AN: This is my first attempt at writing a crossover with the inheritance cycle and Harry Potter so, please go easy on me. I thought I'd give it a try since there don't seem to be many out there. Please R&R thanks.

WARNINGS: This WILL be slash. At the moment, the only slash pairing will be Eragon/Harry. I'm winging this story at the moment so it doesn't have an actual plot line, but that's usually how I write all my stories.

SPOILER ALERT: There are major spoilers from the fourth book and there may later be spoilers from the other books. I am not going to specify when there will be a spoiler so if you haven't read the books and don't want it to be spoiled for you, then i suggest not reading this story until you read the books. Thanks and sorry.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot line of this story. All rights belong to Rowling and Paolini.

Curiosity killed the cat.

That is a muggle saying that Harry eventually learned to recite whenever he got the urge to investigate and get involved in something that caught his curiosity. It was a bad habit he gained as a Gryffindor, a habit that might eventually end up killing him if he didn't start taking precautions.

Curiosity killed Harry Potter. He thought as he scribbled down some of his recent research findings. That's what the daily prophet is going to use as a headline for my death. He worked diligently on his research analysis while at the same time thinking that he should stop this research before something unexpected or dangerous happened. He had discovered, just recently, a rare oddity in the formation of one of the star constellations in the night sky. He's wanted to take his discovery to a higher research facility, but he couldn't just take this to someone else and let them have the pleasure of discovering something so amazing and odd.

Five years have already passed since the battle of Hogwarts and Harry had buried himself into his studies and work since then. He didn't become an auror like he and everyone else expected him to. He had tried becoming an auror, but eventually all the publicity and the attention it gained him, on top of the attention he already had for being who he was, made him tired and he just didn't think it was worth it. Instead he used some of his large inheritance money and constructed a small home out in the middle of nowhere, if being amidst luscious green forest trees counted as nowhere. His home was in Scotland and he'd chosen the location because it was solitary yet protected by the forest, and about a mile from his home, the forest ended and opened up into a great expanse of grassy plains. Mountains covered the scenery in the background, flushed green.

After his home was completed, Harry moved in and for the first time in his life he felt completely at ease and peaceful. Since the moment Voldemort attacked his family when he was but a baby, he hadn't had a moment of peace. If it wasn't the Dursleys' constant harassment, it was Voldemort and the worry of his impending return. Sure he'd had amazing times with his friends and the Weasley family, but there was always that constant worry at the back of his mind. It was about a month after he moved into his home that Harry had ventured out into the grassy plain to get a look at the night sky. He was amazed to say the least. The beautiful star constellations that sparkled like thousands of jewels in the dark sky immediately caught his interest. That was the very night that he decided to study astronomy and go into working with the phenomenon that was the universe. It intrigued him so, to imagine that there was something more than their lonely little earth in such a big and infinite universe. Sometimes, now and again, he would make an appearance at Hogwarts to give a lesson for the astronomy classes, but then word would get out that he was there and the daily prophet would rush to the school like bee's to a beehive. His self isolation from society was also what eventually broke up the relationship he had with Ginny, but he didn't care too much because his feelings towards the youngest Weasley had become more like brotherly love.

Harry took a break in his analysis and went into the kitchen to get a snack and have a drink of fire whiskey to relax. He'd been sitting at his desk for nearly over four hours now trying to write down the recent development in the star constellation he was studying. In the past week, something very strange occurred with the star constellation. He even considered taking his discoveries to the research facility in London, but he decided not to. He found it strange that nobody had contacted him yet. He would have thought that they would have noticed by now. Perhaps they were slacking off and had yet to notice the changes.

The star constellation in question was 'Draco'. Harry found it rather amusing to imagine that perhaps Draco (Malfoy) had been named after a star constellation. But he could only imagine because he knew that the boy had been name Draco after the Latin word for dragon.

The 'Draco' constellation had been named 'dragon' in Latin as well because it resembled the form of a dragon. It was this very constellation that Harry began his research on when he first began his astronomical career. And because he held a sentimental connection to the constellation, he usually studied it often, just so that he wouldn't forget its properties. This is how he discovered that it was changing and something, magical he might say, was occurring within it.

Harry ate his ham sandwich in the kitchen and then had a drink of fire whiskey to relax. It was nearing sundown and he wanted to take some time now to relax before he went off to his observatory. It hadn't been easy, trying to get the permissions he needed, but eventually he was able to construct a small observatory for his own personal use out in the grassy plains. This is where he spent most of his nights, exploring the massive universe through his large telescopes. And all his hard work paid off about a year into his work when he was the first to discover the beginning formation of a new nebula. From then on, his reputation in the scientific world began to rise and he was earning the prestige and respect that most didn't earn until they were close to retirement. Harry called it luck, Hermione and Ron called it being Harry Potter.

"Harry, are you there?"

Harry turned at the call of his name. He walked over to his living room and saw Hemrione's head sticking out of the chimney.

"Hello Hermione." He greeted her with a smile and downed the last bit of fire whiskey.

"Oh, there you are. Hello Harry. Are you busy? Would you mind if I stopped by for a few?"

"Well, I was actually heading out to the observatory in a bit, if you don't mind coming with me, you're more than welcome along."

"Oh, I don't mind at all. I'll floo in then." She said and her head disappeared. Moments later she came through the chimney and started dusting her clothes before she greeted Harry with a strong hug.

"How are you doing Harry? Sorry I haven't been over in a while, you know how busy I get at work sometimes."

"That's ok, I've been good. Ron's actually been flooing in a lot this past week. Is something going on with you two? He wouldn't tell me."

"So this is where he's been going off to." Hermione chuckled. "You see Harry, Ron's been adamant about not wanting to go to his family gathering the day after tomorrow. Something about his great grandmother arriving and he's quite frightened of her."

"What's that have to do with him being here?" Harry asked as he led Hermione towards the back room where he could get out to his jeep.

"He came home the other day and said he suddenly had a ton of work. So much, in fact, that he would have to miss the gathering."

"Oh. So he's been killing time here, pretending to be at work?" Harry pulled his coat on and then went out into the frigid air of the fast approaching night. It was twilight, the sun was gone and it was nearly dark now.

"Yes he has. Oh he's going to that gathering alright, and he'll go even if I have to drag him by the—"

"Hermione, look!" Harry pointed towards the sky.

They both watched in amazement as there was a slow and steady stream of emerald green, luminescent light slithering along the sky. It was nearly dark now, and the darker it became the more pronounced the green hue shined.

"Wow, that's beautiful." Hermione said even as Harry started the jeep and kicked it into drive. He navigated his way through the thinning trees of the forest on the thin trail he had created and then accelerated once he reached the flat grassy plains. He needed to see what was happening before it disappeared.

"It looks almost like the northern lights, except it's just green and only one stream of light." Hermione said as she held on to her seat, trying to steady herself on the bumpy ride. She was able to keep her gaze on the sky because Harry's jeep had the roof of the car retracted back.

When they reached the observatory, they both ran inside and Harry immediately went to his grand telescope.

"What is it?" Hermione asked. "Do you know anything?"

"Something's been happening with the Draco constellation. I've been studying it for the past week, but this," he motioned up at the sky, visible through the glass ceiling, "this is new."

Harry looked at the light through the telescope and the more he analyzed it the more he came to realize that the light wasn't and couldn't possibly be originating from the reflection of the polar ice caps like the northern lights, but it was traversing through space like a slithering snake, and the source of its foundation was the Draco constellation.

The sun had set by now and the sky was dark. Hermione had taken to sitting on one of the couches that Harry had for relaxing and looking up into the night sky. She waited patiently as Harry did his analyzing and research.

It took Harry nearly three hours, by which time, Hermione had already fallen asleep, but he had a break through.

He was able to determine that the start point reference of the green light was coming from the 'Messier 101', a spiral galaxy in the Draco star constellation region. And even stranger was that the light seemed to travel onwards to the 'Cat's Eye Nebula' which then reflected the light all the way down to earth.

"Surely they can't have missed this." He said to himself, referring to his colleagues at the research facility.

But it turned out, they did miss it. It wasn't possible though. He was sure that there'd be thousands of people calling in that they saw the light. He was sure that at least the eastern hemisphere of the world was able to see the light. But there was nothing. No sightings, no recorded images from the muggle satellites…nothing.

"It's a little worrying don't you think, Harry?" Ron said as he grubbed on some blueberry muffins that Harry had cooked the night before after Hermione left for home. Ron had flooed in once again the next evening.

"Yes, I suppose so." Harry said as he drank some fire whiskey.

"It could be dangerous. If something this strange is occurring but no one else was able to see it. Maybe you should tell someone. They could help you figure out what is happening. Maybe it's the beginning of the end of the world." He stuffed the muffin in his mouth.

"Hermione knows you've been here." Harry said to change the subject. He had already decided not to reveal anything to anyone until he had some answers, and he was close, he could feel it.

Ron swallowed the muffin as if it had suddenly become sharp nails. "It really is the end of the world."

Harry chuckled and had some more fire whiskey.

There was a flash of lightning, but there was no sound. The stars in the sky seemed to be spinning, but they weren't. Harry felt his stomach churn as he tumbled through air. Then the sound came rushing at him with the great howling of the wind and the thunder that surrounded him as he fell down into the storm. He was going to die, he knew for sure.

He caught the flash of sapphire blue out of the corner of his eye, but when he tried to look at what it was, he saw the ocean quickly approaching, rising to meet him.

Harry jumped awake. He was covered in a cold sweat and he breathed erratically for a few minutes as he calmed down. He got out of bed and made his way to his kitchen where he filled a glass of water and drank. This was the fourth time he had this dream, and to his paranoid mind, he realized that he began having them every night since the green light in the sky four nights ago. He was thinking it was connected somehow, and frankly, it was beginning to frighten him. Maybe he should tell someone about his discoveries.

It was four in the morning. He was still sleepy so he decided to try and get a few more hours of sleep before the sun rose. As he crossed the living room to get back to his room, he stopped in his tracks and rushed back to the window. The green light was back, but this time, it seemed to be traveling down towards the earth.

Harry quickly rushed back into his bedroom and haphazardly threw on his black jeans, grey shirt and black hoody and ran out of the house to his jeep. The car had barely even started when he floured it and raced down to the observatory. He could actually see the green light traversing down towards the earth like a snake does through water. The light was going to touch the observatory, he realized.

Harry pressed on the brakes and threw the jeep into parking and ran towards the light, not even bothering with turning the car off. He stopped a few feet from the entrance of the observatory as the light descended onto the building and engulfed it.

Harry's heart accelerated and a shiver traversed down his spine as he witnessed the beautiful light shimmering like a green sea does under the sun. It almost seemed like it could be alive, and Harry none the wiser reached out to touch it.

There was a shock of an electrifying current that swept through his body the moment he made contact with the light and he lost control of his body. The light shifted then and moved over so that it was now surrounding Harry within it. There was a great flash of white light that blinded him and when he shut his eyes for protection, he found himself no longer standing on the ground but falling through empty space.

Eragon and Saphira pushed on, flying across the open sea, trying to reach Doru Areabia as fast as possible. They needed to get back before the Varden reached Urubean. They had nearly been eaten by a giant Nidhwal, the strange beast of the sea that Glaedr told them about. Well, he didn't say much about it, only that it was dangerous even for a dragon. Now, they were entering what looked to be a very fearsome, very deadly storm.

This is going to be a strong storm, I think the best way to go about it is for you to determine where the air currents are and ride them instead of fighting against them. Glaedr told Saphira.

How can I determine the wind currents? Saphira asked as she sped forward. Even now that they had only just reached the edge of the storm, the wind was strong enough to jolt her.

Watch for the cloud formations and the pattern that they travel in. Once you find one current, ride it out until you find the next one. Glaedr said and then they all fell silent as Shapira began to concentrate on flying.

It was terribly rough and Saphira was being thrown from current to current like if she weighed no more than a feather did. It became even worse as they neared and then entered the eye of the storm. She was suddenly struggling to keep from being thrown into the tidal waves of the sea by the downdraft and then up high into the sky where the icy droplets that soaked them turned to crystals from the cold and the air became insufficient. They carried on this way for a long while and Eragon had a sinking feeling that they would never reach the other side of the storm. They had been blinded for a long while now, as they were surrounded by a constant cloud of gray, and once the sun had set, they were no longer able to see the grey cloud but a never ending darkness instead that was illuminated every time lightning struck. Eragon could feel the cold penetrating all the way through to his bones, but the only thing he could do was wait and hold on tight.

Saphira was then caught in an updraft that she could not escape no matter how hard she tried and Eragon and Glaedr had to help her, but even then, they had to allow the wind to carry them up for if they continued their spell, they would tire too quickly.

Eragon, you must use your spell to include me and Saphira. Once we get higher, it'll get really cold, colder than you've ever experience before. We can all freeze to death.

Eragon became worried, but did as he was told.

Now, I'm going to tell you the spell you must use to gather the air around you two so that you may breath. It will also let the stale air to escape. Be sure to cast it correctly because it is fairly long and complicated. Glaedr said and told Eragon the words and then, after the rider repeated them correctly, cast the spell.

They waited then, as minutes passed and they were still pushed upwards. Eragon noticed, however, that the cloud seemed to grow thinner and it even became quieter than it was closer down to the sea.

It was as they went even higher up that the second spell began taking great amounts of his energy and he grew weak alarmingly fast. He realized that they had reached the point where the air was too thin to breathe properly, so the spell began to take its toll on him.

Eragon felt relieved when he felt Glaedr's strength flowing into him, and so they continued on upwards for a while longer until Saphira was able to detect the strength of the wind, slackening against her body. Even as she was about to break away from the updraft, the clouds surrounding them opened up as they flew out above the raging storm. She hovered in place as they all witnessed the most breath taking thing they had ever witnessed.

Look! Eragon yelled out mentally in awe. He had never before seen so many stars. He didn't even know that so many existed, let alone the different colored ones, like the red or the blue or the gold. The sky was littered in stars so much that it looked like the stars were dusted over the dark sky. And the most beautiful star that he could see was the biggest and by far the most odd. The actual star was blue, and it was surrounded by what looked like a cloud of blue dust, surrounded by a larger cloud of red dust, and the edges of the red was coated in green dust. To Eragon, it oddly resembles the eye of a cat*.

It was a great sight to take in, but it wasn't until he looked away from the sky and down at the earth that Eragon realized something that was a surprising revelation. He noticed how the sky and the earth did not meet in a straight line but in a curve.

{"The world is round," he whispered. "The sky is hollow and the world is round."}*

It is amazing how much is unknown about the world we live in. Saphira said as she too was amazed at their discovery.

Yes it is young one. Even I, at my old age, never thought something like this to be possible, yet here we are seeing it with our very eyes. Said Glaedr.

They could now see a speck of gold on the horizon where the sun was preparing to rise once again. Eragon wished he could see it rise, but he felt Saphira preparing to dive northward. It was just as she turned that he saw, out of the corner of his eye, a green light that flared in the sky.

Wait! He yelled just before she could dive forward.

What is it little one? Saphira asked as she continued to hover.

I saw something, a light in the sky. He kept his head tilted as he kept his eyes on the beautiful star that resembled a cat's eye.

Eragon, I know this is wondrous, but we must keep moving. Glaedr said once a minute passed and nothing else happened in the sky.

But, there was something there. It was… the same green light flared in the sky once again. Look!

The three of them watched in wonder as the green light originated from the cat star and seemed to grow larger, or as Eragon realized, closer.

Saphira watch out! Eragon yelled as he realized that the green light, whatever it was, was heading straight for her. She was able to move away in time, just as the light shot passed them. As it did, Eragon's heart froze and he felt a cold chill run down his spine as he saw what it was that was now plummeting down through the storm towards the wild and raging sea.

Saphira hurry! Eragon yelled and he didn't have to explain what he meant, for she had also seen what the light carried. She pressed her wings close to her body as she lowered her head and dived straight down. They reentered the storm and luckily caught a downdraft, which helped them speed along.

They neared closer to the light and Eragon was now able to see more clearly the prone body of a boy, an unconscious boy.

Eragon, use Letta! Glaedr yelled as he too feared for the fate of the boy.

Eragon quickly chastised himself for not thinking of that himself.

"Letta!" He yelled out both mentally and verbally as he held his right hand out towards the boy.

A bright blue light erupted from Eragons gedwey ignasia and it flew ahead towards the boy, completely overtaking the green light and extinguishing it.

Eragon could feel the strain on his strength as the energy it took to bring the boy to a stop was taken from him. Glaedr added his strength to assist him.

It's working, Saphira said as they could all see the speed of the falling boy slowing, until he came to sudden halt in midair.

Saphira, go down in a loop towards the boy. The wind is too strong for you to slow down, and Eragon you grab him and strap him down. We still have to worry about getting out of this storm. Glaedr said.

Saphira did as she was told and Eragon was able to reach out and grab the boy. He pulled him close and sat him in the saddle in front of him. He untied his hand straps and used those to tie the boy in. He realized that the 'boy' as he had thought was actually a young man. He had thought he was younger because he didn't look to be quite tall, but now that he got a closer look at his face, he realized that he was probably about as old as he was, seventeen, but that was just an assumption.

Once he strapped the young man down, Eragon placed his arms around his waist and held on tight as Saphira navigated their way out of the storm. She was able to avoid getting caught in any wind drafts, and it only took them about another hour before they finally flew out of the storm, cold, tired, and wet.

We made it. Eragon thought with relief. He was exhausted and he wasn't even doing the hard work. How are you Saphira?

Tired, but I can still manage. She said.

Eragon let a small smile grace his lips as he knew that Saphira would never willingly admit to weakness.

Welcome to Doru Araeba, or what's left of its once magnificent glory. Glaedr said and then went silent as he delved into his memories of the past, ones that he once shared most intimately with his rider.

Eragon and Saphira both held their eyes over the island. It was amazing and beautiful, covered in green hills and cliffs and many rivers flowed from the mountains down towards the ocean surrounding the great island. But what held their interest were the large buildings that lay in ruins. They were large, so large that Eragon was sure that Glaedre would have easily been able to pass through the entrance and still have room for many others to walk in alongside him, that is, if he still had his body.

There was a moment that Eragon caught the emotions that Glaedr was emitting through their mental link, and what he could discern from them was sorrow…sorrow and guilt.

We could have prevailed but we let our guards down. We were unprepared. Glaedr said speaking of the past and the riders that once governed Alagaesia.

No, it wasn't yours or anyone's fault but Galbotorix. Saphira said as she angled down towards one hill where they could discern hundreds of dragon skeletons, some even larger than Glaedr.

I suppose so, but the guilt still resides because I know we should have prepared for something like this happening. Glaedr paused for a moment. Eragon, I will tell you the words to a spell that will protect the two of you from inhaling the poisonous fumes that were left from that battle.

He told Eragon the words and then Eragon cast the long complicated spell to include Saphira, the young man, and himself.

What happened that could have cause a long lasting poison? Eragon asked as he adjusted the young man so that he was resting forward on Saphira's neck.

Glaedr explained how the elf Thuviel sacrificed himself in an attempt to destroy the forsworn, but in doing so, his body, or the magic core within him, exploded into the surrounding area, infusing the island in a toxic like fume, rendering it uninhabitable.

Look there, that is Belgabad. He was the largest dragon in existence at the time of the fall of the riders. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he was a relative of yours Saphira. He was the distant relative of Raugmar the Black, who was the great-great-great-grandsire of Vervada, your mother.

Saphira looked on in wonder at the great enormous size of her ancient ancestor. The skull alone was almost as big as her entire body.

The three continued in conversation until Saphira found a suitable place to land in. It was a craggy cliff side where there rested a watch tower at the edge of the cliff. It was mostly intact, except for the bottom where a section looked like it had been blown out.

We can rest here for tonight. As soon as you rest, we'll begin our search for the…what is it we're looking for? Glaedr asked as the name once again eluded him.

No point in telling you, you'll soon forget either way. Saphira pointed out and Glaedr resigned.

What of him? Eragon asked referring to the young man sitting in front of him.

We shall have to wait until he wakes up. Then we can ask him where he came from. Glaedr said with interest in his voice.

We know where he came from. He came from the sky. What I want to know is how he got up there in the first place, and more than that, I want to know what else is up there. Saphira said as she lowered to the ground so that Eragon could get down, but first he unstrapped the boy and then carried him down.

Yes, we shall ask all these questions. But for now go and rest. I'll keep guard. Glaedr said.

Keep guard? Saphira questioned. I thought the poisons made the island uninhabitable?

Not for the creatures that have adapted to it. The magic that was cast out during that battle did strange things and some of the creatures have become mysterious beasts. It's best not to wait and see if they're dangerous. Anyways, enough talk. Sleep. Once you have recuperated, we shall seek out the…well, whatever it is we are looking for.

Eragon carried the young man inside of the watch tower where he first cleared out some of the ruble. He built a fire and then cast a spell that would dry both his and the young man's clothes. He extended his sleeping bag out over the floor of the watchtower and then lay the other down in it, covering him with the blanket. He cleaned away some dirt from the young man's face and healed a small cut on the pink cheek, he had a slight fever.

You're so tender with him. I doubt he'll break if you were to handle him as roughly as you do the soldiers of the varden. Saphira stated as she watched Eragon care for the other.

Eragon blushed and then moved away from the boy to prepare to rest. I just want to make sure he's ok. He seems to be my age, yet he is so thin and slender…I think either, he's never worked hard labor or he's sickly, in which case, it's best to be sure he's ok.

Alright, well, we best sleep now. The sun has already risen and we lose time by prolonging our resting time. Saphira rested her head on the ground and shut her eyes. She fell into a fitful sleep soon after, which told Eragon just how tired she really was.

Eragon looked back towards the young man and took the time to examine his features. The boy was handsome, to say the least. He had dark raven hair that grew in a wild mess just passed his ears and his skin was pale as if he'd never been out under the sun. He also wore an odd wardrobe. His trousers were black but they were made of an unknown material. At least he's never seen anything like it. He also wore a black hooded sweater. His gaze wandered back up to the boys face and wondered if his eyes were as black as his hair.

Eragon began dozing off as he stared at the boy and before he could get his body to move so that he could sleep under Saphira's wing, he fell asleep.

AN: Please review and tell me what you all think. Should I continue? I most likely am, but it would be nice to have some feedback.

The {…}* section is copied straight out of "Inheritance".

* The star that Eragon is seeing in the sky, the one that looks like a cat eye is an actual nebula. It's called 'cat's eye nebula'. Go figure. Anyways, a little background on it, that nebula resides inside of the Draco constellation, which is what Harry was researching before he vanished from his world. This is a real constellation and a real nebula. Look it up, I think the nebula looks pretty cool.

*Also, if you may have realized, I'm trying to go by the book so some information, like Saphira's relative, Belgabad, is also copied by the book. I'm trying to word things in my own way, but be warned that some stuff is similar to the book. I take no credit for it so don't sue me. Once we get passed the end of the book, it will all be my imagination.
