
Sorry I've been away so long, I had bad writers block and also I've been having so health issues so my writing has been on the back burner to everything. Anyways I hope you enjoy.


Chapter 38: Wedding Bliss

"Ow... Ow... Ow..." Kitty yelped from behind the screen.

"Are you okay there?" Peggy asked as she picked up a pair of baby pink heels.

Kitty struggled with the dress trying not to prick herself on anymore needles as she wiggles into it. "All I can say is a hope they can get the blood out." Kitty laughed as she zipped up the back of the dress.

"I'm sure they can." Peggy turned to face Kitty as she appeared. Kitty was smiling from ear to ear. The little white dress was going to fit her perfectly once the final alterations were put in.

"What do you think?" She asked doing a little spin, showing of the pale blue crinoline underneath the white satin.

Peggy took her all in; the front was embellished with tiny buttons and the sweetheart neckline gave way to light flower lace cap sleeves.

"I think you need a veil before you can look like a bride." Peggy raised an eyebrow at her.

Kitty shrugged, "I don't particularly want a veil. Maybe just a birdcage veil but that's it." She climbed up on to the pedestal, slipping her feet into the matching light blue heels.

All Peggy could do was sigh as she continued looking at all the veils, "Don't you want that romantic moment where Steve lifts the veil and sees your face just before he kisses you?"

"He can still do that with a birdcage veil." Kitty explained at she lifted her arms so the dress maker could adjust the pins. "Plus it's not like he hasn't seen my face before."

"Your face isn't the only thing he's seen." Peggy snickered under her breath.

"Don't be judging; you and Howard aren't fooling anyone."

Peggy's laughter stopped, her eyes going wide. Turning her back on to Kitty she strutted over to the rack of veils and picked the most over the top veil she could find. "Maybe this will shut you up." Peggy traded as she stuck the veil into the blonde's hair.

Even though the dressmaker was pinning in the final alterations Kitty couldn't stop the fits of laughter that came bubbling up, "And this is why I don't want to wear a veil. Now can you just please pick out a bird cage and we'll be done with it." In the mirror she looked like she was receiving first communion all over again and not getting married.

"Oh fine, ruin my fun." Peggy huffed before going back to the veil rack.

For a few minute there was just silence in the warm little shop. Kitty watched the dressmaker move about her remembering all the times she had done the same to so many other women back in America. "Peggy, I think I'm going to ask Bucky to give me away. Considering, He's the closest thing to a brother I have left."

Peggy turned around passing Kitty a simple birdcage with a few pearls sawing into it. "I think that's only fitting. Have you asked him yet?"

Kitty shook her head as she stepped off the stool, to go back and change into her uniform.

"You better do that soon, the wedding is only a few days away." Peggy told her friend.

"I know it is but the time isn't right. I'm going to ask him tonight though." Kitty explained before thanking the dressmaker, letting her know that she will be picking up the dress tomorrow afternoon. "You've already picked up your dress right?" Kitty quickly asked.

"Yes I've had it for a week." Peggy answered before Kitty's attention was gone again. With all the last minute details for the wedding and the fight with Hydra heating up Peggy was starting to wonder how Steve was managing to keep up with Kitty. Her mind was running a mile a minute. As she waited for Kitty to finish up what she was doing, an army jeep pulled up outside the shop window; two men clad in green hopped down.

The shop door jingled as it was open. "Agent Carter, Second Lieutenant Moldihand. You're needed back at base."

Kitty ears perked up at the sound; all thought of wedding disappearing from her head. "Why, what's the matter?" She asked.

"It's confidential; Colonel Phillips needs you back as soon as possible." The young man explained.

"Alright let's get going then." Peggy hurriedly slipped on her coat, following Kitty out the door.

Meanwhile back at base, the colonel, captain and sergeant were staring down at a set of maps.

"The attack was here," Steve pointed to the French border, "They're trying to cut off our supplies to Remagen. We can't lose that route."

"If we do, we can't get more troops through there to protect that bridge." Bucky explained.

"That's why we're shipping out first thing Saturday morning. All of us." Phillips ordered, "Barnes get these maps cleaned up."

"What do you mean we're shipping out?" Peggy's voice rang out.

"Just what I said Agent Carter, Saturday morning we're heading for Paris. We've got a base there and until this whole thing blows over that's where we'll be. Get your bags packed, and that's the last of it." With that the Colonel took his leave.

Steve was still staring down at the map when Kitty, gingerly reached up kissing his cheek. The fabric of his now well worn army uniform was soft under her hands as she rubbed his back. "Steve what's going on?"

"Hydra attacked the supply line to Remagen. Look, I'm going to be working on logistics all afternoon do you mind getting me some coffee." He couldn't let Kitty see he was having second thoughts about getting married during war.

She nodded, "Yeah, I can do that."

Steve watched as she turned to head down the hall, waiting for her to disappear around a corner. "This wedding couldn't be happening at a worse time..."

"Steve you're not having second thoughts, are you?" Peggy asked leaning back against the table.

Brushing his hair back, only to have it fall right back into place he let out a deep sigh, "I want her to have the wedding she wanted. We're going to have no time to celebrate. We're getting married Friday and then Saturday morning sun up we're shipping out for Paris. I don't know about you Peggy but don't think that's how any bride wants to spend their first days being married."

"Steve, this is Kitty we're talking about. She understands, we're at war as long as you two are together I'm sure she'll understand."

"I'll understand what?" Kitty asked appearing holding a tray of coffee and tea biscuits.

"Nothing," Steve answered taking a cup of coffee.

Kitty could tell by the way Steve was looking at her it wasn't anything; he was trying to hide something. But right now was no time to worry about it, because they had a mission to plan.

"Bucky, take Kitty with you to see Howard. You'll need a hand getting the weapons ready. Peggy, I was you to secure a flight plan and get in contact with our French contacts, we'll need a backup plan in case we can't get into Paris. As for me, I've got to break the news to the other man."

Kitty knew he was all business from that point on; she wouldn't be able to get a word out of him that wasn't about the war until sometime that night.

"Come on Kitty." Bucky waved for her to follow him.

"Yes, coming." She turned her back on Steve leaving him there without so much as a kiss. She followed Bucky down the steps and into the dark underground passages to where Howard's lab was. The lights overhead flickered, casting long shadows on the walls.

Bucky's voice startled her when he finally spoke, "So only a few more days."

Kitty nodded finally falling into pace with him, "Yes, Bucky actually have something to ask you."

"If it's about Steve's behaviour it's just because he's stressed out, don't worry too much."

"No it's not about that at all," She answered furrowing her brow, "I was actually wondering if you would give me away. I know you and my brother were close so I think it would only be appropriate with all things considered."

Bucky raised an eyebrow at her as they paused outside the laboratory doors, "Kitty, I would be honored too."

"Thank you." A large smile crossed her face; however knowing that he was going to give her away didn't ease her worries about her Captain. With the wedding only two sleeps away this was no time for her to be getting cold feet, or for him to be getting cold feet. The mere thought of it broke her heart. She had already lost too many men in her life; she didn't want to lose Steve too.

That afternoon there was barely anytime to stop for a cup of coffee; and they continued their work late into the evening hours.

Pushing her sweaty hair out of her eyes she handed Bucky another cartridge of bullets, when Howard appeared in front of them.

"We're shutting down for the night. Kitty, I'm sure Steve wants to spend tonight with you considering you'll be married in less than 48 hours."

She nodded getting up, and unrolling her sleeves. She hadn't noticed her blouse was speckled with gunpowder and dust from helping get the weapons ready.

"I'll see you in the morning." Bucky told her as she picked up her coat.

"Yes, see you in the morning." With that she took her leave; hoping Steve would be in their room when she got there.

As she emerged into the night air it was cool and crisp in a contrast to the hot stuffy air of the lab. She hurried across the base to the barracks, the melting snow sticking to her shoes. Pushing the doors open, she continued her hurried pace until she was finally standing outside their door. Taking her keys out she carefully unlocked the handle, and opened the door to find that the room wasn't empty. Stepping in and closing the door behind her, she removed her coat. The air of the room was humid, from the running shower water.

Sliding the bathroom door open she found him standing in front of the mirror his shirt off. "Hey there soldier." She whispered wrapping her arms around him from behind. Resting her head over the scar on his back, her hands on his chest.

Steve didn't say anything, but instead covered her hand with his.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, "You seemed so distant today."

Closing his eyes he let out that deep sigh again, "Kitty, is this what you want?"

Her heart pounded in her chest, "What do you mean? You're not having second thoughts are you?" She pulled back from him allowing him to turn.

"God no," He reached out to her, pulling her into his arm, "What I mean, is are you sure this wedding is the way you want it. Are you sure you don't want to wait until after the war?"

Nuzzling her cheek against his hard chest, she took a shaky breath in, "Steve, I can't wait that long because what if you don't make it out. I know we're not going to get to celebrate like we would have if we weren't at war. But every moment I have with you could be my last, and I don't want to spend my life regretting that we waited and it never happened. I want to be your wife Steve." She explained listening to his heart beating steadily.

"Alright. I love you Kitty." He leaned down kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too, Steve." She murmured.

They stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a few more moments. "Kitty, I love you but I think you need a shower. You smell like gunpowder."

Pulling back from him, she finally looked at herself in the mirror. She had smudge powder across her cheek, and her white blouse was turning grey. Laughing she unbuttoned her blouse, "I'll only shower if you'll be joining me Captain."

"Is that an order or a request?" He asked as he watched her strip down in front of him.

"A request, you know I can't give you orders. I'm just a second lieutenant." She murmured as Steve kissed her, guiding her back into the shower.

As Friday's dawn created up over the trees Kitty found herself waking up to an empty bed. Steve had slept in Bucky's room that night; it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before she walked down the aisle. Rolling on her side her eyes fell in her dress that was laid over the chair and her engagement ring resting in the bedside table. By the end of the day she knew she would be Mrs. Rogers; second lieutenant Rogers. Sitting up in bed she stretched and swung her legs off the bed. Stretching she rubbed her eyes and slipped the ring on her finger staring down at it adoringly. Only a few more hours.

As she basked in the pre-matrimonial bliss a knock came at her door. She knew who it was, without having to answer it; Peggy was here to start the preparations.

Meanwhile a floor below Steve lay wide awake on the spare cot in Bucky's room. He had barely slept, all night the nervous had kept him awake. Sitting up he crossed his arms on the cool windowsill and looked out over the now melting snow watching the sun creating over the trees in the distance. Today was the day, he was getting married; to the most beautiful and intelligent woman.

"You didn't sleep did you?" Bucky's voice came from the other bed.

"I got a few hours. Nervous got me." Steve answered continuing to look out the window.

"You better be able to perform for her tonight." Bucky teased slowly sitting up. His head was swimming a little from last night's bottle of whiskey.

"I'm not the one who has to be worried, you better be able to stand through the ceremony." Steve laughed as his held his head in his hands.

"Are you ready?"

"Honestly I'm scared to hell and back. I never thought this was going to happen, I mean a little over a year ago I was little Steve, and..."

Bucky cut him off, "Stop thinking about the past. Steve just think in a few hours she'll be standing beside you forever. In all this hell that war is, you two found each other."

He had never expected Bucky to ever say anything like that to him; the truth be told it was a little bit out of character for him. "Don't go getting all sappy on me there, Buck." Steve smiled. He knew what his friend was trying to say, and that was despite all the darkness there was still a little bit of light left. Everything had worked out in the end for them, and as the clock ticked down neither Steve or Kitty could keep their nerves calm.

"Oh Kitty stop fidgeting." Peggy hushed as they waited in one of the rooms at the back of the church.

"I don't know if I can do this..." She couldn't believe those words were leaving her mouth but at that very moment she could hear the music start playing and her whole body was shaking.

Peggy held her friend by the shoulders, running her hands over the satin covering her skin. "Kitty now is not the time to be getting cold feet."

Kitty looked so nervous her red lips were quivering, and she was turning her eyes to the ceiling, "What if right now isn't the right time?"

"Kitty look at me." Peggy told her, "Steve loves you and you love him. So you are going to go out there walk down that aisle and get married. The war isn't going to wait; you know that he knows that."

Kitty swallowed and nodded, knowing all too well that both her and Steve could very well die tomorrow and never have had the chance at marriage. "Alright." She took another deep breath just as there was a knock on the door.

Peggy let go of her and walked over to the door; opening it only a crack.

"Is she ready?" Bucky's voice was a welcome sounds.

"Yes she is." Peggy smiled opening the door all the way so he could enter.

Kitty felt all the more at ease when she saw Bucky walked into the room. "Are you ready?" He asked smiling down at her.

"Yes, I think so." She answered picking up her small bouquet of flowers. This was the start of her new life, with Steve. Her real life, she knew there was hope now even if the war was still going on.

"You look beautiful." Buck reassured her as Peggy opened the door for them. They waited just hidden out of sight as Peggy walked down the aisle. Kitty practically held her breath as Buck guided her out toward the double doors that lead into the small church. The red carpet was plush under her heels as she took each step. As everyone stood waiting for her she raised her head and saw him; waiting for her at the far end.

Dressed in his dress uniform, his hair was perfectly in place, his big blue eyes watching her as she came closer and closer. He was going to be her husband, and the moment she saw him every worry she had, had was whisked away.

Steve couldn't keep his eyes off her; that short satin dress showed a peek of baby blue crinoline with every step she took and her face was obscured by the netting covered her face but he could still make out her bright red smiling lips. Next thing he knew Bucky was putting her hand in his, and he could finally see her teary blue eyes behind her bird cage.

"If there is anyone who sees reason that these two should not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest spoke loudly as Kitty handed her flowers off to Peggy and she faced Steve once more.

The small church seemed even smaller and time was almost as if it was standing still. Kitty couldn't tell if his hands were shaking to or is she was just shaking that badly; but in the end it wouldn't matter. Neither of them were too focused on what the priest was saying they were lost in each other, until it came time for the vows.

"Steven please repeat after me..." The priest started.

"With this ring,

I give you my promise that from this day forward,

You shall not walk alone.

May my heart be your shelter

And my arms be your home.

May God bless you always.

May we talk together through all things.

May you feel deeply loved, for indeed you are.

May you always see your innocence in my eyes.

I give you my heart.

I have no greater gift to give.

I promise I shall always do my best.

I feel so honored to call you my husband/wife

I feel so pleased to call you mine.

May we feel this joy forever.

I thank God.

I thank you and I love you."

With each line Kitty felt more and more tears welling up in her eyes as Steve slipped the plain silver band on her finger next to his mother's ring that already adorn her finger. And then it was her turn. Kitty made it through the first two lines okay but the rest of the way through her vows she found herself choking on happy tears.

Steve kept resisting the urge the kiss her tears away as they trailed down her face as she slipped his ring on to her hand. That was it they were married, after all the waiting it had finally happened.

"You may now kiss your wife." The priest announced.

Steve lifted the netting the covered her face pulled her close and kissed her. Their first married kiss, it feel so different from every other one they had shared. He could taste the salt from her tears on her lips.

Kitty held on to him for what seemed like forever, memorizing every second of that moment locking it away for safekeeping as he slowly pulled away. She knew once they were alone back at base the celebrations would go long into the night and both would be too exhausted to keep their eyes open during the trip the France the next morning.