Tag to Dog Tags
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS :(
Chapter 1
"In position, Boss." Timothy McGee said from his position in the back yard. He noticed the backdoor was opened and he frowned. That wasn't good.
"Federal Agents, we have a warrant!" Gibbs yelled, pounding on the door.
When they received no answer, Tony kicked down the door forcefully and the three agents filed in. When McGee heard the front door slam open, he took that as his cue and he made a move to get into the house. Suddenly, a huge German Shepard sprang out of the house and powerfully knocked him backwards, causing him to lose his grip on the gun and drop it out of reach. He gasped as he fell hard on his back, knocking the wind out of his lungs; he was even more surprised when the dog's sharp razor teeth dug into his arm.
"Ah!" Grunted McGee. He tried reaching for his gun, but it was just barely an inch away from his trembling fingers. He was going to die if he didn't get the gun fast. Suddenly, without warning, the dog took his mouth off of McGee's arm and the agent thought he was finally giving up. He wasn't. In a split second, the German Shepard's large mouth lunged at his neck and bit down hard. Tim's eyes went wide as he gasped. He was a goner. He could already feel the blood gushing out from his wound. If he survived this, it'd be a miracle, but neck wounds were serious and there was a 50/50 chance he would live. But, he wasn't gonna die laying here helpless; he was gonna go out fighting. With the last ounce of his energy, he strained to reach his gun; it was so close, but yet, so far. But he was not giving up.
"Ugh, we gotta stop serving warrants after breakfast," grimaced Tony as he and the two other agents looked at the mangled body of the petty officer.
Ziva smiled, but looked around. They were missing someone.
"Ten bucks McGee spills it on this one."
"Where is McGee?" Ziva said, something nagging at her gut.
Suddenly, a single gunshot rang out into the air, pulling at everyone's heart. McGee not being there and a gunshot would definitely not equal good results. The three ran through the house, Ziva being the fastest, and made it to the backdoor.
"Oh my god," gasped Ziva, lowering her gun in shock at the scene before her. "Oh, no McGee."
Well? I know it's a short chapter, but I just wanted to get it started. Should I continue? Let me know, because I've already started working on the next chapter, it's just a matter of updating it! :) It normally was going to be a one-shot but apparently not and I don't know how long it will be. :)