Title: "Each Other's Savior"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Soul mates are each other's saviors.
Warnings: Femme Slash, Drabble
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 27 April, 2012
Challenge: For the FemSlash100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Xena, Warrior Princess; Gabrielle; this version of Aphrodite; and all other characters mentioned within are ᄅ & TM their rightful owners, none of which are the author. Everything else is ᄅ & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

The newcomer was a mystery, more beautiful and stronger than any other woman Gabrielle had ever known. Her exploits were far greater than anything she'd ever read a woman do. Xena had been evil once, but there was no evil in the beauty she watched. The others tried to keep Gabby away from her heroine, but she wouldn't leave her.

She felt something deep within her stir as she watched Xena save her entire village. She knew she wanted the kind of adventure that only living a life like Xena's could award her. She wanted to be like Xena. She wanted to do the things she did, see the sights she saw, and fight the fights she fought.

Xena was an enigma that Gabby couldn't wait to unravel, but there was something more between them, something the young woman wasn't sure how to identify for she had never felt it before. Yet, as she followed her out of her village, the Goddess of Love smiled for She knew what it was that the young bard felt. She had found her soul mate, and together, the two women would save much more than just the world. They would save each other.

The End