Title: "Death To Valor"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: R
Summary: The heroes can keep valor; Victor has no use for it.
Warning: Drabble
Word Count: 300
Date Written: 30 April, 2012
Challenge: For a Marvelites100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Victor "Sabertooth" Creed, all other characters mentioned within, and the X-Men are οΎ© & TM Marvel comics and Disney, not the author; are used without permission; and may not be used without permission. Everything else belongs to the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
He still remembered the accusations his father'd shouted at him as he'd kicked him around the house when he'd been little. He barely remembered anything else from that time, but an animal never forgets being hurt. He can still feel the stings of his father's blows, and they make him growl sometimes in his sleep even today.
Yet, as an adult, Creed could now look back and see how wrong his father had been. One of the former General's favorite accusations had been that Victor had no valor. He hadn't known then what it was, but now that yell that sometimes still shattered the rare peace sleep rewarded him was practically laughable.
His old man had never known valor. He might have risked his life for his country, but no being who needed to torture a small innocent to feel strong possessed courage. They were, instead, the worst cowards to ever walk the Earth.
Creed had learned something else about valor over the years, however. It tasted better than most cowards' blood ever did except for his father's. The full moon's light shone on the blood Vic was licking off of his claws from his latest kill. Heroes, so full of valor, tasted delicious, but still, no taste could compare to his father's blood that had finally freed him. Victor may never have valor, but no one will ever take his freedom!
He stepped over the fallen hero and ran off into the night. The dead could keep valor. The only thing courage was good for was getting killed. He'd killed more than he could remember, but if he killed a million more, his greatest kill would always be his father for he'd made him in the image of both what he was and could not yet be. Sabertooth howled.
The End