Author Notes: Hello! It took me a while, but I finally dished this next chapter out. Thank you for all of the input and the reviews. Have a happy holiday everyone, and enjoy the second to last chapter of this story!
Disclaimer: The series Naruto does not belong to me – rather, to Masashi Kishimoto. All of the characters, name settings, etc. (unless mentioned or recognized otherwise) belong to him, not me.
Summary: Uchiha Sasuke has everything – the perfect status, the perfect girlfriend and the perfect image. However, like most seemingly perfect things, they do not last long. This is a story of how one Uzumaki Naruto can ruin it all. –SasuNaru- Other couples include: SasuSaku, ItaNaru, KibaHina, mentioned GaaNaru, ItaDei
Specifies Scene Change:X X X
Sasuke eyes quickly run over the text before quickly becoming furious. This is absolute bullshit!
In a rare display of anger, Sasuke crumples up the tabloid and throws it across the room, almost hitting Kiba in the process. He feels Naruto stiffen next to him, but Sasuke is too incensed to really pay attention to anyone else right now.
Wordlessly, he reaches over to the nightstand to pick up his phone. He immediately dials for his brother's number, hoping that Itachi will pick up. Normally, the younger Uchiha never asks for his brother's help – and in fact, it actually makes him even angrier, knowing that he is seeking aid from his brother.
Yet, he knows Itachi will sort this all out and try to prevent any further damage from being done.
On the third ring, his brother's smooth baritone comes through the phone, and Sasuke's words almost come rushing out:
"There's something I need you to do."
"And what may that be?"
"Call the head of the Konoha Daily Post, and tell them to remove all of today's issues now. You're the lawyer, and you will get it done faster and with less issues than me."
"Why am I doing this, Sasuke?"
The younger Uchiha's fingers clutch around the phone. Itachi's question has double meanings; one, to figure out why Sasuke would make such a request. What is more important is the second meaning – why should Itachi do this for Sasuke, after the younger sibling expressed such contempt for him last time he was home? By all means, Itachi does not have to do a damn thing Sasuke asks of him, no matter how desperate he may be.
This is awful.
"Just…for me, Itachi."
"Sasuke, whether you believe it or not, I will protect you."
Sasuke's throat closes up.
"It is long overdue for us to finally be brothers."
Damn Itachi, not now – not when he and Naruto's faces are plastered on one of Konoha's best-selling magazines.
"I've already called them, Sasuke. I'm surprised you have only just noticed."
"I just woke up-"
"That is peculiar for you. Tell me, are you at Naruto's?"
"I really hope you two are serious," Sasuke hears Itachi mutter. "Could you imagine all of this for nothing?"
"It's not nothing," Sasuke replies exasperatedly.
"Well, then you'll be sure to explain it to our parents?"
Dread settles in Sasuke's stomach. "What do you mean?"
"I stopped the publications, but that didn't stop it from reaching other sources. Unfortunately, I cannot save you this time, Sasuke."
This is shit.
"Shit, damn it!"
"Calm down, Sasuke," Itachi commands over the phone, a hint of sternness to his tone. "It was not just you on that magazine cover. Tell me, how is Naruto taking this?"
A small wave of guilt envelops Sasuke, immediately pushing aside the dread to consider the blond next to him. Naruto does not look too worse for the wear, although his face has paled somewhat.
Sasuke cannot help himself as he takes Naruto's chin firmly in his hand, urging his boyfriend to face him. The kiss he places on the blond's lips takes Naruto off guard, but Sasuke does not care; he really cannot afford to be selfish right now, not when he has just earned Naruto's trust.
Naruto is the first to pull away from the affectionate act, a hint of confusion in his eyes.
"I'm going to settle this," Sasuke states over the phone, his tone final. He looks into Naruto's blue irises, trying to wordlessly reassure him.
"Good luck, little brother."
And for the first time in years, the younger Uchiha truly understands what that term means – little brother. When the call ends, Sasuke feels immensely grateful for Itachi's career as a lawyer and his effort to make this situation a little less hard than it needs to be.
"What did he say?" Naruto anxiously asks.
"I am going to tell my parents," Sasuke says, throwing the covers off of himself. He is glad Kiba has already left the room; he is naked as the day he was born.
Naruto's eyes bulge. Sasuke would find the expression comical if it were not for the circumstances.
"Itachi had the tabloids withdrawn, but they already have done their damage. He did not tell me anything explicitly, but he did hint it reached other sources–"
"–whatever those are!" Naruto exclaims. "And you were just going to walk up in your house all by yourself?"
"It is my problem," Sasuke says, pulling on his discarded pants. "I will handle my family."
"You're an ass if you think I'm going to let you do that alone," Naruto states, slightly angry. "This involves us, not just you. They are going to have to get used to me sometime."
The younger Uchiha says nothing, but he throws Naruto's pants in the blond's direction.
"You're going to need back-up," his boyfriend says, offering him a reassuring smile. It slightly eases Sasuke's dread.
Visiting his parents is going to be an ordeal – but first, Sasuke is going to make a detour.
"If you get arrested, I'm not involved," Naruto comments, leaning back into the passenger seat of Sasuke's car. The younger Uchiha scowls.
"I won't be arrested."
"Sure you won't, bastard."
"I'm just paying him a visit–"
"–which translates to you're going to punch him in the face, get the police called on you and be forcibly removed from the building," the blond comments dryly, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'll be dating a criminal."
"I'm surprised you're not encouraging me," Sasuke says, opening his car door. Naruto shrugs.
"To be honest, when you punch him, do it a little harder just for me."
The younger Uchiha cannot refrain his smirk – now that is the Naruto he knows.
He shuts the door and then calmly walks up to the brick building in front of him, a sign in the front reading 'Konoha Daily Post.'
When he enters, the first floor is absolutely busy and borderline chaotic. It does not stop Sasuke as he eases his way through the crowd and towards the front desk where a young pretty woman sits. It does not take him long for him to charm her, and within two minutes he has Sai's location.
The search for the little shit is easy; he sits at a desk with too many papers strewn around. Sasuke does not say a word as he spins the man's chair around so the culprit can face him.
Sai does not even have the decency to look guilty. In fact, he looks rather pleased as he meets Sasuke's eyes.
"Did you like today's issue?"
That rat.
"It's a way of making money," Sai drawls, regarding Sasuke with a smile so fake it is slightly creepy. "Not all of us are born into wealth, Mr. Uchiha."
"Exactly. Did you think about that when you put Naruto on the front cover?"
"Hm, Naruto? Is that the blond?" Sai's smile becomes larger. "It's a shame I couldn't get a date with him. And no, I do admit I did not think about him. I was more focused on paying my rent for the month."
Sai's nonchalance to the whole affair makes Sasuke absolutely livid. He hates to do this, just because it reinforces his status as an Uchiha prodigy, but in this instance…
"I believe I need to talk with your supervisor. I'm sure he will appreciate a lawsuit."
If Sai wants to play dirty, so can Sasuke.
Fifteen minutes later, Sasuke is walking back to his car on the borderline of whistling. When he enters the car, Naruto has a huge grin on his face.
"No police?"
"Better. Threatened by a lawsuit."
"Are you kidding me?" the blond questions, sounding slightly annoyed. "You are a manipulative, corporate bastard–"
"Do you think I'd actually waste my time on a magazine company?" Sasuke interrupts, maneuvering his car back onto the street. "He deserves to be fired, but I knew you would not like it. Initially I told him I would sue, and he naturally panicked. I then punched him the face, as you wanted."
"No, I wasn't going to sue him. It was meant to catch him off guard, and it worked. We should not be hearing or having troubles with Sai for a while."
"Badass Sasuke, I like it," Naruto comments. Sasuke thinks to himself that he likes it too, although the action was very unprofessional.
As out of line punching someone is, Sasuke deserves his moments where he can just be a man for once and feel liberated.
And that is what he is about to do, as he drives through Konoha, making his way to his family's estate.
The last few minutes of the ride contrast to the beginning of the trip; whereas Naruto was initially smiling, the anxiety of facing Sasuke's family has his mouth turned downwards and his eyes focused on the scenery outside. The younger Uchiha honestly does not know what to say to the blond, as he is unfamiliar with comforting people.
When they park in the driveway, they both do not rush to get out of the car. They sit there for a few moments, leaving to Sasuke to ponder on the events transpiring to this moment. Who knew his life would turn to this, away from the perfect normalcy he constructed during his Konoha school years.
"Hey Sasuke."
Dark eyes turn to face Naruto. The blond's face is blank.
"We go in there together. Whatever happens to our relationship later, we will deal with it then – but for now, we're a couple and we're going to do this together."
"This isn't life or death, idiot," Sasuke remarks, but really, he is pleased by Naruto's words. Sasuke is happy that Naruto is proud of them as a couple.
"Might as well be," the blond mutters. "I never had parents to come out to, so I missed the whole confession part."
"You've been out for years, Naruto."
Now they are just wasting time, trying to put off the inevitable – and Sasuke knows better, but he lets Naruto babble on.
"I guess the closest I got was telling my grandpa and Jiraiya. Both of them took it pretty well, although the kids at school thought I was a freak. Kiba was one of the few people who really didn't care, and now I don't really get any trouble at all. Maybe it will all be fine for you."
Sasuke scoffs. "I doubt it."
"I think your mom would understand."
"Well we won't find out sitting here," the younger Uchiha says, exiting his car. Naruto does the same, and soon both are walking side by side to the front door. Sasuke does not even bother to knock because it is his own home, effectively startling one of the maids as he enters his abode.
"Mr. Uchiha, welcome home." The woman glances at Naruto, a frown on her face. However, she does not say a word, opting to return to her duties instead of making a comment. As they walk past her in search for Sasuke's parents, the blond mutters to him:
"She was the one who answered the door when I came here to chew you out."
"She has no place to say anything to you. You're with me."
"I wonder if she knows…" Naruto says to himself, causing Sasuke to glance at him. They really need to get this confrontation over with; paranoia does not suit Naruto in the slightest. Unfortunately, he cannot find his parents anywhere; they have passed through the kitchen and one of the more used living rooms, the places they most likely would be. They may be upstairs, or maybe they just needed to sleep longer today–
"Who's here?"
That is his mother's voice – and soon enough, emerging around a corner is Uchiha Mikoto, holding a paper towel in her hands.
"Oh, Sasuke!"
She shuffles over to the couple quickly, but there is an air of apprehensiveness around her. She looks Naruto over quickly before giving attention to her son, a strained smile on her face.
"How long have you been here? I was in the bathroom."
"I just arrived," Sasuke responds. He is not ignorant to her nervousness, so she has to know that they are officially together. He was a fool to think he could stop them from finding out; with all of the connections the Uchiha family has, if his parents did not see it first, then someone would have called them to surely enlighten them.
He might as well try and make this go smoothly. "Mother–"
"We need to sit down for this."
Sasuke nods, and Naruto turns a shade paler. When the three of them reach a room – interestingly, the one where Sasuke talked with Itachi about his relationship with Naruto – Mikoto sits on the couch, directing Sasuke and Naruto to sit across from her on the opposite couch. Sasuke wants to cut to the chase, but his mother looks like she has not exactly processed everything yet.
When she finally does speak, she says softly:
"Somehow, I knew already, especially after yesterday."
Both males remain quiet. She continues to talk.
"When you–" her gaze lands on Naruto. "–came in my home, and yelled all of those things at Sasuke, initially I did not believe it. And then I looked at my son, and I knew what you had said was true. You were angry, and you could have been more diplomatic, but I knew what you said was true. It was confirmed when the relationship ended between Sasuke and Sakura, but I thought that would be the end of it. Then you came here again, and something had to be going on."
She sighs. "Sasuke, I have so many questions. Have you always been homosexual, and just hid your sexuality? How long have you been with Naruto? Does Itachi know about this? How do you plan to talk to your father?"
"I suppose that technically I am bisexual, although Naruto is really the only man who has caught my interest," Sasuke confesses. "When he came in that one day, yelling at me, we've been developing a relationship ever since. I have always felt…something for him, starting at the time in the academy, but we did not pursue anything until the day Sakura ended the relationship."
"You didn't intentionally split them apart, did you?" his mother asks Naruto. The blond looks startled.
"No, Mrs. Uchiha. If anything, I tried to keep them together," Naruto says. "I didn't really have feelings for Sasuke…not until we started talking again."
His mother's face turns pensive. "But I do remember you being with Itachi."
Sasuke frowns; this is not looking good for Naruto.
"Well – yes, briefly."
"And then you moved on to my next son," she states, her tone becoming accusatory. Sasuke has to cut in.
"That is just how it played out, mother," he says sternly. "Like Naruto said, he wasn't interested in me."
"Itachi and I had a brief fling…I don't even know what to call it," the blond says. "I met him in a bar, we exchanged numbers and then I learned he was Sasuke's brother."
"How did you not know? The Uchiha are a rather well-known name."
"I don't really pay attention to those kinds of details, Mrs. Uchiha," Naruto responds. She looks confused.
"But you went to the Academy, you surely know some things–"
"I got in through the Academy through connections, Mrs. Uchiha," Naruto states. "My grandfather is the principal there. I'll confess right now, I'm not born in money. I got into the Academy because of my grandpa, and if there were other circumstances I probably wouldn't have gone to that school at all. I should know about the Uchiha family – you all are practically celebrities in this place – but really, I don't pay attention to those kinds of things. Where I come from, people really don't care about that kind of stuff, if you know what I mean."
Well, there goes the other cat out of the bag – not only is Sasuke with a man, but with a man with nothing to his name in the elite circles. Sasuke knows his mother does not particularly find that detail too important because after all, she was not born an Uchiha either. However, his father prefers someone who comes from at least something, and that is probably why he did not mind the breakup with Sakura too much. It is no doubt Sakura comes from a good family, but it is not an Uchiha family.
"Then his wealth–"
"I really don't care how much Sasuke has," Naruto interrupts. "Look Mrs. Uchiha, it might be hard to hear this, but I'm with your son because I care about him. It took months before we even developed a romantic relationship, and we're put into some pretty extreme circumstances because our faces are all over the freakin' tabloids right now. I understand that he is from a really high-name family, and Sasuke went through a lot because he didn't want to disappoint you all. But I think it's about time for Sasuke to start living for himself, you know?"
The room grows quiet. Sasuke is torn between being proud of Naruto for being so caringly honest and punching him in the face, because who in their right mind would talk to his mother like that?
"Shit, Naruto…" the younger Uchiha breathes out, running a hand through his hair. Naruto scowls at him.
"That's my mother you're talking to."
"I thought I was nice!"
"Well it could've been better…"
"Oh, excuse me princess," the blond huffs, crossing his arms. This is going downhill; they are sitting here arguing, right in front of his mother. Sasuke would prefer the anxious Naruto right now, because the blond would then be more likely to keep his attitude in check. He likes his spark when they are in a casual setting, but right now is not the time…
"Well, that's quite an opinion you have there, Naruto," Sasuke's mother comments. "So what will you offer my son instead, so he can start 'living for himself,' as you called it?"
Sasuke's lips tighten; this is his mother's way of analyzing Naruto. If he messes this up…
The blond looks at him, his blue eyes shining with care. Despite the situation, his boyfriend has somehow gotten over his initial fear and he looks ready to defend their relationship no matter what obstacle they face.
Shit, and Sasuke is just sitting here being quiet. What does he have to say for any of this?
As Naruto opens his mouth, Sasuke lies his hand on the blond's leg. The affectionate action surprises his boyfriend, effectively stopping any words from coming out of his mouth.
It is Sasuke's time to talk.
"I have been living for this family, and I have let all expectations control what I do with my life. I became a part of the company, I dated a respectful woman and I believe I did all I could to make you all proud. I have sometimes resented doing all of these things, because I watch my brother do whatever he wants and receive nothing but praise. The moment I do something unexpected – like date Naruto – it is a scandal. Mother, what I am doing is letting go and exploring what I want to do, not what I necessarily am expected to do. Could you accept that?"
The woman stares at her son, her features carefully guarded. Her eyes then land on Sasuke's hand, motionless again Naruto's leg.
She lets out a deep exhale, and with that she finally smiles at the two of them.
"Just…next time you want to do something, could you please tell me first instead of it being plastered on a magazine? That was a very shocking wake-up, Sasuke."
Did she…
Did she just accept them?
"Sasuke, do not look so surprised," his mother comments, an affectionate gleam in her eye. "You have done a lot to make me proud. I am very shocked you are in a relationship with a man, especially this young man, but I would be a fool to try and split you two apart. He seems to make you happy, and I know it takes time for you to get close to someone."
"Isn't that the truth," Naruto mutters, causing Sasuke to pinch him. The blond flinches, but tries to put on a smile for the Uchiha matriarch's sake.
"But this better be a serious relationship, for all the media is going through."
"Of course," Sasuke agrees. "I am happy of your approval."
"And I'm extra happy," the blond says, smiling. "I'm really sorry if I haven't made a really good impression or if I'm not really up to par with your standards. I like your son a lot, and he's a good guy."
"I know my son is a good man," Sasuke's mother says. "As far as impressions go, I do admit they were not the best – but they can change, can't they?"
She then regards Naruto softly – if Sasuke dare say it, maybe affectionately. "And standards? I do hold high expectations for my son and therefore his lovers. However, I trust my son; Sasuke is not dumb, and he will choose someone who is good for him. Perhaps you've been through the hardest part, Naruto – of passing Sasuke's standards, not mine."
The blond smiles cheekily. "Yes, I suppose you're right."
"You are a handsome man; I will agree with Sasuke on that."
Oh no – now she is getting too comfortable. As nice as it is that she is willing to give Naruto a chance, having this comfortable feeling will not last for long. After all, they still have one more parent to talk to, and Sasuke knows that conversation will not go over as well as the one with his mother had.
The thought of the impending conversation makes the younger Uchiha frown. The two other occupants of the room are quick to notice Sasuke's dampened mood, and the air grows tense.
"Mother, I have to talk to father sometime too," Sasuke states. The woman lets out a sad sigh.
"He's out right now, Sasuke – and to be honest, it is better if you give him a couple of days. I knew you were involved with Naruto to some degree, although I did not know the extent. The idea of you liking men is a surprise, but I had some slight clues. On the other hand, your father had absolutely no idea. This is a major shock to him, and I do not think you would get very far if you talked to him now."
Her words do not surprise him, and yet Sasuke still feels an inkling of disappointment knowing that his father is not taking the news very well. Perhaps an irrational part of him hoped that things would go relatively smoothly, especially since his mother was so peaceful about it. Granted, she slightly interrogated the two of them first, but the results ended up in their favor.
"So I guess we should give him a couple of days," Naruto states. "I'm sorry that you had to find out from the magazines."
"Me too," Sasuke's mother agrees. "But what is done is done. If you boys like, I can fix you up something to drink or a snack to eat."
"It is probably best we head out," Sasuke says, standing from his position on the couch. As touching as it is to see his mother being so hospitable to Naruto, it is best that they leave. He does not know when his father will return, and Sasuke trusts his mother's judgment when she says to give his father some space.
"I see. Well Sasuke, take care of yourself." She then looks at Naruto, smiling at him. "You too, Naruto."
The blond smiles cheekily. "Thank you."
As they begin to walk away, Sasuke's mother calls out one last time:
"Oh, and Naruto?"
Sasuke's boyfriend halts in his steps.
"If you ever hurt Sasuke, you'll have a very angry mother on your hands. Please do not give me a reason to doubt you."
And then like nothing ever happened, she waves the two young men goodbye, a small smile on her face. Sasuke cannot refrain the smirk from appearing; his mother would not be an Uchiha without being a little threatening.
Besides, the look on Naruto's petrified face is absolutely worth it.
"That wasn't funny when she threatened me," Naruto mumbles as he walks into his shared apartment, making sure to push Sasuke as he passes by him.
Oh, but Sasuke begs to differ.
"Actually, I think it was."
"All of you Uchiha – freaking crazy people, I tell you," the blonde says, plopping himself on the couch. The apartment is rather quiet, which means that the two of them must be alone.
Looking at his boyfriend, his body lax against the couch and his shirt slightly hiked to reveal his abdomen, Sasuke feels rather thankful for the deserted apartment. That talk with his mother went better than anticipated, and he knows just how to celebrate it.
Smirking, Sasuke kneels by the couch, coming face to face with the exposed skin. Unabashedly, he kisses on the blond's bellybutton, causing Naruto to jerk in surprise.
"Hm?" the other man asks, pressing small kisses on the flesh. Naruto's body begins to squirm.
"What are you doing?"
"Kissing you. What else does it look like, idiot?"
"Your bed talk is so sexy," the blonde comments dryly, although Sasuke's words must not bother Naruto too much because he starting to take off his shirt.
When the article of clothing is off, Sasuke is quick to attack his boyfriend's pectorals, lavishing the nipples with affectionate fervor. Sasuke feels his member twitch as he hears Naruto let out a breathy moan of his name, apparently pleased by his boyfriend's actions.
"What brings this on?" Naruto questions breathily, burying his hands into Sasuke's hair.
"To commemorate our relationship," the younger Uchiha replies, climbing onto the couch for better access. "My mother just approved of us."
"So we should have sex to celebrate?" Naruto asks, his words choppy as Sasuke's hands wander onto his thighs.
"Exactly," Sasuke murmurs. A pink hue appears on the blond's cheeks, Naruto obviously turned on by Sasuke's bluntness. The flush of his boyfriend's cheeks makes Sasuke moan, and he soon captures Naruto is a rough kiss. He is quick to coax Naruto's mouth open, and their kiss turns into a heavy make-out session.
When Naruto begins to palm himself through his pants, trying to alleviate the throbbing of his privates, Sasuke knows it is time to take this a step further.
"I'm getting a condom," the younger Uchiha declares, parting himself from Naruto's mouth.
"Good. Hurry up, while you're at it."
The time it takes for Sasuke to find a condom is a little longer than expected – the blond really needs to replace his stock; Sasuke can definitely tell Naruto has not been sexually active these past years – but Sasuke is soon back to attending to his Naruto's needs. Clothes are torn off and thrown haphazardly over the couch as the two nip and suck at any skin available.
The foreplay does not last long; the both of them are really too aroused to even need to engage in it. Nevertheless, Sasuke does not protest as he leans back against the couch, relishing the attention of his boyfriend's tongue licking him up and down as he rips open the condom.
"Having fun?" Sasuke asks huskily, enjoying the sight of Naruto practically worshipping him. The blond lifts from his actions with an audible 'pop,' offering Sasuke a sexy smile.
"Probably too much fun."
Licking his lips, Sasuke rolls the rubber onto himself.
"I wonder why you bother with that," the blonde says, eyeing Sasuke's actions. "I've already sucked you off with no protection. If you had a disease, I would've already gotten it."
"It's to make it more comfortable for you," the younger Uchiha replies, easing Naruto's legs so they are lifted high. "I don't worry about any diseases from you. It's just that coming into the condom is a lot less messy than coming into you."
"Aren't you considerate…" Naruto's sentence dies off as he feels Sasuke's fingers enter him, already slick with saliva. His hole eagerly swallows the digits until they cannot anymore; after a few slow thrusts, Sasuke's fingers soon slide in and out easily, easing the tightness of Naruto's channel.
Sooner than later, fingers are withdrawn and something much bigger pushes its way into the blond's anus. Sasuke's legs shake as he waits for his boyfriend to become accustomed to the long length inside of him; he is definitely not used to the tightness that comes with anal sex.
When Naruto is ready, Sasuke first rides it out gently, lazily thrusting in and out. When Naruto's moans become more pronounced and his breaths come out more harshly, Sasuke knows his cue.
The couch protests from Sasuke's harsh thrusts, but Naruto definitely does not.
"Shit…! This is so good…! Nn…deeper and faster and shit!"
The younger Uchiha bends the blond's legs back, enjoying Naruto's flexibility. It makes his thrusts deeper and the angle is so perfect when it comes to feeling his boyfriend's tightness.
"You like me fucking you, hm?"
A loud moan is Sasuke's response. Smirking, he pushes in a little rougher, pleased by the sound of their flesh hitting one another's.
"Fuck where did you learn this?!" Naruto cries out, throwing his head back. Sasuke's fingers tighten around Naruto's calves, making sure to hit his prostate just right and keep his thrusts steady.
"I could…ooh…do this fucking forever…shit!"
They cannot even switch into different sex positions before Naruto lets out a loud cry. Spurts of white land on Sasuke's stomach, and the sight makes him groan in need. Even as Naruto finishes, Sasuke sure is not done; a few thrusts more, and Sasuke has Naruto bent as far as he can go. His orgasm comes shortly after, and he lets out deep grunts as he shoots everything into the condom.
When the sexual high gradually fades, Sasuke gently lets Naruto's legs down and slowly pulls out. He falls back against the other side of the couch, trying to catch his breath.
Naruto cannot even finish his sentence, clearly unable to form coherent words. Sasuke cannot resist the devilish smile from appearing on his face, knowing that he fucked Naruto good enough to make him breathless.
Give him five more minutes, and he will be ready to fuck his idiot over the counters in the kitchen.
Unfortunately, given the noise of a key going into the front door's lock, that just might be delayed.
Sasuke has never seen Naruto jump up so fast, but there is no escaping this; the younger Uchiha accepts the fact he is about to be caught, and so he lazily stretches out on the couch.
No sense in panicking. He has nothing to be ashamed of.
It turns out that Kiba's girly scream is very much worth it, anyway.
"Are you serious?! Hinata, close your eyes!"
"Why should I – oh dear…"
"I'm so sorry!" Naruto apologizes loudly, attempting to cover his genitals with his hands. "It just happened!"
"I hate you all!"
Sasuke grabs a pair of boxers off of the floor – considering the obnoxious color, they are Naruto's – and he places them on top of his privates, covering them from view. He has not recovered from the intercourse yet, and he will be damned if he has to move.
"Put on some damn clothes, both of you!" The brunet screams, placing his hands over his girlfriend's eyes.
Sasuke just picks up the remote and turns on the television.
Oh yes, very much worth it.
Later that night, when Sasuke emerges from the apartment's bathroom only covered in a towel, the younger Uchiha decides that there is no point in going back home. Dealing with his father is currently not his top priority, now knowing that his mother accepts the relationship and will probably defend Sasuke if need be. He also does not want to have another confrontation today.
Besides, a blond is waiting in bed for him. That is as good of an incentive as one can get.
"Sasuke, your phone has been buzzing like crazy," Naruto informs his boyfriend, right when he walks into the bedroom. "Can you please pick that shit up? I'm sleepy."
"You're rather irritable."
"Yeah, no shit," Naruto murmurs. "I'm really sore and sleepy. I've got the long shift tomorrow, too."
His boyfriend is still sore from this morning? Sasuke must have done it good.
Obeying Naruto's wishes, Sasuke picks up his phone. What Naruto probably assumed were phone calls were actually a lot of text messages. Several are from his brother, some asking him about work-related topics and others about his well-being; to be honest, they catch Sasuke by surprise, but it is a pleasant surprise.
The last text message makes Sasuke's heart drop.
Come to my office tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock. We need to discuss your position in the company.
His father did not even bother to call him; he just texted him. He must be livid.
Sasuke decides not to give a reply. Climbing into the bed, he cynically thinks that his mother's advice means nothing in the end; his father is going to approach this issue on his own terms, not on Sasuke's.
The thought nerves the younger Uchiha, enough so that initially going to sleep becomes a tedious task.
Sasuke closes his eyes. He feels Naruto's gaze on him, and he bets his boyfriend is concerned.
"You got quiet…"
"My father wants to see me tomorrow," Sasuke says emotionlessly, but really his gut has twisted into knots and that anxiety from the morning has returned full-force.
"Well, we can talk to him–"
"No," Sasuke interjects, facing his boyfriend with seriousness. "I know you'd like this to be done together, but it is clear he just wants me there. He said to come to his office, and he will allow no one but me inside."
"There's no questioning it, Naruto," Sasuke says, shifting to his side. His eyes come into contact with shining blue ones, and the younger Uchiha suddenly feels reassured.
"If you could be there afterwards, that is all I will ask."
Naruto's lips quirk, not exactly reaching a full smile. "Yeah. I can do that."
Sasuke's morning goes by slowly.
He wakes up and leaves Naruto's apartment silently, but not before lying in bed for a few minutes, petting his boyfriend's blond mane affectionately. He goes home to get dressed, knowing that his father is already at the office. He sees his mother once, and before leaving for work, she makes him a small breakfast.
Just like when Sasuke was younger. The thought slightly eases his anxiety.
He gladly throws himself into paperwork, making sure to give every document his full attention. His heart beats heavily when his lunch break arrives, and soon enough, the door leading to his father's office is in front of his face, the plaque ominously reminding Sasuke that not only is he facing his father, but he also facing his boss.
Sasuke knocks twice, and then a male voice signals him to enter the office. His father is sitting at his desk, impeccably dressed for his profession.
Uchiha Fugaku's face reveals nothing.
"Sit down, Sasuke."
The younger of the two wordlessly obeys, seating himself in the chair in front of his father's desk.
The office becomes silent. Sasuke sits stiffly, awaiting his father's first words as the other man gazes into space.
When he talks, his father begins by saying:
"You surprised me, Sasuke."
He then stands from his desk, and his eyes land on his son's form. The younger Uchiha feels incredibly intimidated, fearing how this could potentially escalate. However, as a prideful young man, he refuses to let his emotions show.
"When I woke up yesterday morning to the voice of one of my business partners, I was rather confused. He told me to look at the Konoha Daily Post, and explain to him what my son was doing."
His father begins to leisurely stroll around the office, nerving Sasuke even more.
"Needless to say, I was shocked. There was my son, kissing another man – and not only another man, but one I remember almost forcibly removing from my home. To be honest, I initially thought it was fake; technology does incredible things."
His father's movement stops, and the air becomes unbelievably tense.
"And then I talked to your mother. According to her, you are in a relationship with this man. If I'm going to have a homosexual son, don't you think I'd prefer you be a little more discreet?"
Sasuke's fist clench. "Father, I–"
"Silence!" the older man exclaims, turning on his heels to face Sasuke. His eyes are burning with intensity.
"I would rather this type of information be held privately, not publically! What made you think it was a grand idea to kiss another man in public, without revealing to your mother and me your relations?! Your private life is none of the media's business, but it has become their business, and it has interfered with my company! Others I work with have called me about the magazine, and the scrutiny is humiliating!"
"I could personally care less about anyone's sexuality," his father continues. "But when private life interferes with the public life, that is when it becomes a nuisance. You are not an exception, Sasuke. This needs to be under control."
"The magazine was pulled immediately when I found out," Sasuke says.
"Yes, but Itachi got to it first. How long would it have been before you noticed?"
When Sasuke does not respond, his father chuckles humorlessly. "You're lucky to have him."
"I would have gotten it done," Sasuke responds, beginning to feel ire build in his chest. His father's eyes narrow.
"Well the damage is done. How do you plan to handle others' perceptions of you, now that your sexuality has been revealed?"
"I plan to work as I always have," Sasuke replies effortlessly, his tone rather cold. "This does not change anything."
"That is naïve," his father says curtly. "It changes how people approach you and what they think of you. Are you ready to be confronted and jeered at?"
"Yes," Sasuke grits out. "Like I said, this does not change anything."
"Of course it doesn't," his father comments sarcastically. "How long will the media continue to scrutinize you and your relationship? Do you believe that man is worth the trouble you will face?"
At first, Sasuke is speechless. This is not because his father has him caught, but because his words are absolutely contradictory. He says he does not care about anyone's sexuality, and yet he is asking Sasuke to reconsider his relationship? If Naruto was a woman, none of this would be a problem. All of this is about his sexuality and choice of partner!
The younger Uchiha's mouth curves into a noticeable frown. He will answer his father honestly.
"This man, Uzumaki Naruto, is worth the trouble. I assure you that both mother and Itachi are fine with the relationship, and no person can doubt my relationship when my work performance is above the standard."
"In the meantime, I receive the brunt of their opinions," his father informs him, crossing his arms. "As such, something will need to be done temporarily…"
The palpitations of Sasuke's heart are strong against his chest. What does his father mean?
"Your position is to be changed. I suggest you adjust quickly."
With that, his father picks up a folded piece of paper from his desk. He wordlessly hands the sheet over to his son, careful for his face to be absolutely expressionless.
When Sasuke unfolds the paper, it takes him a moment to finally begin to read.
Halfway through the sheet, Sasuke's heart stops.