Sometimes the littlest things in life are the most important, you never know how long you can know a person until one day, they're not there, and they're never coming back. I still have hope in that person, because he was the most important person in my life. Some of you may call him Pops, Old man, or just plain Dad. My dad means a lot to me, and probably a lot more to our country, but he will always be my hero. I'll spare you the sad sob story of my past and get right to the point. After my dad had died in the Air Force, let's just say my life became anything but normal.

I am currently sitting at the top of the stairwell in my temporary home that consist of my Aunt Sarah, Uncle Will, and my baby cousin Annabelle. The police had just dropped me off at my Aunt and Uncles, again. This was the fourth time, the first three times were because I tried to run away, this time was because I was out after curfew, and apparently I'm supposed to be "living" here.

"Will, what are we going to do with her? This is the fourth time this week." I heard my Aunt say from the living room. "She is setting the worst example for Annabelle, and I will not allow that in my house!" I heaved a sigh, and glanced back at Annabelle's door.

"Sarah calm down, I'm not happy with this either. She's such a sweet kid, maybe she just needs some down time." He paused. "Hey, how about I take her for a ride in the Topkick tomorrow? Maybe a good car ride will clear her mind."

A car ride…? Sure, that'll help me forget about my dad, we used to go on Sunday drives all the time when he'd come home.

"Will..." Aunt Sarah sounded hesitant. "Are you sure she'd be ready for that?" she whispered.

"Sarah, I think Ironhide will set a good example for her. Its either this or she continues the late night cop car rides." Aunt Sarah didn't say anything. Uncle Will continued, "She has to know at some point…"

I was lost. Who's this Ironhide? What's there to know about? I got up and walked back to my room, or the guest bedroom. Fortunately for me this room was located at the back of the house, and the only window in the room was located just above the back porch roof. I don't know about my Aunt and Uncle, but I am very pleased with this room.

I walked over to the window, slid it open and climbed out. The night was very peaceful compared to my home back in Nebraska. Everyone acts like they want to beat the shit out of each other; I guess that's why it's called, Tranquility, California.

I sat down on the roof and leaned against the house. What was Uncle Will talking about, "she has to know at some point."? His words buzzed around in my head. Probably some more bad news, that's all I need. I sat hugging my knees, but Uncle Will was right about one thing. I did need some down time, being all cooped up in this house wasn't fun at all.

A slight breeze sent a shiver down my spine. My attention then turned toward the sky, the stars were so much brighter here than they were in the city. One thing I never understood was the stars. I mean how could there possibly be other worlds inside each and every one of them? If there really was other life out there like people say, why hadn't they ever shown themselves to mankind?

I heaved another sigh, and brought myself back to earth. Looking out at my families beautiful land and I spotted an old shed in the distance.

"Hmm..." I smiled. "I remember that old thing, that's where we kept the…" A thought suddenly acquired to me, and a smirk crept onto my face.

"I just can't wait until morning."

Saturday, my favorite day of the week, the first day of the weekend meaning you could sleep in, and if you don't get the chance to sleep in, you still had Sunday. Although in my case, I had to wait until Sunday to do my sleeping in. I had set my alarm to go off around six thirty, so I'd be able to sneak out of the house before anyone woke up.

Lightly closing the back door and tiptoeing off the porch, I broke out into a full sprint to the old shed. The grass was still covered in spring morning dew so I had to suffer with getting my jeans soaked from the knees down; Uncle Will really needed to cutgrass.

I got to the shed and rested a minute; it looked so different, so warn down, like it hasn't been used in years. I was almost afraid to open the door, afraid something might jump out at me, or some kind of animal might attack my face like in the movies. Putting my emotions in my back pocket I reached for the weathered door and hauled it open, then did the same for the other.

Happiness washed over me. "He kept them."

What I found inside was a little unexpected, this old shed used to hold the entertainment of my summers I'd spent here with my family, and sitting right in front of me was the two ATV's my Uncle and me used to race on, go mudding on, and make memories on. I scrambled into the shed, ripped of the cover of the one I suspected to be mine and to my surprise, they were in the same spots they were since my last visit two years ago. It was a little dusty but in great condition, all it needed was some gas and a little oiling, and this baby was ready for anything. I put my hands on the handlebars and heaved the ATV forward and out of the shed so I could fill it up and get it running. I remember Uncle Will used to always have these things in tip top shape, always ready to go, and as usual, my mom was always worried I'd get hurt or something would go wrong.

I went back in the shed to look for the gas jug, but couldn't find it. Uncle Will probably kept them in the garage, I thought looking back to the house. "Ugh, I gotta walk all the way back up there…"

Making my journey back to the porch I slipped into the silent house and snuck into the garage. Opening the door I was met by my Uncles big black truck. So I'm supposed to be taking a ride in that today? Fun… I'd rather be sitting in a cop car. Turning my attention away from the beast I searched the shelves for a bright red jug that read Gas and to find maybe some oil, and with my luck they were right next to each other, but on the other side of the garage. Tiptoeing my way behind the truck I grabbed both the containers trying not to make an echo. I slipped past the truck once more and out both the doors like a ninja.

Finally filling the ATV with gas, oiled it up a bit, and making sure the brakes worked. I flipped the switch and let her purr. "Yes!" I cheered. Getting comfortable I tapped the throttle making the ATV jump forward. I took a deep breath, hit the throttle again and this time not letting go. It kicked back then roared forward with speed, peeling out of sight.