A/N: Ofcourse a four-year-old doesn't need their diaper changed! And a four-year-old could write it better than me? I seriously doubt that! Not to brag, but, I'm a good writer. Yeah, sure I don't always get my facts right and I sometimes misspell but my stories have good plots. When I said they were four it took place in the future I should have made that more clear but the mean reviews were unnecessary! If you don't like it don't read it! They were like a little less than a year in the beginning. Oh and thankyou to the people who liked it, that really made me feel better because I hate it when people put my stories down I never put anyone else's down!

Chapter Four

Padme awoke in the middle of the night to find Anakin wasn't next to her. She got concerned and went to go find him. She felt her heart melt as she saw his head leaning against the foot of Leia's bed.

Earlier that night Leia had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep so Anakin had agreed to remain in the room until she did.

She watched Anakin stir and she turned to go.

"Don't go," said Anakin.

"You were asleep and I'm tired and so now I'm going to go to bed," said Padme.

She groaned inwardly as she heard Anakin's footsteps right behind her.

"Why are you avoiding me? Don't lie to me. You've found a way to block me out of your thoughts."

"I'm not avoiding to you. I need some sleep and I'm tired. Forgive me for wanting my thoughts to be my own," said Padme.

"Why does it matter? We're married. We should share everything," said Anakin.

"But we don't share everything. I don't share in your evilness just like you don't share in my purity. It will always pull us apart one way or another."

"Then you cross over or leave," said Anakin.

"I am not crossing over! You need to come back to who you used to be," said Padme.

"I hate to be the one to shatter your dream but that's not going to happen. That man died on the day I had that lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan!"

"You are just afraid!"

"Afraid? I know no fear! I am all-powerful! I am the emperor! I rule the galaxy," said Anakin.

"You think you have everything but really, you have nothing, nothing that matters to me. To me, you used to have everything. You had everything that I wanted. I didn't want riches and jewels all I wanted was a family who loved me and I could have had that!"

"We had nothing!"

"We had everything!"

"No, we didn't," cried Anakin.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I should leave," said Padme.

"No, Luke and Leia would be broken hearted," said Anakin.

"Why don't you just admit the truth Anakin," asked Padme.

"What truth?"

"You would be broken hearted."

"I would be broken hearted? No, I would not be. Luke and Leia on the other hand would be," said Anakin.

"Yes, they would but in time they would heal. You're a different story. You want me and you need me," said Padme.

"I need you? I don't need anyone," said Anakin.

"Yes you do. You love me!"

"I do not love you," cried Anakin.

"Then why did you go all the way to Naboo just to find me and bring me back," asked Padme.

"Because I wanted you."

"No, you loved me!"

"I do not love you! I just desired you."

"Everytime we have sex I feel your love."

"It must be in your mind. I don't love anyone."

"You love Luke and Leia."

"That is different."

"You accepted them in the beginning because they were my children and you love me. You loved me then and you love me now! Just say it!"

"I don't love you!"

"Yes you do! That's it! I have had enough of you and your arrogance! I am leaving!"

"You'll just end up coming back! You crave me like I crave you," said Anakin.

"Yes, I crave you but I also love you. I know you still love me. Even now you're searching your heart. You are trying to decide what to do. Your trying to find something to say that will make it right. You're also want to know what to say so you won't give your feelings away," said Padme.

"That is not true!"

"Yes, it is!"

"How would you know?"

"Because we are connected. Or did you forget that too? You are so far gone you don't even know who you are anymore. I surely don't know who you are anymore. I'm not all too sure that I really want to know."

"I am Darth Vader, the emperor of the galaxy," said Anakin coldly.

"Believe me, I know. You are also Anakin Skywalker."

"Not anymore."

"You once were," said Padme.

"Well, I am not anymore."

"You know what, I can deal with all of this but I can not deal with all of this without your love. Go ahead, call me weak. I don't care! I need you!"

Padme sat on the bed and let herself cry.

As Anakin watched her cry he felt like crying as well. His beautiful angel was crying. It was his entire fault.

Anakin felt a bit of his wall come down. He was lieing. He did love her. He just was afraid to truly let her in. He had to try to apologize even if it ruined a piece of which he was.

Padme was surprised when she felt a warm hand rub her back. She stayed stiffened for a minute. She tried to not let him know how good his warm hand felt on her.

"Go away!"

"No, not until you hear me out. I didn't mean it. I- I- I'm sorry," said Anakin awkwardly.

He felt very weird. It had been a very long time since he had felt remorse for anything he had done. He made mistakes and he fixed them. People did things wrong and they were either punished or killed. But this was different. He didn't want to punish he, and he sure as hell didn't want to kill her.

"Why? Do you actually have any emotions? After all, you are Darth Vader," said Padme.

"You were right. I do love you."

Padme lifted her head and looked into his eyes. Her eyes were tear stained and her face was a little flush. Anakin was happy when he saw a small smile on her face.

"I know."

"Do you want me to show you?"


Things were a bit different in the emperor's home. Luke and Leia even noticed the difference.

Anakin seemed happier. He was still cold hearted but he wasn't always so mad. He was kind with his family though.

Luke and Leia were happy with this change.

But one thing still remained a drift between the two parents. The problem always happened to be the same single problem. Anakin wanted her to turn over to the dark side while Padme wanted him to be the man he once was.

They were once again arguing in their bedroom one night.

"I may love you but this life is suffocating me. I watch as you kill people without a second thought. It scares me even though I know you would never strike any of us down," said Padme.

"Ofcourse not," said Anakin.

"Why is it so hard for you to become the man you once were. I mean even I see it," said Padme.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about? What do you see," asked Anakin.

"I see the good in you. Like last week when you told me you loved me. And then the other day when Luke was having trouble, I saw the smile on your face as you helped him. That was the man I fell in love with," said Padme.

"I can't be that anymore," said Anakin.

"Well, why not," asked Padme.

"Even if I wanted to return to that life I couldn't. You are forgetting that because of me the jedi order is broken. I destroyed the people I loved. I killed many of them. No one is going to forget that. No one is going to forget the evil man I was," said Anakin.

Padme knew on some level that he was right.

"Who cares about them. We would be together and happy," said Padme.

"No, don't you see it? They would want to kill me for what I did to them. The Jedi's wouldn't but the rebels and other people would," said Anakin.

"So, you could keep us safe," said Padme.

"Maybe to a certain point. They would find out they couldn't destroy me. When that happens they will try to hurt me. That means they would try to hurt the three of you. If they are real mad they might kill you three," said Anakin.

"They wouldn't do that. Bail Organa could stop them."

"He would be the first to attempt a termination on my life," said Anakin.

"But he loves Leia."

"He loves Leia? Has he even met her," asked Anakin.

"Yes, he raised her for the first six months of her life. After you crossed over to the dark side we had to split up the twins. Obi-Wan took Luke to your stepbrother's home. I fled to Alderan with Leia. When we were there Bail took us in," said Padme.

"I can't do this."

"Why not? It would be so easy!"

"I can't go back on my promise!"

"Well, Anakin, I hate to break it to you but you were the one who made a commitment to the Jedi order. I think you're being a hypocrite if you're going to talk to me about going back on promises," said Padme.

"Alright, alright. I'll go."

"You will? What changed your mind," asked Padme.

She was very happy.

"You did. You said you couldn't take this life. I can't take it either. It's slowly been eating away at me. If you had never came back that day I would still be the evil man," said Anakin.

"Anakin, whether your Vader or not there is still good in you. It might be hard to find, but it's still there. I knew from the moment I came back that deep inside you were still the man I loved," said Padme.

"I know that now. I also changed my mind for Luke and Leia. They deserve to have so much more than this. The deserve more than this. I love the three of you. I have to at least try," said Anakiin

Padme brought him into a hug.

"I love you," she whispered.
