of the room she was pushed into a tall, muscular man also trying to enter the room.

"Oh, sorry." she squeaked out as she looked up to see who she had just ungracefully plopped into. Her voice returned to a normal state when she saw who it was. "Oh. Hello."

"Granger," Draco Malfoy said coolly as he looked down at her. Hermione straightened, quickly nodded at him, and walked to her usual seat, one on the opposite side of the lecture hall as Draco.

She wasn't trying to avoid Draco they were civil towards each other, after all, the war was over and Hermione and Draco both understood that the other just wanted to move on with their lives. They had even conversed occasionally since learning that they were attending the university. Hermione had learned that Draco wanted more knowledge in business affairs before he fully took over the Malfoy properties and company. For the present time Narcissa was in charge as Lucius was in Azkaban. Narcissa wanted Draco to take his place as the head of the family once he graduated.

Out of all the possible classes that Hermione thought they could end up having together, the one Ron deemed her 'sexy time class' was not it.

Hermione settled into her seat and took out her parchment and parchment pen (quills were too cumbersome), ready to take notes.

"Today we'll be discussing variations in sexual expression, in other words, fetishes and kinks," Professor Kaindin said. Ooh fun. Hermione thought as a smirk formed on her lips.

Her professor was a lean, slightly dorky, gay, middle-aged wizard, which made him all the more adorable to Hermione. He continued on, "The difference between a fetish and a kink is that a fetish is when a sexual desire is attributed to an object. A kink is a non reproductive variation in sexual expression that is statistically rare. Keep in mind that these things are all common and we shouldn't judge. I'm sure some of you have your fetishes and kinks."

Draco almost lost control and snorted, Ha ok me with a fetish. Let's be serious here. He thought.

"Most fetishists are male and take part in their fetish through masturbation. In fetish cases sight, smell, touch or taste is how the sexual pleasure is gained. For instance some heterosexual males find that seeing high heels on or off a woman incites sexual desire."

The class drew on until, "So now, for fun, I'll just name a few more kinks and fetishes for you, there are voyeurism, BDSM, which stands for bondage domination sadomasochism…Actually, I have a story about that."

He paused.

"Remember that those with spanking or BDSM fetishes like the idea that they are being dominated and some do enjoy the humiliation that can be present in BDSM play. Usually, these are heterosexual males with very important corporate jobs that come with a lot of responsibility." Draco scoffed then covered it up with a cough. "While I was doing some research in Las Vegas, because honestly where else can you find a more willing wizard or witch for sex research? I went to a Dominatrix House or Dungeon as is more widely known. Now in this particular one the Mistresses were very highly trained …spanking, and BDSM can require some physical punishment depending on the client so training is important. Anyway, while I was there interviewing one Mistress, another walked by with her client. Her client in nothing but his pants…on a leash…on all fours. She walked him over to me and demanded I pet his head and call him a good boy. And do you know what I did?" The class was silent, waiting for his answer. "I sure as hell pet his head and called him a good boy!" The class laughed. "Later, that particular Mistress came up to me and thanked me for obliging because her client gave her a thousand dollar tip."

Hermione's head snapped up so quickly it almost locked.

The professor went on about a time when he was in Bristol and one Mistress was given a hundred galleon tip because of a humiliating comment she had made him make towards her client. Hermione began tuning out.

That was all she needed to hear.