Disclaimer: NCIS and its characters never belonged, still don't, and never will belong to me.

Note: this is the end my dears. I want to thank you all for your support and comments along the way. I hope this is a satisfying ending just for you guys! Enjoy!



10 years later

Tony was sitting at his desk, closing up for the night. He had just sent his team home after they had solved yet another case.

After the wedding, Gibbs had a very long talk with Vance, in which Vance put together the pieces of why Gibbs had left in the first place and then agreed to take him back, telling Gibbs that he had never even wrote Gibbs down as resigned; he had put it down as vacation time, the sly dog. It had been awkward at first between Tony, Gibbs, and Ziva. They had thought she would realize what she lost, what had been taken away from her and would get angry. But she didn't. She had meant it when she said she wanted them to be happy; she just felt awkward because the men had a tendency to tip-toe around her as if afraid to set her off. After a few weeks, she finally put them all in place. And things went back to normal. Tony and Gibbs kept it very professional at work. Vance had told them that that was what he asked of all inner-agency romances, otherwise there'd be consequences. They didn't want that so they did as they were told, which was fine with them; they felt no need to show everyone and their mother unnecessary PDA. It worked well.

Of course, Tony moved in with Jethro and sold his apartment. They got on each other's nerves constantly. They bickered over Tony's desire to put a large flat screen in the bedroom; fought when Jethro went off without warning or back-up on more than one case; argued over Tony wanting to sleep in the master bedroom, etc.. But they always managed to make-up by the end of the night so they could sleep in each other's arms. Jethro decided to let Tony put TVs where ever he wanted them and agreed to try to remember not to stupidly go off alone or at least warn Tony first. And Tony agreed to back off about the master bedroom thing, allowing Jethro the space to decide whether they'd sleep in the guestroom forever or move into that bed. After a year or two, Jethro finally decided they could and surprised Tony by tidying the room and moving a TV into it.

Other than that, things ran smoothly for everyone. The NCIS family did much more together now; they always had more fun when Jethro was there with them. Ziva moved on and started dating a local cop named Mason. Then finally, they got married the previous year, and this time Jethro agreed whole-heartedly to walking her down the aisle. Abby had realized that, as she got older, she wanted what Tony and Gibbs had. She and Tim started dating again the same year Ziva got married. Ducky had retired and was living comfortably in a retirement community. Palmer and Breena had had two little girls, Ziva Abigail Lauren and Alexandra Elizabeth, and were pregnant with a baby boy they intended to name Donald Anthony. Ned Dorneget had become the fourth member of the team after Gibbs retired just a few months ago. Tony had settled more comfortably as team leader this time around, leading McGee, Ziva, and Dorneget with more experience and more respect under his belt.

He watched as his computer screen went black as he leaned back in his chair. He was waiting for Gibbs to pick him up since his own car was in the shop getting new brakes. Nearly everyone else had gone home; only like two or three people were left in the building, so it was nearly completely dark. In the dim light of his lone desk-light, his wedding band gleamed. He smiled as he remembered the day he had almost married Ziva, but Jethro had swooped in and swept him off his feet and married Tony instead. He remembered what happened after they'd ran from the crowd in favor of just being alone together.

Jethro quickly unlocked his front door and pulled Tony inside. Then he closed the door and locked it just before Tony quickly grabbed him, turned him around, and pressed his back up against the door with his own body. Their lips had come together desperately, passionately. Their hands grabbed at and roamed over each other as they both moaned with arousal. Jethro turned them so that Tony's back was against the door. Finally, Jethro pulled away enough to pant, "Wanna go. Upstairs. Husband?"

Tony's heart skipped at being called husband, and he realized just how much he loved the title coming from Jethro. He could only nod back. Jethro quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him up stairs into the guestroom bed. They fell into bed together and immediately pressed their lips back together. After a few moments, they undressed each other until they were completely naked. Tony pushed Jethro until he was on top, straddling the older man. He shivered and moaned as Jethro's hand grazed along his sides and over his ass cheeks. Their hard cocks pressed against each other, causing both men to gasp.

"I don't. think I can. Last very. Long Jethro. Gone too long. Without you," Tony panted between kisses.

"Agreed," Jethro panted back.

With that, Tony rubbed their cocks together again. They moaned at the friction. Tony moved one hand down to wrap around both their cocks. He slicked his hand with the precum oozing from both of them and ran it over them both. When Jethro felt that they were slick enough, he gasped, "Tony. Please."

At Jethro's beg, Tony wrapped his hand around both their cocks to keep them together as he started moving his hips slowly up and down. Jethro's hands were tightly squeezing Tony's ass cheeks as Tony leaned down to press his lips back to Jethro's. It didn't take long for Jethro to start moving his own hips, begging for more. Tony increased his speed and started moving his hand slightly up and down and twisting it. They both gasped and moaned quietly as their arousal grew.

"Faster," Jethro panted, and Tony complied. Tony had to stop kissing only to be able to breathe, so he rested his head on Jethro's shoulder. Soon, Jethro's hips were jerking uncontrollably as his orgasm started to get closer. Tony now moved his hips and his hands as fast as he could, causing both men to moan loudly, until finally Jethro opened his mouth in a silent moan and came. Tony followed closely behind. When he was empty, he collapsed onto his side, making sure not to land on Jethro.

For a while they sat there panting. Neither could remember ever having an orgasm that good. They both thought they had spent too much time apart.

After he had recovered, Jethro wrapped his arms around Tony and pulled him in for more. Tony immediately accepted. As their tongues battled and hands roamed, they grew hard again. Tony was about to reach for Jethro's cock when the older man broke away slightly. "Tony," he whispered as he looked into Tony's eyes.

Tony knew what he was asking and nodded enthusiastically. Jethro smiled before rocketing off the bed. He ran into the other room, grabbed a tube of lube, and came back. He stood by the foot of the bed and watched Tony as he opened the bottle and squirted it on his fingers. Tony watched hungrily as he finally came back. Tony moved so his head and upper back were comfortably supported by the pillows and opened his legs. He needed to see Jethro's face as they did this. Jethro felt the same as he came to kneel between Tony's legs. He pressed their lips back together for a moment before running his fingers over Tony's hole. Tony shivered with excitement and arousal. Jethro moved his finger in taunting circles and then finally pushed it through. Tony gasped and relaxed as he got closer to getting what he wanted. Jethro had no trouble pushing his finger all the way in then moving it around so he could fit a second finger in. Then, finally, a third and then a fourth. He stretched Tony then pushed them all the way in so he could tap Tony's prostate. Tony gasped loudly and started fucking himself on Jethro's fingers.

"You like that?" Jethro whispered huskily in his ear. Then he pressed Tony's prostate again.

Tony moaned and nodded, "Yes." So Jethro did it again and again. Tony squealed, "Jethro! Please!"

"What do you want husband?" he smiled as he felt Tony shiver at the use of his new title.

"Make love to me!" Tony gasped.

"What was that?" Jethro taunted.

"MAKE LOVE TO ME JETHRO! NOW!" Tony shouted.

"Your wish is my command," he chuckled and pulled his fingers out of Tony and reached for the lube. He quickly slicked himself up before lining his head up with Tony's now open hole. He watched Tony's face contort in pleasure as he pushed himself in. Tony let his head fall to one side as Jethro finally bottomed out. Jethro held himself there for a moment, both to control himself and allow Tony to adjust. Then he pressed a kiss on Tony's neck and started pumping. He started out slow, wanting the pleasure to last as long as possible. He kissed along Tony's chin, neck, and chest between pants. Tony's hands were latched onto Jethro's back.

"Faster and harder Jethro."

Jethro complied. He picked up speed and force as Tony began moaning. Finally when Tony started moving his hips to match Jethro, the older man could no longer hold back. He moved his hips as fast and as forceful as he could, making sure to hit Tony's sweet spot every single time. Tony's nails began to dig into Jethro's skin, only fueling the man even more. They both moaned constantly until Tony shouted, "Jethro!" and came over their fronts. Feeling Tony's muscle tighten around his cock pushed him over the edge. He shouted, "Tony!" before biting down on Tony's neck as he came not once but twice.

Jethro let go of Tony's neck and collapsed gently on top of the man. Tony wrapped his arms around him and whispered, "I love you husband."

Jethro chuckled and realized he too loved being called that, "Love you too."

After they recovered, they made love over and over again into the night until they both collapsed from exhaustion. They held each other close as they slept deeply and peacefully for the first time in months.

Tony suddenly came back to the present as he heard the ding of the elevator. He looked over. He frowned a bit when it wasn't Jethro. Then he realized he was completely hard. He tried to make it go away, just in case anyone were to see it. But man, he just couldn't help himself. He had loved every single time he and Jethro had made love. He especially remembered the first time Jethro had allowed Tony to top.

They'd had spent the day with their NCIS family. It was Christmas Eve. They had just finished a case and decided that, now that they were done work, they should celebrate Christmas together. So they had ordered Chinese take-out and pizza and fries from Papa Don's and had a little feast of their own in the bullpen. All of them including Ducky, Abby, and Palmer. Afterwards they exchanged gifts, and left feeling content and happy.

As soon as they were alone in Jethro's car, Tony smirked and asked huskily, "So Jethro. Don't you wanna know what I got you?"

Jethro sped home at that, and they immediately ran upstairs. They rid themselves of their clothes and fell into bed. But just as Tony was about to assume his usual position so Jethro could top, Jethro said, "Wait."

Tony waited patiently for an explanation. Jethro caught his breath a bit then said, "Fuck me Tony."

Tony's eyes widened, "You sure Jeth?"

Jethro nodded. "I'm sure. I want you inside me this time."

They moved so that Jethro was in Tony's spot before Tony lubed up his fingers. "Get ready Jeth. This might hurt at first, but I promise it'll get much better," he gently warned his husband. Jethro nodded and Tony started rubbing his finger around Jethro's hole. Jethro moaned. Tony pressed his lips to Jethro's a moment before he pushed his finger through. Jethro gasped with a bit of pain but mostly with the odd new feeling. Tony pushed his finger in slowly until it was all the way in then started moving it in circles again. Jethro relaxed after a few moments of that then moaned when Tony pushed in another finger. Tony scissored his fingers until he could add a third then a fourth. Then he started pumping slightly until he could reach Jethro's prostate. He pushed it and Jethro moaned, "Oh! Tony!"

Tony pressed it a few more time just to be sure Jethro was relaxed enough for the next step. "You ready?" he asked against Jethro's mouth. When Jethro nodded, Tony removed his fingers, lubed up his dick, then pressed it to Jethro's hole. He pressed through until Jethro tightened. "Shh. Relax for me Jeth," he whispered then ran his fingertips along Jethro's chest and stomach. At the gentle touch, Jethro relaxed again, and Tony moved forward slowly until he was bottomed out. He paused allowing Jethro to relax again. "You okay?" he asked after a minute.

Jethro took two more deep breaths before he said, "Yah." He looked up at Tony's bright green eyes and felt all the remaining tension leave his body. "Make love to me Tony," he whispered.

Tony was only too happy to oblige. He started pumping slowly, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in. Jethro wasn't having any of that though. He moved his hands to Tony's ass and pushed him down. Tony took the hint and shifted a bit so that, when he set a fast, deep pace from the get go, he would hit Jethro's prostate. Jethro shouted wordlessly at the intense pleasure that shot through his body. He clawed at Tony as he was fucked. Tony held himself up as he fucked Jethro with all his might. He bit his lip to make sure he would make Jethro come first.

"You like this?" Tony knew that his voice would help push Jethro over the edge, "You like my dick in your ass Jeth?" Jethro moaned loudly and nodded. "Then come for me."

Jethro finally lost control and shouted wordlessly again as he came seemingly unendingly. Seeing the complete ecstasy on his husband's face, Tony too shouted, "Jethro!" and came, his cum filling Jethro and then oozing out in between Tony's cock and Jethro's walls. He fell gently onto Jethro's chest as they both panted through the remains of their orgasms. Then Tony gently pulled out of Jethro, reached for a tissue, and cleaned them both off before they cuddled in close together under the sheets.

"Merry Christmas Tony."

"Merry Christmas Jethro."

"Hey you," Tony jolted as he was ripped from his memories into the present again. Standing in front of him with a smirk on his face was his husband of ten years now, "I would ask why you didn't answer me, but I think I know now."

Tony followed his eyes down to his clearly straining crotch. Tony looked back up with a smirk of his own, "Oh yah? What do you think I was thinking of?"

"Hm. I don't know. Maybe your wonderful, talented husband?"

"Oh yah," Tony stood up and looked around the room, "Have you seen him anywhere? Because I'm expecting him, and I was going to tell him that I couldn't possibly last the drive home," he looked back at Jethro, still smirking.

"And what pretell do you plan to do about this problem?"

Tony pretended to think, "Well, I was going to suggest to my wonderful and talented husband that he help me play out a fantasy I've had for years now," He leaned forward and lower his voice, "by taking me in interrogation."

Jethro's eyes widened, and he immediately grabbed Tony's hand and pulled him away. They chose the stairs because it's faster and ran into the nearest interrogation room. The whole building was abandoned by now, but they closed the door. With a possessive growl, Jethro turned Tony around and forced him to bend over the table. He pressed one hand down on Tony's lower back so he couldn't move before he used the other to undo his pants and pull them down. His incredibly hard cock popped out, waiting at attention. Then Jethro reached around and undid Tony's pants and pulled them down. He wrapped his hand around Tony's cock and gave it a few good tugs. Tony moaned and shivered in anticipation. His older husband had refused to do this when he worked here. But now Tony was finally getting his wish, and he was enjoying every second of it.

Tony tried to move so there was more friction on his cock but Jethro just growled again and let go. Tony whimpered at the loss only to moan again as he felt Jethro hands stretch his ass cheeks apart. Smearing a bit of precum over Tony's hole then over the head of his dick, he got ready to take Tony. Then he lined up and pressed in. Tony moaned at the rough intrusion. He knew it would hurt without lube, but he didn't care. Jethro grunted as he shoved all the way in quickly. Tony whined with need. Jethro lay across Tony's back for a moment, allowing him to relax and adjust. Then when he felt Tony was ready, he stood back up and started ramming into Tony.

Tony grasped the edges of the table as Jethro set a slow but powerful pace. He moaned, "Jethro. Faster."

Jethro just growled again and continued at this pace. He was in full control at the moment, and he would speed up when he wanted to, just to torture Tony. Tony tried to move and make Jethro go faster but the other man just grabbed his hair was his free hand and pushed his head down to the table. Tony felt absolutely helpless, and he loved it. Finally, Jethro decided he needed more. He leaned forward and pulled Tony up a bit. Then he fucked Tony with all his might. He held his husband's hands behind his back and fucked him hard and fast. Tony moaned constantly but, with the lack of friction on his cock, he wouldn't come. Jethro however, shouted, "Raah!" as he latched his teeth onto Tony's shoulder and came.

When he was empty Tony started whining, so he gently pulled out then turned Tony around. He dropped to his knees in front of Tony's leaking cock and licked it teasingly. Tony grabbed onto the table, pressed his ass against it, and leaned back slightly as Jethro gave his dick attention. Quickly, Jethro opened his mouth and took as much of Tony in as he could. Tony gasped, as Jethro started sucking up and down. The older man picked up the pace knowing how close Tony was already until finally, he wanted to make Tony come right then. He forced Tony's cock down his throat. Feeling the tightness of Jethro's throat got him there, but only when Tony felt Jethro swallow did he shout and shoot his load down Jethro. Jethro gulped as much as he could up before pulling away to breathe. He cleaned the rest off with his tongue before standing up to kiss his husband.

Tony wrapped his arms around Jethro's neck, tasting himself on Jethro's tongue. He sighed contently. Soon, Jethro pulled back and leaned his forehead against Tony's, "How was that? Live up to your fantasy?"

"Fricken amazing Jeth! And so much better than I imagined! We have got to do that again sometime!" Tony smiled brightly.

Jethro chuckled in agreement. Then he pulled away and said, "Come on. It's time to go home." Then they both pulled up their pants and walked out of autopsy, making sure they left it as clean as when they got there.

"Think we'll be able to look at that room the same way again Boss?" Tony still liked calling Jethro Boss even after all the years of marriage and the months of Jethro not being his boss anymore. Especially after Jethro took him like he had just done, possessively and dominantly.

Jethro snickered again then reached up to slap the back of Tony's head, "You better DiNozzo. Otherwise you'll give us away."

Tony laughed as he imagined that then grabbed Jethro's hand as they walked out of NCIS to head to their home, thankful that Jethro had kept his promise after all these years to make Tony happy.