I don't own anything… sadly. But thanks for the responses so far, they mean a lot; please keep them coming. Here you go lovelies, some faberry for you.

Get ready for me, love,

'Cause I'm a "comer,"

I simply gotta march,

My heart's a drummer.

Don't bring around a cloud

To rain on my parade!

I'm gonna live and live now,

Get what I want-I know how,

One roll for the whole shebang,

One throw, that bell will go clang,

Eye on the target-and wham-

One shot, one gun shot, and-

"Rachel!" Quinn's voice boomed from outside the bathroom. I turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around me and ran out of the bathroom.

"Something wrong Quinn? Everything okay?" I asked in a panic.

"No, some of us aren't up at the crack of dawn every morning, so could you please tone down the big theatrical singing?" She snapped. She was still in her pajamas and her eyes were filled with sleep. She leaned up against the wall opposite of me with a frustrated look on her face. "This is the third time this week."

"Sorry." I muttered sheepishly. I have always been an early riser, my vigorous early morning workout routines call for it. So I guess now, I was just going to have to tone it down.

Quinn and I have been living together for 2 weeks now, and things were finally settling down about the whole Finn situation. They took Finn into custody the day of the stabbing, and now he is awaiting his trial, where he will most likely will be charged with domestic violence, and assault. Taking the news was hard for me to hear, but Quinn was there for me the entire way through. Life had started back up again, where I was meeting with my manager about my next album, and Quinn was working night shifts at the coffee shop. We barely saw each other anymore, and our only time together was on the weekends. We would watch movies together, and stay up all night in each other's room, eating all the food we could imagine. Living with Quinn was probably the most fun I've had in a long time; but it could sometimes be difficult; I could forget to take care of my things, I could get loud with my singing, I would come home too late and wake her up. I just wasn't used to living the 'normal' life that Quinn was living. When I was living with Finn, I could be as loud or as messy as I want, because the maids and butlers would do all the work and ignore me; but living in this small little apartment with Quinn, there were no maids, no butlers, no chauffeurs, nothing. Just me and Quinn.

"Their fines Rach, just, next time, tone it down." Quinn laughed. She brushed past me and walked into the kitchen. I followed behind to see her scouring the cabinets looking for food. "We. Have. No. food." She said with the slamming of each cabinet. I suppressed a giggle over Quinn's little hissy fit. She turned to look at me, "Let's go out for breakfast." She declared.

"Okay, sounds good to me." I say as I grab my purse and start to head out the door. I hear Quinn burst into a fit of laughter behind me. I turn around to glare at her. "What?"

"You might want to get dressed first." She giggled.

I looked down and realized that I was still wrapped in a towel. I felt my face grow hot as I realize that I have been in my skimpy towel this entire time. I rush into my room and throw on simple jeans and the first clean shirt I could find. I'm not really dressing to impress, seeing at it is just Quinn and I.

"Ready." I sing as I come bounding out of my room. Quinn was waiting in front of the door, now fully dressed herself. Seeing what Quinn was wearing, it made me feel more self-conscious, and embarrassed for I was wearing. She wore a short white polka dot dress with a green cardigan over it, which made her eyes pop. Her legs looked amazing in that dress and I couldn't help but stare a little bit.

"Okay diva, let's roll." She smirks as she pushes me out the door.


"So, there I was, two feet away from Barbra Streisand. I was so nervous; I mean c'mon, Barbra Streisand. I walk up to her, and I was like- Quinn you're not listening to me." I demanded her attention. She sat across the table from me stirring into her coffee and staring off into space. I know that I talk a lot, but she could at least try to make the effort to listen to me.

"Sorry... distracted." She mumbled.

I rolled my eyes at her answer. Obviously something was bothering her; Quinn is pretty obvious with her emotions. "What's up?" I caught her staring intently at something over my head. I turn to see her staring at a brunette Latina talking intently with another tall blonde.

"Who are they?" I ask curiously.

"They both went to my school, Brittany and Santana. They were my only friends until they found out I was preggers... and well, you know from there."

"Should we go say hi?" I asked excitedly, I loved meeting new people. I started to stand up but Quinn desperately pulled me back into my seat.

"No! No, especially not you." She said frantically. I look at her confused. If they were her only friends, wouldn't she want to go say hi? "Here let me give you some missing details of my life that I have failed to mention to you. I hope this bit of information doesn't change your opinion of me." She heaved a sigh and looked at me with a bit of worry in her face.

I am worried too, I have no idea what she was about to say, for all I know she could be confessing to me that she was a murder and on the run from the FBI.

"I'm a lesbian. I've known since I was 12, but I never came out to my parents. As you know, they are very judgmental people, and I was afraid they would kick me out if they found out I was in love with girls." She laughed darkly at this statement. "Funny thing is I still ended up getting kicked out." Her gaze fell upon the Latina; I think her name was Santana? She sighed deeply before looking back to me. "Santana and I used to secretly date. So secret that our best friend Brittany didn't even know. We would sneak out at weird hours of the night just to be alone. It was a rush being with her, she was so fierce and wild, and she made me feel alive. But obviously, all that came to an end when she found out I was pregnant. She turned on me, and outed me to some of our friends, and there I was shunned even more for who I was..."

I stared at her, not really sure what to say. I waited for her to continue talking, for her to say something... anything.

"I was in love with her, or at least I thought I was at the time. I thought she and I had something really special, something that was worth fighting for, but when she... when she, you know... It really hurt. I know I was the stupid one who screwed up and got pregnant, but I just wished she would have... cared about me in public like she said she did in private." She looked up at the girl, and then back at me. She had a sad smile upon her lips. "I haven't seen her since for years, so I guess..."

"She just brings back all the memories." I finished for her. She nodded at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, especially that being a big part of my life. I just didn't want to scare you off by me being... well, lesbian. Some people can be really judgmental about it, and some want nothing to do with me when they find out I'm a lesbian. Stupid homophobic people have made me be more cautious with my life, so I just didn't want to risk it with you, especially when I was the only thing to come to your rescue that night, I didn't want to have to turn away due to the truth. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, it makes perfect sense." I smile at her, and grab her trembling hand and squeeze it gently. She withdrew a breath of relief, and you could feel all the tension in the air dissipate. "I don't mind that you are into girls, love is love. I don't think of you any differently, and I never would, you are an amazing person Quinn, and I won't judge somebody based on their rocky past."

Quinn smiled at me, a big toothy grin that made my heart melt. I've never seen her so happy, and even though I said so little, I know it meant the world to Quinn. This girl deserves the world, and I am going to be the person that gives it to her.

"Let's say we get out of here, leave the past behind. We both need a little lesson on moving forward huh? You need to move on from Santana and I need to move on from Finn."

Quinn gave one last look towards the direction of Santana, and then looked at me, shaking her head. "Absolutely, you are absolutely right Rach! Let's go." Still clutching her hand, we stood up and almost ran out of the restaurant, desperate and willing for a new, fresh start.

This is what I needed, this is what Quinn needed. My mother always told me that god had a funny way of having things work out. God had a funny way of making fate and destiny work out. God gave me Quinn so I can learn to let go; god gave me Quinn so I could be free; and god gave Quinn me for the same exact reasons. We were a golden friendship made by god.


"I feel like a new woman." Quinn exhaled as we walked down the street. The sun shone brightly, but not as bright as our grins. We nearly danced as we walked, both feeling so free and... well… happy. I haven't felt this happy in a long time, probably since my first single hit number one on the billboard charts.

We walked down sunset strip, stopping in every store we see and buying everything. Shopping with Quinn was like what you saw in the movies, all fun, glamorous, and filled with laughs.

"Quinn, just come out! I'm sure it looks fine on you." I giggled to Quinn. She was locked in the dressing room, refusing to come out, acting like a child.

"I look like a freak! This dress is hideous" Quinn exclaimed behind the closed door.

"The dress looked fabulous on the hangers!"

"It looked like vomit; and it still looks like vomit." Quinn shot back quickly.

"Come out or I'm going to start singing really loudly and embarrass you even more." I smiled. I knew that would do the trick, and in fact it did. Quinn did a loud groan before she unlocked the door and trudged out into the front of the dressing room.

She was glowing in a floor length satin gown. The baby blue fabric played up her facial features, and made her look even more radiant than she already was. I gasped immediately when I saw her, but she still looked dissatisfied. "See, I told you, vomit."

"Oh, Quinn. You look... simply magnificent. You are so stunning in that dress, how could you saw it's awful?"

Quinn blushed a deep red at my words, and turned her head away sheepishly. "Thanks Rach."

"You are so wearing that the next awards show I attend." I say absent-mindedly, I was still too preoccupied with the dress and Quinn in the dress to realize what I was saying. She looked at me with mooneyes.

"You mean it? You're going to take me to public celebrity events?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? We're friends, and that's what a friend would do right?"

Quinn took me by surprise by running up and enclosing me in a tight hug. My shock quickly wore off and I hugged her tightly back. "Thank You." I heard Quinn mutter over my shoulder, and I returned the welcome back to her, glad I could make somebody so happy.

Quinn released me, and looked at me with tear-filled eyes. "Why are you crying?" I smiled as I gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"It's just; I never thought I would see myself being best friends with somebody like you. You're so sweet and kind and everything anybody would ever want to be. You're amazing. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled back at her.

Quinn sighed a deeply, looking away from me for a moment. She averted my gaze for a moment before she stood up. "I'm gonna get out of this dress, we should actually do some grocery shopping before we head home, seeing as we have no food..."

"Yeah, we don't need another early morning hissy fit from the starving Quinn." I retorted and we burst into a fit of giggled before she bounced back into the dressing room.

But little did I know, as I was happily awaiting for Quinn to return from the dressing room dressed; she was sitting on the dressing room floor, nearly on the verge of tears; because she thought that her 'I love you' meant so much more than friendship...

Chapter 7 Preview: Rachel convinces Quinn to do something…