I spent most of the night on my piano coming up with new compositions. And trying to figure out a melody that was playing in my head. You'd think it'd be easy since I could usually play anything perfectly after hearing it once, but I couldn't figure out what exactly I was trying to play. Or what exactly the next note should be.

And it is absolutely driving me insane. Around 5 A.M. I finally decided to take a break and take a walk through my garden. I remembered how shocked my father had been when I asked for a garden. Which I could understand. I mean the ruthless Isabella asking for a space filled with flowers and fountains and what-not, is a very strange thing. But for some reason the smell of flowers and water seemed to bring me to peace.

And plus it was silent. Which was always a positive thing for me.

After time I looked up to the sky to see the sun slightly rising, and I could tell that it was already 9am, so I decided to go to the training room. I told Felix last night to escort Jasper and Edward this morning at around 9 so I knew that they were more than likely already there.

Of course I'm right, I walk into the room and I'm met with Jasper and Edwards warm smiles, and unfortunately Demetri's glare.

I sigh. I didn't feel like dealing with him right now, and I knew he was going to be in his 'Training' mode.

"You were supposed to be here at 8:30, you're thirty minutes late." I roll my eyes at his accusing tone.

"Yeah well I'm here now, and I thought I would be considerate and give you a couple of minutes to prepare yourself to get beat...Again." I smirk.

He rolls his eyes while crossing his arms over his chest. "Right, anyways lets just begin. First off is Isa and Jasper."

We take our places, and as soon as Demetri blows the whistle were circling eachother. I have to admit that Jasper is a breath of fresh air, and I can tell that he has indeed been in newborn armies. However, it dosen't take me long for me to pin him to the ground with my teeth inches away from his neck.

His eyes are wide and he's frozen in shock, I smirk as I pull away, and his shock slightly turns into admiration.

"That was amazing. I've never been beat in battle before" His voice holds a bit of pride, at what I'm not sure.

I shrug, "I have a censor which means my instincts are three times better than an average vampire. Which gives me an advantage in combat."


"Yeah Yeah, We know You're Miss. Almight-powerful-vampire-warrior-princess." Felix's patranozing voice comes from the entrance of the room, and I groan internally.

He must have just got finished with patrol.

I turn to face the rest of the group. Edward was standing in one of the observation booths with a thoughtful expression, and for some reason I had the urge to know what he was thinking. I shake my head to get rid of whatever it was trying to pull me to him and went to stand by Demetri.

The training ended at about 12 since I was getting bored from beating everyone and everyone was getting tired and not really enjoying the pain that I gave them.

Which to be honest was the only entertaining part of training.

Demetri left to go take his shift at patrolling and Felix had left before training ended to go hunting with Alec, Which left me alone with the Two Cullen boys.

They were both just standing next to each-other, both looking painfully awkward. I really just wanted to ditch them both and head to my music room but that would be awfully rude.

"So is there anything you would like to see in the castle?" I ask, but honestly I just want them to say no.

"That's kind of you ma'm, but I would like to get back to my Alice." Jasper smiles politely, "I'll see myself back to my room." He sends a pointed look to Edward before disappearing through the huge doors.

I give a curious look to Edward and he smiles sheepishly before looking away from my gaze, "Mates Can't stay away from each-other for long." Is all he says.

I nod, knowing all about mates.

"You didn't answer my question about viewing the castle. Is there anything you wanted to see?" I ask, even though I just wanted to leave.

I was actually curious to see what Caius was doing.

"Actually. There is." He says hesitantly bringing his eyes to observe my expression.

Which is one of shock. I hadn't really expected him to say yes, since he seemed more of the 'Alone' type. Kind of like myself.

"Well?" I urge him to continue.

He runs his hand through his hair, and I ignore the flip that my stomach makes.

"Remember what I said yesterday. I really would love to play you're piano."

Hah... I do recall that. Since it was only last night.

Time to face the consequences of m words.

"Very well then...Follow me." I say turning around to the exit door, ignoring his surprised expression.

I decided to let him play my piano that was in the music room, since I wasn't very fond of people going into my room. It didn't take us long to arrive to the music room with vampire speed, and as soon as we walked through the doors I smiled slightly.

This was another of my favorite rooms, and where you would find me if I wasn't with Caius, my room, or my garden.

"This is amazing." Edward's voice is filled with fascination. I wasn't surprised, I was the one who designed it.

It basically had every instrument you could think of, from trumpet to harp.

"Do you play all these?" Edward asks curiously walking over to one of my many grand pianos.

"Most. Being a vampire gives me lots of time." I point out.

He laughs, "True. I just play the piano, and a little guitar. I spent most of my time learning different languages and learning control."

I almost scoff at the control part but keep it in. I knew what he meant, he meant not drinking from humans and eating his animals.

"How nice." I comment before walking over to my cello, taking a seat and taking my bow.

"Would you like to do a duet?" Edward ask. I look up to his hopeful gold eyes and seem to get lost for a second. I look back down to my cello.

"Sure, you play and I'll come in."With that he begins a soft melody and I soon join in, following him in the lovely symphony. After a couple other songs he begins to play a melody that makes me freeze.

He notices my sudden change in demenor, and stops playing.

"Is everything okay?" He asks softly with a concerned expression.

For some reason my gaze is drawn to the piano keys but I force myself to look into his eyes.

"I.. I know that song." I say lowly while trying to get the memory from my mind, but only gaining frustration at my mental block.

His eyes widen at my confession and turns fully to face me, with a somewhat hopeful expresison.

"What else do you remember?" He asks almost anxiously.

I look curiously into his eyes wondering why he seemed so excited all of a sudden.

"I can't remember how I know that song or the memory but I know I've heard it before when I was human. Who is the composer?"

His demanor changed at my words. "Oh. I actually composed it." He whispered quietly.

For some reason I'm not shocked in the slightest. Almost as if I already knew, which I guessed I did before my change.

"Hmm...Well it's beautiful. You're an amazing composer." I appraise him. He smiles at me before giving me a thank you.

I ask him to play the whole composition which he agree's immediately. I sit quietly through the whole composition feeling a weird emotion overcome me as I listen to the different notes and chords.

After he is finished we return to playing together, and after a couple hours we end up stopping only to appraise eachother at our talents. We begin talking about different things and I uknowingly find myself smiling and laughing. I hear a throat clear and I look up to see Alec's curious expession.

I quickly realise that I'm sitting too closely to Edward and the smile on my face is almost hurting my face. I stand up and take a few steps away from Edward.

"Yes Alec?" I ask trying to hide my discomfort at the sudden situation.

He looks from Edward then baack to me with a questioning gaze to which I shake my head. I didn't even know what I was doing so I knew I couldn't try to explain to him. Not that I needed to anyways.

"The Greece Coven is here for there annual visit and Aro wants you in the throne room."

The Greece Coven? I try to hide my disdain at the new found information but Alec catches a glance at my expression and smirks. I place my Violin down and get up to follow him.

Then I remember Edward. I turn to look back at him, "I have to go. You're welcome to stay here and coniune to play if you'de like." He shakes his head and his lips form a soft smile.

"No, I should go see what my family is up too. Would you mind if I follow you out?"

I shake my head then turn back to follow Alec, this time along with Edward.

After a couple of seconds we arrived at the throne room, Edward walks in with us since I told him I sensed his family in there as well.. I also detect other's in the room beside's the guard and the Culllens. No doubt the Greece Coven.

The doors open and I appear infront of Aro before Alec and Edward even enter the room. Ignoring the surprised and obsessive looks of the Greece Coven.

I send a questioning gaze to Aro who looks annoyed, I smirk"You rang?"

"We have guest." I grind my teeth, and his lip turns up in amusement. Bastard.

"As I can see." My voice is hard and cold.

At this he breaks out in a full off grin. And I thought I was sadistic.

"Well say hello." He commands.

I glare at him, and open his mind so that I can push out how much I detest him right now with my thoughts. He grabs his head subtley, but I know that he is in a slight pain from the sudden force.

I turn with somehwat satisfaction, to capture the crimson gaze of the three Greek males. To most of the females in the guard -who weren't mated- though they were living-no pun intended- God's, to me however, they were a living- no pun intended- pain in my butt.

They were all smiling brightly, showing off their dazzling white canines, and handsome sharp figures. I wouldn't lie and say they weren't handsome or almost beautiful. Angelic even. But with my abilities I knew what lied beneath someone. And they were anything but Angels. Not that I cared about that. I actually enjoyed there sadistic, and twisted thoughts. When it wasnt directed towards me.

"Hello Andrew, Perceus-" I look at each one and stop on the last one and smirk" Michaelangelo."

Michaelangelo was the only one I really liked of the coven. He was reserved, and didn't waste breath on speaking to anyone unless it was absolutely neccasary. With me however, he would always converse.

No matter the conversation. He reminded me of the only person who understood me, Caius. He was also the most handsome of the group, and the oldest. Almost 300 years old, his black shiny hair was neatly gelled back, and He stood tall at 6.2 ft, and face was strutured perfectly.

He smirks at me, but I can see the greeting in his eyes.

"Hello Isa." The other's greet stimutationously, with flirting smiles.

I internally groan but nod back at them.. To human eyes they would appear to be twins, however with vampire eysight, You could cearly see the difference. Although they both had blonde hair, There's a slight shade differenc and Andrew had a more muscular face rather than Perceus's slightly softer features. But both we're the same height and the same muscular built However both were equally irritating, a fact that I have had to live with since I met them in Greece 11 years ago.

"How have you been?" My eyes are only on Michaelangelo not wanting to give twiddle dee or twiddle dum any false hope.

" Very well. How have you been Isa?" Michaelangelo asks with a straight face.

"I've had worse."

"Well aren't you lucky." He says with a smirk causing me to form one of my own.

"Isa we are going to have dinner soon, will you show the greece coven to there quarters and get ready for dinner." Marcus says.

I look over to my uncle and nod obediently.

"Of course, Follow me." I turn around and then see Edward standing with his family, with that same pained expression but this time instead of his eyes focusing on me or the floor, there focused on Michaelangelo.

"You should return to your rooms and get dressed as well." I tell them and they nod while looking curiously at the greek coven.

This week seemed to be getting terrible and more terrible by the minute. But I guess atleast Michaelangelo could suffer along with me.

And with that thought I grinned.