I'd been meaning to post about this anime for a while, just my interpretation of the inner workings of Lain's mind.

I've always been myself it's all I know how to be

But everyone keeps saying that I'm someone else

Another me

A different me

That can't be true

I'm me


That girl

The one they think I am

She's nothing like me at all

She's brash

I'm quiet

She goes to raves

I stay home

See nothing alike

I can't be her

She can't be me

I am Lain

The only Lain

She's someone else


And yet ….

Why do I feel this way?

So guilty

But I didn't do anything

At least I don't think I did

I can't remember anymore

Something is wrong

Very wrong

Why does Arisu look at me like that?

I see things I shouldn't

I do things that are impossible

But I'm still normal aren't I

I'm normal
