The only good thing about this being the last chapter is that I can no longer disappoint you guys with my promises.
I really am sorry, if you caught my new story 'Aren't I lucky?' then you know how I explained that I've been rather sad lately and my writing has been shit, then my laptop broke (again) and after I got it back I was sad again. So, this led to a many weeks hiatus and for that I am truly sorry.
At least you all rock though, I passed what I wanted in reviews with flying colours, and I'm truly thankful for you all. I hope this chapter does not disappoint and you all enjoy :)
Maybe love wasn't a myth. Maybe people use it not to mask the pain of the past, but to get over and move on into a better future. Maybe people a long time ago were assigned to the person they were supposed to marry because no one really knew what love was. They had never experienced the great things that came along with it; they didn't know the effect it could have on a person.
I used to think all love was, was pain, but it's much more than that. It's sacrifice; it's finding that one person who you're willing to lay down you're life for.
And I, was in love.
It felt as if almost for a single second my heart stopped beating. Not in a good way, like when a person you care about kisses you and your heart skips a beat, but more actually out of fear. I feared for the ones I cared about because in this moment I was to choose who was to live and who was to die.
The Queen stood before me, asking me to kill one of the people I love; asking me which life I valued most.
And there is no way in hell I could answer that.
I glanced over at Kim and for a second we made eye contact. She had stopped struggling and excepted the fact she wasn't going anywhere. Her face was filled with sympathy directed at me, as she shot me a smile and a reassuring nod.
No words were exchanged between the two of us but I knew exactly what she had meant.
"Me." I stated simply. "Kill me."
"Not what I meant Jack." Kim chimed in, for a second beginning to struggle again.
"That's not an option Huntsman." The Queen told me with a smirk on her face.
"Why not, it's still a life." I protested.
The Queen shot a glance at the two guards that had death grips on my arms, causing them to instantly release me. She shooed them away as she began circling me once more. When she arrived back in front of me, she swiftly pulled what looked to be a dagger out of the pocket of her dress, moving forward to lightly caress my cheek with the sharp blade. As much as I wanted to, I didn't flinch at the cold metal, I just stood still and examined it instead.
It was rather small, hand held with a longer handle than blade, so the wound it could conflict wouldn't be too big. The handle was a deep purple colour, with hints of black here and there, and it was engraved to be a snake, the head being where the blade came out, and the tale being the rest of the handle.
It made a shiver run up my spine.
"Do you know what this is Huntsman?" She asked me.
"Not a clue." I answered coldly.
"It's called, the poisonous apple."
"A poison apple huh?" I questioned, my sarcastic charm coming back to me. This whole thing was becoming more and more like a fairy tale; lets just hope it had a happy ending.
"Make your jokes but as soon as you get the real power of this thing through your pathetic little skull it wont be near as funny." She hissed, taking a few steps back and away from me.
"Oh yeah? 'Cause I'm so very scared of a two-inch dagger."
"Not just any dagger Huntsman," She began again, saying my name with a rude level of disgust. "When you get stabbed with this, you're as good as dead. Even if the wound doesn't kill you, the poison it ejects into you will put you in a deep sleep, one you will never wake up from."
She then brushed past me, walking over the door where a guard was standing and without a second thought she stabbed him in the arm.
He let out a groan of pain, clutching the wound with his good hand, and took a seat in the corner. His eyes were watery and filled with horror as he attempted to stop the bleeding.
The terrible thing is, is that not one person in the room dared to help him.
I glanced forward, managing to bring my vision to Annie for what felt like the first time in years. Her eyes were glued shut almost in an attempt to hide from the things happening around her. I needed to get her out of here, this was not place for a child.
"See, it's as easy as that. One little wound and you're dead."
I let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah but the guy if fine."
"Oh really?" She questioned, another twisted grin formed on her face.
My eyes widened in panic as I quickly spun around. To my horror, she was right, the guard who was stabbed was past out in the corner, body pale and lifeless while blood dripped from the wound.
I ran over to him, no one making a move to stop me. I gave his cheek a light tap, trying to get any sort of movement from him, before shaking him lightly. The body didn't respond at all; I couldn't even feel it breathing. Cautiously, I brought my hand up to his neck to check his pulse.
The wasn't one.
From this tiny dagger, and a small wound to the arm, the man had died only in a matter of seconds.
My breath beginning to speed up again, I stood up and angrily and moved in her direction until I was standing in front of her. "Where the hell did you get that? What is it? Some sort of witchcraft!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.
She let out a dry laugh. "Amazing what people will give you when you have a gun to their head." The Queen said taking a step towards me.
"Can't imagine the feeling." I shot back, taking a step of my own so we were now face to face.
"I believe you still have a choice to make." She challenged.
"Kill me."
With a roll of her eyes she grabbed the collar of my jacket and pulled me a tad bit closer. "I'm getting sick of this shit, if you don't choose now I'll stab you and then the both of them, do you really want to be responsible for all of your deaths?" She threatened, while pushing me away from her.
I could feel the tears beginning to threaten to spill now and I was doing everything in my power not to cry but I wasn't doing a very good job of it. I turned around and walked away from her, punching the door Kim and I had walked through, as hot tears made their was down my face.
I knew I cared for her, that wasn't even a question at all. I hadn't felt this much love for a person since my Mother; not even for my granddad. It was a different kind of love a felt for her, an indescribable kind that had flipped my world upside down since the moment I met her.
I'm not sure what compelled me to feel this way, maybe it was her eyes or her smile, or the fact she beat the shit out of me, but whatever the reason it was I do and there was no ignoring that, and there is no way I'm willing to let that go.
"Choose Huntsman." The Queen repeated for the third time, voice ringing in my ears.
"No." I choked out, voice cracking slightly.
"No." I said a bit louder.
"CHOOSE!" She screamed, the sound echoing through the large room.
"No!" I screamed back.
"ANNIE!" I yelled, overpowering the noise of her voice. It felt as if the whole down had gone quiet for a moment. "I choose Annie." I repeated, calming my nerves down a bit. I had made my decision and there was no going back.
"To live or to die?"
"To live." I choked out in a small voice, while turning around to face the scene before me.
The Queen smiled triumphantly at me before turning to the guard holding Annie. "Well, you heard the boy, let her go." She ordered.
The man let go of his grip on Annie's arm and as soon as he did she came running towards me. I dropped on my knees instantly opening my arms to welcome her as I let out a sigh of relief. Her small frame didn't stop running until it was in my arms and had her arms locked around my neck in a tight grip. I returned the gesture, snaking my arms around her body pulling her close to me and just soaking in the fact that Annie was alight and she was with me.
I placed a kiss on her temple, before tightening my grip around her. No one around us said anything, I'm surprised that I didn't even get a sarcastic remark from the Queen to hurry up, not even a snap of her fingers.
So I just sat there on my knees with Annie in my arms and for a second, I was almost happy. Then I remembered the situation we were in and I remembered Kim and suddenly all those shitty feelings came back to me.
I shifted Annie in my arms, bringing my mouth up to her ear so I could whisper something so only she could hear it. "When I say so I want you to run. I want you to find Jerry and don't stop for anyone or anything until you do, do you understand me?
I felt her nod into my shoulder where her head was buried I quickly covered up my action with a kiss to her head before I stood up to face the Queen, pulling Annie into a protective place behind me.
"Now was that so hard?" She asked, mocking me.
"Shut up." I growled.
"Ok, I see, still a bit of a touchy subject." She teased before motioning to the guards for them to bring Kim closer, which they did. She struggled again but the odds were against her. "Now for the fun part." She said before turning Kim's way.
Kim didn't make eye contact with me at all, didn't even try to look my way. I know because eyes had been glued on her the whole time. I knew that she knew that I was picking Annie, but that didn't make it any less difficult to hear, and it sure as hell didn't make it any less difficult to say.
The Queen sauntered over to her, twirling the tinny little dagger in her hands. Kim's eyes were on the floor, not giving the Queen the time of day, which apparently she didn't like because she roughly grabbed Kim's chin and forced Kim to look at her.
"You stupid girl," She hissed in Kim's face. "what did you do, huh? Seduce him? Sleep with him?" Kim exhaled an angry breath due to what the Queen was accusing her of. "That's it, you offered yourself to him in exchange for your life, then felt compelled to save him when your idiot father tried to kill him. You didn't care for him at all, did you? You were just trying to save your pathetic excuse for a life." She spat.
I knew the words she said weren't true, I knew Kim cared for me, but still the words cut me like a knife. Kim's skin seemed much thicker than mine right now though. "Like I'm going to take relationship advise from you. How's your husband, by the way?" Kim shot back with her smart ass attitude, I had to keep myself from smirking.
This had hit a nerve in the Queen because her eyes filled with an anger I had never seemed before. "You bitch!"
She brought her bony little hand up and slapped Kim across the face before grabbed her by the neck, forcing Kim to look at her once more.
It took every ounce of strength in my body not to go over there and fight for Kim, I just had to be patient.
She brought her other hand up which held the dagger and carefully started caressing Kim's face with it. My heart dropped to my stomach but Kim on the other hand, kept on her brave face, just winced slightly at the metals coldness.
"Any last words?" The Queen offered. Kim didn't move a muscle, just sat there with her arms held by the two guards and the Queens hand around her neck, with her ever so famous death glare on her face. The Queen to a final step towards her, so their bodies were almost touching and they were face to face. She then released Kim's throat and with both hands steadied the dagger above Kim's heart.
"Say hello to your Mother for me." She hissed.
Now Kim.
With every ounce of strength in her body her leg came up and she kneed the Queen in the stomach causing her to drop the dagger and take a few steps back.
And that's when all hell broke loose.
"Run Annie!" I screamed at her, watching her small body open the door and disappear behind it before I rushed to Kim's aid. She had managed to free her right arm, giving the guy holding her left arm a good punch in the face before flipping the guy who had a hold of her right arm over her shoulder.
I had learned a while ago not to doubt Kim's strength and this defiantly was no exception.
Joining the chaos, I grabbed the guy who Kim had punch and threw him against a nearby wall and knocked him out with a punch to the temple. I rushed over to Kim, grabbing her hand in mine as almost a reassurance that she was alright, before turning so we were back to back.
I wasn't sure how she had done it, but currently four people were either out cold, or hurt and had hobbled away; one on my part and three on hers. Many of the guards that were placed in the corners of the room had escaped and ran, leaving us with five circling us.
Just like the savages.
"Three and two?" I offered.
"Or, three and two?"
"Don't get cocky on me Kim." I teased.
"Who said anything about being cocky, I'm just better than you." You joked back, causing me to grin.
"I guess were just going to wait and see, wont we?" I said, giving her hand a final squeeze.
"Well don't just stand there! Get them!" The Queen chimed in.
The one directly in front of me lunged first, aiming a poor punch at me. I grabbed his arm and kneed him several times in the gut before turning around and kicking him so he flew back and fell on his ass. I then pulled a guy who was headed for Kim back so I was in between the two. Without a second thought I punched him in the face. He returned it with a terribly aimed kick to my gut, so I had grabbed his leg, kicking him in the crouch.
"Sorry." I muttered, before grabbing his paralyzed body and flipping it over my shoulder.
Beating people up is a great way to get your anger out.
I turned to Kim who had successfully taken down one guy and was fighting the other two. They had gained up on her so one person had her by the waist, and the other was in front. With a roll of her eyes, she elbowed the guy behind her in the face so he'd let go. However, the other one didn't like that two much because he had stepped forward and punched Kim in the face, knocking her back.
"Kim!" I yelled, running to her aid. She seemed to recover quickly, sitting up as I got to her. She stuck out her hand, and I quickly grabbed it, locking wrists with her, but not for help up. She nodded at me, giving me permission and I smiled.
Tightening the grip on her wrist I grabbed onto her belt and hoisted her up, spinning us around so I had enough leverage to lift her high enough to kick the guy who had punched her in the head with such a force he went unconscious.
I carefully set Kim down, both of up getting into a fighting stance ready for out next opponent. He tried to punch me, but I grabbed his fist before he could.
"You probably shouldn't of done that." I smirked. His eyes widened in fear before Kim grabbed his foot and we lifted him off the ground and flipped him onto his friend.
Within the same second of his body hitting the floor, Kim was in my arms. I hadn't waited any time before I moved pulling her into a bear hug, one of which she happily returned. To my dismay, our hug didn't last near as long as I would of liked it to, but I had to pull away.
I cupped her face gently in my hands, caressing her cheek of where she had been punched. "Are you alright?-"
"Jack." Kim said in a warning tone, right after I had finished my sentence. I spun around, grabbing Kim's hand in mine and shielding her with myself I saw what she saw.
Apparently those guards hadn't left out of fear, but rather for a purpose. They had friends they were going to get. At least ten more guards made their way into the room, moving into a straight line behind the Queen.
Regardless of how good of fighters we were, the numbers weren't on our side and we couldn't fight out way out of it. Kim knew it to, I could tell by how her hand gripped mine.
"Run?" I offered.
"Yeah, running seems like a good plan." She agreed before taking off towards the nearest exit pulling me with her, but two guards blocked out path. She stopped, causing me to bump into her as we involuntarily got backing up into a corner.
"What now?" She asked me. There really was no answering, our fate was kind of clear; we were going to die.
I pulled her back behind me, so I was shielding her once more with my body, as the Queen came closer to me. "Oh look, you found the dagger." I joked.
"That I did Huntsman. Awh, how Nobel of you, trying to protect poor little Kimmy and risking your own life to save her. How cute." She said, trying to get under my skin, but it wasn't going to work.
"You're not touching her." I said firmly. "You should of just taken my first offer and killed me." I joked, challenging her. She brought herself closer to us, I took a step forward and away from Kim so she was safely behind me and met her half way.
"You know what, I'll take you up on the offer right now."
And with that, the dagger came up,
and my eye snapped shut,
and I waited for the impact that never came.
And when I opened my eyes, all I saw was blonde.
In a matter of five seconds my whole world came crashing down. My eyes went fuzzy from the warm tears falling down my face and the only thing I could hear was the beating of my own heart that rebounded against my skull. A sound so loud that I was unable to hear or notice anything that was happening around me.
So loud that I hadn't heard the doors open, and the people walk in.
So loud that I hadn't heard the skylights smash and the people come through the roof and into the castle.
So loud that I hadn't notice the raid begin.
So loud that I hadn't notice the blonde beauty step in front of me, sacrificing her life for mine.
I was completely oblivious to everything happening around me but I really didn't care. All I cared about and was focused on was the girl in front of me, clutching her side that had blood pouring from the wound. I snaked my arm around her waist, catching her as her legs gave out and she tumbled to the floor.
I shifted, placing one arm around her waist and the other one under her legs picking her up bridal style. I backed up until my back hit the wall and I slid down, placing Kim on my lap, her head supported by my one arm and my other one gently holding her waist.
She looked exhausted. The color was draining from her face already so her usual tan skin had become rather pale and she was fighting to keep her eyes open. "Why did you do you that?" I asked her, though I didn't really expect an answer.
She gave me a small smile before she - with great struggle - brought her hand up and placed it on my cheek in an attempt to wipe away my tears. Feeling her hand was about to drop, because of the lack of strength, I brought my own hand up, lacing out fingers together so I could keep it there.
I kissed the palm of her hand lightly, before looking down to see her eyes flutter close. The grip I had on her hand tightened as I felt her body go limp in my arms.
I choked out a sob before letting to of her hand and caressing her cold, lifeless face. "No." I said, sniffling back my tears. "Kim, you have to wake up." I said, brushing the hair out of her face.
"You - have - to-" I began to say, but couldn't finish.
I broke.
I pulled her to she was on my lap, her head buried in my chest and my arms placed tightly around her, almost as if we were cuddling and I just held her as I sobbed. I placed a kiss on her head before I rested my forehead against it and I just cried.
I don't remember the last time I had cried, the only time I could ever think of was when my mother had passed, because never in my life do I remember being in this much pain.
That's what sucks about emotional pain, physical pain you can just put some ice on it, or put on a bandage, but you can't put a bandage on you're heart.
It was almost as if I had gone completely numb.
I wasn't sure how long I sat there and cried, and I really didn't care. All I really knew it that I had come back to reality when I felt a familiar voice calling my name.
I looked up to see Rudy, Eddie, Milton, Jerry and Annie stand before me. Jerry had an arm around Annie's shoulder, and all the of them looked at me with guilt and sympathy, and all of them were struggling not to cry. Jerry was the first of to speak, and he was the one who had called my name. "I'm so sorry Jack."
"Me too." I said in a small voice.
"The raid worked Jack." Rudy spoke up. "The castle has been raided and the Queen has been sent away-"
"I want her head on a stick."
"We all do. But we did it, there isn't going to be a war." He continued, trying to lighten the mood, even though I knew on the inside he was broken; he loved Kim too. All I could do was nod.
A few minutes of silence had passed before Annie had came down and sat beside me, placing her head on my shoulder and sitting there for a few moments before speaking. "Why is everyone so sad? Just wake her up." She stated simply.
I let out a dry laugh before sniffling again. "Which one of you would like to explain to the six year old how death works?"
Milton was the one to take a step forward. "Annie, the human body is a complex thing and when something jeopardizes the system it causes the body to shut down and the people pass away." He explained.
Annie tilted her head and looked at him as if he was crazy.
"Milton, that's not what you say to a six year old." Eddie scolded. "Annie, sometimes when things happen, people get hurt, and when they get hurt they have to leave."
"But shes right there." Annie said, pointing at Kim's body in my arms.
"Her body is here," I chimed in. "but her soul isn't. Kim is in a better place now, shes with her mom."
"Noooooooo." Annie fought.
I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked at her. "Uh, yessssss." I said, mimicking her.
"No! Just wake her up!" She protested.
I let out another dry laugh of how innocent he was. "It's not that simple Annie." I told her.
"Yes it is!" She insisted. "The mean lady said so! When you get poked with the knife you go into a deep sleep so all you have to do is wake her up."
"And how do I do that Annie?" I asked, playing along.
"You kiss her."
"BOYS HAVE COOTIES!" Jerry screamed at her, causing me to chuckle.
"NOOO! Not when they love each other." She fought back. Man, this little girl has quite the attitude.
"True loves first kiss." I said, cautiously saying each word. A chorus of 'ohs' went around the group of boys causing me to chuckle as I looked at the beautiful girl in my arms.
"Exactly." Annie stated.
"Kim doesn't love me." I spoke softly, my thoughts now directed back to Kim. I placed my hand back on her cheek; the cheek that still remained ice cold.
I was snapped out of my daze as the people around me burst out into laughter, and didn't stop for the next few minutes. "Whats so funny?" I asked, unaware of the joke I had missed.
"Are you stupid? Kim so loves you!" Milton said. I simply shook my head at the thought.
"Yes she does!" Eddie protested.
"Yeah dude, I'm me and even I can see it." Jerry added. I smiled at the first part but still refused to believe it. I knew she cared for me, that's something I don't doubt, but caring for someone and loving someone are two completely different things and I highly doubt she loved me.
"Jack." My head snapped up to the sound of Rudy's voice. "Kim has risked her life once to save you, and literally gave her life to protect you. I don't think she'd do that for someone she doesn't love. Besides, she told me so, when you were off the give the Queen the heart."
"It doesn't hurt to try Jack." Eddie pointed out.
"Even though the statistics show that it is next to impossible of it actually working." Milton said.
"Way to lighten the mood Milton." Jerry scolded.
So now I had another choice to make; whether or not I should kiss Kim. I looked to Annie for some reassurance and she nodded at me.
What the hell not, it's not like I had anything to lose.
It wasn't exactly how I had pictured our first kiss, and I had thought about it more times than I'm willing to admit. When you're alone walking long distances you have a lot of down time to think.
I thought about the time she cuddled with me for a reason that was still unknown to me, I could have kissed her then. Or when we were playing in the lake, I had my arms around her waist and if I had leaned down just an inch more I would have kissed her. Or when she saved me from her dad, I wanted to so badly, but the timing was terrible.
And even though, she's dead, and the guys are staring at us so we're not alone and my face was ugly, red and puffy from crying, none of it seems to matter as I moved closer to her. Her body was still cradled in my arms, my one arm supporting her head and my other one holding her cheek as I got dangerously close, and as I did, everything seemed to just disappear.
My forehead rested against hers and our noses brushed before our lips touched.
It was a simple kiss, one of which only lasted a few seconds before I cautiously pulled away. Though it was just a simple kiss, to me, it felt like something much more than that. It had been the only thing that had consumed my mind for the past few days and there I was actually kissing her. And though it was a simple kiss, I seemed to melt into it, letting my feelings take over and I wanted nothing more than to feel her kiss back.
However, when I pulled away there were no signs.
Her eyes didn't open,
and her body didn't move,
and her heart didn't beat.
So much for my story being a fairy tale.
"I'm sorry." I heard Milton say.
I shook my head. "It's alright." I lied, trying to convince myself otherwise so I didn't start crying again. "How are you at planning funerals, Milton?" I joked, trying to get my personality back, but no one said a word.
I carefully stood up, gently placing Kim's body on the ground as I went and turned to the guys. "Lets go, we'll deal with everything tomorrow."
They all simply nodded, following my lead across the room and towards the door. With a yank, I pulled the large door open, holding it there while watching all of them exit.
All of them but one.
Well, two actually.
Jerry had stopped at the door and turned around, sighing at the sight he saw. "Annie, what are you doing?" He asked. I turned to look at her; she had taken my spot on the ground beside Kim, sitting cross-legged and gently rubbing Kim's hair.
"Waiting for her to wake up." She stated simply.
Jerry rolled his eyes before taking a step in that direction but I had held out my hand and stopped him. "I got it."
"You sure Jack? You've been through a lot today."
"Yeah, I'm sure." I said. He nodded understandingly before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.
I whipped my eyes clear of the tears before running my hands through my hair. With a sigh, I turned around and made my way back towards Annie. I sat down on the other side of Kim's body directly across from her and gave her a look. "She's not going to wake up Annie."
"Yes she is."
"No she isn't." I snapped. "Sometimes things don't work out the way they're supposed to. Sometimes we lose the people we love and what sucks about it is that there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do is go home, surround ourselves with the people who care about us and move on."
"But you love her." She said sadly, almost as if she thought I had lost all hope.
"I do Annie, but that doesn't matter now." I told her. She broke eye contact with me and stared at the ground, tears making their way down her young face. I stood up and extended my hand her way. "Come on, I know some people at home who are dying to see you."
"Mommy and daddy?" She asked, face brightening up a bit.
I let out a laugh, "Yeah, mommy and daddy." She smiled up at me before taking my hand and I helped her to her feet. "Come on." I muttered before picking up her small frame in my arms and resting her on my hip so I could carry her.
Trying to ignore the overwhelming lump in my throat, I gave Annie a kiss on the cheek before I headed to the doors once more. With another yank, I pulled it open and began to leave.
"See I told you she'd wake up." Annie cheered happily.
"What are you talking about." I asked confused, scrunching my eyebrows together.
I whipped my head around to see the source of the person calling my name. I had almost dropped Annie on the ground when I saw her; hand clutching the wound, chest exhaling heavily because of the state that her body was in, and her eyes open.
Breathing and alive.
I set Annie down, making sure she didn't fall over as I did. "Kim!" I called, before rushing to her side and dropping to my knees beside her. The wound had started to bleed again and from the look on her face she seemed like she was in a lot of pain.
Her beautiful, tan and moving face.
I gently cupped her face in my hands and just stared at her for a moment. Her eyes fluttered open, as opposed to slammed shut as they were before and stared back at me. I let a smile tug on my lips before I bent down and placed a kiss on her warm forehead.
That was a beautiful sentence.
She was alright.
My vision flashed back down to her wound. "Annie get Milton." I told her. She complied, instantly running out the door and disappearing.
I turned back to Kim and without a second thought I pulled my arms around her, sitting myself down and bringing her onto me, embracing her in a hug, something I never thought I'd be able to do again.
At the moment I was ecstatic; so many emotions rushed through me all I could really do is cry. Tears make there way down my face once more but I didn't care to stop them, my arms had a much more important job at the moment. I wasn't prepared to let go of her, nor did I want to. Just the fact she was breathing made me the happiest person in the world.
"Ow." She said, wincing softly.
I loosened my grip on her slightly, not really noticing how hard I was squeezing her. "Sorry." I apologized.
I felt her chuckle into my shoulder where her head was buried. "Jack, what happened?" She asked in a small voice.
I shook my head 'no', this was nothing she needed to hear right now. "I'll explain everything later, ok?"
"Ok." She agreed. I placed another kiss on her head before shifting my arms so my one arm went under her legs and the other around her waist. I carefully picked her up, steadying myself as I rose to my feet. I moved her into a comfortable position making sure to hold her close to me as I made my way to the village in search for Milton so he can do something about her would.
And with a sigh of relief, I carried Kim out of the building,
and very much alive.
I sat on the top of Jerry's store.
It felt as if a million years had passed since I had last visited this place.
A lot had changed.
I watched as the people began moving back into their houses, a lot of people out and about, having a good time. People were talking to each other and sharing a drink and being kind. It all seemed very bizarre for this town. For starters the sun was setting slightly and it was going to be dark soon which was usually when people went and hid. As well as the fact people were communicating and looking happy, which was rarely something you usually see around her.
It was nice though.
I liked the new atmosphere of the Queen not being in power; of the town not having to live in fear. It was nice seeing people happy.
I then directed my focus to the sky. It was breathtaking; the sun was just setting leaving the sky a beautiful yellow colour and the sun itself fell just behind the trees so you could see the silhouette of the forest in such a pretty way. I had almost forgotten why I used to love it up here.
It was a nice sunset, the last one I would see in a while.
For after this, I'm going to bed for a week and I'm not getting up.
At the sound of someones voice I spun my head around to see Kim, standing there smiling at me with her arms folded over her chest. "Hey." I said back, returning the smile before looking back towards the sunset.
I heard her walk over, I could tell by the sounds the pebbles on the roof made as she walked on them and she took a seat beside me. "Pretty, isn't it?"
"Very." She responded, "Jerry told me I'd find you here."
"Yeah, we used to come up here as kids. We'd stay and watch the sun go down, looking at the people of the village pretending we were spies." I explained letting out a chuckle. "We'd stay until we were screamed at by his parents to come down. We even camped out up here once."
She let out a laugh while turning to look at me. I shot her a glance before looking away once more, but quickly scrunched my eyebrows together and turned back. "You missy are supposed to be on bed-rest." I scolded, bringing myself to my feet.
"But Jack!" She whined as I yanked her by the arm, pulling her up as well.
"No buts, Kim you're hurt!" I snapped.
"I'm fine!" She protested. "See." She said, lifting up her shirt to show me the bandage on her side that covered the wound carefully. "Milton patched me up, all better!"
"No, not all better! Kim you got stabbed!" I argued.
"And I'm fine!"
"Now you're not, now go!" I yelled, pushing her towards the exit. She shook me off and crossed her arms while staring at me with her 'I'm not impressed' look before walking back towards me. "Just give me tonight alright? Tomorrow you can put me on bed-rest for the rest of my freakin' life but right now I'm not going anywhere."
I let out a loud groan and turned away from her, but not so far that I couldn't see her smirk of victory, plopping herself back down once more. She could be so stubborn sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way I let out a sigh before going to sit beside her, so close that our arms were brushing.
Almost instantly Kim moved closer to me, placing her head cautiously on my shoulder. Instinctively my arm went around her waist and I brought her feet up over me so she was cradled into my chest. For a moment I thought I had been to forward, but Kim quickly snuggled closer to me, relaxing in my hold.
Funny to think that four days ago if I tried to do this Kim would of cut my dick off.
"Annie told me what happened." Kim spoke after a few moments of silence.
"Oh, did she now?"
"Yeah, she gloated about how she was right and technically she saved me because if it wasn't for her, you never would of... of, kissed me." She explained, trailing off near the end.
I turned away slightly, trying not to make eye contact. What if she didn't want me to kiss her? "Well that's one way to put it." I said awkwardly.
She quickly coughed, changing the subject so we didn't have to talk about it anymore. "You did good today Jack."
I looked down at her, and just stared at her for a few moments. "We did good." I corrected.
She chuckled, a light pink flooding her cheeks, but she ignored it. "You know, down in the village their talking about electing you as the government. Actually having someone they can trust run the country, not someone who bought their way into the position of power.
"Yeah." I said, shrugging it off.
"Well you don't seem to thrilled about it."
"You know, with everything that's happened in the last few days, I don't know if I want to take on that kind of responsibility. It feels like all I've done lately is making split second decisions with someones life on the line. I want to just be normal for once, and just be a part of something, rather than in control. I want to just live my life," I said, taking a slight pause.
Kim nodded in understanding, looking back on the sunset. I moved my hand, carefully placing it on her cheek bringing her focus back to me. "I want to live it with you."
She smiled at me, resting her head back on my chest. "I'd like that."
"Good." I stated. "Because I wasn't going to give you much of a choice, not that you'd say no." I finished in a cocky voice, my famous smug smirk forming on my face.
She brought her hand up and smacked me lightly. "Shut it." She scolded playfully.
"And if I don't?" I challenged, looking back down at her so four faces were only an inch apart.
"I'll make you." Kim shot back.
I leaned down so my nose brushed hers. I watched her eyes flutter close, but I didn't make an effort to close the gap. "Kinky." I teased before pulling away.
"Jack!" She whinnied, hitting me again causing me to laugh.
"Hey Jack!" I heard someone call from below. I looked down to see Jerry standing there, waving his arms back and forth.
"Yeah?" I called back.
"You good?" He yelled, taking both his hands and giving me thumbs up with each of them.
"Yeah I'm good!" I screamed back before I turned to Kim. "Really good." I said, softer this time while placing my hand back on her cheek. "Because I have everything I need right here." I placed a kiss on her forehead before I turned back to the sky.
"Not everything." I heard her say. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked back down at her.
"What do you mean?"
"You're forgetting something."
I thought hard for a moment but came up empty-handed. "What am I forgetting?"
And that was all she said before she moved, grabbing the sides of my face pulling me down and placed her lips on mine. They stayed there for a few moments before they slowly started to move in sync and I suddenly found myself craving more. My hand went to her cheek, holding her there and her hands wove themselves in my hair and for a moment, everything just seemed perfect.
So perfect that I chose to pay no attention to Jerry who "WHOO'd" before yelling something to Rudy, Milton and Eddie, something a long the lines of 'get your asses over here'.
However, I didn't really care - my mind was a bit preoccupied at the moment. My stomach dropped and I felt this weird fuzzy feeling that I had never felt before. And in my moment, I knew that no matter what happened, I'd be ok as long as I had Kim.
I know, cliché right? I wonder when that happened to me.
Probably somewhere between meeting Kim, and almost dying and saving her and having my life become a fairy tale, but if this was the outcome, then I think I'm ok with that.
A little mission changed my whole life. Myself being the greatest Huntsman in the history of ever, was sent to steal Kim's heart.
However, she stole mine instead.
Slightly, terribly cliché ending but I am soooo over it.
I do hope you all understood and enjoyed the last chapter, and with that this story is done, there will be no epilogue or squeal, I'd just disappoint you guys more. However, you all rock. Thank you guys so much for sticking with the story through and through and thank you all for all your amazing reviews throughout the story. I'm so happy you enjoyed reading, I really enjoyed writing it for you all.
I am sad that this story is over, but will feel very accomplished when I check the completed bottom in the settings so I guessed it's all worth it.
I do hope this chapter - being the last one - kept you on the edge of your seats. I worked hard on it. Some sections I'm more pleased with than others, some I find to be slacking but oh well. I tried to make it seem like I was actually gonna kill Kim; thought crossed my mind a few times ;) How many people did I have in denial? None? Ok...
Anyways, last chance to review! I'd love to hear your final thoughts so please give them to me! PLEASE!
And for those of you who don't hate me yet, please don't hesitate to read my other stories, I'll hopefully see you there ;)
Fair well, thanks so much, and don't forget to review :)
Now I'm gonna go watch Snow White and the Huntsman...