It was over. Zuko watched in amazement as Katara walked away from the man who had killed her mother, leaving him groveling while she stood proud.

The calm only lasted for so long. The waterbender's steps became uneven, and twice Zuko had to stop himself from rushing to her side as she stumbled forward through the rain. She finally hit the ground, knees deep in the mud, hands twisting through the grime. A scream of inhuman rage and pain was released, and as Zuko stayed off to the side, he saw her rip off her necklace. Another scream followed. It was safer for him to stay far away from an angry waterbender in a thunderstorm, but Zuko, bracing himself, quietly crept forward and took a seat next to her. Katara didn't spare him a glance.

The sounds coming from her mouth weren't words, just animalistic groans of a deep hurt that had been hidden for too long. Another wave of anger seemed to sweep over the waterbender, and as she lifted her face to the sky with a yell, the water around them turned into dangerous spikes of ice. Zuko felt one hit his leg as it fell, but didn't move. If he did, she might kill him.

She broke. Before Zuko's eyes, he could see her falling apart. From her knees, she toppled into the mud and began sobbing. Zuko knew he should go forward, but he remained frozen. Finally he reached his hand out and touched her cheek. Blue eyes swimming in tears met his own.

Gently, he pried her fist open, taking the necklace. Katara's eyes narrowed. Zuko carefully scraped the mud away from the pendant.

"Lift your head," he murmured. Katara propped herself up on her arm. Zuko, with an odd sense of deja vu, placed the necklace around her throat, flipping her rain-heavy hair out of the way in order to tie it. Katara stared at him.

"She would be proud of you," Zuko finally said to break the silence. Katara's eyes dropped, and then looked back into his own. She stood and Zuko followed suit.

"Do you really think so?" she whispered hoarsely.

Zuko managed a tight smile. "Yes."

Katara seemed to consider hugging him, but a swift glance at her muddy state appeared to change her mind. After a second of hesitation, Zuko reached out and hugged her.

"Just let it go," he said. Katara nodded into his shoulder, her fists tight on his shoulders. After a moment, she pulled back. Her gaze was fierce.

"I swear to you, Zuko, I will help you find your mother."

Zuko blinked. His own mother had been the last thing on his mind. "Uh, thanks."

Katara turned to get on Appa. Zuko followed her, but she stopped him before he could start climbing up.

"Thank you, Zuko."

A/N: Sorry I've abandoned for a while. Tumblr has caught my interest, and I've been too lazy to put up stuff I've had in the works. Here's a little drabble of something I felt was missing from the Southern Raiders. And *gasp* it's not even that zutara-esque!