So this is an AU if you couldn't tell from the summary. Rachel is a huge pop star, dating the famous actor Finn Hudson. But I promise Faberry will come. Please don't give me hate for using Finn in this mean way, it just worked with the story. Review/Alert/Favorite please. I hope you enjoy!


Thousands of people were screaming my name, screaming for me to look their way. People were trying to shove their way through the gates to get my autograph, to get my picture. I feel on top of the world, everybody wants my attention. I flash my winning smile at them and they all scream in delight. I am glad I can make these strangers happy, these strangers that are in love with me. They are in love with the image of me, not the real Rachel Berry, if they really knew me, they would know to hate me, like I hate myself.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and it pulls me away from my thoughts. I look up to see my big shot actor of a fiancé Finn Hudson. He is smiling his fake smile as he looks at me with his fake loving expression. Everything about this man is fake. I try to look pleased as I walk around the red carpet with Finn draped over my waist, but in all reality, I am disgusted.

Finn and I met at a music event 2 summers ago, and yes, and he was just as arrogant as he is now. I went with a bunch of my other celebrity friends, and we were drinking and having a really good time. My first album, Feel the Sunshine, just went platinum after just being out for 3 weeks; so we had a cause for celebration. I was on the dance floor with my best friend Taylor, not really caring about how awful I was dancing.

"Hey sweetheart those are some really nice moves." A suave looking guy in a tight black t-shirt and some jeans danced behind me. I turn around and instantly recognize the man. Finn Hudson, the superstar actor who is the lead in every movie he has ever been in. Finn has always been my favorite actor, and idol.

I mutter out a quick 'thank you' before turning and gushing to Taylor.

"You're Rachel Berry right?" He continues the conversation.

"Erm-uh-yeah." I mentally curse at myself for my shyness. Out of all times, why do I have to be a blubbering idiot when a hot guy is trying to talk to me?

He chuckles a little. "Yeah, I have your album. You are an incredible singer."

*Oh my god. Finn Hudson has my album, he bought my album!* I scream in my head, but I try to regain my composure. "So I've heard." I answer coolly.

His hand brushes against my arm and I feel a rush of emotions. "You know, you're a big star, I'm a big star; you see where I'm going with this?"

I can feel my face growing hot at his suggestion. "I'm not a big star..."

"Tell that to the millions of people that bought your album." He says matter-of-factly. Finally he notices my friend standing there for the entire conversation. He throws another glance at her before speaking to me. "Why don't you and I take a walk?" He held out his arm for me smoothly.

I look at Taylor hopefully, and she urges me to go, and that she will be fine. I smile at her and say thank you before I grab Finn Hudson's arm and we walk off the dance floor.

July 30th 2010 was the day that would change my life forever. That day will forever be etched in my memory as the day that I regretted the most. I was so stupid to trust Finn, to think that he truly did care for me. And now I am stuck marrying him.

"So, you don't eat meat?" He asked me the next question. We had been walking along the beach for an hour, talking about our lives.

"Is that what all the tabloids are saying?" I joked; talking to him was so easy.

"Yeah, so do you?"

"No. I don't eat meat. I am a vegan."

"So this time the tabloid trash IS true." He poked me. He started laughing; oh his laugh could make me sing. Everything about this guy was dreamy. We fell back into the sand, and looked at the stars. I felt his hand fall on my knee, and I smile to myself. His hand starts to go northward, and things start to lose control.

I lost my virginity that night. Things were going way too far and too fast and I lost track of what I was doing. I was highly intoxicated that night, and obviously inclined to thinking that I could have sex with Finn Hudson.

So now we are together, for our own reputation purposes; Finn dating the biggest pop star in the decade gives him a little more space in the news adds, as I dating a huge movie star constantly keep me in the news, no matter what I do. *NEWS HEADLINE! RACHEL BERRY EATS A SANDWICH!*


The sound of my name being called jolts me from my thoughts again. I shake my attention back to where I am, at the Grammys.

"Rach, you won. Go up there!" People were telling me. I still wasn't processing the news, so I was taken by the arm and pulled up on stage by Finn.

"Sorry, she gets a little spacey." Finn chuckles into the microphone. I get handed my award by the presenter, but it is taken out of my hands from Finn. "On behalf of my fiancée Rachel, I would like to thank all the directors, producers, etc. for making this album happen. Best ALBUM OF THE YEAR BABY!"

He made his speech like it was his own, while I just stood behind him like a scared little girl. As he made his way off the stage I stayed behind, determined to give out my speech for my own award.

"Yes, thank you Finn, but now I would like to say a few words for myself, seeing that it is MY award and all. I just wanted to say that receiving this award tonight is such an honor, and is greatly appreciated. And I know this is going to sound horribly cliché but I do have to owe it to my amazing fans, without you, this award would literally be impossible for me. So I think you, this one is for all of us to share." I smile wide as the tears start. I get ushered off the stage as the next two presenters start their bit.

Backstage I am greeted with a rush of people, throwing out congratulations, and trying to touch my award.

"Thank you, thank you." I repeat over and over again. I feel a rush of emotions come over me as I'm jostled around from person to person, finally landing at Finn. He looked annoyed, and instantly my happiness melted into fear.

"Way to ruin my speech." He scoffed at me. "Way to ruin everything, you are so slow and incompetent that I had to make the speech for you, and drag you up stage!" He continued ranting about how I was ruining his reputation, and his life. Good thing nobody was around to hear any of this because boy, the press would have a field day. The fights are daily; the constant putting down about how whatever I do is never good enough for him. I start to cry at the words he is lashing at me. This is why I hate myself; he is the reason why I hate myself. I know I can't break it off with him without getting into complications with the press and the public. My sobs get louder, mixing with Finn's shouts.

I look through my tear filled eyes to see an angry Finn glaring at me. "You are a pathetic worthless little-" His hard came flying towards me, here comes the punching, like every night. I close my eyes and anticipate the blow...

Chapter 2: The fight with Finn…