Don't own J&D

dim pulsing light filled the dark room, washing the stained walls with its darkness. Shadows whispered and hissed to each other in the corners, filled with malice and spite. Evil gathered slowly, snickering at the events taking place in the center of the room. Furniture was scattered across the room, leaning against the walls where they were thrown by enraged hands.

"Jak, please, calm down," A voice, obviously female, whimpered. There's was more than just an edge of fear to her words. "Jak, you aren't thinking straight right now. Please don't do this."

"Shut up."

"Jak, stop! Don't get any closer!"

"I said, shut up!" The furious elf lunged at his lover, tackling her animalistically. He pinned her to the ground, holding both her small hands in one of his. "Don't struggle and I won't hurt you." He snickered. "Much." The flickering light radiating from him grew stronger as his claws slowly extended.

"Jak! Don't do this!" For just an instant, she thought she saw the faintest glimmer of hesitation in the monster's eyes. Then it was gone, replaced by a feral hatred.

"Just be quiet! Don't you get it? He wants this the same way I do!" She froze, not understanding. "He, the one you love," his voice dripped with sarcasm on the word, "wants to see you hurt, too. But I'm the one who would actually ever do this."

Hurt filled her eyes, tears threatening to spill over. Jak, her Jak, wants to hurt her? She didn't want to believe this creature, but it was still a part of him. And that part wanted to see her bleed, and cry, and beg for mercy.

The dark side of the man she loved snickered cruelly and pressed the tips of his claws to her lips. Both were silent as he began his fun. She said nothing as her clothes were shredded along with her skin. She cringed and whimpered at the pain, but never said a word through the agony. He mutilated and violated her in a number of ways, and yet she remained mute.

Crimson liquid stained the floor of their home, tears mixed into the gore. The mix was almost black in dark light. Slowly the shadows retreated, from both the room and the dark elf's mind. Jak collapsed in a heap beside his sobbing partner. He fell asleep almost instantly, his energy drained so completely by the being inside him to stay awake a second longer.

When he woke up, she was gone. Only the puddle on the ground- the blood he had spilt and savored- was a sign that last night was real. And he couldn't take any of it back.

On his knees, still coated in the pain he had cause her, he cried out silently. He would suffer the same as she, in agony... but without a word.

Yeah, I know the ending is a bit rushed, but I just wanted to post it. You know the drill, R&R, or flame if you wish, I don't really care.