Son of the Virgin Goddess, Athena

A/N: If you guys can, when you read this story, think of it being as an Anime on TV or something in a Manga! It would be thought better this way!

Chapter 4: A New Day Approaches, yet it is the Start

I looked at her dance in a meadow we came across to. Her new clothes effortlessly trailing behind.

I made her a new dress that was as grey as my mother's eyes; her shoes now made of the soil by the forest greatly increased her speed.

The only accessory I could make at the time was a pebble necklace I forged.

I looked at her in amazement. She was truly breathtaking. She was 6 years old and yet she is like a goddess herself.

I then came to realize something.

"Child," I called out to her.

She ran to me, "Yes, Lord Erichthonis?" She asked.

"Who are your parents? Feel free not to answer me in any reason you have about it." I asked.

She had a look of confusion, then that of horror and to a frown that I swear that I never want to see happen again. She looked down frightened.

I then realized I had a look of impatience written on my face. "It's okay," I tried to reassure her, "take your time."

She then answered me in a very icy tone and cry, "I-I don't want to talk about it and I'm very sorry for making you impatient Lord Erichthonis." She said it quickly I only caught "I don't want to talk about it."

I then told her, "That is alright Earchinus; I will not force you to answer anything without thought."

I then notice she was shivering, her head still low to the ground.

I sat down on the grass to her level. Like before, I wrapped her in my arms. I ran my fingers in her hair in an attempt to soothe her. She pushed away and I let her do so. "Please, d-don't do that." She referred to me running my fingers through her hair.

I put my hands up signifying defeat, "you have your wish and my word that I will never again do it to you." I then held my hand out. She took it and I placed her on my lap. All I did was holding her tightly.

I went as far as to feel her head if she has a fever, checks out she had none and was just thinking of her past and all those bad memories came flooding in. It greatly upset her and she cried in my chest. I felt guilt stain my heart. Her tears flowed like waterfalls flowing down to whatever lay below it. Her tears that ran off my chest armor and to the ground flowed on top of an ant and drowned it merciless.

I instead said soothing word to comfort her. Nothing sexual in anyway, or that I hope not. My words came what I wanted to say, the right ones to comfort her. In no time soon, we were on our way to a nearby village.

We arrived shortly after Apollo' sun was high in the sky. The sunlight was strong and endurable for me. Earchinus however fell asleep. I carried her on my back. In any way I could, I tried not to wake her up so she wouldn't endure the blazing heat.

The strong rays hit my eyes with no warning. I stumbled but kept my pace. I then was stopped by a fight in front of me.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE SO QUICKLY NORANSUIS? CAUSE I WILL AND CAN CAUSE YOUR DEATH!" Yelled a gruff man holding out a pocket knife.


The man named Liansius glared icily and venomously to Noransuis.

I on the other hand took the last sentence in harshly, and without thinking I asked, "Who was this little girl you speak of, Noransuis?"

The two of them looked at me. I then caught sight of my friend from earth that I play with along with Persephone, Eros, and Persephone, who would not be Noransuis at all, but Nerichius.

I gasped at Nerichius' presence.

I didn't see it coming, but the other one, Liansius, spoke before him. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT OR WHO YOU ARE AND I DON'T CARE, BUT DON'T COME IN ON AN ARGUMENT WITHOUT EXPECTING TO BE KILLED," and without warning he charged at me.

When he was in close range and lifted his hand and arm that was holding the pocket knife and was about to swing down, I jumped out of the way and he struggled to get up. The knife was now embedded in the ground and I so withdrew my sword.

"Didn't anyone teach you manners?" I asked, gaining in on him.

He was still trying to get his knife out of the ground. I raised my sword above my head in an attempt to bring it down with all my strength, but I was stopped by Earchinus. "Don't, he's just an imbecile that isn't worth your time, go talk to your friend and receive answers." Then she silently fell asleep.

I agreed to her words and walked toward my friend, Nerichius.

"Eleutherios, is that you?" He asked and walked toward me.

"Indeed," I answered, then leaned in and whispered, "but not no more Eleutherios whom being called that since no name was given to me at birth and was just called that, but it is now a mortal name or a nickname to what is now my name which would have to be Erichthonis from now on, do you understand my friend?" I explained and asked.

He nodded.

We then caught up. He told me why he became known as Noransuis, which he agreed to be called as a nickname and I told him about my Journey along with Earchinus.

"You are welcome to join my friend, but can you tell me about the young girl the mortal named Liansius spoke of?" I offered and asked.

Nerichius sighed, and then spoke in a low voice. "Yes, I will join you on your journey. That mortal, Liansius, tried to rape a young girl. I was following him one day to get back at him and I didn't expect the unexpected and it lead me to believe that he isn't what he says he is. Anyway, the young girl's name is Tsunamias. She has dark blue eyes, sapphire blue hair and is the daughter of the leader in this village. Good luck trying to see her, she's been courted by suitors from everywhere." He told me. I took the information in.

"Will you do me a favor, and watch Earchinus for me. I want to see if Tsunamias' father will allow her to join us." I asked. Nerichius nodded and relied, "Good luck Erichthonis."

I left the house we were invited into and left for the house the Leader lives in.

I came up a dirt trail where a chariot and five horses greeted me. They seem to know who I was and instead of following the driver's orders to run me over, they moved over for me.

I knocked on the door and was greatly aware of a voice sounding gruff and yelling go away, but instead; young Tsunamias came to the door. I kneeled down to eye level, "Hello young one." I was expecting a voice sounding something like Aphrodite's voice, something bossy, spoiled, and snobbish, but instead she had a sweet and melodic voice, something angelic.

"Who are you?" She asked. I heard and sense what she felt… fear. She was frightened, but not of me.

"I am Erichthonis, son of Athena, but you can call me by my mortal name or sometimes used as a nickname; Eleutherios, but whatever is easier for you." I replied.

She looked at me in suspension. "What are you here for?" She asked again.

"I am to meet you and your father. Where is your father anyway? Shouldn't he be the one to open the doors to a stranger?" I answered and asked.

"He's not here, and I usually open the doors, regardless of what my so called father says." She replied coldly.

"Well child, I wanted to ask your father if you would like to join our journey." I honestly said.

She stepped back in fear. I stood motionless. "No need to be frightened of me." I added. I remembered my last sentence and I mentally and physically hit myself. "Sorry for my last sentence, I meant to say our journey as in me and my friends. You see, and I will NOT lie to you, I have a friend that is about your age and is a priest in training for the goddesses Artemis and Athena. You may ask them yourself and see that I am telling the truth." I reassured.

She got in a praying motion and asked, "Do it with me?"

With no second thought, I also got in a praying motion. Instead of the regular, I spoke into the necklace my mother gave to me.

"Mother, if you hear me, please tell this young child I am here on what I myself have said that is indeed the truth." The jewel glowed in a bright light, and with no second to spare, my mother, and the two goddesses, Hera and Artemis appeared before us.

Tsunamias' eyes grew in wonder and fear. "Do not fear us, Tsunamias." My mother said kindly.

Tsunamias bowed before them.

Hera then spoke, "I know what you went through child, and for your sake I must advise you to join Erichthonis on his and his friend's Journey."

Artemis then said, "We will guide you through any obstacle and I must also add what Erichthonis speaks is the truth, for he nor can we speak false."

Then they disappeared.

She looked at me wide eyed. "Where they really here?" She asked.

I nodded in response and held out my hand.

"Do you believe me now I tell the truth?" I asked. She grabbed my hand without hesitation.

"On order of the Goddesses, I must obey." She said. She came from behind the door. She had long blue sapphire hair and dark blue eyes. Her dress was sea green and her leather sandals were black. All in all, she looked as cute and as beautiful as Earchinus.

Now that I remembered her and Nerichius, we picked her up and placed her on my shoulders.

I was about to walk up the house which Earchinus and Nerichius was in when I was blocked out by the same gruff man from earlier that was fighting with Nerichius.

"Where do you think you're going, theft?" He asked.

I generally would have walked past, but he gave sexual glances at Tsunamias. I then acted on impulse and withdrew my sword.

He stepped back. "One false move and your neck becomes leveled with your shoulders." I warned him.

He cowardly left.

I chuckled and smirked, just like Ares, I thought.

I knocked and the door opened. I stepped inside to see a sleeping Earchinus and a mouth opened Nerichius.

"Y-you got her! How?" He asked. Surprised as he was dumb, I replied that my mother has her ways and that she is to come with us on our journey, after some well needed rest.

The next morning came when Dawn broke out of the clouds. It rained last night and I found out Tsunamias was scared of the rain.

"What did Zeus do now to Hera?" I asked myself when I walked outside.

Some houses were damaged by the high winds, rain, and lightning from the storm last night. All but ours.

An angry voice came out of nowhere, "you must DIE!"