You all should love me sooooooo much! I convinced TheDarkestShinobi to pop out another chapter of New Beginnings!

I'm looking forward to it soooooo much

Okay, so there was this scene I imagined in my head with Ayane and Yuki, thought it would be cute, maybe lead to a relationship between them! Aha! But she said she'd hint at it and leave it to our interpretation.

Okay, long AN but well worth it.

This story has nothing to do with that but it's just a conversation I imagined in my head.

And Go!

"You're being very loud for an assassin sister." The brunette said as the other stepped out of the shadows. The sword she was polishing left ignored in her hands.

"I suppose." Was all she said. Her sister then noticed the lack of weapons and ninja gear.

"You're not going to try to kill me?" It was a question but she already knew. Ryu had told her.

"The kill order has been reneged. I have no reason to kill you, or even fight you."

There was silence for a moment.

"You're not here to apologize." It wasn't a question. The sword was placed on the windowsill she had been sitting on.

"Why would I?" Ayane crossed her arms, her red eyes piercing "You were a nuke nin. Anyone who has met me knows the clan comes first."

"I know." She nodded.

"and you were an enemy of the clan."

"I know." She repeated with a small smile "but I'm not anymore."

"No." Matching smiles now. "not anymore."

"What are you hear for?" It was soft, scared.

"I don't know, to get you to come back maybe. I figured Ryu would have told you by now, it explains why you didn't run or hide." Only years of knowing her allowed her to see the question running through her mind.

"You can ask." Soft tone. Inviting.

"Why did you run?" No, that wasn't it. "How could you leave?" Ah.

"I value family the way you value a village, the village to me is a family to you."

"I see."

It was true. It explained everything.

"I have killed family for the village, was prepared to kill you for the village."

"And I have killed the village for my family."

"Hopefully they both can be one now." It was odd, to see Ayane hopeful.

"You know that will never happen, they just relate now."

"Would you leave again?"

"I would. Would you hunt me again?"

"I would." Ayane suddenly glanced through the glass "Is he here?" Kasumi stood grabbing her sword. Ayane watched her sheath it.

"No, I wanted to have this conversation alone."

"You've been alone for a while." No sympathy, just a fact. Ayane would never sympathize with Kasumi.

"Not anymore." Kasumi gently raised her hand and held her sisters shoulder. "This time, neither of us will be alone."