DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything related to Marvel.

A/N: This is just an idea I've been having in my head for a few days, so I've decided to try it out. In case the title is confusing, it was inspired by Two and a Half Men; since Steve has been turned into a toddler he's considered a half superhero XD Also, if you're wondering why I spell certain words differently, go to my profile page for an explanation.


"Captain! We've secured the east side and there's no sign of Loki!" said Clint, putting down his bow.

"No sign of him anywhere, to be exact," said Tony.

Steve walked over to his team. "Good job, men -"

"And woman," interrupted Natasha.

"And woman," he repeated. "Once we're done, we can head back to headquarters."

All of a sudden, Loki appeared out of thin air and held out his sceptre, ready to aim at Steve.

Before the others could warn Steve, Loki blasted something from his sceptre towards Steve. Hulk jumped out from nowhere to try to push Loki away to prevent it, but it was too late.

Loki disappeared as a blast of light hit Steve to the ground. A bright light blinded the others and once it died down, they all scrambled to check on Steve. What stood in front of them shocked them all.

"Oh... my... God," said Natasha.


"OH HELL NO!" Nick shouted in rage as Tony carried in a small boy who looked to be about three years of age.

"ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT LOKI HAS MANAGED TO TURN ONE OF MY FINEST MEN INTO A THREE YEAR OLD?" he shouted again and the small boy buried his face into Tony's shoulder.

Nick paced back and forth as the rest of the Avengers stood in silence. Clint was trying to stifle a laugh, Natasha and Bruce looked serious, and Thor looked guilty, holding the Captain America shield in his hand.

"But Thor recognises the spell and said that the spell won't last long," said Bruce, hoping to at least make the situation a little bit better.

Nick closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How long, exactly?"

Thor cleared his throat and looked down. "Umm... one week."

Nick felt like exploding. "ONE WEEK?"

Clint couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed. Nick turned towards Clint, a deathly glare in his eyes.

"You think this is funny, Agent Barton? Well, guess what? This is going to get even funnier because I am putting all of you in charge of babysitting Captain Rogers here until the spell wears off!"


"I have plans with Pepper!"

"I don't know anything about taking care of a mortal baby!"

"I suck with kids!"

"ENOUGH!" said Nick, slamming his fist on the table and everyone instantly grew quiet. "You all are to take care of this mess until the spell wears off. THAT is an order!"

With that, Nick walked off, leaving the four superheroes clueless.

"Great," said Tony, putting Steve down.

Since Steve shrunk to the size of a toddler, his clothes obviously didn't fit him so they had to drape a towel around him. No one was interested in seeing the Captain naked, even if he has been transformed into a three year old version of himself.

They watched as Steve ran towards his shield as Thor has set it down against the table.

"We are lucky the spell didn't kill him," said Thor. "In fact, we're lucky that Loki somehow mispronounced the spell."

"Let me get this straight," said Tony. "So Rogers was saved due to the fact that your brother had a verbal typo?"

"So... what are we going to do?" asked Clint, folding his arms.

"I say we all take shifts," said Tony. "Take turns in watching over Rogers."

"But where will he stay? He obviously can't stay alone in his apartment," said Natasha.

"How about this? We take turns taking care of him for a few days each until it wears off? On the final day we'll all come together again to see how he's doing," said Bruce.

Everyone murmured and nodded in agreement. They suddenly heard a loud crash and turned their attention towards Steve. He tried to pick up his shield but was unable due to his size, so it dropped to the ground and along with it was Steve's towel.

"I think we'll need to get the Captain some new clothes first," said Bruce.