John Reid, or The Lone Ranger as he is more commonly known, paces the small expanse of the prison he has found himself in. Though the room does its best to look inviting, down to a window showing an expanse of familiar desert, it definitely makes one feel more trapped than comforted.
He glances at the item most out of place, the imposing metal door, multiple times as he paces around the room. He seems to be constantly debating, weighing something in his mind. He returns to the stack of folders scattered on his bed, finding one in particular and flipping it open. The first image is a body lying on top of a pile of rubble and that seems to be enough to stop him in his tracks. "Caleb Dean," he almost growls- mind seemingly now made up.
He drops the folder on the floor and makes his way to the door, putting all his weight into pounding against it. "Hey! Hey! I want to talk to your boss!" He waits a moment, but there is no answer. He pounds again. "Hey! Did you hear me?! I said I want to talk to Abbot!" Frustrated, he delivers a solid hit that sends the door swinging open, giving him a clear view of another metal door across from his with the label 'Sebastian' emblazoned upon it.
He puts his back to the door frame and cautiously peeks over his shoulder, seeing only one guard at the very end of the hallway who seems to be very much distracted by some sort of device in his hand. He silently steps out into the hallway, eyes fixed on the guard, and makes his way in the direction. As he starts to pass doors his eyes glance at the plaques emblazoned upon them. "Cruella," he whispers each one he passes, "Sulley. Rafiki. Buzz. Vanellope. Duchess. Stitch. Pl-Pluto."
"He's been here a while," the guard answers. The Lone Ranger whips around, ready for a fight, but the guard doesn't seem threatened in the least. "Probably a year and a half. You got the last room though, so if she keeps this up we might have to start doubling up."
John glances at the door the man is standing in front of. 'Cinderella'. "These, these are all characters?"
The guard nods. "She manages to send a good amount of them back, but some of them... the lesson isn't obvious and so she grows frustrated and then..."he gestures around them. The Lone Ranger takes it all in, clearly struggling. "They're gone for a moment in your world. Sometimes their stay here is a lot longer."
The Lone Ranger goes to say something when a loud, ear-piercing scream belonging to a woman echoes from the door behind the guard. The two stare at one another. "I wouldn't," the guard warns. The scream echoes again and John doesn't hesitate in charging. The guard effortlessly releases his taser as The Lone Ranger blazes past, sending the man to his knees instantly. He convulses for an extended period of time before eventually passing out, the guard grinning smugly as he does. "Can't say I didn't warn you."
Michael Harms is sitting in the catwalks high above the theatre, pouring over one of his textbooks while another on sits open next to him. He stares at the words for a while before closing his eyes and putting a hand over them, taking a few deep breaths. After a moment, he returns to his book once again. The moment he seems to make and sort of progress though, the sound of a guitar comes bouncing off the walls and throwing off his concentration once again.
"Sing it out for the one that'll hate your guts!"
He slams his book closed, rising to lean over the railing. "That list is quickly growing!" The music instantly stops and he shields his hand from the lights to see a startled Jessica Timmermans on the stage. He falters for a minute, completely surprised to see her.
She quickly recovers though- brow immediately furrowing as she stares up in the rafters. "Scare me like that again, asshole, and you can expect a swift and quick expulsion." She immediately starts back towards her case with the guitar- clearly ready to promptly flee the auditorium.
"Wait!" Michael calls as he makes his way over the scaffolding to a ladder.
Jess continues without glancing his way. "I promise you I can and will make it happen!" He jumps down the ladder and lands on the ground near her guitar case.
"Jess…" She finally looks up and see who it is- halting in her tracks. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. And I know about the whole guitar thing, so there's no reason to run away."
She wrinkles her nose and crosses her arms. "I assure you; I had no intention of running away." The two of them both stare at each other before finally she lets out a breath. "There may have been intention to flee before I was recognized. I'm not ready to go public with this aspect of myself yet." She goes to her guitar case.
"You can count on me. Though that was honestly a lot more rock than I was expecting," Michael admits.
"I am in a rock band."
"Which I would know if you told any of us anything about you."
"Some members of our 'group' know that about me. Against my better judgement of course."
Michael snorts. "Well, that makes me feel better about our relationship."
"You shouldn't consider your friends being too nosy about my affairs a relationship. What were you doing up there?" she quickly changes the subject.
Michael holds up his book and journal. "Studying."
"The Doctor was studying in the rafters of the theatre. Were you thrown out of your dorm- not that I really care if you were?"
"No. I just… I'm falling a bit behind and wanted to hide out somewhere I could avoid any distractions."
Both of their phones go off. "They are a very overdramatic bunch. Excepting Lori literally having her throat cut open- that seemed appropriate given the severity."
"I didn't say that."
She throws open her case. "You didn't disagree either." He just sighs and she looks at him. "I have heard that this year for the Pre-Medical program is the most difficult one for any student on this campus. It is normal to feel overwhelmed. And that's not even counting your extracurricular antics."
"I'm handling it," Michael tries to make clear.
Jess shrugs. "I don't really care. But… before you end up in a situation that compromises your entire future you should consider talking to our 'fearless leader'. I'm sure she'll understand- especially with the depth of your relationship. Kaity calls you The Golden Trio as I'm sure you're aware."
Michael is adamant. "I can't. I need to be there for her no matter what. I'll handle it. I have to." Jess looks puzzled by his words, but finally shakes them off to put her guitar back when something in it makes her pause. "What?"
She wordlessly reaches into the case and holds up a very familiar ornate bronze lamp. Michael pulls out his phone to check the text and nods. "I haven't the slightest idea why the crazy seems extra attached to me." She thrusts the lamp into his hand before placing her guitar in the case and locking it. "You should get that to her before she starts assigning 'Split Ups'."
She starts out of the theatre and he calls after her. "You're not coming with?!"
"Need to drop this off first. Can't have every Companion knowing my business- too many do for my comfort right now." She turns in his direction before he can speak again. "And don't worry- I won't tell her. I never do."
Michael doesn't quite know how to take that. "I… that's comforting I suppose. Thanks."
"Be careful though, Michael. Honestly, I don't want you to fail. It's obvious that she does need you… just perhaps not in the capacity you're valuing." With that, she's gone. Michael considers the lamp a moment before pulling out his phone.
Finally, he puts the lamp into his bag after sending out a text and makes his way out of the theatre. "I have no idea how Hannah does it."
So Follow Me Down
Lori Fitzgerald stands with a glowing Disney Encyclopedia, eyes narrowing. She makes her sword appear and pulls out her phone.
Where To?
Charlie Prescott examines his map and grabs his flashlight from the closet.
Outta This Town
Hannah Frost is typing away at her computer when she receives the message and leaps off to grab her coat.
With You
Ben Prescott adjusts his tie as he wheels himself out the door.
Girl, You're Movin Way Too Slow
Kaity Klingbeil is drawing pictures of the group absently in her dorm room when her phone vibrates, instantly grabbing her attention.
So Follow Me Down
Michael Harms grabs his First Aid backpack and throws it on his shoulders, waving to Jen and Sara as he goes.
Which Way?
Finch Hale is in class with Robert and Karen when she puts the two fingers to her temple and her eyes glaze.
Down, Down, Down
Rachel Ellis is performing onstage when her phone rumbles in her boot.
I'll Show You Around
Andrew Parker runs out the door, nearly tripping, removing his magician's cap from his head.
Jess Timmermans strides out of the Art Building at her own pace, clearly annoyed.
There's a Place We Gotta Go
Follow Me, Follow Me
Fa La La La La
Lori, Charlie, Hannah, Michael, Ben, Kaity, Finch, Rachel, Andrew, and Jess are all running through the preserve in a tight group, eyes looking every which way.
Follow Me, Follow Me
Fa La La La La
Lori comes to an abrupt halt and the others crash into her, sending them all to the ground.
Lori Disney? (Not Likely!)
Episode Ten: Greater Than All the Magic
The lamp now sits atop the table in the living room of Lori Fitzgerald and Hannah Frost's dorm. Both of them sit on the couch staring at it with the assembled Companions including Jess, Michael, Ben Prescott, Charlie Prescott, Rachel Ellis, Andrew Parker and Finch Hale.
Lori takes a deep breath and everyone's eyes instantly turn to her. "Alright." She reaches out and picks the lamp up. "I guess it's me?"
Charlie snorts. "Of course it's you." Lori seems to disagree as she holds the lamp hesitantly in front of her.
Andrew puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Fitz, it's your magical book. This is only fair. Nothing to feel guilty about. Scout's honor," he finishes with a squeeze before letting go. Lori's expression becomes a smile as she nods- the two of them sharing a little moment. Hannah meanwhile elbows Charlie and the two exchange smiles that makes Michael shake his head.
Lori pulls the lamp closer and takes a deep breath before rubbing the side of it. Nothing happens for a moment and as Lori looks at is confused blue sparks suddenly shoot out into her face. She drops it coughing as blue smoke pours out and starts to fill the room. Everyone backs up as a shape starts to emerge- Finch with a fist at the ready that Hannah pushes down.
"And stretch!" a booming voice shouts at the figure takes form into a very familiar blue Genie. He reaches his arms into the air only to hit the tile of the ceiling. "But not too much apparently." He glances around. "Well, someone certainly did some redecorating since the last time I saw the Cave of Wonders." He turns into a version of Martha Stewart flipping through paint swatches. "I'm thinking white, concrete and a general air of hopelessness with a hint of imprisonment."
Everyone but Finch laughs at that- causing the group to earn his attention as he turns back. "Oh wow. Looks like the gang's all here. Glad I got an invite to the party- hope it's okay that I'm fashionably late. You know how traffic can be. I did bake brownies though." An oven appears behind him that dings. He pulls out a plate of brownies and puts them on the table. "Eat up. You guys look like starving college students."
"We are," Hannah agrees as everyone but Finch reaches to grab one off the plate. "Hence the general air of hopelessness," she adds with her mouth full. Jess gives her a hard look that she just waves off. "What? It's the Genie. He doesn't care. These are amazing!"
"So it seems clear the room knows who I am, but I'm going to need some names." He points at Lori. "Let's start with the lovely lady who rubbed the lamp." He floats around her- looking her up and down. "I'm guessing Abby? Molly? No, don't tell me- Lindsey?"
Lori swallows her brownie bite and extends a hand that he shakes. "Lori, actually. Lori Fitzgerald."
Genie flies back to the other side of the room with a gasp so loud it makes the entire room jump. "No. No way. I can't believe it. L-Lori Fitzgerald. THE Lori Fitzgerald?!"
"That's her," Charlie informs him.
Genie swoons. "Somebody catch me because I'm going to faint!" A familiar tune starts in the background as if out of nowhere and Genie shoots up with his smoke trail becoming a microphone. "Lori Fitzgerald, allow me to tell you what an honor it is."
Lori is floated back to the couch as purple and blue lights start pulsing as if from nowhere. "Well, there's a story that my land tells of a girl completely beyond compare. If you ever get stuck somewhere you don't know just look for the magic book and curly hair." Lori is clearly delighted by this as he starts teleporting about the room to her Companions. "See when you find yourself here, she'll say- Now listen here let's see what this lesson will be? I'll take care of you- risk my neck- you ain't never had a friend like Lori."
He continues to perform as everyone slowly but surely finds themselves up and dancing around the room- Lori clearly embarrassed by his words but enjoying herself. "So allow me to be slack-jawed, buggy-eyed. She's the answer to all my midday prayers. So, I got a powerful urge to help you in any way I possibly can. For everything you've done for us it's the very least we can do for you. Miss Lori, take a wish or two or three. I'm on the job, so honored I could sob. You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend- "
He starts snapping his fingers and the whole room becomes a grand stage where animals dressed to resemble the various Companions start appearing and dancing- including an elephant dressed like tiny Kaity with hair over one eye and a camel that resembles Michael. Everyone starts letting loose even more besides a confused Finch and Ben as he can't help but look down. "You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend. You ain't never had a friend like Lori!"
Suddenly, everything disappears and the group is merely seated on the couch and chairs once again with Genie leaning on the table in front of them. "You ain't never had a friend like Lori, hah." They all burst into thunderous applause before the sign even flashes above his head- Lori laughing so hard she's holding her side and crying.
"I have to admit, that was something," Jess even admits with a rare smile.
Charlie can't stop giggling himself. "Did you see that elephant? Kaity's going to be so mad she missed it."
"I don't see how this performance warranted such a large reaction," Finch comments when they've settled a bit. Everyone turns to look at her almost appalled and she shrugs. "Maybe my humor is not sophisticated enough, but I do not find this particular character to be very humorous."
Everyone lets this sit a moment before Lori turns to Hannah. "You need to look into her programming. She's clearly broken."
"Clearly," Hannah agrees. Finch can only shrug.
Genie turns into Roger Ebert. "Everybody's a critic." He turns back and comes next to Lori. "Now I know your drill- you and I help each other and I get sent back like nothing ever happened. But let's make sure that you know mine. You get- "
"Three wishes," Lori interrupts. "But there are rules."
"No wishing for more wishes," Charlie supplies.
"No making people fall in love," Hannah adds while blowing a kiss.
"No killing and no bringing people back from the dead," Michael finishes. "Because you don't like doing it."
Genie nods to himself. "Color me impressed. At least a few students here do their homework. A few to add for this world though- this world isn't really brimming with magic. So as much as I would love to have you all pass the lamp around and make wishes I don't think I can manage that. I think one person is all we're going to get."
"Could you have without the song number?" Ben inquires. Genie points a finger at him and tries to think of a response. "I'm just messing with you."
"We'll manage," Lori agrees.
"The second is that the book that brought me here has more powerful magic than even me."
Lori frowns. "And thus you can't do anything about it?"
He shakes his head before cracking his knuckles with some sparks coming out. "Let's hear it then. What kind of wishes does the great Lori Fitzgerald have on her mind?"
The whole room turns to Lori once again. "I have no idea," she admits. "It's something I definitely have to think about a bit. Maybe we can all brainstorm for the night and see what we come up with in the morning? If that's okay with you? I mean I don't want to inconvenience you after you literally put on a musical number about me."
He taps his chin. "Let's think about this- hang out in a whole new world with the coolest people or be confined to my lamp with only myself for company? Ding ding! Of course you can think about it! Now let's see where I'll be crashing. I'm think mani-pedi's tonight but we might have to stick just to manicures since I don't have feet." Hannah and Lori both laugh at that as they lead him towards the guest room with Charlie following.
Michael turns laughing to see Finch straight-faced as ever. "Seriously Finch?"
"And people think my emotions are broken," Jess even mutters under her breath as Finch can only shrug.
The next morning, Lori and Hannah enter the cafeteria for breakfast and grab trays. "I'm just saying if he wants to redecorate a little while he's in the guest room he's more than welcome," Hannah continues their conversation. "I was not suggesting we make a wish out of it." She grabs the last stack on pancakes and adds them.
"Good," Lori nods. "Because I'd be worried about the depths of your imagination if that was all you could come up with. That could mean really dull things for the future of this school." She grabs the pancakes off of her tray and puts it on her own. Hannah rolls her eyes good naturedly.
"You're lucky I'm forced to co-exist with you."
Lori gives her a wide smile as she goes for the cereal. "You chose this life."
"I'm pretty sure this life chose me." The two of them head to their usual table where everyone is assembled and digging in. Charlie slides a tall plate of pancakes Lori's way.
"I saw they were running low. I wanted to make sure you could stay awake in Physics."
Lori ruffles his hair. "You're my favorite person."
Hannah quickly snatches the plate before Lori can grab it, passing the cereal onto Finch's empty one to her confusion. "And mine as well right now. I take everything back."
"No, you don't," Lori says with her mouth full of pancake.
Hannah points her fork at her. "You're right. I don't." She starts eating too as Charlie pulls a list out of his backpack.
"No," Lori protests. "It's too early for Physics!"
Charlie laughs. "It's not homework- well not school homework. It's possible wish options I came up with for Genie."
Jess reaches for it. "Wow. Clearly you've got a lot of hopes and dreams."
"None of them are for me," Charlie shakes his head. "I'm good."
"So am I," Lori follows after finally swallowing. "So cross any off that list that have to do with me." Jess takes out a pen and starts doing just that with no argument.
Michael frowns. "Lores- "
"No, Doctor. There are a lot of more important things than making my life easier. Like giving Rachel her sight back."
Jess taps the paper. "That's near the top." She turns to the actress. "Well, are you going to altruistically and stupidly sacrifice magical gain?"
Rachel shakes her head. "Not really. I mean… I'd definitely have to do some soul searching and give it some thought before agreeing. But I'm not saying no if that's an option on the table right now."
"It's definitely an option," Lori assures her. "We could get rid of DIZ and their influence on this school for good."
Finch puts her two fingers to her temple. "Negative. Their presence on campus is so limited at this point I feel that would be an inappropriate use of resources. We can handle the volume as they are right now."
Andrew takes this moment to speak up what he's been thinking. "Speaking of DIZ, what about The Lone Ranger? Since the book seems to have desire no… no desire to send him home maybe the Genie can do it for us. We still haven't been able to get in contact with him at all. I'm honestly worried about him." Lori makes eye contact with him, clearly in agreement.
Ben clears his throat. "What about Kaity? Let's keep it to this table for right now before we start throwing other names out there." Andrew does his best to not argue and listen. "This year has been absolute hell for her so far. She deserves a chance at normalcy as much as Rachel does."
Rachel clearly takes offense to that. "Okay. She was born with Bipolar Disorder. I was blinded by a Disney villain due to a magical book. Not quite the same."
Ben looks offended himself. "Are you saying she doesn't deserve a wish?"
Andrew puts a hand out between the two, beating Lori to it. "She's not clearly. Everyone deserves a wish. But I honestly don't think she'll go for it."
Ben narrows his eyes at him. "I don't think you know her better than I do." Andrew puts his hands up, backing down. "I'll talk to her this afternoon. She's on the table."
Andrew speaks up again. "If we're keeping this to Companions, then I'm table off… off the table." He makes eye contact with Lori. "I need to work through this germ thing on my own terms. It feels like too much of a cop out to just wish everything away. It's like the speech thing." Hannah looks between the two of them before raising her eyebrows at a smiling Charlie as the two of them have their moment.
Lori gives him a gentle smile. "Good with the bad. Okay." Jess crosses him off the list. "So right now we have Rachel, The Lone Ranger and maybe Kaity if she's okay with that. If I can count that makes three."
"We're not wasting a wish on The Lone Ranger," Ben argues.
Jess nods. "I find myself agreeing with Ben. I think you owe it to my father to use the third wish on him."
Hannah gives her a look- curious. "Oh. You're throwing yourself into the ring too?"
She doesn't back down. "I am. My father may not understand me, but he is my father. And he has the position he has desired for his entire life threatened by elements outside of his control and within yours. I honestly feel you owe it to our family to make sure your choices do not ruin his life." Lori is clearly swayed by her argument. She turns back to Hannah. "Feel free to point out any logical disagreements with my argument. Not that I'll care about your opinion."
Hannah shakes her head. "No. You have a good point. Definitely worth keeping on the table." No one speaks for a long moment.
"I don't mean to come across as selfish," Jess somehow finds herself saying. She almost looks a bit conflicted, especially when looking in the direction of Lori and Andrew. "I just needed to make my point on the matter come across strong so it would be recognized for its importance."
"It is important," Lori agrees. "Don't worry, President's Daughter. You're fine."
Jess's mouth becomes a thin line. "If I had more wishes, I would make it so that those words could never come out of your mouth again."
Lori winks. "Good thing we've only got three then."
Jess rises. "On that note, I think I will head off to class. I look forward to this continuous debating until you finally step up to make a decision after a prolonged period of innocuous arguing." She starts off.
Lori shovels in the last bite of her pancakes. "I think I'd honestly be insulted if it wasn't true. And she says she can't read people." She takes the list from the open spot. "Alright. I'll think it over today and we'll reconvene tonight. I think we covered all our big options dealing with the book. We already know wishing it away would be impossible due to its magic being so strong. Because of course it is."
No one notices Ben almost flinch at that, looking down at his legs and gripping the wheels of his wheelchair. "I need to get to class." He starts to wheel himself away with clear frustration with everyone else following until only Lori, Andrew and Hannah remain.
"I'll see you in a few," Lori waves a reluctant Charlie off. "I have to pop back into the room anyway. This talk of homework reminded me I left mine on my desk." He shakes his head and heads out the door with Michael. She rises with Andrew and Hannah following.
"We should also add Ben to the list," Andrew says suddenly. "At least talk to him about it. Things have been more difficult for him then he on lets… lets on. I still think The Lone Ranger should be priority, but I defer to whatever decision make you… you make."
Lori nods, looking at the list again. "Charlie has him on here as well. The fact he didn't bring it up makes me wonder but I'll definitely talk to him about it."
"Better you than me," Andrew shrugs before heading off.
"Again, might be insulting if it wasn't completely true." Lori turns to Hannah and sees her staring at the familiar chair that always sits empty. "Hey," she says gently to earn her attention. "In a heartbeat if I could. My first wish. No hesitation."
She wipes a tear from her eye before taking Lori's hands in her own. "I know."
"He would have some really good ideas about the wishes. Plus, he'd be able to make sure they were legally binding."
Hannah chuckles a bit. "He definitely would." She releases Lori's hand and goes to put her tray away with Lori following. "Whatever you choose though, he'll be proud of. He always thought nothing but the best of you."
"Definitely gave me more credit than I deserved."
Hannah shakes her head. "No. You just never give yourself enough. It's part of what makes you completely impossible." With that, the two of them exit the cafeteria and start back to the dorm in comfortable silence. "Love you, Lori."
"Right back at you."
It is early the same afternoon at the hospital as Kaity Klingbeil is having her vitals checked by one of the many nurses on the floor. The doctor stands next to her bed observing the proceedings and to her chagrin both her mother and father stand tensely on the other side. Her mother reaches out and squeezes her daughter's hand- Kaity making a concentrated effort not to just pull away.
The nurse pulls away with a kind smile. "Vitals are stable." Her parents let out a sigh of relief.
"It seems we're doing much better Kaity," her doctor addresses her. "You say- "
"No hallucinations for at least a week," Kaity repeats for the hundredth time. "I think we're back to a plateau again. Which means you can start getting my discharge papers together because I've got somewhere I'd kind of like to be."
The nurse smiles. "Oh? Where's that?"
"Literally anywhere but here."
"Kaitlyn!" her mother chastises her. Kaity just shrugs- blonde hair draping in front of one of her eyes. The nurse merely gives a forced smile before exiting the room. The doctor steps closer to the bed.
"I'm more than happy to move things forward and get you released," he agrees. "But there is one thing I want to do first before that happens. Your chart shows that this is your second visit since starting school this year. I don't feel comfortable releasing you until you've been fully evaluated by the psychiatric staff here with a possible referral." He can see Kaity immediately go to argue. "I'm afraid this is going to be non-negotiable. I know you're seeing someone at school, but we have to make sure your unique set of needs are being properly attended. You're not taking an easy road and I want to do everything we can to make sure we help with that."
Kaity's mom puts an arm around her. "I completely agree. Everyone back home is so worried about you. And I'm sure your friends and Ben are as well. If you don't do this for yourself- then at the very least do it for them."
Kaity considers a moment before turning back to the doctor. "Fine. One visit. But only so I can get back to school with my friends." The doctor accepts this agreement and heads out to leave Kaity with her parents. Her dad gives her a kiss on the top of her head.
"I'm proud of you."
She genuinely smiles at that, leaning back to a more relaxed position. "Thanks Dad."
Her mother cuts in on the moment. "Kaity, this might be really good for you. Maybe she'll have some suggestions you'll actually listen to about managing your feelings back at school."
She turns to glare at her mother. "I told you, I'm not breaking things off with Ben."
"I'm merely suggesting that some time to yourself might- "
"I'm not breaking up with Ben! And I'm not taking more time to myself! My friends… they're more than just friends. Sometimes they're the only thing that gets me through the day. I need them. Mom, I know it seems hard to believe with where I am… but I'm happy. I found my… I found some really important people. And I'm not giving them up for anything." She almost starts to tear up. "Please, don't ask me to give them up."
Kaity's mom goes to speak but her father gently cuts in. "Of course, we'd never ask you to give up your friends." He wraps an arm around her. "They clearly mean a lot to you just like you do to them." No one notices Ben wheel into the room with a bouquet of flowers on his lap. "I really like that Andrew boy. He seems like a keeper." Ben comes to a halt, grimace forming. "You could do a lot worse.
Kaity bats him away. "Dad! We don't think of each other like that at all. Besides, he has feelings for someone else and Ben is my guy." Her dad nods, something unspoken passing between them. Ben clears his throat and they all turn to see him. "Ben!" He starts to lean forward when the flowers fall from his lap. He desperately tries to pick them up only to run over them slightly with one of his wheels. Finally, Kaity's mother walks over and helps him pick them up to his clear embarrassment.
"Sorry," he mutters, straightening his tie.
Kaity doesn't seem to care at all- opening her arms and practically climbing into his lap as he wheels beside her. "Hi."
He pulls her close, smiling. "Hey."
She gives him a quick kiss, seemingly aware her parents are there. "You just missed the doctor. Looks like I should need a ride home in the next few days."
"That's great!" He hands her the flowers and she scrambles to put them in a vase next to her bed- completely ignoring any damage done to them. He turns to her mother and father. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Klingbeil."
Her father shakes his hand. "Good to see you again, Ben. You're just in time. Kaity's mom and I were just about to go down to the cafeteria and grab a late lunch."
He starts guiding his confused wife out of the room. "We were?"
"Of course we were. Let's give the two of them a moment alone," he stage whispers in a manner that both Kaity and Ben clearly hear. Kaity's mom seems to give in and soon the two disappear around the corner. Kaity lets out a huge sigh of relief.
"Thank God." She turns to Ben with a wide smile. "So, tell me everything. How did the wish meeting go? Did you guys settle on anything? What is he like? I just… I can't believe I'm missing the Genie right now. Literal magic incarnate and I'm trapped in a hospital bed. I wish I got to meet him. I get why you didn't bring him though- Andrew barely got away with having Roger Rabbit here."
"He's pretty entertaining I have to admit. He had everyone in stitches when Jess brought him in… except for Finch." Kaity goes to say something. "Don't worry- literally everyone is giving her all the grief you can imagine."
"Good. I mean, who doesn't find the Genie funny? Something must be defective in her projection data or some other fancy words only Hannah would understand."
"As for the wishes, nothing conclusive yet. Genie seems to believe he could only manage one person's three with how lacking our world is in magic. So, of course, Lori is trying to take in all of her options since everyone seems to think it's completely her call to make."
Kaity looks a little confused by his tone. "What do you mean? Of course they're her wishes. He came out of her magic book. She's our leader and quite frankly the one who has dealt with the most shit because of all of this. But we know we're going to have to literally force her to make a wish that affects her in any way with how she is." She can see Ben is still deep in thought. "Honestly, I think it's really cool of her to hear everyone out still and try to make the best decision for everyone."
Ben doesn't say anything for a moment. "She can't have the thing that she obviously wants the most though." He doesn't have to say anything more. Kaity tears up a bit but wipes her eyes. "So, we're stuck between giving Rachel back her sight or Jess wanting us to make sure her dad doesn't get fired. We wondered if we could send DIZ packing but that one has lower priority right now. Speaking of, Andrew suggested that we send The Lone Ranger home. Said it was the least we could do after the vote." Kaity looks guilty at that statement. "Hey, we did the right thing. We're dealing with enough as it is."
"I wonder sometimes," she admits. "Andrew says Lori hasn't been able to get in touch with him at all."
Ben clearly wants the subject to change. "Your name came up too."
She looks confused. "My name? Why? I'll be out of the hospital in a day or two so there's no reason to waste it on me." He looks at her for a long moment before she catches on. "Oh." She takes a moment, looking down and processing for about a minute, before looking back up at him with a determined expression. "No."
He lets out a sigh. "Kaity… it's completely your decision."
"Good. No." He gives her a look. "Ben, I appreciate all of you thinking of me and wanting to help me. But this… it's who I am. I don't even know who I would be without my Bipolar Disorder- it's a constant. My constant. And maybe- maybe there was a time I would have agreed. A time I would have been more than happy to banish this admittedly extremely difficult set of circumstances from my world. To make things easier for my family." She takes his hand. "But you and the rest of the Companions, you've shown me that you'll love me no matter what happens. That you like and accept me completely for who I am for the first time in my life. Andrew, Lori, you- everyone. With you guys by my side I feel like I can do or be anything. I am who I am… and that's finally okay."
He completely cracks, pulling her into him. "It is. I love you."
"I love you too. More than you know." She pulls back, resting her head on his chest. "Now you go back and make it clear. No wishes on me. I've got so much more than I ever dreamed. Everything I could need- especially right now."
Ben looks over her at the flowers, mind clearly going a mile a minute. "Understood." They both sit there for a long moment before he speaks up again. "Who does Andrew like?" Kaity snorts. "You told your parents he's interested in someone else. But he turned down that date with that girl in his class."
Kaity pats his chest. "I think I'll leave you in suspense for now. Try using those eyes some time, okay? It's pretty obvious."
Meanwhile, Lori sits in her dorm typing up some sort of paper for class while Hannah is messing with something on her laptop from her desk. Charlie is sitting with Genie- the two of them playing a game of chess as rapidly as they can.
"Checkmate!" Genie announces while hitting the clock. Charlie goes to take his turn. "I have to say this is kind of nice. I'm used to just appearing and granting the wishes. I don't think I've ever really gotten to know my masters before."
Lori doesn't even look up as she makes her comment. "I thought we agreed that word was banned."
Genies gestures a thumb over her shoulder. "Like that. No one had ever done that before." He takes his move and hits the clock again. "But I always heard she was one of a kind."
Charlie shrugs. "I don't know. I think there might be other exceptions to the rule out there. Checkmate."
"I'll believe it when I see it, little man." He takes a move and then Charlie follows with one that wins him the game. "Ooh, you're good. I lost to a teenager. I must be rusty." He turns into a version of the Tin Man. "Oil can."
Everyone laughs and he clears the board for a rematch when Andrew enters the room. "Door was open so I myself invited in… invited myself in."
Lori looks up from her work. "No problem Andy. You're always welcome."
He makes his way over to her desk. "Can I borrow you for a minute Fitz? I might have an idea for this wish thing but I don't want to bother anyone."
Lori rises. "Sure. Let's go to the living room." The two head out the door, her closing it behind them, as Hannah and Charlie exchange conspiratorial glances. Genie looks between the two of them and gets a wide smile.
"So… is there a bet going?"
Hannah nods. "I say by November. Charlie's playing the long game and thinking not until next year."
"Loser has to buy dinner," Charlie adds.
Genie nods, thinking. "Well, I don't think I'll be around long enough to see the end result but I think I'd lean more towards Hannah." Hannah does a small bow while Charlie snorts.
"We'll see. She is notorious for dragging her feet when it comes to things that make her happy."
Meanwhile, Lori and Andrew take a seat on the couch. He pulls out a piece of paper he has scribbled all over. "I was thinking about what Jess said at breakfast today. Because she has a point- despite our best efforts and your good intentions we end up doing a lot of damage to campus."
"Look no further than the new science wing," Lori clearly agrees.
"So that got thinking me… me thinking. What if we could make a wish that made it so that there was no collateral damage? That anything having to do with the book and the characters doesn't leave a mark on this world." Lori nods, clearly into the idea. "And what if that extended to people as well? It could be a protection so there wouldn't be another Rachel or Ben or…"
"Or Caleb."
He nods. "I worked all morning and I think I found the wording perfect… perfect wording." He slides the paper towards Lori and she picks it up to look it over. "A catch-all to keep the campus and the people on it safe- including Jess's dad. It wouldn't change what has happened… but maybe it could change what will happen. Something to honestly take as much weight off of your shoulders as I can."
Lori reads for a moment. "Wow. This- this is perfect. I didn't- this is exactly what I was looking for and I didn't even know it. Thank you." She folds the paper and tucks it in her pocket, leaning back and stretching. "That's one then. Two left and the prime candidates right now are Rachel's eyesight and hopefully The Lone Ranger if I could swing it." The two sit in comfortable silence for a moment before she looks at him. "What would you wish for? If they were your wishes and you had no one else to worry about."
He takes a moment, looking down at his hands. "That I was brave like you." Lori clearly has something to say but recognizes he needs a moment so he can continue. "I would wish that I was brave enough to tell you what happened to me."
"You know I don't need- "
"I do," he gently interrupts. "I know you don't need me to tell you. But me for… for me it will always be something… I'm so broken Fitz. I think no one really has any clue how much- I'm pretty good at hiding it. And I know- I know you're so good you couldn't possibly hate me for it. You're the best person I know and I trust you. But… I'm still scared. Scared that you'll be like everyone else home back… back home. Because… because there's a reason I'm here with you guys and not them. The way they look at me… it would kill me if you did too."
The two of them just stare at each for a long time. "I really want to hug you right now," she finally breaks the silence.
"Me too," he answers, voice actually cracking a bit. He rises and heads for the door. "I'll see you soon Fitz." He starts to turn the handle when her voice stops him.
"I don't- I don't think I'm anywhere near what you make me sound like. But if you ever need to borrow some of my bravery- I'd lend it to you as much as you need without a second thought." He doesn't turn to her but does nod before heading through the door. She falls back into the couch with a deep sigh, wiping the tears that have formed in the corners of her eyes.
"He thinks you're brave," she whispers to herself.
A little later in the afternoon, Jess and Hannah both enter the President's home on the edge of campus. Jess walks in with a clear mission while Hannah moves much slower and looks around the place. She looks down to see Jess is now giving her a look. "Sorry. I just expected it to be… grander."
Jess snorts. "We're not millionaires. Even the President of a college is subject to the underpaid woes of the American education system. But I'm sure you're plenty aware of the struggle you'll be fighting your whole career."
"Thanks for reminding me," Hannah jokes. Jess climbs up the stairs to her room, but gestures for Hannah to wait when she goes to follow. Hannah instead makes her way over to a row of family photos- smiling at the sight of a young Jess sitting on her father's lap in his office.
She jumps as Jess speaks from behind her. "That was when he first got the job and we moved in." She turns to her Vice President who now has a folder clutched under her arm. "It was honestly the happiest I've ever seen him. That… that was honestly one of my favorite days."
Hannah regards the picture again before seeming to make a decision. "We need to make the wish for your dad. It has to be one of the wishes Lori makes."
"I appreciate your solidarity on the matter, but ultimately we are not going to be the ones who make the choice."
Hannah turns to her. "Lori listens though." She snorts when Jess gives her a sharp look. "I mean… she listens when it comes to things that are important. Like with The Lone Ranger. You wanted a vote and she gave you a vote. I think we have a chance if you talk to her- especially if I'm there to help and fight for you."
Jess honestly looks a little surprised. "You would do that?"
"Of course. You're my- "
"Vice President. Of course."
Hannah puts a kind hand on her shoulder. "I was actually going to say friend." Jess clearly doesn't know how to take that. "You can count on me to have your back, okay?"
Jess takes a step back, something clearly bothering her as she plays with a strand of her red hair. Hannah just looks at her puzzled, not used to seeing this out of her. "I'm not a good person."
Hannah's frown becomes even deeper. "I don't understand. What would make you say that?"
The Vice President is clearly struggling. "It's just… you all… and I'm… I'm not like you." She can see she's made her point no clearer and lets out a noise of frustration. "Why can't I do this?!"
Hannah just patiently waits her out. "It's okay. Take your time."
"That!" Jess points at her. "That right there! You all just… you say things like that. And you fight witches in mirrors. And you dive into shark infested waters after each other. And you give up wishes for yourselves. You put each other before yourselves with such consistency. But I'm… not."
"I think you're being too hard on yourself," Hannah disagrees. "Lori was not always the person she is now. It took her a long time to get there. It took all of us together to make us who we are."
Jess shakes her head. "No. There's… you all have something I don't. Something inside you that makes you do the stuff… that makes you heroes." She has finally found the word she's looking for. "You're heroes. You're not selfish. And I am. I'm just starting to think… I know I'm not the hero type. And for some reason I find myself caring. I don't want to, but I do." She looks at the ground.
"Well, I have faith in you." She looks back up and to Hannah's surprise there's the beginning of tears in her eyes. "And I mean it. You'll get there. I know you will. You'll find what you're looking for even if you don't know quite what it is." She takes a step forward and pulls a tissue from a box of a nearby end table. "Now come on. Jess Timmermans, Vice President, does not cry."
Jess nods, taking it. "No. She certainly does not." She wipes under her glasses before giving Hannah a smile. Hannah smiles back.
"Now, what did you drag me here for?" she asks, changing the subject as Jess gathers herself.
Jess holds up the folder. "I had my dad pull the numbers from the approval poll on the school site."
"We have approval numbers already? It's been a few weeks."
She opens the envelope up. "I had him put it up."
"Of course you did." Jess looks at the paper as she pulls it out. "Well, VP?"
"We're holding steady at 88%. Not perfect but certainly not bad. I'm sure we will continue to win those who doubt our campaign over to our side as we progress. Now let's use this motivation to go make some plans… and get out of here before I have to face either of my parents. That is something I am in no mood to handle today."
They start for the front door. "And I ask for your word that Lori doesn't know of my… outburst here. It's not the image I'm trying to give her. I know you are roommates and I don't want-"
"Completely between us. Until I can tell you that I told you so, because then I'm going to be celebrating so loud everyone's going to know." Hannah winks at her as the two exit, Jess locking the door before they start down the path.
"Thank you."
"Ah, don't mention it. It's a friend thing. You'll get used to it eventually." Jess doesn't immediately disagree and continues to walk in silence which just makes Hannah's smile grow even wider.
The next morning, Kaity is packing her suitcase as quickly as she can. She has put her sweatshirt and sweatpants back on- hospital gown discarded on the floor beside her bed. Ben wheels into the scene with a large smile- only to come to a stop when he sees the scene in front of him.
"Umm… I got your message that you were discharged," he says, clearly in doubt based on the scene in front of him.
Kaity pushes the hair from in front of her eye. "I know how this looks, but I promise I was." She holds up the paperwork to prove it. "I just do not want to spend another moment in here if I can help it." She starts pushing on the suitcase to close it but struggles.
"Let me help." Ben wheels forward and pushes on the suitcase so she can zip it shut. "What about your parents?"
Kaity shrugs. "I texted them- let them know you'd be taking me home. They want to do dinner with the two of us before we head back. But for now they seem to be off my case as long as I keep seeing the psychiatrist they assigned me. He's actually pretty okay." She shows off a card before pocketing it. "I have to see him in his office next week." Ben pulls the suitcase off the bed. "Let me get that."
She runs over and picks up the suitcase from him, immediately noticing the frown that appears. "What's wrong?" He opens his mouth and her eyes narrow. "Benjamin Prescott, something is wrong so don't you dare. Whatever it is, we can handle it together." She takes a seat on the bed. "I never thought I'd say this but we are not leaving this room until you talk to me."
Ben lets out a sigh before wheeling beside the bed. "I want Lori to use one of her wishes for me. I'm trying to be okay with everything that's happened but- "
"But you want your legs back," Kaity finishes easily.
Ben nods. "Everyone is being all self-sacrificing and saying they don't want to put their stuff before anyone else's. But… they immediately thought of Rachel. She was the top of their list. My life is completely changed because of that book too. And no one seems to care or notice how hard my life is. They act like this is normal. I can't talk about it either because then I just look like a selfish asshole."
Kaity can see he's getting worked up and climbs into his lap. He pulls her to him before continuing. "Lori owes me a wish. She owes me for what happened just as much as anything else that's happened because of that book. I don't- I don't want to live like this anymore. I can't do it. I just can't."
He's clearly getting worked up so Kaity puts her hands on either side of his face and locks eyes with him. "Okay," she agrees, voice steady. "Okay. If it means this much to you then you should talk to her. She'll listen. I know she will." She kisses his forehead. "I'm so sorry you've felt like this. I've been so in my own head- I should have worked harder to see how you were doing. You do know I love you no matter what though right?"
He nods. "I know. I love you too."
She gives him a quick kiss before climbing off of his lap. "Now let's get out of here. There's a Genie I definitely want to meet and a conversation you need to have before any wishing is done." She grabs the suitcase and turns to him. "Don't worry- next time I'll let you carry this. Though it'll be when we go on some sort of exotic vacation and not here."
He smiles back as the two of them head out the door. "I'd like that."
Meanwhile, Charlie enters the theatre to find Rachel sitting on the edge of the stage by herself. He hops up beside her and looks around. "Where's Finch?"
"Running a scene with Robert to help him get off book. It's all still a bit… awkward to say the least so I thought I'd just hang out here. That and there's something I just wanted to talk to someone about regarding this whole wish thing."
"I can promise you she means it if that's what you're worried about. You know she feels horrible about the whole thing and she would have you top of the list if you asked her too."
Rachel shakes her head. "No. It's not that. I know she would. I have no doubt about that." Charlie waits patiently while she puts her thoughts together. "I don't think I want to magically have my sight back. I've been thinking about it pretty much non-stop since everyone suggested it and… it feels like cheating. It's hard to describe."
"If it's what you want then it's what you want," Charlie reminds her. "This is about you."
Rachel nods, but looks down where she's twirling her thumbs. "I know how much this would mean to her though. I know guilty she feels about what happened and- "
"Again, this is about you. Lori would never want you to do something that you don't want to do. If you're really worried about her guilt complex then have no doubt that would be the thing that sets it off. Trust me."
"I'm worried no one will get it- it seems so stupid. I'm literally being handed the chance to get life back the way it used to be- for everything to become a million times easier. But the truth is I don't want it."
Charlie puts an arm around her. "I'll be honest- I'm not sure I completely get it. But I trust you to make decisions when it comes to your own life. It's the least someone can do. And I feel like the group of us will have your back no matter what- especially Lori."
Rachel sits up a little straighter with a smile. "You can never tell her I said this, but the Genie was right about her with that song. I couldn't even imagine shouldering what she does plus keeping all of us sane to boot. She's the best leader we could ask for and we're quite frankly lucky to have her."
Charlie rises and helps Rachel up as well. "Don't worry. My lips are sealed." He helps lead her off the stage. "Now let's go see if Finch has finished up. I'm hungry."
"You realize we could go without her? She doesn't eat."
He shrugs. "The whole lack of finding Genie funny does make me consider it I'm not going to lie. But we'll be good friends and stick with her. This time at least."
That evening, Lori opens her dorm room door to find Michael. She immediately lets him in with a warm smile and a hug. "Hey Doctor. I feel like it's been a minute." They both step in and take a seat on the couch. "I don't know if you heard, but Rachel turned down a wish for her eyesight so we have an opening for your suggestion before we make the wishes tonight." Michael makes a surprised face. "I know. Sometimes I forget she's made of tougher stuff than I think just about all of us. Don't ever tell her I said that though."
He laughs. "I won't." He takes a moment, looking down. "Lores, honestly I've been really stressed with everything this year- "
He is interrupted by pounding on the door that demands attention. Lori, confused but poised, makes her way over and opens the door to reveal Ben sitting in his wheelchair with a determined expression. She goes to greet him but he immediately cuts in. "We need to talk."
She gestures behind her. "Actually, I'm talking with- "
"I want my legs back." Her eyes widen and Michael shifts from his spot on the couch to lean forward. Before she can fully process Ben speaks again. "I want one of your wishes to be for me to get use of my legs back."
Lori crosses her arms, still clearly processing. "Okay. Sorry, I'm just…" She glances back at Michael who waves as if to tell her it's fine.
"Lori," Ben makes eye contact with her- very aware he has to look up while she looks down. She seems aware of it as well. "I'm not sick like Kaity is. The only reason this happened is because I'm involved with the characters. And I'm not saying this to incite your guilt complex and get my way- really. But it's the truth. You told me to always be honest with you and I am right now. I feel like Rachel was top of the list for her eyesight and I should be too for the exact same reasons. And because if we're being honest I can't keep living like this. Not when I know there's another option that can fix this magically since it was inflicted magically. And I know we've talked about it… but I can't keep feeling like my sacrifices get marginalized. That everyone assumes I'm okay. Because I'm not- I'm miserable. And I am asking for your help with that as a friend."
Lori runs a hand through her hair. "Okay," she quickly agrees, nodding. "Absolutely. You're right. Completely right. I'll add it to the list." She leans against the doorframe with a frown. "I'm so- "
Ben holds a hand up to stop her. "I'm not looking for an apology, Lori. I'm really not. I know you care about me and what I'm going through. I don't doubt that for a second. I also know communication is sometimes an issue with us. We both get heated and then neither of us actually hear what the other's saying. But this time I wanted to make sure that didn't happen. And that's always been just as much on me as it is you- maybe even more so. I don't want you to think this is me reprimanding you or belittling your leadership. That is not my goal at all because I know I couldn't do half the things you do." He adjusts his tie, looking down. "Actually, I'm the one who's sorry in this case. I came out of the gate much quicker than I meant to. I was a lot calmer when I was practicing with Kaity on the way back from the hospital. It just- it means a lot to me. Hell, it means everything to me."
Lori gives a smile. "Thank you for all of that. You're right… on all counts. But I hear you and guarantee that will be one of our wishes this evening." He smiles back, much more at ease, and it causes her smile to grow wider. "And I'm glad we were able to reach this without you threatening to quit on me for once," she quips with a laugh.
He can't help but laugh as well. "Honestly…"
"You'd be insulted if it wasn't true?"
"Yeah…" He reaches up and Lori meets him so they can have a brief hug. "Thank you, Lori."
Lori nods and he starts to head back down the hallway as she closes the door. She turns back to Michael and falls on the couch with a sigh. "My apologies."
"That was… intense."
Lori nods. "Yet, somehow very low key for how it usually is when Ben starts pounding on my door. I'm honestly pleasantly surprised with the situation." She pulls the piece of paper Andrew gave her earlier and makes a note on it. "I'm sorry he ruined your moment though." She looks up at him. "I also know this probably doesn't help whatever you were going to pitch to me in the slightest."
Michael nods and starts rising. "It definitely wasn't as important as that for sure. So it looks like all three wishes are filled so- "
Lori stuffs the paper back in her pocket and looks at him confused. "Wait. What were you going to say?"
"Lori, you don't have to- "
"Doctor, come on. I'm not just going to let you leave. Especially when you started your thoughts off with how stressed out you are now. It may seem like everything's locked down but I still want to hear you out. I try not to have too much bias, but you know how much you and Charlie in particular mean to me."
He sits back down. "Your Physics grade would certainly be lower that's for sure." She just waits patiently as he gears up for what he wants to say. "I didn't know how much this year was going to be. I thought I knew but I really didn't. And I'm falling a bit behind in logging my patients with my other homework."
"There is something we can do about that," Lori begins cautiously. He instantly sees where this is going and shakes his head. "No one would blame you in the slightest Doctor."
"I can't, Lores. I can't just sit on the bench and hope that everyone is doing fine out there without me. Not after everything with Maleficent. Trust me when I say it would do a lot more harm than good. I would just spend all my time stressed out that something was happening to you and I wasn't there to help if you needed me. But I also just… I've never felt this overwhelmed before. I know something needs to change because… it's like I'm struggling to swim. And right now, I'm managing. But I don't know how much longer… I'm never giving up. I want to be a doctor and I want to be a Companion."
Lori nods and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Okay. Understood. Then what else can we do? Because I'm not leaving things like this. You're too important to a lot of people to keep doing this to you." She pulls the list once again out of her pocket and looks the three items over. Her eyes land on the last one about The Lone Ranger and she pauses. "Even if it means we have to make some changes."
Soon everyone has gathered in the living room of Lori and Hannah's dorm. Genie floats in the middle of them and Lori holds the lamp in one hand and the book under her other arm as she enters. "Alright, so I think we've got things figured out." She pulls the list out and unfolds it. "Unless someone has anything to add I have the final version of my three wishes." She looks everyone over on by one, stopping especially on Rachel who shakes her head.
Genie stretches as if warming himself up. "Sounds like we're good. Let's hear it Lori." He tugs at his arm. "What do you have up your sleeve? I've been dying to know."
She nods. "First, I wish that Ben was able to regain his ability to walk again." Genies nods and flies over him, throwing his arms out and enveloping the two in a puff of blue smoke. It clears as everyone coughs into their sleeves.
"Did it work?' Ben asks. He's desperately looking down but his face falls when nothing happens.
"It should have," Genie comments. "I just think due to the nature of this world and it's lack of magic it might take some time. But my tried and tested Genie Instincts are counting the first wish as granted." Ben nods, Kaity taking his hand with a smile as he almost starts to tear up.
"Thank you," he almost whispers. He then turns to Lori. "Hopefully soon I'll be able to get out of this chair and hug you properly."
She smiles, at peace with the decision. "I look forward to it." She glances at the list again. "This next one- all credit goes to Andy. Second, I wish that this campus and those without knowledge of the book be protected from the events that occur due to it including any damage done to buildings or persons."
Genie nods proudly. "Now that's a wish!" He grows larger and forces everyone to take a step back. "Now you might want to stand back for this one, because it's going to be amazing!" Fireworks seem to light up the entire room and even smash parts of the brick, whizzing this way and that as they make everyone jump. Jess backs into Michael before shaking her head at her attitude, Andrew brushes against Lori and doesn't find himself compelled to move and Kaity just watches the display amazed. After a few minutes, they fizzle and the room completely returns to normal in the blink of an eye. "That should do it. Any damage should instantly right itself in these parts from here on out- just like that."
"And that should keep anything bad from happening to your dad or his job President's Daughter," Lori informs Jess. The girl looks a bit surprised but finally nods in agreement. She turns to Andrew and the two of them give each other a real smile. "And it should keep anyone innocent safe. We'll be able to navigate the rest. Now, for the third wish- "
Andrew can't help but cut in. "We wish we could do more for you, Genie. I just wanted to say that. But just know something's coming. No spoilers, but something big." He turns to Lori. "Sorry. I just needed to put that out there."
Genie beams proudly, wiping a tear from his eye. "I'd expect nothing else from Lori's Character Ambassador." Everyone seems surprised at that, Andrew most of all, but Lori decides to push past it for the task at hand.
"Now, I know I said I wouldn't make any wishes for myself. And know I meant it. But this one… this one was necessary. So for my third wish, I wish that I, Lori Fitzgerald, no longer had my allergy to pain medication and was able to use them without issue." She looks at Michael and he comes over to hug her, the rest of the room clearly understanding what's going on. The two disappear in a puff before is disappears leaving the two of them coughing.
Genie counts off on his fingers. "Well, that should do it. I wish I could do more, really; I do. If anyone deserves it it's you guys."
Lori shakes her head and hugs him. "You have done more than we could have imagined. Thank you so much."
He hugs her back tightly, tearing up a bit. "You are every bit as wonderful as they say, Lori."
She takes a step back and opens the book to a glowing poem. She seems to hesitate for a moment but he gives her a nod and thumbs up of support. "I hope we see you again. I got a powerful urge to help you out So what-cha wish? I really want to know"
Genie vanishes in the usual burst of light and everyone slowly starts to head out. Ben looks at his feet and Michael nudges him. "Maybe it's for the best. This way you don't completely defy medicine by being miraculously healed." Ben gives a laugh at this, but is clearly still concerned. "You'll be okay, Prescott."
"We both will, Harms."
Lori meanwhile turns to Andrew. "I'm sorry. I really tried for The Lone Ranger- "
He puts a hand up. "It's alright. We'll figure out a way to get him home eventually. All we can do is keep trying to get in contact with him. They have to give in eventually." She smiles at this, nudging him as gently as possible.
"You know, Character Ambassador does have a really nice ring to it." He laughs and she joins, glancing over to see both Charlie and Hannah staring at her with large smiles. She just rolls her eyes at them but her mood isn't dampened- happier than she's been in a long time.
Later that evening, Ben wheels his way over the bridge towards the café to grab a late dinner. He struggles on the incline, earning a few looks from unsure students as he really works to push his way up. He finally makes it though and lets out a sigh of relief. "Soon this nightmare will be over," he reminds himself. He looks down and concentrates, but neither of his feet move. He becomes frustrated for a moment but continues to remind himself. "Soon. It's okay. Soon."
He makes his way down the other end of the bridge much easier when he notices Rachel exit the café with a coffee in one hand and her cane tapping along in the other. "Hey Rachel," he greets her politely. She stops and turns to face him. "What are you doing here?"
"Caffeinating," she holds up her cup. "I have a scene that I need to have a write-up ready for by eight a.m." She takes a sip and grimace. "Honestly, I'm not much of a coffee person. But without my sometimes-insomniac roommate to keep me up I suppose I have to make do."
"Don't worry. She'll be home in another day or two."
Rachel smiles. "I'll toast to that." She raises her cup and after a few chuckles the both of them then stand there in somewhat awkward silence. "Well… I suppose places to be and Arthur Miller to dissect so I should- "
"Why didn't you do it?" Ben cuts her off suddenly. "She would have done it without hesitation."
Rachel is clearly not ready for this conversation but can see there is no obvious escape from it as she lets out a sigh. "I know she would have. But I didn't want it."
"That's what I don't understand," Ben admits. "You losing your sight was like me losing my ability to walk… it was a freak accident due to magic. It wasn't meant to happen."
She points in his direction. "I think that's the difference actually. Because you know, I never once thought about how easy walking around a table on stage is. Hell, how easy navigating a restaurant was. Never thought about how important it was to know how old the pavement I'm walking on is or how great it is to watch movies. But now I am very intimately aware of that and so much more. I- no pun intended- see the world completely differently. And one thing I've seen is how there's a whole group of people out there not represented in the industry I'm interested in. At first this was a curse, but when I realized that I think I started to see what happened for what it really was."
"What's that?"
She smiles. "An opportunity to make a much bigger impact on the world than I ever was going to before. I'm going to stand for so much more and I take pride in that. I didn't at first, I admit- it took me a long time to get to that point. But I got there- I had to get there to stay sane really. And now instead of just being an actress I am going to go into auditions and shatter ceilings so that I can move the world forward. I'm going to stand for something I never even considered before it happened to me. I'm going to mean so much more. And that's why I didn't make the wish. Because this was meant to happen to me and..."
He notices her drift off. "And?"
She seems to debate whether to say her next words, but squares her shoulders. "And I would be a selfish coward to throw that all away just to make my life what it used to be when it means more now than it ever could then."
Ben instantly bristles. He takes a moment before speaking up- bitterness clear in his voice. "You must think I'm a selfish coward then?"
Rachel doesn't back down. "I think you haven't had as long as I have to come to terms with things. I also think you're so fixated on what happened that you prevented yourself from moving forward. That you were owed for it to be fixed and were determined to make all of us, especially Lori, know it."
"I wasn't wrong to make that wish."
"I never said you were. I just wish you had thought about what you could have meant to people outside yourself is all. I'm entitled to my opinion."
"I lost my ability to walk because of Maleficent!" he shouts, now legitimately angry.
"And I lost my sight because of Gaston!" she rises to his volume. "I can yell about what happened too!" She instantly pulls back. "But I don't. And that's the difference between us." She takes a sip of her coffee. "Now if we're done judging each other for our decision and coping skills I think I should be going." She starts down the path before pausing and turning back. "I hope it ends up being what you needed. Because you know what Lori says what the book is about." She continues up the bridge. "See you tomorrow, Ben," she says back to him before disappearing in a way that makes it clear she's willing to pretend this conversation never happened.
Ben watches her go before turning back towards the café. Clearly the conversation is weighing on him a lot more than her. "It will be. You'll see. Then we'll know what was supposed to happen." He wheels forwards, not really paying attention, and hits his foot against the door. He lets out a noise of pain and pulls back with a wince.
A moment later he realizes what's just happened and his entire demeanor shifts as he starts laughing. He looks down at his feet again and the smile only grows as he moves one of his feet up slightly. His laughter soon evolves into him breaking down with joy alone in the darkness- completely ecstatic to what is happening.
"Finally," he whispers, wiping away his tears. He keeps wiggling his foot and is unable to dim the smile on his face. "Finally."
The Lone Ranger sits up suddenly, gasping. He tries to catch his breath and glances around to see he is back in his room- complete with fake nighttime projected on the window. He gathers himself and practically sprints to the door only to find it is locked this time.
"Hey!" He pounds on the metal. "Hey! Let me out!" He grows more frantic and starts pounding harder. "Abbot! Hey! Let me out! Let me out of here!" In frustration he grabs the desk chair and smashes it against the door. Of course, it merely breaks and sends pieces flying about the room.
He goes to start pounding again when a voice comes over some sort of loudspeaker. "I would recommend stepping away from the door," Commander Abbot suggests. "Then maybe the two of us can talk this out."
John Reid reluctantly takes a step back with both hands up and a minute later the door loudly unlocks before Commander Abbot enters the room. She purposely keeps herself between him and the door though, staring at him coolly. "I hear we had a little field trip."
"Is she okay? Is Cinderella okay?!"
Abbot nods. "She is stable for now. I fear she doesn't have a lot of time left though. This world… it slowly takes the magic from you the longer you're here. We've been desperately trying to find a way around it or to send all of you home once and for all. But progress is slow… especially without the book to help."
"How long has she been here?"
"Two years," Abbot answers sadly. "She took a bad turn about two months ago. We've tried to get in touch with Lori Fitzgerald multiple times on the matter, but all of our messages are currently being screened by that rogue projection of hers. I can't even tell you if she knows or not."
He thinks for a moment before speaking up. "Having the book… if you had it do you think you could send them all home?"
Commander Abbot considers his words before nodding. "I'm not about to lie to you and say we could fix the problem overnight. But it would certainly help in our making strides to find out how to best manipulate the magic you have so we can send you back home. Though one of us here would need proper control of the book. At the moment all of you are completely at her whim for how involved she would like to be. I mean, she is just a child who stumbled into a very hard scenario. It is a lot of responsibility she wasn't expecting."
The Lone Ranger looks at the stack of files now thrown about the floor- the picture on top being the one of Lori fighting the Yeti. "We need to stop making excuses for her… especially you. She is hurting others and refusing to acknowledge it." He comes to a decision. "She needs to be stopped. That book… it needs to be in your possession and not hers." He looks at Commander Abbot's sad expression before his eyes land on the mask laying atop the desk. "I need to stop her. You need to let me go back to her so I can put an end to this."
Commander Abbot becomes much more serious. "You realize what that means then. What you would have to do?"
He suddenly becomes more conflicted, determination wavering. He looks back to his mask. "Yes. I would have to kill her."
We're back. Thank you all for sticking with me over this very extended break and know that Lori will always make her way back to you (eventually) with exciting adventures. You guys always kept me going as I completed Grad School and now I am happy to have some more free time to give back to you. Hopefully this time sooner rather than later. Stay safe out there.
Tune in next time as a duo appears to share their famous philosophy while the Scholarship results are revealed, Michael continues to struggle, Jess comes to a realization, Hannah makes a snap decision and Andrew finally works up the nerve to tell Lori about the ghosts lurking in his past.