Avatar: Last Airbender does not belong to us, although that would be awesome.
This takes place a few weeks after the war; Zuko is Firelord, and Aang and Katara never got together.
It's Zuko against the World!: Chapter 1
Zuko hated it all. He hated being cooped up in the fire nation palace, as It was unbearably hot during the day. He hated being the fire lord, as it was too much to handle for a teenager. (Although he would never admit it to anyone.) But most of all, Zuko hated having to put on a fake smile every morning, and pretend he was dandy. Because Zuko was most definitely not dandy.
Everyday the teenage fire lord had to watch the romance between Suki and Sokka get stronger. Don't get him wrong, he was very happy for his two friends. Nevertheless, once he found out they were going to tie the knot, Zuko went downhill. He punched a hole in his wall. He didn't have it fixed; he just placed a chair in front of it. Most mornings, when he got out of bed, he tripped on it.
It wasn't always like this for our brave and amazingly sexy ruler. In fact, he was in a relationship a few weeks ago. With a girl. A very dreary and depressed girl, but a girl. Her name was Mai, and Zuko was in love! It was the happiest time of his life! Finally, Zuko could sulk with someone, and they would listen, even if they didn't care.
Then Mai left Zuko. She said it was something about how he was too happy for her. Now she's dating some fire nation guy with a pet leopardbeagle named Montana. That's the leopardbeagle's name, not the boyfriends. Now Zuko is left sitting on the chair in front of the hole in the wall.
See the problem is that Zuko wants to be good, he's just really bad at it. One night, Zuko, Aang, Ty Lee, Katara, and the two lovebirds all sat out and watched fireworks on the roof of the fire palace. It was then that Zuko decided he couldn't do it anymore. He stood up and shouted "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He then proceeded to run inside the palace crying beautiful tears.
His old uncle Iroh came inside to find Zuko sitting on a chair against the wall. "Want some tea?" he asked in his old man voice. "It will make you feel better."
"NO UNCLE!" Zuko yelled in his dreamy voice. He decided he wasn't being fair to his friends, so he went back onto the roof.
Aang was flying around in the air, obviously trying to impress Katara. Suki and Sokka were making out in the corner, while Katara sat with her legs hanging off the side of the building. She was sighing so loudly Zuko almost thought she was having an Asthma attack. "ZUKO!" he heard his uncle yell. "WHY IS THERE A HOLE IN THIS WALL?"
Zuko and the others went inside to see the chair in front of the hole in the wall tipped over, tea spilled all over the carpet, and a very mad Uncle Iroh glaring, laying on the floor. At this, Zuko became very angry. So angry, fire bolts shot out of his fingertips. "That's it," he whispered. Very sexy. "I'm leaving." Zuko angrily walked out, his feet leaving burn marks on carpet.
The rest of Team Avatar stood in front of Iroh, dumbfounded. Sokka and Suki had even stopped making out. Iroh was just about to say something full of wisdom and most likely about tea when Zuko came back. "This is my room. I don't know why I left. Get out." He said sexily.
Everyone cleared out of the room quickly. As soon as Sokka and Suki left, they started making out right there in the hallway, not even bothering to go back up to the roof. Disgusted, Zuko shut the door and put the chair back in front of the hole. Realizing his socks were suddenly wet, thanks to the tea, he covered the stain on his carpet up with another chair and jumped into bed. He was in the process of taking off his socks when the door burst open.
"SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP, SPARKY! YOU WOKE ME UP!" Toph slammed the door shut and stomped down the hall to her room.
Zuko fell asleep, forgetting about his wet socks, fearful of what Toph was going to be like in the morning. He wasn't joking, though. He was leaving as soon as he got the chance.
The next day, bright and early, about three in the pm, Zuko got out of bed. At first, he felt a sense of joy realizing that he had woken so early, but then he felt bad because his socks were brown and were stuck to his feet. He quickly took off the comforter on his bed and put three sets of clothes in it. He then got out of bed and tripped over the chair in front of the wall. "EVERY DAY!" He yelled, getting up. He didn't look back as he walked out of his bedroom, with the lovebirds still making out in the hallway.
He took one last breath of fire air and then walked out the front door. He was barely down the steps when he heard Uncle Iroh yell, "ZUKO, YOU ARE NOT LEAVING UNTIL THIS HOLE IS FIXED."
"FINE." Zuko sexily replied.
Sooooo…. Like it? Hate it? We wrote a lot more, but if no one likes it, we won't post it. I really like what we've done later in the story. Please REVIEW! I will love you forever if you do!
Enjoy the passion 3