I cannot believe I got stuck in here with that big jerk! thought Nathaniel. I , the student body president, got into a fight with The Devil of Amoris High! Great! To keep himself from pounding his fist into the desk for the tenth time, he walked up to the chalk board. "I can't believe they still use chalk here," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, those old farts don't know what it means to...upgrade their...materials," whispered Castiel, sliding his hands around Nathaniel's waist.

"Castiel," Nathaniel said, turning around and pushing a way, "don't you think you could have some respect for your elders? At least when it's just us?"

With a pout on his lips, Castiel sat on the edge of the empty teacher's desk, near inches from Nathaniel. "Now , Natty, why aren't you using the nickname you gave me?" A smirk rolled across his mouth. "Like you were before we got caught...arguing."

Stabbing Castiel with his forefinger, Nathaniel flew forward, "That was before you slammed me into your locker and swore to do mean things to me."

Letting out a loud cackle, Castiel's face light up with youth Nathaniel had only seen when they were kids, forgetting how hard Castiel's home life was as a child. His parents were home as much then as they are now, never. Nathaniel use to go over to Castiel's every weekend to make sure his best friend was okay with just a nanny to care for him.

"I'm fine," he'd say. "Besides, not having my momma and papa home all the time means I get to have you over a lot more often, and not get embarrassed by their constant smothering!"

What happened to us? We were such great friends then? Nathaniel wondered.

Still laughing, Castiel took Nathaniel in to his arms and held him tight. One hand in Nathaniel's hair, the other on the small of his back, Castiel took in the deep aroma of Nathaniel's crisp scent. "You thought I was going to do something mean to you?" Pulling Nathaniel's face close to his, Castiel whispered on his lips, "I could never do anything to hurt you, Natty." A light touch of their lips, "I love you."

"You what?" Nathaniel pushed back a little.

"I love you, Natty. Do you not like me anymore? I know I'm the bad boy of our school, but I do have feelings for you. I thought you knew."

"No, I didn't know. I never thought you, that we would, I thought only I was, I had dreamed that we could..."

Cupping Nathaniel's face, Castiel held him gently, "That we could what, Natty?" A soft smile spread across Castiel's face, one the Nathaniel had never seen before.

"Nothing, it would ruin us both."

Putting both hands on Nathaniel's face, Castiel urged Nathaniel to speak his mind. "Nathaniel, I just told you that I love you and you can't tell me something that you dreamed for us, because 'it will ruin the both of us?' Natty, you can tell me anything, I don't care what it is. I'm not that hard core guy everyone plagues me out to be. Please," he conceded, looking Nathaniel in the eye, "Please, Natty, tell me what you're hiding."

"I've wanted us to be together for years now...but I was too scared to talk to you and I thought you like girls..."

"Well, yeah, I do like girls. And guys...well, I really like you at least." He chuckled, making Nathaniel smile as well.

"So..." Nathaniel looked up from lowered lashes, "are we official now?" He wrapped his arms around Castiel's neck.

"I don't know," he said, turning Natty around onto the desk. "Maybe I should do some of those 'bad things' to you to get you to understand how we work," a huge smirk jumped onto Castiel's face.

Nathaniel's eyes widened. "What bad things to you plan on doing, Cassi?"

A groan, raw and hungry rolled from Castiel's throat. "Your voice is going to kill me, Natty. So soft, silky, innocent. Like you haven't ever been in a relationship and don't know what to do." He chuckled, "Well, let's see," he stroked Nathaniel's bum, "where do you want to be touched?" He began to unbutton Natty's shirt.

"I-I d-don't know."

"Hmm..." Castiel licked Nathaniel's neck. His little whimper made Cassi grin. "Do you know how sexy that is, Natty?" Grinding his hip against Nathaniel's, a primal growl rumbled from the depth of his throat, make his voice husky sounding. "Do you know how hard that make me, babe?" Running his hand up Nathaniel's hip, Castiel pulled at Natty's shirt, pulling it free from its tucked-in position.

"Cassi," Nathaniel gasped between kisses, "what are you doing?"

"Kissing you, the first thing on my list of 'Bad Things To-Do to you,' Natty."

"What about my shirt?" He pushed Castiel back an inch. "Why are trying to undo my shirt?" he asked looking down at Castiel's fingers intertwined in his buttons. "What if a teacher comes in?"

A smile creped across Castiel's face, "Oh, trust me love, no one's coming in here. I jammed the door this morning before any faculty got here."

"How did you get in?" Realization shot across Nathaniel's face. "Cassi, no. Please tell me you didn't break into the school? I get breaking out, but why would you break into school, for shit's sake?" He noticed the huge smile on Cassi's face. "Did you plan this Cassi?"

"You must be really upset, you never curse," he chuckled again.

"This is not funny, Castiel! That was illegal!" Nathaniel roared.

Castiel reared his backed with a thunderous laugh. "Haha, Natty, Natty, Natty. Don't you know by now? I may not be a hard-core-prison-break-asshole, but trouble is my middle name."

"Oh! Shut-up, you!" Nathaniel smiled.

"Shuts don't go up," Castiel jested.

Nathaniel sighed then smiled, "Shut and kiss me, you jerk."

"Will do, love. Will do."