The final official chapter. there will probably be an epilog though. Thank you all who have reviewed, followed, favorited, and read this story you really have now idea how good that makes me feel. Love yall and hope you have wonderful rest of the summer.
Elphaba lay on the floor dazed and happy though she wasn't sure exactly why. She was breathing. She could feel the steady beat of a heart. She could tell that the room saw cold. The only thing was she wasn't entirely sure what room it was. So until the thoughts coalesced in her head Elphaba planned to sit there. She decided this only a moment before she blacked out.
Fiyero crossed the room in one leap skidding and falling at his wife's side.
"Fae are you alright?" He said gently moving the hair from her face. Fiyero smiled at the face he saw underneath the curtain of hair. One shade of green, no stitches, just some dark circles under her eyes that could be fixed with some actual sleep.
Glinda moved towards Elphaba cautiously. Her best friend was unconscious on the floor not moving or making a sound. Had she killed her? No. No Fiyero would have doneā¦ something by now if Elphie was dead.
"Fiyero is she alright" she questioned in a voice so quiet and high that Glinda herself almost didn't hear it.
"Huh? Oh she's fine Glin. She's just really unconscious. After all she's been a scarecrow for three days and she's been through quite a lot in that short amount of time." He said picking up Elphaba and placing her in his lap once more. He didn't want to be rude to Glinda after all she had done, but right now he wanted to be alone with his wife. To hold her and just revel in the fact that he could feel her, a human, felling couple for the first time.
Glinda could tell that Fiyero wasn't in the mood for company, even though she had just help Elphie. Totally understandable Glinda thought for a moment and faux yawned. Something she had made very convincing for when she really needed to get to something more important and people seemed to not understand that she was exceptionally busy runny the whole country.
"Hey Glin if you go through that door, there's a bed that you can crash on. It's not much but it's what we have" Fiyero said seeing the tired and trying to not be expression on Glinda's face, and an opportunity to be alone with Elphaba for a little while.
"Fiyero at this point the floor looks like it would be plenty comfortable" She said only half lying. She slowly walked towards the offered bed and suddenly thought better.
"Fiyero your wife is human and exhausted put her in that bed curl up next to her and enjoy being with her. I do still have things to do in" she yawned again a real one this time "in the Emerald City, so I will leave and come back later. If I remember I'll bring breakfast for the three of us." Glinda walked over and kissed both Fiyero and Elphaba on the head in a strangely maternal manner. "Congratulations on your happy union, and sorry I'm a few years late but that's honestly not my fault." Glinda waved farewell and walked out the front door.
Seconds after it closed he heard the tell tale popping sound of Glinda's departure.
"Fae" he said gently shaking her "Fae can you hear me dear?"
Elphaba unconsciously settled in closed to Fiyero's chest. Fiyero smiled and stood and slowly walked towards their room. Laying her on her side and wrapping his arms securely around her. He could feel the movement as she breathed in and out. He could smell the earthy slightly sweet smell that was Elphaba. And at last the dingy little cottage that they lived in just inside the Great Gillikin felt like home.
Elphaba slept for the most of the day. It was three in the afternoon before she stirred.
She lay on her back staring at the ceiling for a few moments before she remembered the events of the previous few days. Oz Fiyero wasn't kidding when he said being a scarecrow meant that you had no brain.
Elphaba breathed deeply and sighed.
Wait a minute. She had been able to take in air. She put her hand in front of her face and tried to focus her blurred vision.
One shade of green, no stitches along her palm and fingers, skin and not fabric. She disbelievingly fingered her hair and was shocked to find it was actually hair, and not Straw sewn onto her head. Elphaba placed to fingers on her neck and felt a steady rhythm that could only mean one thing. Glinda had done it Elphaba Tigelaar was human once more.
Elphaba smiled even though she had a splitting headache. Fiyero was human too everything was as it should be. She sat up slowly registering muffled voices coming from the other room. Glinda's high pith was easily discernible even though she could tell it was meant to be quiet, and Fiyero in his steady tenor voice was calmly conversing with her.
Suddenly the old fears reared their heads, and she wondered what exactly they were talking about. Elphaba cased a glance at the small window on the far wall and briefly contemplated leaving them to whatever future they could have together, but Fiyero was Elphaba's. He had been Elphaba's since that day they had saved that Lion Cub together. Even if the options were to live in an old shack in the middle of nowhere, or go and live happily ever after with Glinda and have the most plush life style a man had ever lived, Elphaba was fairly certain that Fiyero would choose the shack. So she fixed her dress and walked out into the only other room in the building.
Fiyero was in mid-sentence telling Glinda about how Dorothy was a sweet girl, ditzy as the Vinkus winter is long, but a sweet girl, when he saw Elphaba walk shakily out of their bedroom. He smiled half lovingly, half because it was funny when she tried to get away from using the wall as a support, and almost instantly had to lean back against it.
Fiyero stood up and walked directly over to his wife, wrapped his arms around her waist, picked her up off her feet, swung her around and kissed her. He made circle after circle until he was dizzy. Fiyero set Elphaba gently back on her feet and held her almost flush against him.
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that Fae" he said nearly intoxicated with the sheer joy of being able to hold her and feel her and know that she could to. Things were going to be alright maybe not perfect but well enough to get by and enjoy it.
Glinda sat in the small chair and watched as the only two real friends she had held each other. Jealousy did briefly she would admit briefly flare up at the sight of them kissing and spinning. But Glinda had had three long and tiring years to get over the hurt of Fiyero leaving and seeing them did help her realize that they both wanted and needed each other. Glinda smiled when her best friend buried her face into her husband's shoulder. That was love that was complete happiness and you know what Elphaba deserved a little happy care free time in her life. She was at long, long last receiving her due.
Elphaba looked up from where she and Fiyero stood, and looked directly into Glinda's eyes silently begging her friend to understand why things were the way that they were. Glinda only smiled back and nodded giving her blessing even though she knew it was pointless. No amount of temper tantrums that even Glinda could through would be enough to split these two up, but it set Elphaba's mind at ease so a blessing she would give.
Elphaba managed to wriggle out of her husband's hold and walked less than gracefully over to her best friend. Glinda held both of Elphaba's hand s and the pair scrutinized each other for all each other for all the tiny differences that the years might have made. Then suddenly Glinda couldn't stop herself any longer. She dropped Elphaba's hands and hugged her friend for all she was worth.
"Glinda I sort of need to breathe now" Elphaba gasped while trying to loosen her friends iron grip.
"I missed you so much Elphie if you ever disappear on me again I will track you down and chain you to wall in my office got it"
Elphaba couldn't exactly tell if her friend was joking or not.
"You know I think I rather liked you being shorter than me Elphie."
"Oh shut up Glin."
"Oh yeah and nice job with the hair dye if you run out again just tell me, and rummage some up for you I'm sure."
"I'm perfectly fine thanks. Oh and I just thought I should repay the favor."
Elphaba threaded her arms under Glinda's and swung the blonde from side to until Elphaba thought she might drop her friend.
Glinda stood arms out slightly from her sides and out a hand on Elphaba's shoulder to steady herself.
"Hey! Glinda the green is my trade mark I don't' care if you are motion sick" Elphaba laughed.
Elphaba's stomach gave a loud rumble and Glinda couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like your stomach is sympathetic towards me"
Elphaba smiled sheepishly and turned to look at Fiyero "Do we have anything to eat I'm famished" she said placing on hand over her middle as if to prove a point.
"Well we did have breakfast for you about nine hours ago and lunch about four, and we're out of eggs and ham, and really anything for that matter. So um yeah what do you want, I might be able to scare up dust bunny or two for you" Fiyero said innocently and deftly caught the candle that his wife chucked at him.
Yes things were going to be just fine. No more walking talking scarecrows. No more beast friend who thought she was dead. Oz still probably wanted to burn her alive, but that was small potatoes compared to the felling on content she had right now. The only thing that could have made that instant any better would have been a sandwich, but hey life goes on.
Later after Glinda had gone back to her home in the Emerald City Elphaba lay next to Fiyero. They were intertwined in the bed feeling the warmth of one another's bodies. Reacquainting themselves with a situation such as this much needed and exceptionally easy.
"A little late honeymoon" Fiyero managed in between heated kisses.
Elphaba paused for a moment and smiled at her lover.
"As long as your mine Fiyero Tigelaar, I don't care what you call this exactly" and silenced anyfurther comments for the foreseeable near future.
One last review for old times sake anybody?