Hey all! I've finally gotten to update!

I only had a quick read though of his chapter and, as usual, I'll go back and one big sweep and read over everything again to make sure my mistakes are a minimal to non existent. I just...get really excited.

"Hey Al."

"Hey Dad!" We gave each other one of those 'man-hugs' when I opened the door.

I didn't tell Mom I would be leaving because, well, she wasn't there to tell. We were supposed to be having some sort of family time but she left me alone...

"Your Mom home?"

"No..." I sighed.

"Good..." He joked. I tried to smiled and followed him the car. Mattie claimed the front seat of the shiny black truck and I wondered if it was new. I got in and it had that new car smell so I guess it had to be.

I've always felt more relaxed when I was with Dad or Mattie. We talked about a few things like TV shows and some of the interesting cases Dads been getting at work; he's an attorney for the civil courts and usually ends up defending the little guy who doesn't have the money to buy some hot shot , he says that he doesn't want to work for a private firm because those are the guys who are in it for the money. I've always liked that about my Dad-he was like a hero who helps people just because he can, I've always wanted to do the same but...

I've been irritated and just so angry lately-I don't know what to do...

The place we went to wasn't fancy, it was like one of those fifty themed diners where they played old music and had pictures of old people and autographs of people who you knew never actually came here but it's cool anyway, all over the walls.

I sat next to Mattie in a booth, smelt all the food and I had to admit that I was really hungry. I've been eating a bit more often because I've been really stressed out for the past few days, I know that's not really a good excuse and that I need to get back on my diet before I start gaining weight again. Dieting is seriously hard though! But I guess you have to do whatever to look how you want.

We waited about ten minutes for Daisy to arrive and that gave me plenty of time to pick out something really small to eat.

"Ciao! Sorry I'm running late guys!" Daisy smiled. "Alfred! I didn't know you were coming. How have you been?" She smiled at me. Daisy was hands down the nicest person I've ever met-in a weird way she sort of reminded me of Feliciano (also the nicest person I ever met...maybe more so than Daisy? I wouldn't really know.) just a girl and not as excitable-plus they're both Italian, but then again so its Lovino and she doesn't remind me of him...didn't she mention having a sister once? I don't know...

"Hey (sweetie)" Daisy took a seat, hugged Dad, and smiled at me and Mattie.

"Alfred. How are you? It's been such a long time since I've seen you! And how are you Matthew?"

"I'm fine." Mattie told her.

"Yeah, I'm good too..." I didn't want to lie but what was I supposed to say? 'I'm terrible?' No. I couldn't ruin this happy little dinner with my problems...

"That's great! Did you all order yet?" She looked around.

"Not yet, we were waiting for you." I noticed the way my Dad looks at her, it's different than how he looks at Mom or anyone else I know and I know that look, I know how he feels: that's probably the same look I give to Arthur when I see him. I sighed. Arthur. I don't even know why I like him so much, or why he's so attractive to me. I wish I didn't feel this way about him, I wish I could stop wanting to see him so badly, following him, staring at him, wanting him and all the rest of that cliché bullshit-I want to stop so badly but...

I love him.

I love him but I don't want to be gay or whatever it is I am...

"Al?" I zoned out.


Mattie frowned .

"Are you ok?"

"I'm cool bro." I forced myself to smile.

"You sure?"


"What do you want on your pizza Alfred?" Dad asked. Pizza isn't really what I planned to eat, but I guess we were getting some family sized ones or something.

The waitress was there standing over us. She couldn't have been much older than I was and she was pretty: curly hair, large chest, about average height, about average in weight and I wanted to like her but...I just couldn't. I told myself she'd be prettier if her hair was short, choppy and blond, if she had green eyes, a English accent-if her chest was flatter and if she had a dick-if she was Arthur.

"Um...I dunno...I'm good with whatever..." I shrugged.

"Um...we can have another half pepperoni, half cheese..." Mattie told her. She nodded, wrote something down, and walked away.

"Alfred?" Dad raised one of his eye brows. "Are you ok? What's wrong?"

Don't you hate it when people ask if you're ok? It makes everything worse and I know that it does-just like that time with Feliks. Damn. Why am I such a fuck up? Feliks was nothing but nice to me and I was a jerk to him...

Talking to him about my problems was great and it was the best I've felt in a while-I need to talk to him. I could really use a friend about now...

"I'm good..." I didn't want my voice to crack, I tried to keep it low...

I wanted to turn attention away from myself, I wanted to hold my tongue because I didn't want my word vomit to spill out, not again, not now.

But they didn't change the subject. They were worried about me. What could I do? I forced myself to smile, blamed it on my hunger, and thought of something to say: I told them about my 'girlfriend'

I wanted to come out of the closet, I really did but...

Not now. I just couldn't afford the chance that they would reject me too...


"What do you want Francis?" I sighed. Why must that dumb Frog call me every day? Surely he had someone else to bother: Antonio and Gilbert namely. Were they not some sort of trio? He should be calling them instead of me. I don't care about his reasons, I'm tired of him, and his attempts to meddle in my personal life!

I'm still rather upset about him discovering my 'crush'- as some would call it-on Kiku. Why does he feel as if it's his business to know and to 'help' me?

"Why must you be so mean? I'm only trying to help you get the one you desire!" I rolled my eyes. Why did I even answer my phone? I sighed as a laid back on my bed. I wanted to read or perhaps play a game of some sort, mind you I actually do have a life full of wonderful hobbies, but of course every single time I find time to myself spare time, which is becoming more and more rare thanks to my brothers, Francis feels the need to call me.

Where was Antonio? Where was Gilbert?

"Why do you always call me?" I asked him. The ceiling was more interesting than I originally gave it credit for...

"What do you mean? I call you because we are friends." He replied. I sighed. I never once called him my friend-at least I don't think.

"Don't you have other friends to bother?"

"..." Did I hurt his feelings? "Are you busy?" He asked me.

"No." I sighed. "I just wanted to know if you bother Antonio and Gilbert this much..."

"...I call them everyday..." He replied. For some odd reason that statement didn't sound as truthful as it should. Why would he lie?

"Then when do you find the time to call me?"

"I never said we talked..."

"What?" What? What on earth was he on about now? They didn't talk? They hung out together all the time at school...I guess when Antonio isn't with Lovino...or Gilbert with Ludwig or um...that other person he hangs out with, Matthew was it? He's Alfred's kinder, sweeter, and overall better, brother. How could that nice lad be related to him?

"They tend to be busy when I call them." He informed

"I see..." I sigh. "Well, is there anything in particular that you wanted?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to know if you've spoke to Kiku..." I rolled my eyes.


"About the movies, you do want him to show up don't you?"

"He said he was coming..."

"Really?" He sounded shocked. "Well...that's great. I'm glad he could make it..."


Someone opened my door, whatever happened to knocking?

"Hi Artie!" Owen greeted me. Dear Lord what is it that he wanted? "Oh! Are you on the phone?" He whispered. What was the point of doing that now? I simply nodded and yet he continued on:

"Mom says to come downstairs, we're going to put up our holiday stuff!" He was bouncing with excitement and I suppose I could understand why, decorating the house for Christmas together turned into some sort of Kirkland family tradition over the years. It was fun.

"Alright. I'll be down in a moment."

"Hurry or Dylan and Peter will eat all the candy from you." He left the room. There had better be candy left when I get down there.



"I must be leaving now..."

"What? Already?"

"Yes. We're preparing to put up the decorations for Christmas and such..." Dad must have taken out his old Christmas record, I could hear the music playing from my room and I would be lying if I said it didn't bring a smile to my face.

"I understand then...I'll talk to you tomorrow? Don't forget about the movie!"

"Yes, yes I know. I'll be there. Goodbye."

"Bye..." I hung up the phone, but not before hearing a faint sigh from his end of the line. I tucked my phone in my pocket and began down the steps into my living room where boxes cover the floor and the smell of pine and plastic filled the air. I simply adored this time of year.

"It's about time you got here Artie. Help us untangle the lights." Alistair demanded. I rolled my eyes but set a bundle of lights on my lap beside Owen as Peter dug through the boxes looking for something or other and Dylan...did...whatever it was he was doing with that tinsel. Owen began to hum our favorite jingle and I unintentionally joined him only to have Dylan begin singing the words loudly and off key with the man on the record and Alistair complain to him about how awful he sounded, but when challenged to do better declined, thus Dylan continued on with Peter. Mom and Dad laughed and joined in on a few songs. Dad cooked dinner and we talked about our plans for tomorrow, putting up our yard decorations sometime, what we wanted for Christmas, our daily lives and the like.

"I started taking biology classes and we learned about genes and I figured out why Owen has brown hair and we all have blond or red..." Peter began.

"Because he's adopted?" I asked.

"I'm not adopted!"

All and all, it was a lovely night. We continued to decorate after dinner...



I sat in my room with nothing to do. Antonio was busy, Gilbert was busy, and now Arthur was as well.

My mother, bless her heart, is nowhere to be found. She left a note and money on the kitchen counter of our apartment informing me that she would be out for the evening , for me to order food of some sort, and to keep myself occupied-yesterday.

Arthur was with his family putting up decorations for the holidays, I wonder when, or if, we'll put ours up. I doubt we brought anything like that from France however-we left in such a hurry.

I got out of bed and wrapped a blanket around myself for warmth-its far too cold in here. I began toward the living room and flipped on the television; nothing was on. There was nothing to do, nothing to eat, and no one to talk to. I tried to send Antonio another message but he did not respond until late-after I drifted off into sleep wrapped to keep myself warm in the dark of my mother and mines small, cold apartment. I longed for the life I had before, the life in Paris with my mother and father before his affair or even the one before that in America as happy grade schooler...

If I didn't cry then than when would I?

Surely I could not tomorrow: I would be with all of my friends. I would need to keep happy. My friends depended on me did they not? They needed me-or at least I wanted them to. I made their problems mine-I don't know why, but probably to distract myself from my own, so that when I closed my eyes my mind would be filled with purpose and friends...

At least until I hear my mother stumble in at nine in the morning...


Last night, my Mother was furious. I wasn't here when she came home and she claimed to have been worried because I promised her family time. I wanted to tell her that I did have family time: with my Dad and Brother (and probably soon to be Step Mom.) But I didn't. I didn't say anything. It was her fault she wasn't around and I wasn't in the mood.

The car ride home was tense because everyone knew there was something wrong with me and yet, for some reason, I didn't mind. It was better than being at home when my own Mother, the woman who I lived with and raised me, couldn't tell I was in trouble- Or maybe she wanted to ignore it for as long as possible. Maybe she was given advice not to speak about it or perhaps she just didn't know what to do. I don't know and probably won't-but I do know that I wanted someone to talk to and the only person I had I pissed off by being an asshole. I tried to call him last night but he didn't pick up-as I expected.

So I did the next best thing.

It wasn't too late when I called, but Toris goes to bed early so I felt bad when he picked up sounding half asleep.


"Hey...Uh...sorry were you asleep?"

"It's ok...Its winter break..." He yawned. "What's up?"

"Yeah...uh...I've been an ass lately..." I sighed. "Sorry about that..."

"Oh. Yeah...it's ok..." I wonder if he even heard what I said.

"Yeah..." I really didn't know what to say. "I messed up didn't I?"

"Messed up?" He sounded confused and tired. "Did you get expelled?"

"No. I made Feliks mad at me..."

"Yeah. He said something about that..."

"Do you think he'll be mad for long?"

"I don't know." He yawned. " Feliks really hates being ignored but he's pretty quick to forgive and forget um...I guess if you talk to him and explain what's wrong and things would be okay between you..."

He made it sound like we were together or something. "What's going on anyway? Feliks told me about today and yesterday happened..."

"Just a few home problems...it's alright."

"Does it have to do with those woman your Mom's been with?"

"Kind of...how do you know about them?"

"They came to my door today and wanted to speak to my Mom but she wasn't home. So they gave me this card with someone's number on it I think her name was Jill-"

"Jillian?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. They told me about 'the truth' and to invite my Mother out to church with me..."

"Really? "

"Yeah. It was a bit weird and I told my Mom and she just told me that they were probably a cult. You should tell your Mom to be careful..."

"She won't listen, she's really into them..."

"She shouldn't be ignoring you in favor of them..."

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I just don't know what to do..."

"Maybe you could talk to her again? Or maybe you should talk to your Dad or something...I'm sorry but I really don't know..." Yeah. I don't know either...

"But anyway-Feliks won't even answer my calls or anything. How do I talk to him?" I changed the subject. It was more comfortable than the one we were just on but still just as weird

"Hmm...I can try to talk to him for you if you want. Do you want me to text him? Or we could have three way..."

Ok. I know that you'll think I'm immature but...considering all that's happened I think I have the right to find him saying that a bit...creepy...o-or...hot. Whatever don't judge me!

"N-No. You can text him...I don't want him to get mad..."


Toris texted him and apparently got a quick reply but as predicted he didn't want to talk to me-not even for me to say sorry.

I talked to him for a while longer about Christmas and what we'd do but I knew he was tired so I let him go not too long after but before he went to bed he suggested that I go to his house and I wondered if he knew what he was saying because he then went on to say something about returning a gift to Ivan and running over there (though in retrospect I do remember him needing to return it.)

I asked him where he lived and he gave me a pathetic list of directions but said that his door was red.

That's when I knew I needed to let him sleep .

So now I'm standing here and all these apartments look the same. They're pretty big but there's no real variation and I was afraid of getting lost because I'm not sure if I could trust Toris' half conscious instructions. I knew that a few blocks from my house were the apartment complexes but I've never had the need to go to one of them until now.

Which one of these houses was Feliks'?

I continued walking through the snow and by the time I found which one was his I couldn't really feel my fingers or my toes, or anything of the nature.

Like Toris said the door was red as opposed to white or black like the other ones so I guess it shouldn't have been too hard to find.

His last name was the first one listed on the side of the door so rung the doorbell.

I sighed and wondered why I was even here. I could have been sleeping in but instead I was up and out at 11 ringing the doorbell of a guy who I didn't know all too well but was ready and willing to spill my entire life story too, if he'd listen.

It didn't take too long for the curtain to pull back and Feliks to peek his head out.

He lived on the first floor and the window was actually more of a door which led to a small porch with tables and chairs on the covered in snow. His hair was disheveled and he had something in his mouth, he looked tired but when he saw me...

He glared.

He glared at me and I tried to smile but he left the window and didn't answer.

I stood out there for at least two more minutes before I rung the doorbell again only to gain no reply.

I sighed. I knew what he was doing-ignoring me. I guess I deserved it but I was trying to say sorry!

"Feliks! Open up!" I called. But he didn't answer. "Feliks!"

"Go away!" I heard him yell though the door, I guess that was better than nothing.

I sighed. I guess I really did deserve this, but I wanted to say I was sorry and stupid, I wanted him to forgive me.

I didn't go away.

"Can you at least open the door? I just want to talk..." He didn't answer, so I waited. I wasn't sure what I was expecting. I didn't hear anything inside and I didn't see him pull back the curtain either.

I just waited.

I could be just as stubborn as he could.

I sighed and watched my breath disappear more times than I wanted to count, wiped my nose on my gloves, and tried to move my fingers and toes for at least fifteen minutes before I pulled out my phone-I didn't even want to look at the time. I pulled up my messages and just decided to start typing and even though I wanted to write some sort of long text explaining myself I could only think of one thing.

Me (11:48AM): I kissed a girl, it was pretty gross

I couldn't feel my legs so much when the door finally did cracked open a few minutes after that and hot air hit me.

I turned to Feliks who didn't meet my gaze, he fixed himself up a bit but still wore his pajamas, and he sighed.

I didn't know what to say. But I was sorry and I more than ever I just needed a friend.

I took a few steps toward him and he looked at me. I remembered the reason I came here-I needed to talk and sort out all these weird feelings that I've been feeling and how confused I was.

"I think I like kissing boys more..." I told him. He finally looked at me.

"Is that a problem for you?" He asked coldly. I shrugged.

"I don't know..." He glared at me once more.

"Come in..." He mumbled. I silently thanked him before entering his apartment, the first one of the right, for the first time.

It was warm and really homey-with shoes by the door and furniture that matched. Everything was clean and there were pictures all around. I could see one of , what I presumed to be, his family, some old black and white photographs, newer ones of things, like Feliks with a middle school diploma, pictures taken with Toris at the beach and other things like that, and to be honest I was jealous.

I didn't have that: pictures of my best friend hanging alongside portraits of my family or ancestors-because I didn't have a best friend.

I'm sure somewhere we have pictures of my class that happen to have Arthur in it, or us together playing but nothing to be put on display.

I have football team pictures and club photos, things with my Mom and pictures with Mattie or Dad and although I love them all-I guess having a friend considered to be family would have been something nice to have, y'know?

Having a best friend would be something nice to have...


He held the cup out toward me. I took of my gloves and stuffed them into my coat pocket.



I didn't like tea, but beggars and be choosers right?

I took the cup and smiled, or at least I think I did.

Everything was quiet as I took my first sip and felt my body warm up. It didn't taste like normal tea, it was pretty sweet and I liked it, I looked around and noticed there was a set of steps leading upstairs so I figured it was more of a condo-like-place with two floors. I looked at Feliks who was practically glaring at me. His face was turned down into a pout and his arms were crossed in a defensive position, he tapped his foot impatiently and I knew I should start talking.


"What?" He said harshly. I almost jumped. My heart beat faster in my chest and I took another sip, and another and another until there was nothing left-I had no more time to stall.

"Uh..." I sighed. "I'm sorry..." I pushed it out. "I'm sorry I've been such an asshole..." I didn't really know what else to say. It was quiet and he looked like he was thinking something over but that was it. I started to feel even worse. I didn't want to lose him as my friend, this is the same way I lost Arthur-because I couldn't stop caring about what everyone thought about me.

I looked at him, almost pleading him to forgive me silently.

"You done with that?" He took the cup away from me, walked into the kitchen and I followed.

"C'mon! What do you want me to say?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just like, go away. You made it pretty clear who you'd rather be friends with so, like, leave." He didn't sound as mad as I thought he would. More like sad. "I can't help you with your problems..."

"No. C'mon dude don't say shit like that..." I kicked the air. "I made a stupid mistake I just...I didn't want them to know y'know?"

"Know what? That we were friends?" Were being the key word here.

"What? No! Know that I'm..."


"Y-Y'know. I don't gotta say it..."


He was going to make me say it. Admit that I liked Arthur, that I liked guys! Admit what I've known already for a while...

"I'm gay..."

The sound of the water shut off and to be honest I didn't realize it was on. He set down the cup and turned toward me but I didn't want to meet his gaze. I could hear him approach and his I felt his hand pat my head.

" I know it's not easy on you but denying that you like guys and ignoring the people who want to help you...um...it isn't, like, the best way to handle the situation Alfred..." He seemed to be struggling to give advice but I understood. He wasn't too well versed in the concept of helping people but he wanted to help me and I should be grateful-and I was. I really really was.

"I know..." He sighed.

"...Do you want another cup?" He was still holding the cup in his hands but it was now wet and clean. I looked up at him and he gave me a small smile. I guess all was forgiven?

Without really thinking much about it I kind of launched myself at him and gave him a really awkward hug now that I look back on it-but he didn't push me away so that was a good sign but at the time I was too happy to care because I realized that I had a friend. Someone to accept me for the person I was and wouldn't hate or judge me for it-something I hadn't had in a while and ...well it just made me happy.

I didn't think about what I did next.

"Like, Jesus Alfred I wish you wouldn't catch me off guard like that! I, like, nearly just dropped mmmmmmmm-" I'm pretty sure he was going to 'drop my cup' if I hadn't...y'know, kind of kissed him.

Yeah I told you guys I wasn't thinking about what I did. But since Wednesday afternoon I've been thinking about that kiss. I mean when you think about it-it was my first. I've never kissed anyone before him and to be perfectly honest: it was pretty damn nice.

I remembered how nice it felt and how natural it was, unlike the awkward kiss I gave Amelia.

I felt my heart beating fast and, although it didn't last long at all, I felt him kiss me back before pulling away.

It was funny. I don't think I liked him and I know I didn't like Amelia but for some reason the first time we kissed, and now this time again. I think I swooned (y'know, not that I would ever use that silly word!)


I pulled away from him and he was completely red. Awkward silence I guess is prone to follow awkward kisses...

"Uh...so...um...we still cool?" I asked, how many times am I allowed to say the word awkward?

"Well...I guess we can be..." He chuckled. "Anyway. I'm totally going to get more waffles..." He turned around.

"Uh...Feliks..." I wondered what he was thinking. He acted like he didn't mind but... "I'm uh...sorry about that...I don't mean to...y'know make anything weird..." I struggled to say what I wanted to say to him. I wasn't even sure myself what I wanted to do but it didn't really amount to anything more than awkward pieces of words mashed together, not like my usual word vomit but...I guess the opposite?

"I mean...I know how you feel about Toris and uh..."

"T-Toris? Like, don't worry about it Alfred...Toris and I aren't going to happen ..." He added sounding bitter. "I mean it's kind of weird but...it's ok right?" He turned toward me. "I mean is it ok, uh...that...I mean you like someone too and...um...I-it is weird..." He seemed like he was struggling too and I nodded.

"Okay..." We came to some sort of mutual agreement and I guess it would have been weird to anyone on the outside of things and hell it was even strange to me but somehow it just happened...

And for some reason I was fine with that.

This whole situation: going to his house, begging to forgiveness, wanting to be his friend. These were all thing I've never done before but should have done with Arthur. I didn't try hard enough with him so I'd be damned if I didn't try harder with Feliks as strange as the whole things was...

I've never really had real friends, none since Arthur...

I just felt so happy at that moment...

"A-Alfred? What's wrong?" I didn't know it at the time. But I began to tear up. I shook my head, trying to hold it all in.

"Are you sure?" I shook my head. I knew I wasn't alright and I knew that I couldn't hold it in anymore-I've been doing that for too long and if I tried more...

I don't know what would happen to me.

So when I opened my mouth...I just told.

I told him about dinner last night ,and how I went about getting a girlfriend to fit in, how my so called friends provoked me, that Francis was bent on teasing me, how I didn't want to eat, how my Mom hasn't noticed, how she's spent so much time catering to that crazy cult that I feel as if she's abandoned me...

We sat in his living room and he just let me talk to him. It just all came out at once...


I felt him reach behind me, for the table behind the couch and I tried to maneuver so he could grab whatever it was he needed back there and finally he held up a box of tissues. He set it down between us and sighed. I felt my glasses slip off my face and something, probably tissue being patted over my eyes.

"I'm like, not really good with dealing with people who cry..." He told me with a nervous sounding laugh. "Please don't cry..."

I wanted to stop being I couldn't. I also hate it when people say 'don't cry' it makes you cry more! I wasn't making any of those gross sobbing whale sounds I was just cried. My body shook and breathing got heavy, I tried to talk but whenever I did I could feel my voice trying to scream out. I didn't want to sound like a dying whale...

I shook my head, I tried to tell him that I would be alright and not to worry but I guess he couldn't understand me.

"It's ok..." I felt him grab my hand, he sat quietly with me until I finally calmed down.

He sighed and looked at the clock and he jumped.

"Shit...Like, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but...I shouldn't have company while my parents aren't home and..." I looked at the wall clock, it was around three. Have I really been over for so long?

"That's cool dude. I get it...um...are you allowed to leave?" I sniffed.

"Yeah. I usually go to Toris' house when I'm alone so..."

"Do...you want to hang out?"

"Sure, like, what do you want to do?"

" We could play some video games... or something..." At that moment I realized: I've never invited anyone over my house before and this was awkward. I don't even think he liked videogames. What did he like anyway?

"Ok...You'll have to give me a minute to get ready but we could, like, hang out..."

He stood up.

"You can, like, wait down here and I'll be right back, k?"

"Yeah. It's not like I have another choice or anything..." I joked slightly.

"Yeah. Just stay out of trouble!" He winked at me and headed up the stairs.

It was a bit weird but...

"Oh wait!" He turned back around when I called him.


"Do you want to go to the movies? Toris can come if he's not busy and...maybe Mattie or something..."

"Ok! We can see that new spy move that just came out!" He got excited and I smiled.

"I'll be back! Look up movie times, I'll call Toris!" He dashed up the stairs.

...This was become a really nice friendship...

I hope that was alright and didn't seem to rushed...

But finally...this is where things are finally turning up! Alfred going to the movies and so its Feliks and Francis and Arthur and whoa!

Wait! When did this happen?


Alright. Usually this is where I write some history but I don't have much time.

So this is copy and pasted straight from Wikipedia without any personal touch from me!

France–United Kingdom relations (from Wikipedia...bleh)

Although the designation "Anglo-" strictly specifically refers to England, not the UK as a whole, modern intergovernmental relations between these two nations are habitually called Anglo-French relations and understood to refer to the UK and not only England. The term Franco-British relations is also used.

Early Franco-British interactions occurred before Caesar's invasion of Gaul, when the two regions were inhabited by loosely trading Celts fighting the Romans as a common enemy. They continued under theRoman Empire – as both modern day states were ruled from Rome. Both were provinces in the larger Roman Empire.

Recently relations have been cordial and cooperative, with an edge of wariness on both sides due to historical differences and more recent disagreements between two of the leaders of the two countries: formerFrench President, Jacques Chirac, and former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. French author Jose-Alain Fralon characterized the relationship between the countries by describing the British as "our most dear enemies". Tony Blair is regarded as being a francophile by the French media and the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was known for his will to transform the "Entente Cordiale" into an "Entente amicale" (that is, a friendlier and closer relation).

Much of the two countries' histories has been defined by the relationship between the two countries. Today, both France and the United Kingdom are member states of the European Union (EU), and it is estimated that about 400,000 French people live in the UK, with approximately the same number of British people living in France

I'm sorry I'm stricken for time. I REALLY wanted to write about this because these countries have such a rich history behind them and a dry wiki article doesn't do it justice.

But it seems as if England and France have a complicated history. As the wonderful Jose-Alain Fralong put it-they are each other "most dear enemies" I'll let you think about it.

Until next time my dears!