Author's Notes: Two things- 1) Make sure to check out my other insane Castle story, Crimes in the Long Grass. It's Castle with Pokemon!

Second, please remember that reviews feed the writing monster who stands behind me and whips me till I post new chapters.


Atlantic Coast, 2 hours south of New York City- May 28th, 2012

Fury had said there would be no funeral. Tony Stark wasn't shocked. To Fury to die in battle, defending your country, was the greatest death a man could have. There was no time to have a funeral, not with the clean up in New York and SHIELD attempting to recover. So many others had lost their lives, so why single out one man. Phill wouldn't have wanted a funeral.

Tony heard every cliche and trope Fury threw out, then calmly told him that he would be holding a funeral and Fury was not welcomed.

There were those that had good reasons not to attend. Black Widow and Hawkeye had already been sent off on a new mission. No rest for the weary or the paid killers. Maria Hill was still recovering from the beatdown she'd received after the battle and Stark wouldn't have let her pass the gate even if she had shown up. Thor had to take his brother to be judged by his father, so wasn't even on Earth. Of course, Thor had told them that they shouldn't mourn, because Coulson would be in Valhalla, feasting on roast boar and regaling the fallen warriors with his stories of glory. Banner had slipped away, not liking crowds and feeling the need to return to his lonely travels.

Still, the funeral party hadn't been empty. Pepper had sat beside him, sniffing in her tissue and wishing she knew how to contact that cellist; she only knew her name was Wanda and she had a brother. Steve Rogers sat in his military uniform; not his original one, which had been lost to time, but a modern one, showing his rank of Captain.

Richard Castle (or Dr. Hank Pym as he once had been known) and his family rounded out the small Detective Kate Beckett had refused to listen to any suggestions that she not attend due to her injuries. Looking at her now, Stark had to admit she never looked better. Hard to believe that she had been caught in an alien explosion not 2 weeks ago.

Martha Rogers was the only SHIELD agent to attend, but Stark didn't count her as one of their numbers. Martha was one of them, behaving like a real person and not like a machine. Besides, after the beating she had given to Maria Tony wasn't about to tell her no. Alexis Castle sat by, the woman she was to be and the girl she was leaving behind evident. She reminded him of Pepper in a lot of ways and Stark made a mental note of asking the young woman if she would like a job. If she were half as smart of Castle/Pym, she could go far at Stark Industries.

It had been a solemn affair, with a few token words and a silent prayer at the beach. Then they'd all marched to seaside villa Stark had rented and changed out of their mourning black and donned more festive gear.

"To Phil Coulson!" Stark called out, raising his glass. "May he be recruiting/annoying Angels in Heaven!"

"To Phil!" The group called out before diving into the meal. The mood turned lively as they all shared stories. Some where about Phil and their interactions with the always serious man. Others had nothing to do with Phil but had the group crying tears as they laughed themselves silly. They had all decided that Fury was partially right: Coulson would not have wanted them to mourn his death. He would have wanted them to live, to laugh, and to be merry. Phil had died working to stop Loki and they had completed the job...the world was there because of him and they would not waste any time feeling down.

It was a night of revelations and surprises, especially when the booze was passed around (Martha had even managed to convince straight-laced Alexis to have one glass of wine). Tony had nearly choked on a piece of fish when Steve had began to regale them with war stories that were light on blood and heavy on laughter. It seemed the Captain did have a sense of just took the right mood to bring it out.

Martha took up the lectern and told them stories about Fury and SHIELD that had everyone wondering if they were going to be bombed to prevent the tales from getting out. Castle and Beckett were like a 1950s comedy duo, trading banter and quips with ease...Tony soon found him and Pepper competed with the other couple to see who could outdo the other and half way through dinner Pepper was setting up the plans for a double date.

As the sky grew darker and the food grew scarce the remaining members of The Avengers and their loved ones settled in the living room, passing along a bottle of wine and engaging in idle chit chat.

"So, now that you aren't a Capsicle...what are your plans?" Tony asked.

Steve (the only one other than Alexis not drunk, due to his physical makeup) smiled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I was going to travel the country, but I think I am going to stick around New York for a bit. It is my home and I want to help it get cleaned up. Besides, it would probably be better for me to get use to a city I know before taking on the country."

Castle sat up, though it took a few tries. "Listen...if you ever need any help, or just want to see a friendly face, stop by my loft. Door is always opened...just knock in case..." He waggled his eyebrows at Beckett, who slapped him on the shoulder and blushed. "As for me...I need to get back to work. I got my new Nikki Heat novel done, but now that my muse is not a detective..."

"You better not think of finding another woman to get inspiration from, Rick!" Beckett stated with a devious smile.

"Of course not, Kate." Castle shrugged. "The Kid has been begging for me and Temperance to do some with him...maybe I'll take him up on that."

"Assuming the poor boy takes a moment away from stealing things from the Pope and actually writes something," Martha said.

Beckett frowned. "I need to find an apartment...mine got totaled by one of those Space Whales."

"I'm pretty sure it was the one Tony killed," Castle said.

"Hey!" Tony said. "That's not nice, pinning stuff on me! I'll have you know I am very careful to avoid collateral damage when i fight my bad guys." Pepper sniggered, Tony glaring at her. "You were the one that destroyed my office building, not me!"

"You told me too!"

"But you still pushed the button!"

"And the Stark Expo?" Pepper challenged.

"I blame Rhodey."

"You always blame Rhodey!"

"Why do you think I keep him around? Not for his good looks, I'll tell you! He can't pull off the short shorts and tube top like you can, Pepper." Tony pursed his lips. "Ok, maybe he can, but still-"

"I think I'm going to need to bleach my brain."

"Why do you need another apartment?" Castle asked, sliding closer to Kate. "Why don't you just move in with me."

"Huh?" Beckett asked, the booze clearly dulling her senses.

Castle gave her a goofy grin. "I'll let ya play with all my toys!"

Beckett laughed. "I don't believe that for a second…" She leaned in, giving Castle a sloopy kiss.

Alexis scrunched up her nose. "I'm going to go get some fresh air."

"I'll join you," Steve said, noticing that Tony and Pepper were now trading playful insults and Martha was clearly undressing him with her eyes. "So, know any good places to get a bite to eat in New York? I'm getting tired of the stuff SHIELD keeps sending me…"


Richard Castle's Loft- May 29th, 2012

"I think my hangover…has a hangover…"

Martha rolled her eyes. "I don't know what you are complaining about, dear. I drank more than you and I am fine!"

Castle glared at his mother. "Fine is not the term I would use for you."

"I think Captain Rogers through I was rather fine…"

Beckett rubbed her eyes before slipping her sunglasses back on. "Martha…could we please talk about this after the world stops spinning?"

Alexis scoffed, getting out her keys. She had awoken that morning to discover her father and Beckett passed out in the living room surrounded by a sea of beer bottles. Shaking them awake and avoiding the vomit that leaked from their lips, she had told them to get washed up and get ready as they needed to get going; they were infact the last ones to leave, as Steve had wanted to get an early start and Tony and Pepper had been picked up by Stark's helicopter an hour ago.

Of course, Alexis had discovered that the adults were suffering from the affects of a hangover, and thus she had been forced not only to load up the car but get the adults into said car and then DRIVE said car back to New York, which proved to be very tricky, since the cleanup of the city was still taking place and what should have been a simple direct route turned into her taking 15 detours to avoid debris, space whales and her father's gigantic footprints. It didn't help that every bump causing her father and Kate to cry out in pain and whine like infants.

"You do realize you how much you owe me, right?" Alexis said, glancing over at her father who was pressing the heels of his hands into his temples. "I mean I had to do all the heavy lifting, all the driving, you almost threw up on me…"

"I think the Pym Particles are making my brain grow," Castle moaned.

"And when we add that onto to all the wonderful little things you hid from me about yourself, like your real name, my real name, the fact that you can shrink, the fact my mother could shrink…" Alexis waved her hand about as she opened the door. "You owe me a new car, those shoes I was drooling over last month and a pair of sunglasses."


Castle flung his hands up in a panic. "Angry black lady!"

Lanie Parish stormed out of Castle's loft, jabbing her finger into his chest. "I have not heard from any of you in two weeks! I got one text message saying you were ok, you'd call later! I went to Kate's place and found it totaled and came here and found it deserted! Where the hell were you…and why are you holding each other's hands?"

Beckett and Castle looked at their grasped hands, then back at Lanie. "Uh…"

Lanie grabbed them and dragged the couple inside. "Answers, now. Oh, and I drank all your beer and used your credit card to buy pizza….for five nights straight."

"How long have you been staying here waiting for us?" Beckett asked.

"How the hell did you get in?" Castle asked.

Lanie shook her head. "Nuh uh, my questions get answered first, sneaky sneaks."

Beckett groaned…this was going to be a long day.