Chapter 7


The nurses and doctors feared Dianne had gone mad, but they let her go home, under the circumstances of Phil checking up on her every so often.

"I'll take you to your room, then Heather and I are going to go shopping, okay?" Phil was making sure Dianne felt comfortable.

"Okay, but don't rush yourselves," Replied Dianne, she was shivering, scanning the space around her and looking furniture up and down as if she didn't know where she was.

Phil helped Dianne up the stairs and Heather forced herself down onto the satin black couch. Her head was hung and her arm was forced up onto her forehead. She had been the cause of this. She had been the reason why everybody thought Dianne was crazy. She couldn't bare the stress.

"Okay, Heather. Dianne's in her bed, we can quickly go to the grocery store whilst she rests herself," Phil poked his head through the door, "Come on!"

The two hopped into the glimmering silver Porsche (Phil had won it in a police auction a couple of months back) and drove away, leaving Dianne alone in the massive residence.

"Okay, they're gone, time to make my move!" Dianne ripped the covers off of her chest as if they utterly repulsed her. She strode out of the bedroom and wandered into Heather's.

She was lifting up floorboards, moving cabinets, even unscrewing the bolts on the air vent on the wall.

She was looking for one thing. The gem. Heather's family's gem. Wasn't it obvious? She even mentioned in the hospital 'The gem! Yes! The gem! Black for metal, cloudy and dusty, trapped beneath the bed of coals!' And that reminded her, it was underneath the bed of coals! Beneath the fireplace!

Dianne removed the grate and stretched her arm down into the dark pit. It had obviously not been cleaned out for years, as when Dianne removed her arm, it had turned black by all the ash. Despite this, Dianne had an ecstatic, surreal smile on her face, she'd found the Wilson family gem, the gem of metal, the gem which was needed to bind Heather's coven.

"Yes! Maxwell will be pleased, he won't kill me!" Dianne was cackling. She was so grateful about finding the gem that she actually went insane for a slight second.

All of a sudden, Dianne heard the noise of a door opening, Heather and Phil were back. Dianne would have to run into her bed, but it was a long shot, considering Heather's room was on the second floor and Dianne and Phil's room was on the top floor. Phil would reach her before she could make it back to bed, she would have to make up an excuse, like she was going to the bathroom! That would be perfect!

The sound of footsteps grew and Phil reached the second floor and saw Dianne in the hallway.

"What are you doing, Sweetie?" Phil asked. He was curious as to how Dianne couldn't walk up the stairs to get to her room, yet she was able to walk down them to get to the second floor.

"I needed the bathroom!" There was a bead of sweat which ran down the side of Dianne's face, it looked cartoon like and slightly comical, yet Phil didn't care, he was just glad that Dianne was 'better', even though she had never really gotten badly injured and it was all an act.

Later on, Dianne snook out of the house with the gem in her pocket and her eyes facing the floor. She was obviously going to Maxwell, to give him the gem she had found.

"You've done well, Dianne. I shall spare your life, but keep this frequent! This had better not be a one off!" Maxwell snatched the gem off Dianne and stashed it into the pocket of his long, gothic black coat.

"Yes, Mr. Liether!" Replied Dianne. She was trying not to smile, but she couldn't help letting out a small grin, she knew she would get to live, that is surely one of the greatest gifts to ever receive.

A/N: Oh my God! What is Dianne up to? What is Dianne? Who is Maxwell Liether?

Find out by staying tuned!

Review answers!

Smiles1998: Yeah, I think he freaks us all out... HaHa! Yeah, Dianne's a bit creepy too! But nothing compared to Maxwell! Aww thanks! That really means a lot to me!

Yeah, that's it! Just one review for this chappie!

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