Legal: I do not own Power Rangers or the associated names, places, events etc. Anything not covered by the above rights should be presumed to be purely the creation of the author.
Rating: T – May be some mild adult language and themes.
A couple of days passed, and things were going well around the Shiba House. Terry, much as his sister had predicted, was steadily progressing under Jayden and Kevin's watchful eye. Just as she had assured him, while he didn't excel in any area, he also wasn't terrible at anything, and so on the whole they had a pretty good foundation to work with. He was still never going to end up the level of Jayden or Kevin in the month or so he would have left as a stand-in for Mia, but at least he managed to convince everyone that he would pull his weight when the time came for battle.
His hair was almost completely back to normal too. There were a couple of pink streaks still in it, but the symbol-energy that Emily and Mike had put into the goo that their Serrator piñata had splattered him with was dissipating, allowing his hair to return to his natural raven black. His clothes were already back to normal, which was a blessing in and of itself, meaning he didn't have to walk around looking like something from a candy commercial.
As Kevin managed to disarm him, before knocking him to the mat, Jayden just called a halt to his training.
"Well, you're definitely getting better." Jayden complimented him. "I'd say that starting tomorrow; you're ready to join the others in standard training."
"Hey, that's great!" Emily complimented him.
"Yeah, now you'll be training with the rest of us!" Mike added. Terry just nodded.
"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." He told them.
"Alright guys, hit the showers." Jayden told them. "You've all worked really hard today, you should be proud of yourselves."
With that, they all started to head off inside. Terry came over to where his sister was sitting with Serena, playing a game of chess in the garden. He took a seat with them, considering the board.
"It's been a week." Terry reminded Mia. "I really should take a look at your arm."
"I'll be finished here in a little while." Mia told him. "How was Ji?"
"He seems to be healing up nicely." Terry assured her. One of the fringe benefits to having Terry in the house was his level of knowledge with medicine. Although Ji's skills were impressive, and Mia was also accomplished with first aid, Terry was a medical student, meaning that he had seen and performed tasks neither of them ever had. Given that both their best first aid practitioners were already hurt, it was nice to have someone that could take care of them for a change. "I'll need to take the cast off to get a good look."
"I said I'll be finished in a minute." Mia reminded him, moving a bishop. Serena furrowed her brows as she checked the board, and Terry could see that she was struggling to think of a move. Terry had played chess with Mia many times over the years, and was very familiar with her game. Terry just smiled and stopped Serena's hand as she went for a knight. Picking up the queen, he moved it a couple of squares, at which Mia and Serena just shot forward in their seats. Serena pumped her fists in the air after checking the board.
"I guess you were right when you said you'd be done soon." Terry told his sister. "Come on, I'll take a look at that arm now."
"Hey Mia, your brother can help me out any time!" Serena said with a smile. "That's the first time I've ever beaten you!"
"Yeah yeah, enjoy it while it lasts!" Mia replied as Terry took her inside. She went to the kitchen with him, at which he laid out a mat on the counter and placed her cast down. He got a hold of Ji's medical kit and started to inspect the cast, picking up a cutter.
"So, you're joining the others in training tomorrow?" She complimented him. "Not bad for being here for a week."
"Yeah, I guess that should help." Terry answered her as he started to get to work, starting to cut open the cast.
"Terry, I just have to say, I'm impressed." Mia told him. "Not just about your progress either."
"I don't know what you mean." He said as he continued his task. He put the cutter down, and grabbed the cast, pulling it open. He took Mia's arm gently, and started to inspect it, making sure that everything was progressing well.
"You haven't done anything to the others." Mia responded. "I mean, after that prank..."
"That prank was pretty good." He chuckled. "And who says I'm not going to do anything?"
"The best time to catch someone is to give them a day or two, make them think you've given them a pass." He explained. He put her arm down. "Ji seems to have done a good job with this. Everything seems to be in order; it'll just take a little time to apply a new one."
"Terry, what did you do?" Mia asked him. He just smirked as he gathered the things he would need for the new cast.
"I think another month should be all it'll take." He said to Mia, completely ignoring her question. Mia just looked a little annoyed.
"It's a clean break, and I'm sure if I had an x-ray, I'd be able to show you it knitting nicely." He continued.
"Terry, don't ignore me!" Mia screeched. "Please, they're my friends!"
"Mia, they started it." Terry told her.
"Well, at least, please promise me you won't take things too far." She begged him. Just then, there was a scream coming from Mike's room, and he gave her a knowing smirk.
"I have no idea what you mean." He told her as he started to work on her new cast. Just then, Mike came into the room, dressed only in a towel, and with a thick, brown, sticky fluid dripping down him. He looked to Terry, and started to flail wildly.
"Terry!" He yelled at him. "What the hell?"
"It's amazing what you can do with beef stock cubes and a shower fitting." Terry told him. "Gotcha!"
With that, Mike stomped back into his room. Mia just started laughing.
"Alright, that one was pretty good." She admitted. Terry just nodded in appreciation.
"One down, two to go." He told her. Mia just shook her head.
"I guess it's pointless to ask you to quit while you're ahead." She stated. "Just promise me that you won't take things too far like you used to."
"Alright." He sighed. "I'll keep things tame." He turned his attention back to the cast, wrapping the damp strips around Mia's arm. Mia just gave him an unconvinced look. She had a feeling she was going to have to keep an eye on this situation.
In another part of town, Ji arrived at Brenda's apartment. It had been a couple of days since he had seen her, so when she called him, he was only too happy to go. She answered the door, finding him standing there, holding a bouquet and some chocolates.
"Well, there's a sight for sore eyes." He stated, leaning in and kissing her softly. She moved just a little, letting him find her cheek. She guided him into the apartment, keen to get him inside where she knew the protective symbols would ensure Dekker wouldn't be able to get to him. He made his way inside, putting down the chocolates. "I'll just go and find a vase for..."
"Ji, please, just leave the flowers for a bit." She told him. "There's something I need to talk to you about."
Ji just made his way to the couch, and took a seat. Brenda sat with him, and took his hand. Ji seemed to become a little unsettled, sensing that she had something important to say.
"Brenda, please what is it?" He asked her. "You can talk to me about anything."
"Ji, it's about us." She told him. "Ji, I'm...I'm pregnant."
Ji looked completely stunned by what she had said. From the moment he had brought the Rangers into his home, he knew that the possibility was there that a few budding romances would come about. When their parents had been called, they were all a little older, and already had families of their own, but the timing of the current team's call meant that none of them were attached. That, combined with their age meant he was always aware of the possibility of hormones and youthful exuberance leading to them making choices they might not be able to take back.
"Are...are you sure?" He asked her. Brenda just nodded her head.
"I did three separate tests." She told him. She held his hand tightly. "Ji, please, say something!"
He pulled her in, holding her tightly. He was scared; trying to imagine what was to come. As a younger man, he had imagined having a family, but over time, he had long since put the idea out of his mind. His years serving the Shiba Clan, followed by his years raising Jayden, he hadn't found the right woman. He had considered Jayden to be his son, and poured the devotion he would have given his own children into raising him. He had never considered the eventuality he would have children of his own.
"Ji, I'm scared." She told him.
"I am too." He admitted, releasing her a little. "So, um...I guess we need to talk about what we plan to do."
"Are you talking about...?"
"No, Brenda not at all, I would never ask that." Ji told her. "I was just thinking...where we would live, how we would get by..."
"You mean, you want to keep it?" She asked him. Ji just sighed and smiled at her.
"It is your body, and ultimately your decision." He told her. "And I can't deny I have some concerns. I am not getting any younger, but I will support you every step of the way."
She couldn't say anything, instead finding herself overcome with joy. He was as nervous as her, that much was clear, but in the end, he was willing to stand by her. She held him tightly, feeling the warmth of his arms. In that moment, she found herself saying something she never thought she would.
"I'll do it." She told him as she parted from him.
"Are you sure?" He asked. She just nodded.
"If I can do this with anyone, it's with you." She answered. Ji kissed her passionately. He couldn't imagine loving anyone more.
In the yard outside Spike's house, Melanie, Mal, Jimmy, Vicky and Cody had arrived, carrying backpacks, packed for their trip. They had left it a little while, so that Mal could move back into his parents' place, and have a couple of days to get back into the way of things, but now they were all getting ready for their trip.
Spike was talking with them excitedly, telling them all about the times his mom used to take him paintballing. Back when she was with the SWAT unit, they often used such facilities to train, and Kimberly had taken Spike a few times in order to spend time with him. It had been a few years since his last trip mainly because once Kim had retired from the SWAT team; she didn't spend as much time with her former colleagues. Still, now that he knew that the camp they were going to was run by a couple of her old team mates, he was incredibly excited to see them again.
As they shared a laugh, Bulk came into the driveway in a mini-van he had rented to take them out to the camp. Although he was sure that Spike would be able to get there by train, he had insisted that he would take them, just so he would get to spend a little more time with him before he would be away from him for a week.
"Alright kids, the Combat Camp express is ready to board!" He announced. Spike threw his backpack into the back, before grabbing Vicky's. His hand briefly touched hers as he did so.
"Um...I can help you with that." He told her. Vicky just smiled and let go of the bag, letting Spike load it up. Jimmy and Cody were busy with their own stuff, while Mal and Melanie climbed into the back, getting ready for the trip.
"I'm telling you guys, the more I hear about this place they set up, the better it sounds!" Spike told them, booting up his laptop to show them the web site for the camp. "It says here they have all kinds of scenarios, some of which are based on some of their former missions and training scenarios!"
"Yeah, you told us Spike." Mal reminded him. "About three or four hundred times!"
"Oh." He commented. "Well, did I tell you that the meals..."
"The meals are prepared by a catering team to satisfy all dietary requirements!" Melanie giggled. "I think you told Mal that one about six hundred times."
"Oh." He continued. Vicky just shoved the back of her headrest.
"Hey, stop being mean." She told them. "It's only natural Spike's excited. These guys are friends of his mom's. He hasn't seen them in a few years!"
"Come on, we're just teasing." Jimmy assured her.
"Yeah, all of us are excited!" Cody added as Bulk did his final checks, before starting off down the road. "This'll be my first holiday away from home!"
"Ours too." Jimmy added, gesturing to himself and his sister, before looking to Spike. "Your parents are really cool to manage to arrange this."
"Yeah, well, I'd still have liked to see them for a little while." He sighed, closing up his laptop. He then smiled and gestured down the road. "Uncle Bulk, the freeway's..."
"I know the turning Spike!" Bulk chuckled. "I'm not the one that doesn't have a licence."
As they turned onto the freeway, the kids all let out whoops of excitement. After the year they'd had, all of them were looking forward to the holiday.
Back at the Shiba House, Mike had finally managed to clean out the shower head, and had another shower to clean up. Emily was just glad Mike had been the first to use the shower. Antonio had checked his own shower head following the incident, only to find that it was empty. By virtue of the fact that he shared a room with Jayden, he could only presume that he didn't want to take the chance that he would get the wrong victim.
Mia was sitting in the main room, reading when Serena came in, still chuckling about the thought of Mike being doused in beef broth. Mia just sighed and looked up to her.
"You know, Emily was part of that prank too." Mia reminded her. Serena just shrugged her shoulders.
"Well, she's tough enough to take what she gets." Serena assured her. "Besides, if he goes too far, he'll have me to deal with."
Serena sat with Mia, looking to her, inspecting the work on her cast.
"Your brother seems to know his stuff." She commented.
"I should hope so, they're going to let him loose on real patients soon enough." Mia answered. Serena looked out a marker pen, and took off the cap, beginning to sign the cast.
"Emily will be alright won't she?" Serena asked her. "I know he's your brother Mia, but if..."
"He's already promised me that he won't let things get out of hand." Mia assured her. "But if he does, I know you'll only give him what he deserves."
Just then, Terry came down the hall from the kitchen. Serena looked to him and smiled.
"Nice job with the stock cube." She complimented him. "Where did you learn that one?"
"I first used that one on the other med students in the shower room." He informed her. "They couldn't prove anything."
"I really wish I had some pictures..."
"Oh, there are pictures." Terry assured her, pulling out his I-phone. "I always record my work for posterity."
Serena saw a few pictures of Mike, dripping with the brown, sticky fluid, and started laughing.
"I so need that as a wallpaper for my phone." She giggled.
"You want a picture of your future brother-in-law half naked?" Mia asked her. "I don't think Emily would like that too much."
"So, have you got anything else planned?" Serena asked Terry. He just gave her an evil smirk.
"Always." He assured her. "Let's just say, Antonio's not got long to wait for some sweet revenge."