
GUESS WHO'S BACK! I hope you guys are happy to see me/don't want to murder me.

Anyhow remember when I said I was going to revisions and it didn't happen? Well revisions are a lot harder than I originally expected so I just didn't, but after I reread what I wrote here I decided I was satisfied enough with it and that it wasn't necessary so that's why we're here now!

Anyway enjoy okay because I don't know when the next update will be to be honest but to be honest there will be an update I promise. ;D

Goodbye until next time and enjoy!

Platinum was led by the men to the door of penthouse suite. Both of them dropped her arms as one grabbed a card key and inserted it into the lock. After the small red light turned green, he opened the door and held it for Platinum and his partner. She walked in slowly, taking in every detail.

The penthouse suite was considerably bigger than the one she and Pearl had booked themselves in. There was a long hallway with two bedrooms to the left. The one closest to the door had one big king-sized bed, which she imagined Birch would sleep in. The one next to it had two twin-sized beds in it, where his body-guards slept. Across the hall was one big bathroom. Through the open door Platinum could see rain-shower and one big Jacuzzi bathtub.

She walked forward, ditching the two shaded men. The hallway opened up to a large living area with a big pull-out sofa and a flat screen TV. One two end tables to either side of the pull-out bed were beautiful silver lamps with bead-adorned shades. Off to the side was a small kitchen with a fridge, stove, and a few countertops. Beside the kitchen was a closed door.

Senator Berlitz stood there and looked out the windows to the balcony and out beyond the sea. Kingdom was water-locked on all sides, an island. The waves crashed along the beach as the setting-sun glimmered across the deep blue water.

One of the men walked over to the closed door and rapped lightly. Almost immediately, a perky feminine voice called out, "Come in!" The man grabbed the handle and turned it. He stepped in and held the door. Platinum followed.

The room was a study, of sorts, with a desk and a big leather desk chair turned to face the window. There were two chairs off into either corner of the front of the room. The man grabbed one and put it in front of the desk, on the other side of the leather one. He led her to the seat and announced, "We've retrieved her."

"Excellent," the female voice replied. "You can go."

The man nodded, but the woman wasn't even facing him. Platinum had a frown plastered on her face. Who was this woman?

After the door closed, the woman turned the chair around, a sly smirk on her face. She had shoulder-length brown hair and a sharp, sleek face. She had her hands folded in her lap and stared at Platinum for a long time.

"Hello, Miss Berlitz," she greeted. She sat up, arching her back, and stuck out her hand for Platinum to shake. "My name is Birch, Sapphire Birch."

Green stepped into the white, windowless interview room and sat across from the criminal on trial. He slouched in his chair and offered the man a smile. The man held a blank, careless expression. He was trying to act cool and calm, like he was too good for all of it.

"Hello," Green said clearly.

"Sup?" the man responded, nodding his head cockily. His hands were cuffed to the table, so Green got a good look at all the tattoos on his hands and forearms. He was nothing but a grunt in the Black Hands, nobody of worth. Green was going to have fun with him.

Green gave another smile before speaking again. "So," he said, opening up the file in front of him, "it says that you're being charged with bludgeoning a cop to death."

"Listen," the man said, sitting up. "We both know why I'm here so can you just clear me as insane and I'll be on my way to that crazy house of yours."

Green stood up, all the politeness in his face fading. He took a look around the room, sighed, and then walked around to the perpetrator. He sat on the metal table next to the man, who shot his brown-eyed gaze Green's direction. Green grabbed his hand gently.

"It doesn't work like that," Green said bluntly before letting go. "You see, I can say I think you're insane, but if the jury doesn't believe it, then you're going to jail."

"What?" he said defensively, raising his voice. "Birch recommended you! When I get out, I'm telling him that you couldn't help me. He's going to have you murdered."

Green laughed, his cheek dimples prominently showing themselves to the man beside him. "Look. We both know you're nothing more than a grunt, a lackey. Look at the way you're dressed. The distinguished members of the Black Hands wear suits and ties like real gangsters. You're nothing to them."

The man just glared at him incredulously.

"But relax," Green reassured, "I'll help you. But you're not going to like it very much."

Green reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe filled with clear liquid. He grabbed the man's arm and aimed the shot into one of his veins. The man began to protest.

"W-what are you crazy?" he asked. "Help! Help!"

"No," Green replied. "But you will be in a minute."

"Help! Someone, anyone!" the man screamed as Green finished.

"You think anyone can hear you?" Green asked sarcastically. "Aha. That's good. You see, you're pleading insanity, and they always put the insane ones in sound proof rooms until they're cleared, that way the screams don't disturb the whole station. Just count backwards from five. It'll all be over soon."

Green laughed as the man tried yelling louder. Soon his words were becoming slurred and he fought to keep his eyes open. He became jittery with a glazed expression and shot his eyes around the room. He jumped in his chair when he finally looked back at Green. Soon he began mumbling and trying to fight the handcuffs.

"L-l-let me go," he said, hushed. His head cocked to the side and he started shaking. "D-don't you see them?!" he asked Green. "They're everywhere…everywhere. Oh my god YOU HAVE TO KILL THEM! THEY'RE GOING TO STING ME!"

"Bees?" Green asked. The man fervently nodded. Green gave him a reassuring smile and stated, "Don't worry, they'll go away."

He opened the door and left the room.

Detective Yellow was bringing her work home with her tonight. She had boxes piled in her car related to these mysterious, gruesome cases that someone wanted to cover up. She pulled up into her driveway, stepping out slowly, carrying a box at a time. After about ten minutes, she brought each one into her house.

"Oh," she said, remembering that there was supposed to be a police car outside her house. She walked over to the blinds in her living room and peered through them. The sight she saw didn't reassure her, in fact, what she saw made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

The police car was there, but it looked like it had just been in a rollover. The top was dented inside, police lights smashed, doors ripped off completely, the hood was gone, and the trunk had been pushed all the way in so now it looked more like a bus than a car.

Yellow gripped her holster and slowly opened the front door. She drew her gun and stepped out from the steps to the lawn. She walked over more quickly when she saw people inside. Officers.

In both cases, it looked like their skulls had been smashed in. They were obviously dead. Yellow could tell but she checked just to make sure. Both of their guns were lying on the floor, and Yellow could see Taser burns on their bodies.

She turned around, trying to keep from panicking. What on earth could have done something like this? She sank to the boulevard, leaning her head against the car and pulling her knees close to her body, and took out her cell. She dialed 911 and pressed the phone up to her ear.

"911 what's your emergency?" the receptionist asked.

"This is Detective Yellow de Tokiwa Grove. I'm at my house on Lilycove Avenue. My boss sent a police car to monitor my house because of the caliber of a case I'm working on. Well I just came home from work and I found both of the cops in the car dead."

"Alright Miss Grove, don't hang up, help is one the way."

Platinum didn't shake the woman's hand. She was tired of all the bull shit these people were putting her through.

"No," Platinum said, standing. Sapphire's smile faded. "I want to see the real Birch."

Sapphire frowned. "Miss Berlitz, I am the real Birch."

"No you're not," Platinum countered. "Everyone said the real Birch is a man. You're obviously not a man. So what are you? His wife? His sister?"

Sapphire smiled and looked down. "For someone so smart, a lot sure does get by you. Platinum, I'm Birch. I lead the Black Hands. I'm the one who rigged your election. I am the man behind the gang."

Platinum gave a sarcastic nod and smile. "Right, right, of course. One can only handle so much surprise in one day."

Sapphire smiled and said, "Platinum, what do you know about my gang?"

Platinum rolled her eyes up, as if looking into her brain and reading what's inside. "Well, I know the name came from a Serbian terrorist group in World War I, the group responsible for organizing the assassination of the Archduke. I know your legacy consists of two leaders, your father, and apparently you. You've been around for well over three decades, but your reign of terror only just began to grow in the previous few years."

"Thanks to you," Sapphire retorted. She reached under her desk and grabbed something, tucking it beside her as she stood and walked around to Platinum's side. She sat on the desk, hand firmly grasped around the item. A gun. She pointed it right at Platinum's temple.

"That's impressive, Miss Berlitz. You truly do have an astounding memory. What else do you know?"

There was a long pause as Platinum's heart began to race.

"Platinum," Sapphire said coldly. "What did the newspaper say this morning?"

"I-it said that you rigged the—"

"No. Tell me exactly what the newspaper said, Platinum. We both know you can."

Platinum sighed before speaking again. "Unnamed sources say that republican Senator Platinum Berlitz of Florida agreed to work with the Black Hands, a local organized crime unit, in order to gain popularity in the polls. The details of such include conditions that involve a free pass from the law for the obscure gang leader, Birch, and—"

"That's enough," Sapphire said, cocking the gun. "It's such a shame. Your gift is so special, but you had to go and waste it by talking to that reporter. She's also being killed, as we speak."

"Wait what?" Platinum asked. "I thought you talked to the reporter. I never said anything to her."

Sapphire hit her hard with the butt of the gun. Platinum fell to the floor, her cheek bleeding.

"Don't lie to me," she said, gun aimed at the senator.

Platinum held her bloody cheek, her eyes squinted. "I'm not lying. The reporter, she came to me after the press conference and asked for an interview. I said no and went back to my office. Swear on my life."

Suddenly, one of Sapphire's henchmen broke through the door. She snapped her head up to meet his gaze, a frown on her face.

"What is it?" she asked sternly.

"The reporter, Bianca," he said. "She escaped."

"If you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself," Blue said as she grabbed the man's head, ignoring his cries, and twisted it off. She chucked it across the alley as his body fell limply to the ground.

He deserved it. He had one simple mission: get the files so she could figure out what to do next and seriously maim the detective. Instead, he alerted the whole division and attracted even more unwanted attention to her. He was incompetent. It was clear that she had to do it herself.

She went to the house earlier, but unfortunately, the detective was not home. She got to have some fun with the cops on guard though, so the trip wasn't all that pointless. Plus, the sight definitely must have rattled the nerves of the detective, and after Blue was done with her, the bitch would be so scared Green would have to put her in the asylum.

Crystal ran a brush through her hair before putting it into two curly low pigtails and putting a gold lace hat on. She didn't have to worry about dressing formal around Gold. They had been friends long enough so it didn't really matter. He was probably going to be wearing pajamas.

She left her apartment and walked into the parking garage. It was already getting dark and the garage was void of people. Crystal, however, was oblivious to everything around her as she dug around for her car keys inside her purse. All of a sudden, she heard a scream.

She snapped her head up and looked around. She did a full three-sixty once she heard rapid footsteps coming her way. Before she could even scream, a man with a menacing look and a blade in one hand shoved her over so hard that she flew practically ten feet over. She lost her bag and all its contents were now rolling across the ground. She put a hand to her head as she pushed herself up off the ground. She opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of the man running down the incline and turning the corner into the next level.

Crystal looked around and heard a faint moaning sound. She ran to where it was coming from. There were two rows of parking spaces, all filled with cars, and the victim was somewhere in between two. She walked briskly, checking each side before she caught sight of a woman.

She quickly walked over to the woman, a woman she recognized as one of her neighbors. She was around thirty-five, with chocolate brown hair and striking blue eyes. She was a reasonably fashionable woman and Crystal always thought of her as a very polite, social woman. She was now leaning against the wall of the garage, her hands covered over a wound in her stomach. She gave Crystal a scared look but couldn't say anything because of the blood pooling in her throat.

Crystal was feeling faint again. She wanted to vomit on the sight, but she knew she had to stay strong. She ran back to where she dropped her purse and frantically searched the ground for her phone. She got on her hands and knees, looking everywhere. Finally, she saw it under a car and well out of her reach.

"God dammit!" she swore loudly. Getting back up on her feet, she briskly ran back to the victim, yelling for help.

When she got there, she found the woman limp, her eyes glazed over, all signs of life gone.

Bianca walked as fast as she could through the alley way. She had just narrowly escaped the apartment through the dumbwaiter as Birch's men broke into the building. It was good thing she had a pair of eyes watching all over the building.

She pulled out her cell and dialed a number, flipping her blonde hair behind her shoulder.

"You safe?" came the answer.

"White," Bianca said with a smile. "Yes, I am. Thanks for the warning. I'd hate to see how this would've played out if it weren't for you." She rounded the corner out into the sidewalk, people bustling around her. "We make a good team."

"Aight," the woman on the other end replied. "If you're all good, I'm gonna go. Bye."

She hung up the phone. Bianca did too with a sigh.

That girl's not much for words is she, she thought.

Gold leaned back on his sofa, his arm rested along the back. He flipped on the television with the remote and glanced at the clock on the cable box, eight-thirty. He leaned back and put his feet on the coffee table, grabbing his cell.

He was all ready for bed, wearing nothing but a tight plain white t-shirt and some basketball shorts. The only thing preventing him from ending his night early was his meeting with his friend Crystal.

Crystal and Gold had known each other since childhood. They were family friends, and after Crystal's parents died, Gold's parents offered to adopt them. By that time, Gold was already twenty-one and well into college.

Because of the age difference, they weren't close as kids, but after Gold graduated high school they began to talk more and more. And then once Crystal's parents died, she really had no one else to talk to besides her brother and her mentally-ill grandmother. Gold liked being there for her. He liked protecting her.

He dialed her number. No answer.

With a sigh he placed his cell on the end table and went back to watching TV.

Crystal was currently trying to hold back the tears as cop after cop asked her the same questions over again. She gave her statement to about three different people and she just really wanted to go. She was emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. She wanted to see Gold.

Her emotions were a mess; she felt scared, tired, nervous, helpless, useless, et cetera. Most of all she was sad and guilty. She let the woman die. She couldn't do anything and it bothered her. If only she had come to the garage a few minutes earlier, maybe she could've seen the man before the attack. If only she had been able to find the cell phone, maybe help would have arrived before the woman died. If only she had stayed by her neighbor's side, maybe then at least the woman wouldn't have died scared and alone.

Another cop came up to her and said something but she wasn't listening. She only asked if she could leave. He said yes, so she walked slowly to her car before she remembered that she lost her keys when she dropped her bag. She walked over to where her things were and rummaged around, gathering them all back up again. Then she went over to her phone and was slowly able to ease it back into her hand. She unlocked it; one missed call.

Sapphire lowered the gun and Platinum took the opportunity to cower and back away.

"What do you mean the reporter escaped?" Sapphire asked.

"Like, she knew we were coming and was gone before we even go to the apartment," the man replied.

Sapphire turned her attention back to the senator.

"What did you tell her?" Sapphire asked.

"I didn't tell her anything! Trust me! I hate reporters anyway, let alone her! She just outted me to all of Florida! There's no way I'm going to make reelection now!"

"Sure as hell you're not going to make reelection after I'm done with you!" Sapphire replied with a smirk.

"Wait!" Platinum yelled. Birch fell silent. "I can help you take her out. I can make a press conference, she'll be there I guarantee it. You can handle her then."

She again lowered the gun. "Now that's what I like to hear," she said with a smile.

Crystal was driving in her car, on her way to Gold's. She had already called him back and he was still ready to meet her. She was still trying to hold back the tears. Even though she and Gold were good friends, she still had to be somewhat presentable.

She fiddled with the radio for a while, but every song just made her want to cry so she finally turned it off. The only thing she found comfort in now was the city lights. Maybe that was part of the reason she stayed.

She pulled up to Gold's house in the Sinnoh district. He lived alone but his house could probably fit all his relatives on both sides. She knew there would be enough room for her, but she really hated imposing.

She rapped on the door lightly, her eyes fixed on her feet. Once the door opened, she tilted her head up to look at Gold's smiling face and lost it. She couldn't hold anything back anymore. Her tears started flowing and she threw herself into his arms. His smile faded instantly and was replaced with a look of bewilderment.

She broke away and closed her eyes, obviously embarrassed.

"Can I come in?"

Tbh all this emotion makes me uncomfortable and it's hard to write but I do it for you guys!


Until next time!
