Naruto: the Legend of Aang
Journey to the north arc
Kurama no Kyubi: Hello guys, it took a little while before I could resume writing this story since I had to reattach my head first… don't ask how I did it. Well then, over to the reviews.
the dark euphie: I really don't blame Zuko for being furious.
Naruto: Me neither, I mean, his boat did just came crashing down a waterfall after having been stolen by some pirates.
airnaruto45: i'll be blunt... stick naruto with sakura or i'll plant my fist up your ass got it!
Kurama no Kyubi: I better find something to protect my rear-end then, I've already decided a pairing for Naruto, and it's not with Sakura. I've also decided a pairing for Sakura, and it's not with Naruto.
"Avatar." Normal speech
'Avatar.' Normal thought
"Avatar." Biju and Spirit speech
'Avatar.' Biju and Spirit thought
Sasuke: Kurama no Kyubi doesn't own any of us. But that still doesn't give him the rights to not reveal my element.
Kurama no Kyubi: Yes it does. Now on with the story.
Book 1: Water: Chapter 9: Jet
"Water, Earth, Fire, Air.
Long ago it is said that people were able to control these elements at will, but there was only one that could control all four elements, the Avatar, the one who was said to bring stability to the world in times of crisis.
But as the old way of controlling the elements was switched out with Ninjutsu, the Avatar also vanished.
But now the Avatar has returned in the form of one of my students, Uzumaki Naruto.
Thanks to an accident however, my team and I have been sent backwards through time to a world that has suffered a century old war and we must help the current Avatar stop the Fire-Nation, and find a way back to our own time."
An insect walked over a tree-branch when Momo suddenly came and attempted to catch the bug. Said bug managed to fly away just in time however and Momo chased it up the tree before the bug made a U-turn as it flew around the tree and back towards the ground. It then landed before Momo came down, but the bug once again managed to get away, and Momo was just about to continue the chase when he noticed a bunch of nuts lying there.
He then jumped at the nuts, but was instantly caught in a cage, and hanging from a tree near two other cages that had hog-monkeys trapped in them.
With the group
"Hey. Where's Momo?" Naruto asked when he noticed that his pet was missing before they heard Momo's cry.
Shortly after the group of 7 had come to the place where Momo was and Naruto propelled himself into the air with Air-bending and landed on the side of a tree before running up the tree until he reached the branch that Momo's cage was hanging from, and he loosened the rope before lowering the cage. When the cage got down to the ground, Sakura and Katara opened it and Momo jumped out before continuing to eat a nut.
As Naruto landed, he heard the groans of the two hog-monkeys who obviously didn't like that Momo was the only one to be set free.
"Alright. You too." Naruto said before jumping up.
"This is gonna take forever." Sasuke said before throwing two shuriken and both cages fell down as the ropes were cut, just before Naruto reached them.
"That works." He said before sliding down the tree, and Sokka checked one of the cages.
"These are Fire-Nation traps. You can tell from the metal-work. We'd better pack up camp, and get moving." He said.
Shortly after, they had finished packing everything and were currently loading it on Appa.
"Uh. No flying this time." Sokka said.
"Nani? Why wouldn't we fly?" Naruto asked.
"Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire-Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable." Sokka said.
"What? Appa's not too noticeable!" Katara said.
"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kind of hard not to miss him!" Sokka said and Appa grunted.
"Sokka-san's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." Aang said.
"I know you all wanna fly, but my instincts tell me, we should play it safe this time, and walk." Sokka said.
"Who made you the boss?" Katara asked.
"Actually, he's got a point." Sasuke said and Kakashi nodded.
"Yes, I think we should walk for a change. And I think we should have Sokka-san and his instincts lead the way." The silver-haired Jonin said.
"Who knows. Walking might be fun." Aang said.
"Walking stinks! How do people go anywhere without a sky-bison?" Aang asked after they had walked for a few minutes.
"Well, I don't know Aang-san. Why don't you ask Sokka-san's instincts? They seem to know everything." Sakura said.
"Ha ha. Very funny." Sokka said.
"I'm tired of carrying this pack." Naruto said.
"You know, who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka-nii-san's instincts." Katara said.
"That's a great idea!" Naruto said before turning to Sokka "Hey, Sokka-san's instincts, would you mind…" He got cut off by Sokka however.
"Okay, okay. I get it." Sokka said before Sasuke walked over to him and held up his Katon scroll.
"Hey, Sokka's instincts, mind watching over this for a while?" He asked.
"Look guys, I'm tired too. But the important thing is that we're safe from the Fire-Nation…" Sokka said as they walked past some bushes… and into a Fire-Nation camp.
"Run!" Sokka yelled as they got off their packs and started running, but the captain of the Fire-Nation troops sent a fire ball past them, and it impacted with the bushes, causing them to burn.
"Sokka-san, your shirt!" Naruto yelled as he noticed that Sokka's left sleeve had caught fire, and Katara then got some water from her Water-bending pouch and splashed it on Sokka's arm before bringing the water back. When they then looked around, they noticed that the Fire-Nation troops had them surrounded.
"If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you." Sokka said.
"What are you doing?" Katara asked with a whisper.
"Bluffing." Sokka whispered back.
"You promise not to hurt us?" The captain asked before something suddenly hit him in the back and he fell down.
"Nice, Kakashi-sensei! How did you do that?" Naruto asked.
"I didn't." Kakashi said.
"Look!" Sakura said as she pointed up to a tree-branch where a boy that couldn't be many years older than them where standing.
The boy then drew two hook-swords before jumping down behind the branch and using his swords to swing himself forward, and landing on two of the Fire-Nation soldiers, forcing them down on the ground. He then ran forward and grabbed the legs of two other Fire-Nation soldiers with his swords before throwing them at the downed captain.
"Down you go." The boy said, and the group looked at him, wondering who he was.
"Sugoi." Naruto said before a Fire-Nation soldier came up from behind the boy and attempted to strike him, but he just turned around, blocked his sword and threw him away.
"They're in the trees!" One of the Fire-Nation soldiers yelled before a small boy suddenly landed on his shoulders and turned his helmet around and started riding him.
Then arrows suddenly came flying down, knocking the swords out of several Fire-Nation troops' hands, and they looked up to see a boy sitting on a tree-branch with a bow and arrow. The boy then fired two arrows simultaneously, disarming another two soldiers.
Another boy then jumped down from a tree and crouched down, making a soldier that had been charging at him, fall over him. The boy then jumped up and the soldier was sent straight up to a tree-branch. Another soldier then charged at the boy, but said boy grabbed his arm and threw him away.
A girl who was holding a dagger in a reverse grip then landed and charged forward.
Katara and Sakura bended some water at the Fire-Nation troops as Naruto and Aang used Air-bending, and Sasuke and Kakashi went through a series of hand signs.
"Katon: Goukakyo no jutsu!" Sasuke called out and the fire ball was sent flying straight at some of the Fire-Nation troops.
"Raiton: Jibashi!" Kakashi called out, giving several soldiers the shock of their lives.
Sokka – boomerang in hand – prepared to strike an incoming Fire-Nation soldier, but the boy with the hook-swords kicked the soldier away.
"Hey, he was mine!" Sokka said.
"Gotta be quicker next time." The boy said before charging towards another soldier.
Two Fire-Nation soldiers backed away before a large man suddenly came down behind them, and they turned around before raising their swords. The man then got a piece of wood from his back and slammed it down.
The two soldiers backed away before looking at their swords to see that they had bent in several places, and they threw the swords away before running.
A Fire-Nation soldier then tried the sneak up on the boy with the hook-swords and thrusted his spear forward, but the boy blocked it with his swords before grabbing the spear as he quickly turned around in a full circle and threw the weapon with the back of it pointing forward, and the soldier got knocked out before the spear hit another soldier in the back of the head.
"Man!" Sokka said as he had wanted to kill that guy.
Another soldier with a spear then came up behind the boy and thrusted his spear forward, but the boy blocked it by having it go through a small opening in-between the sword's handle and some kind of guard that was there probably to protect his fingers. The soldier then walked past the boy as he allowed the entire spear to go through before both of them turned around and the soldier thrusted the spear towards the boy who grabbed it just behind the tip with his hook-swords and forced it down on the ground and running over both the spear an the soldier as said soldier fell down, and the boy landed on the ground before running a little due to the momentum and stopping in front of Sakura.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." Sakura said before both of them looked at the camp as the Fire-Nation troops ran off.
"You just took out a whole army single-handed." Aang said as he and the others came over to them.
"Army? Pfft. There were only like 20 guys!" Sokka said as the boy walked forward before turning around.
"My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters. Sneers, Longshot, Smeller Bee, The Duke and Pipsqueak." The boy, now identified as Jet said.
"Heh heh. Pipsqueak. That's a funny name." Aang said as he walked towards where The Duke and Pipsqueak (the smallest and the tallest of them respectively) was standing and looked down at the smaller one.
"You think my name is funny?" Pipsqueak said as he looked down at the young Avatar, seemingly threatingly.
"It's hilarious!" Aang said before he, Pipsqueak and The Duke started laughing.
"Umm… Thanks for saving us, Jet-san. We're lucky you were there." Sakura said as she and Katara walked towards Jet.
"I should be thanking you. We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning, we just needed the right distraction. And then you guys stumbled in." Jet said.
"We were relying on instincts." Katara said as she glared towards Sokka from the corner of her eye.
"You'll get yourself killed doing that." Jet said and Sokka walked away as The Duke and Pipsqueak looked into a barrel, and The Duke brought his finger down before bringing it back up again as the tip of it was covered with a yellow, sticky substance, and The Duke sniffed on it.
"Hey, Jet-san! These barrels are filled with blasting jelly!" He said.
"That's a great score." Jet said before Pipsqueak picked up a large box.
"And these boxes are filled with jelly candy." He said.
"Also good. Let's not get those mixed up." Jet said as they started loading the spoils onto a cart.
"Let's take this stuff back to the hideout." The Duke said.
"You guys have a hideout?" Aang asked.
"You wanna see it?" Jet asked.
"Yes we wanna see it." Sakura said.
Freedom Fighter hideout, ground
"We're here." Jet said as they had stopped by a tree.
"Where? There's nothing here." Sokka said.
"Hold this." Jet said as he grabbed a rope and handed it to Sokka who then took it.
"Why? What's this do?" He asked before the rope suddenly shot up into the air, taking him with it.
"Naruto-san?" Jet said as he offered the rope to him.
"Me and Aang-san can get up on our own." Naruto said before he and Aang used Air-bending to jump up.
"We can get up on our own as well." Kakashi said before he, Sasuke and Sakura ran up the tree.
"Grab ahold of me, Katara-chan." Jet said as he held out his hand and Katara took it before Jet pulled her towards him and she blushed at the close contact as they slowly ascended.
Freedom Fighters hideout, trees
"Sugoi!" Naruto exclaimed as he looked around at the hideout, the entire place were in the trees, and it was some tall trees too. He then noticed that Jet and Katara came up and he said "This is a nice place you've got, Jet-san."
"Yeah. It's beautiful up here." Sakura said.
"It's beautiful. And more importantly, the Fire-Nation can't find us." Jet said.
"They'd love to find you, wouldn't they, Jet-san?" Smeller Bee said as she came up.
"It's not gonna happen Smeller Bee." Jet said before they started walking.
"Why does the Fire-Nation want to find you?" Katara asked.
"I guess you could say, I've been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth-Kingdom town a few years back." Jet said.
"We've been ambushing their troops, cutting off their supply lines, and doing anything we can to mess with them." Pipsqueak said.
"One day we'll drive the Fire-Nation out of here for good, and free that town." Jet said.
"That's so brave." Sakura said.
"Yeah. Nothing's braver than a guy in a tree-house." Sokka said.
"Don't pay any attention to my brother." Katara said.
"No problem. He probably had a rough day." Jet said.
"Do you all live here?" Sakura asked.
"That's right. Longshot over there, his town got burned down by the Fire-Nation. And we found The Duke trying to steal our food. I don't think he ever really had a home." Jet said.
"What about you?" Sakura asked and Jet stopped walking.
"The Fire-Nation killed my parents. I was only 8 years old. That day changed me forever." Jet said, catching Sasuke's attention slightly as he thought back to that day.
"Sokka and I lost our mother to the Fire-Nation." Katara said.
"I'm so sorry, Katara-chan." Jet said.
In the evening, everyone were sitting around a table with food on it.
"Today, we struck another blow against the Fire-Nation swine!" Jet said as he stood up on the table and all of the Freedom Fighters cheered before he continued "I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face when The Duke dropped down on his helmet, and rode him like a wild hog-monkey." The Duke then got up on the table and walked around as he held his arms up triumphantly while everyone cheered before Jet continued "Now, the Fire-Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they're right…" After this was said the other Freedom Fighters started booing "… Or maybe, they are dead wrong!" Jet said and everyone cheered.
"Hey, Jet-san. Nice speech." Sakura said as Jet sat down in-between her and Katara.
"Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you guys. That was some great bending I saw out there today." Jet said.
"Well, it's Naruto and Aang-san who's great, they're the Avatars, we could use some more training." Sakura said.
"Wait, Avatars? What do you mean? Aren't there only one?" Jet asked.
"Yes, there are. But me, Sakura-chan, Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei came from the future." Naruto said.
"Future, huh? Very nice." Jet said before looking over at Sasuke "So, I suppose that's how you can have a Fire-bender in your group, huh?"
"Actually, Sasuke isn't a Fire-bender. We don't know what element he belongs to, really. What you saw back there was a Ninjutsu." Naruto said.
"Ninjutsu?" Jet asked.
"About 2.000 years prior to our own time, the art of bending was lost, and replaced with the more modern Ninjutsu. Of course, not everyone can wield Ninjutsu, first they need to learn to control an internal energy called chakra, and we use hand signs to help concentrate on the techniques we want to do. Let me give you an example." Kakashi explained before forming the Kage Bunshin hand sign and a perfect clone of him appeared, shocking everyone.
"This is called Kage Bunshin no jutsu, it's a technique where I can split my chakra in two to create a perfect double. Of course it's not only limited to just one clone, though I can only create a maximum of 20 clones." The silver-haired Jonin said before the clone puffed away as he continued "The Ninjutsu that Sasuke used during the battle was an elemental jutsu."
"Elemental jutsu?" Jet asked.
"In our time, we have five main elements instead of four. And those elements are: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water. Also we are not limited to just one element, even though most people are born with only one affinity. It is possible for one to learn techniques of the other elements, but it's impossible to learn all five. Also some people are born with two elemental affinities, and they can combine those into a new element, though that would be impossible for one who's not born with those two affinities." Kakashi explained.
"Sugoi. I didn't know that." Naruto said.
"Among the sub-elements there are Ice, which is created from the combination of Water and Wind, and Wood, created from the combination of Water and Earth. There's also Lava which comes from combining Fire and Earth. The different sub-elements can also be referred to as Kekkei Genkai which is a special technique that can only be inherited through blood relations." Kakashi said.
"So, I suppose that Sasuke-san has a Fire affinity, right?" Jet guessed and Kakashi nodded.
"That's right, and I have Lightning affinity, though I have learned techniques of the Water, Earth and Fire elements as well." Kakashi said.
"I see. by the way, I might know a way that Sakura-chan, Katara-chan, Naruto-san and Aang-san can help in our struggle." Jet said.
"Unfortunately, we have to leave tonight." Sokka said as he stood up and started to walk away.
"Sokka-san, you're kidding me. I needed you and Sasuke-san on an important mission tomorrow." Jet said and Sokka stopped before turning around.
"What mission?" He asked.
Forest road, trees, next day
The following day, had some of the Freedom Fighters, Sokka and Sasuke hidden themselves in the trees above a forest road as Jet whistled some sounds that sounded like bird sounds, and Smeller Bee whistled back before Sokka stuck a jaw-bone dagger into the tree.
"What are you doing?" Jet asked before the Water-Tribe warrior put his ear to the dagger.
"Sh. It amplifies vibrations." Sokka said.
"Good trick." Jet said.
"Nothing yet." Sokka said as he was listening before hearing something "Wait, yes. Someone's approaching."
"How many?" Jet asked.
"I think there's just one." Sokka said before Jet signaled the others.
"Good work, Sokka-san. Ready your weapon." He said and Sokka pulled out the dagger before he and Sasuke saw that it was just an old man.
"False alarm! He's just an old man." Sasuke said before Jet suddenly jumped down regardless.
"What are you doing in our woods, you leech?" Jet asked.
"Please, sir. I'm just a traveler." The old man said before Jet swung his right sword, sending the man's walking stick flying away. The old man then tried to get away, but he ran into Pipsqueak and fell down on the ground. The old man then tried to crawl away, but Pipsqueak stopped him by putting his foot down on the man's back.
"Do you like destroying towns? Do you like destroying families? Do you?" Jet asked as Smeller Bee came up behind Pipsqueak.
"No. Please, let me go. Have mercy." The old man pleaded.
"Does the Fire-Nation let people go? Does the Fire-Nation have mercy?" Jet asked before he moved to kick to man before his foot was suddenly caught by Sokka's club.
"Jet, he's just an old man!" Sokka said before Jet turned around.
"He's Fire-Nation! Search him!" Jet said, the second half to his two subordinates, who then proceeded to search the man.
"But he's not hurting anyone!" Sokka said.
"Have you forgotten that the Fire-Nation killed your mother? Remember why you fight!" Jet yelled.
"We got his stuff, Jet-san!" Smeller Bee said.
"This doesn't feel right!" Sokka said.
"It's what has to be done. Now let's get out of here." Jet said before he, Smeller Bee and Pipsqueak walked back towards the hideout as Sokka looked back at the old man.
"C'mon, Sokka-san, Sasuke-san!" Jet said and Sokka took a few steps back before turning around and following the others as Sasuke went by the trees.
Freedom Fighter hideout, trees
Later Sokka was sitting by one of the trees in the hideout before Aang, Naruto and Momo came down and landed next to him.
"Sokka-san, look what The Duke gave us." Aang said before he pulled a small explosive from his pouch before throwing it towards Momo who jumped at of the way as it exploded.
"Hey, leave Momo alone!" Naruto yelled as he sent Aang into the tree with a small gust of wind. Then Katara and Sakura came climbing down from a higher level of the tree.
"Hey, Sokka-nii-san. Is Jet-san back?" Katara asked.
"Yeah, he's back. But we're leaving!" Sokka said.
"Nani?" Naruto asked.
"But we made him this hat." Sakura said as she pulled a hat from behind her.
"He's a thug." Everyone turned to see Sasuke standing on a nearby branch.
"What? No he's not." Katara said.
"He's messed up." Sokka said.
"He's not messed up, is he?" Sakura said as she looked at Katara.
"Of course not! He's just got a different way of life." Katara said.
"A really fun way of life." Aang quickly corrected for her.
"He beat and robbed a harmless old man." Sasuke said.
"I wanna hear Jet-san's side of the story." Katara said.
Jet's hut
"Sokka-san, Sasuke-san, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire-Nation?" Jet asked after they had confronted him.
"No, they conveniently left that part out." Sakura said as she stared towards Sokka and Sasuke, though mostly towards Sokka.
"Fine. But even if he was Fire-Nation, he was a harmless civilian." Sokka argued.
"He was an assassin, Sokka-san." Jet said as he pulled out a knife "See, there's a compartment for poison in the knife. He was sent to eliminate me. you helped save my life, Sokka-san."
"I knew there was an explanation." Katara said.
"I didn't see any knife." Sokka said.
"That's because he was concealing it." Jet said.
"See, Sokka-san. I'm sure you just didn't notice the knife." Sakura said and Sokka turned to her.
"There was no knife!" He said before leaving "I'm going back to the hut and pack my things!"
Sasuke then looked towards Naruto and got eye-contact as the blond looked towards him to see that his Sharingan were active. Naruto looked into Sasuke's eyes for any sign that Jet had told the truth, but from the look Sasuke gave him, the blond Avatar could tell that Jet had been lying.
"Tell me you guys aren't leaving yet. I really need your help." Jet said as he stood up as Sasuke left the hut.
"What can we do?" Aang asked.
"The Fire-Nation is planning on burning down our forest. If the four of you use Water-bending to fill the reservoir, we can fight the fires. But if you leave now, they'll destroy the whole valley." Jet said.
With Sasuke
Sasuke walked out of the hut to find Kakashi leaning to the tree, reading his book.
"Hello, Sasuke. I see you're back. How was the mission?" Kakashi said.
"We need to get out of here as soon as we can." Sasuke said ignoring Kakashi's question.
"Yeah, I know. I heard everything. But I think it'd be best for us to stay for a little while longer." Kakashi said.
"And why's that?" Sasuke asked.
The group's hut
Sokka was busy packing his things when Katara, Sakura, Aang and Naruto walked into the hut.
"We can't leave now with the Fire-Nation about to burn down a forest!" Katara said.
"I'm sorry, Katara-imoto. Jet's very smooth, but we can't trust him!" Sokka said.
"You're just jealous that he's a better warrior than you!" Sakura said.
"Sakura-san, I'm not jealous of Jet. It's just that my instincts…" Sokka said, but Katara cut him off.
"Well, my instincts tell me we need to stay here a little longer and help Jet-san!" She said before walking out while saying "C'mon guys."
"Sorry, Sokka-san." Aang said as he, Sakura and Naruto followed Katara, but Sokka noticed that Naruto dropped a curled slip of paper, and the Water-Tribe warrior picked it up before uncurling it to see that it was a map over the area. Sokka then looked on the other side of the paper to see that "Good luck, Sokka-san." was written there.
Dam valley, cliff, that night
Following the map that Naruto had given him, Sokka eventually came to a cliff that overlooked a valley, and he also spotted a dam as well as a village further down. After a while, he heard someone approaching and quickly went into hiding before Jet, Smeller Bee, Longshot, The Duke, Pipsqueak and Sneers walked out on the cliff with a cart filled with explosives.
"Now listen. You are not to blow the dam until I give the signal. If the reservoir isn't full, the Fire-Nation troops could survive." Jet said as he turned to the others.
"But what about the people in the town? Won't they get wiped out too?" The Duke asked.
"Look Duke, that's a prize of ridding this area of the Fire-Nation." Jet said before turning to Longshot "Now don't blow the dam until I give the signal! Got it?"
Longshot then nodded and Sokka was about to sneak away, when he heard something and Pipsqueak suddenly lifted him up, out of the bushes as Smeller Bee held a dagger to Sokka's throat.
"Where do you think you're going, ponytail?" She asked before she and Pipsqueak brought the Water-Tribe warrior in front of Jet.
"Sokka-san. I'm glad you decided to join us." Jet said as Smeller Bee and Pipsqueak threw Sokka down on the ground.
"I heard your plan to destroy the Earth-Kingdom town." Sokka said as he stood up.
"Our plan is to rid the valley of the Fire-Nation." Jet said.
"There are people living there, Jet! Mothers and fathers and children!" Sokka yelled.
"We can't win without making some sacrifices." Jet said.
"You lied to Aang-san, Naruto-san, Katara-imoto and Sakura-san about the forest fire!" Sokka yelled.
"Because they don't understand the demands of war. Not like you and i do." Jet said.
"I do understand. I understand that there's nothing you won't do to get what you want." Sokka said.
"I was hoping you'd have an open mind. But I can see you've made your choice." Jet said before Pipsqueak and Smeller Bee grabbed Sokka.
"I can't let you warn the others." Jet said before turning to the two who were restraining the boy "Take him for a walk! A long walk!"
"You can't do this!" Sokka said.
"Cheer up, Sokka-san. We're gonna win a great victory against the Fire-Nation today." Jet said.
"Jet-san, I'm sorry about how Sokka-nii-san's been acting." Katara said as Jet led her, Aang, Sakura and Naruto towards the reservoir.
"No worries. He already apologized." Jet said, and Naruto's eyes widened as he stopped walking for a second, there's no way someone like Sokka would apologize just like that.
"Really? Sokka-san apologized?" Aang asked.
"Yeah. I was surprised too. I got the sense that maybe you talked to him or something." Jet said.
"Yeah, we did." Katara said.
"I guess something you said got through to him. Anyhow, he went on a scouting mission with Pipsqueak and Smeller Bee." Jet said.
"Well, I'm glad he cooled off. He's so stubborn sometimes." Katara said.
'Sokka-san went on a scouting mission with Pipsqueak and Smeller Bee? More like he's been captured. And here I thought he could actually be a little useful.' Naruto though before looking up to the treetops to see Sasuke standing there, the blond then nodded and the Uchiha nodded back before shunshining away.
Suddenly Naruto felt some air blowing up at him from the ground before he was sent sky-high by a steam geyser.
"Alright, we're here. Under-ground water's trying to escape from these vents. I need you guys to help it along." Jet said as Naruto landed.
"I've never used Water-bending on water I can't see. I don't know…" Katara said.
"Katara-san. you can do this." Jet said.
"What about me?" Aang asked.
"I know the Avatar can do this." Jet said.
Shortly after, the four of them were standing around one of the vents as they all raised and lowered their arms as they brought the water further and further up until it came out of the hole, and then they sent it into the small river that was there.
"Yes. Good job. This river leads to the reservoir, a few more geysers and it'll be full." Jet said.
"Look there's another steam vent." Aang said as he pointed towards another geyser before the four of them ran towards it.
"Okay. You four keep it up. I'll go check on things at the reservoir." Jet said before he started walking away.
"When we're done we'll meet you over there." Katara said.
"Actually, it'll probably be better if you meet me back at the hideout when you're done." Jet said before walking away as the four Water-benders continued bending the water, but when Naruto guessed that Jet was far enough away, he stopped.
"Naruto, what is it?" Sakura asked.
"Before we do anything else, there's something you should know." Naruto said before he told them that Jet had lied to them earlier, and that Sokka might have been right for once.
"Why would Jet-san lie to us?" Sakura yelled.
"In order to win us over, and it seems like it worked on three of us." Naruto said.
"Oh? Who?" Aang asked and Naruto face palmed.
"But even if he lied then, this forest could still get burned down by the Fire-Nation at any minute." Katara said.
"I'm not so sure about that. That might also have been a lie, plus I believe that he's captured Sokka-san." Naruto said.
"Nani? How can you say that? Jet-san wouldn't do something like that!" Sakura yelled.
"Well, if you don't believe me, you could go take a look at what your "precious Jet-san" is doing right now." Naruto said.
"Fine, we will. And then he'll tell you how wrong your accusations are!" Sakura yelled.
With Sokka, Pipsqueak and Smeller Bee
"Come on. Move along." Smeller Bee said as she pushed Sokka.
"How can you stand by and do nothing while Jet wipes out a whole town?" Sokka asked.
"Hey, listen Sokka-san. Jet-san's a great leader, we follow what he says, and things always turn out okay." Pipsqueak said just before a large fire ball flew past them, taking care of the ropes that bounded Sokka's hands as he jumped forward before turning around as Smeller Bee and Pipsqueak looked towards where the ball came from to see Sasuke standing there.
"Perhaps. But any good leader should know not to mess with a ninja!" He said before weaving a series of hand signs "Katon: Ryuka no jutsu!"
A fiery dragon head suddenly flew towards the two Freedom Fighters, but they jumped out of the way just as Sasuke appeared in-between them and kicked Pipsqueak so hard that he was sent into a tree and knocked out.
Smeller Bee then pulled out her daggers and attempted to slash at Sasuke, but the Uchiha pulled down two kunai – one for each hand – that he had hidden in his sleeves and blocked Smeller Bee's daggers.
Smeller Bee then jumped back before she charged at Sasuke and swung her left dagger at the Uchiha's head, but Sasuke easily ducked under it before kicking his opponent away.
'What the? How could he dodge that? I thought I had him. And what's with those creepy eyes?' Smeller Bee thought before her eyes widened as Sasuke had seemingly vanished "Hey, where…" She was cut off however when Sasuke suddenly appeared under her and kicked her up into the air before jumping up himself.
"Shishi Rendan!" Sasuke called out as he appeared above Smeller Bee and kicked her down into the ground, effectively knocking her out.
"Whoa. I didn't know you could do that." Sokka said.
"It's a technique I've been working on for a while. Now come on, we need to get to the dam. The others should already be there." Sasuke said.
Dam valley, cliff
When Naruto, Aang, Sakura and Katara reached the cliff, they saw that four of the Freedom Fighters – including Sneers and The Duke – where putting down explosives in front of the dam.
"What are they doing?" Katara asked.
"Aren't those the red barrels they got from the Fire-Nation?" Sakura asked.
"Why would they need blasting jelly?" Katara asked.
"Because Jet-san's gonna blow up the dam." Aang said as he realized what Jet was planning.
"Nani? That would destroy the town. Jet-san wouldn't do that!" Sakura said.
"Yes, I think he would Sakura-chan. We've got to stop him! Dattebayo!" Naruto said.
"Jet-san wouldn't do that." Katara said as Aang got out the wings of his glider and ran towards the edge of the cliff, but just then Jet ran past and took Aang's glider away from him.
"Yes I would!" Jet said.
"Jet-san, why?" Katara asked.
"Katara-chan, you would too if you just stop to think. Think about what the Fire-Nation did to your mother. We can't let that happen to anyone else, ever again!" Jet said.
"This isn't the answer!" Katara said.
"I want you to understand me Katara-chan. I thought your brother would understand, but…" Jet said, but Katara cut him off.
"Where's Sokka-nii-san?" She asked as tears came from her eyes.
"Katara-chan." Jet said before Katara suddenly sent a stream of water out of her Water-bending pouch and knocked Jet back.
"I need to get to the dam!" Aang said before he ran towards his glider, but just before he could pick it up, Jet's hook-sword came down and was about to take the glider, but then Naruto sent Jet skidding backwards with a wave of air.
"Aang-san. grab your glider and get down to the dam!" Naruto said and Aang did as he was told.
Jet then charged towards Aang, but Naruto came up in front of him with one kunai in each hand before pushing, forcing Jet to jump back. Naruto then quickly grabbed four shuriken and threw them all at the older boy, but Jet easily managed to deflect the dangerous projectiles using his swords.
The blond Avatar then formed the Kage Bunshin hand sign and four clones appeared. All five Narutos then coated their kunai in wind chakra, and threw all of them towards Jet who then jumped up and grabbed the branch of a tree with his hook-swords before pulling himself up. Just as he got up on the branch however, two of the clones appeared in front of him and both of them had their right fists covered by air that they were bending to increase the power of their blow.
They hit home and Jet flew backwards straight through a tree just before another two clones appeared above him and both of them sent a strong wave of air towards Jet, making him plummet towards the ground. Then another Naruto – the one Jet guessed was the real one – appeared on the ground directly under him before swiping his arm, sending a crescent-shaped blade of wind towards Jet.
Jet then quickly reacted by grabbing a nearby branch and pulling himself towards it, narrowly avoiding getting sliced in half.
Suddenly, all five Narutos appeared around him however, but he quickly used his hook-swords to grab two of the Narutos and bumped their heads into eachother before they puffed away. Then the remaining three Narutos pulled out a kunai each and charged at Jet, but he kicked one of them, making the clone puff away before grabbing another one and throwing him at the fifth one, and both of them puffed away.
'That's strange. I thought he only created four clones.' Jet thought before a blast of air suddenly hit him and sent him off the branch and down towards the ground.
He landed with a thud before getting back up on his feet as he saw Naruto charge at him and he blocked Naruto's kunai with his hook-sword.
With Aang
Aang came down and landed on the ground in front of the dam, but was shocked to see that there weren't anyone there.
"Hey, where is everyone?" He asked.
"Don't worry, I've already taken care of them." Aang turned towards the voice to see Kakashi leaning against a tree, reading his book.
With Naruto and Jet
Naruto pushed Jet back out on the cliff with a strong wave of air, sending the older boy skidding all the way towards the edge of the cliff.
"Jet-san, tell me. Why are you doing this? There are innocent civilians in that town!" Naruto said.
"You would do it too if the Fire-Nation had taken your family away from you!" Jet said.
"No, I wouldn't! I'd know better than to do something this stupid!" Naruto said.
"I didn't think you'd understand, anyway. Someone who doesn't understand how it is to lose their loved ones could never understand!" Jet said.
"You're right, I don't understand. But you still don't have to do it like this. Find another way to free the town, one that doesn't involve killing any of the civilians." Naruto said.
"There is no other way!" Jet said.
"You won't know that until you try." Jet then looked toward where the voice came from to see Sasuke and Sokka.
"What the…? What happened to Pipsqueak and Smeller Bee?" Jet asked.
"They messed with the fire and got burned." Sasuke said.
"Stop this madness Jet-san! If you do this you'll be no better than the Fire-Nation!" Naruto said and Jet's eyes widened before he dropped his hook-swords and both weapons fell down on the ground.
"You're right. I can't believe I've been so blind." Jet said and he was about to walk towards Naruto and the others when the cliff suddenly gave way, and he fell down.
"JET-SAN!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards the edge of the cliff, but he was too far away, but then he suddenly vanished and before anyone knew what happened, he had grabbed Jet's arm and pulled him up.
"Hey, Jet-san. You all right?" Naruto asked.
"Y-yeah." Jet said.
'I knew he could move at high speeds with Air-bending, but this is ridiculous. Not even my Sharingan was able to follow his movements. It's as though he somehow traveled at the speed of light.' Sasuke thought.
Freedom Fighter hideout, ground, later
The group was standing in front of the Freedom Fighters to bid them farewell since they had to leave as quickly as possible to reach the North-Pole in time.
"I hope we see each other again someday." Naruto said.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we will. Good luck with mastering the other elements." Jet said as he held out his hand and Naruto took it.
"Thanks." Naruto said showing off his foxy grin.
"Alright guys, it's time to go." Kakashi said from where he was sitting on Appa's head.
"Take care, Jet-san." Sakura said.
"You too, Sakura-chan." Jet said before he suddenly gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she blushed as she brought her hand up to where he had kissed her.
"Hey, c'mon Sakura-chan, or we're leaving without you!" Katara yelled with a hint of jealousy in her voice, and Sakura noticed that everyone else had already gotten into the saddle.
"Oh, right." Sakura said before running over to Appa and climbing up into the saddle.
"Good luck with taking back that village." Aang said.
"Thanks." Jet said.
"Yip-yip." Kakashi said and the sky-bison took off into the air.
Chapter Preview
Aang "There it is guys. The Great Divide."
Kakashi "This place is a lot different since the last time I was here. … Well, the next time."
Tour guide "Many of you are probably wondering how canyons are formed. Experts tell us this canyon was most likely carved into the ground by Earth-Spirits who were angry at the local farmers for not offering them a proper sacrifice."
Naruto "We should split up, Gan-Jins on this side…"
Aang "And Zhangs on that side! We'll travel in two separate lines."
Naruto "Sasuke and Sokka-san, you go with the Zhangs. Sakura-chan and Katara-san, you go with the Gan-Jins. See if you can find out why they hate each other so much."
Aang "Next time on Naruto: the Legend of Aang: The Great Divide."
Character status
Naruto: Level: 10
Techniques: Henge, Kawarimi, Kage Bunshin, Oiroke, Harem, Air blast, Air slice, Gale, Kukiken, Wave, Water whip.
Weapons: kunai, shuriken.
Bending type: Air, Water, Avatar.
Aang: Level: 10
Techniques: Air ball, Air scooter, Gale, Gust, Air slice, Tornado, Air tunnel, Wave, Water whip.
Weapons: glider.
Bending type: Air, Water, Avatar.
Sakura: Level: 7
Techniques: Bunshin, Henge, Kawarimi, Wave, Water whip.
Weapons: kunai, shuriken.
Bending type: Water.
Katara: Level: 7
Techniques: Wave, Water whip.
Weapons: none
Bending type: Water.
Sasuke: Level: 10
Techniques: Bunshin, Henge, Kawarimi, Shishi Rendan, Katon: Goukakyo, Katon: Housenka, Katon: Ryuka.
Weapons: kunai, shuriken.
Bending type: unknown.
Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan.
Sokka: Level: 5
Techniques: none
Weapons: Boomerang, club, jaw-bone dagger.
Bending type: none
Kakashi: Level: 32
Techniques: Sennen Goroshi, Kage Bunshin, Taju Kage Bunshin, Magen: Narakumi, Doton: Shinju zanshu, Doton: Doryuheki, Doton: Moguragakure, Fuja hoin, Katon: Goukakyo, Genjutsu: Sharingan, Kirigakure, Raiton: Kage Bunshin, Raiton: Jibashi, Suiton: Suiryudan, Sairento kiringu, Kuchiyose, Kuchiyose: Doton: Tsuiga, Raikiri.
Weapons: kunai, shuriken.
Bending type: unknown.
Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan.
Jet: Level: 15
Techniques: none
Weapons: hook-swords.
Bending type: none
Smeller Bee: Level: 14
Techniques: none
Weapons: daggers.
Bending type: none
Pipsqueak: Level: 13
Techniques: none
Weapons: tree-club.
Bending type: none
Longshot: Level: 12
Techniques: none
Weapons: bow-&-arrow.
Bending type: none
Sneers: Level: 11
Techniques: none
Weapons: none
Bending type: none
The Duke: Level: 10
Techniques: none
Weapons: spear.
Bending type: none
Kurama no Kyubi: This chapter was one week delayed, sorry about that. Anyway, next week I'll continue writing Naruto: Rinnegan Jinchuriki, so go check that one out, okay? Also before you ask, When Naruto saved Jet from falling to his death, he subconsciously used his father's most renowned Ninjutsu, the Hirashin no jutsu.