A/N: Here goes! My first fanfic of HMC in English! Please bear with me and my English – I'm from Finland so my language isn't perfect. I hope you enjoy!

I don't own anything related to Howl's Moving Castle.

In his chest there's nobody home

Sophie Hatter is the infamous and one of the most powerful witches throughout the land, who uses words as her mightiest weapon. She is an unofficial adjustment to the Royal Wizards who serve the king of Ingary. The word 'unofficial' is used because Sophie herself didn't accept the king's invitation to join his ranks, although she has a strong desire to help her country's people. When asked why she isn't a Royal Witch, she answers that she doesn't want the king to own her powers and have him use them blindly, not intending to underestimate the king's judgment of course. Sophie only desires to be free and helps the king from her own will.

Ingary had two Royal Wizards who often worked together, where Sophie preferred to carry out her tasks alone. This might though have something to do with the fact that Sophie did not like the other wizard, Howl Jenkins Pendragon, that much. With Ben Sullivan she could work, but their habits were two different from each other to be any kind of an asset. Howl in the other hand could work as her pair, if he wasn't such a jerk, to be honest. Sophie had witnessed his bad qualities so many times that she could hardly even breathe the same air as him.

And while knowing all this, the king of Ingary one day summoned Sophie to his palace to discuss a mission where her skills would be quite helpful. Sophie arrived at the palace as arranged and was happily unaware about Howl, who had also been invited for the same assignment.

"What is taking the king so long, I've been waiting a good while already", Sophie pondered to herself while sitting in the waiting room and stared at the closed doors that led to the king's hall. Sophie wasn't in a hurry, to be exact, but she didn't like endless waiting. And it certainly wasn't like the king to keep her cooling her heels like this.
After she had finished this thought, the doors on the other side of the room burst open, and a tall man with disgustingly gorgeous features and blonde hair stepped inside. The sudden sound startled Sophie and she turned immediately to face the incoming person. But much to her dislike she realized that wizard Howl had just paraded into the room. Sophie made a face.
"What are you doing here?" she blurted out.
"As rude and curious as ever, it seems," Howl chuckled and stopped near Sophie's seat. "I was in fact summoned by the king. After all, I am a Royal Wizard."
"Ugh", Sophie snorted. Summoned by the king, was he? But why? She had already come for the mission! Ingary didn't need magic services usually this often, unless… Oh no, he wouldn't!

Howl had begun to ask her what she was doing there, but Sophie had already gone past the two lanky guards and pushed the doors open. She walked inside with a fierce expression.
"Your Majesty", she began, remembering the formalities in her anger. "Are you intending on making me work together with him?" she asked and walked forward with Howl on her heels.
"Miss Sophie, how nice that you made it", king exclaimed with a knowing smile on his face. "And as expected of your wits, you already discovered my plan. Good job!"
This made Sophie stop dead on her tracks and pinch the bridge of her nose. Howl halted also, just before bumping awkwardly onto Sophie's small back.
"This can't be happening…" she mumbled to herself and the cleared her voice. The king had an expecting look on his old features when Sophie began talking again.

"I'm terribly sorry your Majesty, but you seriously cannot expect me to cooperate with this man!" she said and gestured with her right hand towards Howl. The wizard behind her took a hurtful expression and stared the back of her head.
"And why is that, if I may inquire?" he asked voice laced with hurt, which Sophie knew to be fake. Howl had an ability to look sad even in a paradise, so what would stop him from acting now! Sophie turned slightly towards him and opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water.
"Be-because he is arrogant, selfish, flamboyant and a coward!"

"Why yes, but he is also above all a quite spectacular and very gifted wizard, who happens to be officially working in my service", the king added, still smiling. The wizard in question turned to smile charmingly as a 'thank you' at the king. Sophie tried her best to resist the urge to stamp her foot and let out some inappropriate words.

"But why do you want us to work together? Why not Ben?" she asked keeping her voice as even as possible. It was indeed odd that Ben wasn't involved in this, when he was the one who usually paired up with Howl.
"I'm hurt Sophie," Howl suddenly whispered from behind her. "Do you really hate me that much?" But Sophie didn't even bother to turn around to see the well-practiced sad look on his face that she imagined him to have. Instead she just gritted her teeth like even the mere sound of his voice would set her on edge. The king only regarded the situation with a pleased smile.
"Unfortunately wizard Suliman is currently away on other business and this task is rather challenging to be cast for only one of you. Wizard Howl is the best wizard around and you, Sophie, are the best witch I can ask for help. I don't dare even think what could be born from your powers together!"

The king's slight and careful hint went lost from the two, who were having a fierce battle by scowls and mean looks. Sophie didn't think twice about king's words and Howl had stopped listening when king had mentioned his greatness.

"As unfortunate as it might seem for you Sophie, I as the king of Ingary do not ask for your cooperation with Howl, I demand it. And that is final," the king said and now Sophie couldn't repress herself any longer – she really stamped her foot vehemently to the ground and yelled "Damnation!" which only made Howl snicker under his breath. Sophie huffed from irritation and turned around. She went past the annoying blonde wizard and walked towards the great doors.

"Oh!" the king let out and Sophie froze. "I forgot to mention – to make sure you two will work as a team, Sophie will temporarily move to Wizard Howl's estate."
"What?" Sophie shrieked and reversed sharply, only to see Howl marching towards her and taking her hand gently.
"Now now, Sophie, you heard the king – it's time we leave," he sighed.
"No! I will definitely not live with you!" Sophie opposed and looked at the man like he was utterly insane.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice Sophie dear, he after all is the king of this country and we are – as much as you might hate the idea – below him," Howl calmed her down and led her through the main doors.
"Do you have something to do with his decision?" Sophie asked as they were in the waiting room again.
"Why of course I do!" Howl laughed. But Sophie was well aware of Howl's despicable urge to lie about almost anything, so she wouldn't believe him. Since she was pretty certain that Howl would never want her in his home, it was obvious that he was lying. Why would he – they had hated each other from the day they first met!

…At least Sophie had.

"What is this stupid task about anyway?" Sophie asked after a long moment of silence, when they walked through the king's palace, Howl still having her hand gently in his grasp.
"I'm not sure yet, but we will most certainly have further information about it later."
"I really hope it will be as challenging and worth-while as the king claimed, or I'll scream!" Sophie huffed.
"And we of course wouldn't want that to happen," Howl laughed softly. Together they staggered down the palace's wide stairs, when Howl had wanted to use magic but Sophie forbade it. That indeed was one of Howl's many flaws – always wanting to slither out of everything and use the easiest way around! What on heavens name would become of their collaboration?

A/N: Well, what do you think? :D I definitely had fun!