Number 1: Dick the "Condom Cop" (inspired by Colours07's "Check".)
Tim was quite content with sleeping in this morning, the Riddler didn't take long for him to catch last night and Conner had flown over for a visit and that visit turned into…well, you can guess what happened next. He was happily sinking into a cotton candy cloud when his phone rang, the ringtone sounding like a thousand tweeting birds. With a tired moan, he rolled into Conner's chest and pulled the covers over them both, the Kryptonian stirred and nuzzled his face into Tim's black hair.
"You should probably get that." Conner whispered softly, nudging his boyfriend and reaching over him to retrieve the red iPhone from their jeans on the bedside table.
"Wrong, I don't. I'm sleeping right now."
"It's just a text; you can sleep after you read it." He kissed his Red Robin's temple and slipped the phone into Tim's hand. The third adopted son of Bruce Wayne rolled onto his stomach and unlocked his phone, glancing at Conner before huffing and reading the message. Conner smirked and draped an arm over his eyes, sighing happily as Tim's feet rubbed up against his legs, Tim stopped suddenly and groaned, dropping his phone on the floor and plunging head first into his pillow.
"Dick texted just now." He said after two minutes.
"Yeah? What'd he say?"
"He wants to know whether we use protection or not."
Number 2: Robins
Bruce climbed the stairs out of the Bat Cave sluggishly, shredding his suit piece by piece and trying to ignore Alfred's concerned gaze. His children were asleep or at least Jason was, poor kid was passed out on the couch with Tim snoring quietly on his chest. Throwing a blanket over them, Bruce walked up the grand staircase and opened the door to Damien's room, he was not there. A momentary panic rose up from his gut but a small light was on in Dick's room.
He's home? Bruce asked himself, stepping inside the bedroom and flicking off the lamplight, the curtains were drawn away from the window and moonlight poured in, unhindered by the glass. Dick was sleeping on his side, long black hair falling over his eyes and one arm was bent behind his head while the other was wrapped around Damien's chest, the ten year old was sleeping completely straight with a funny expression on his face as if Jason made him lick a lemon, because Jason would totally do that. Bruce smiled softly, running the back of his hand along Damien's cheek, he frowned.
Why didn't I have a brother like that?
Number 3: Child
Damien wasn't a child.
Children were immature, noisy, annoying, stupid, happy (not that Damien was unhappy), untrained, inexperienced.
Damien was none of these; he wasn't overly familiar with being "happy", he wasn't taught how to feel or love, he was taught to kill and deceive, fake emotions and fake tears and smiles. But these things were changing; his father was teaching him new things.
Bruce taught him restraint, mercy, compassion, to give love as well as receive it, to smile, to truly cry, to feel pain and grow from it; Bruce called it "looking into the Abyss".
Damien didn't learn fear until he saw Dick dangling from a skyscraper with chains wrapped loosely around his legs, he was unconscious and swaying like a man hung.
Tim was lying in a coffin about to be buried in cement and Jason?
Poor Jason was in the midst of reliving his death as the Joker cornered him with a crowbar. Batman was rushing to save Tim, he told Damien to hide in the shadows, he was too young, too unprepared.
He was a child.
Taking a book out of Jason's guide to disobedience, he rushed out of the darkness, broke a thug's nose and raced towards the skyscraper; Two-Face was at the top and getting ready to make a fortune-based decision. His lungs were burning, his legs were weak, but the anger boiling in his fists could not go ignored. He reached the top and flew into a rage, beating the former DA into submission and twisting his arms into awkward angles. Dick was coming to, groaning and shaking his head.
"Hang on!" the boy called, wrapping his hands around the chains and starting to pull.
"It's no use, I'm too heavy."
"Shut up Grayson!" Damien started pulling harder, sweat rolling down his face and he heard a scream from below. He peered over the edge and saw the Joker cackling in the streets, screaming something too loud to be considered speech. Damien saw Jason, lying in a bloody heap. A crack went off and Damien shut his eyes, that was a gunshot and it wasn't from Jason's guns. Then there was another cry, loud and distressed and Damien saw his father, hunched over a red and black form that was probably Drake. He looked down at Dick, his legs weren't bound.
"See you up there, kiddo."
A lightning bolt streaked a wet and tearful sky and thunder crashed in the air above Wayne Manor. Batman was busy helping Superman with some problem with Lex Luthor and Dick was falling asleep at the dinner table as he poured over Tim's homework, Jason was in the living playing Halo with Roy. Babs was sitting on the couch with Stephanie passed out on her lap while Starfire and Cassandra were wrestling in hallway under Alfred's watchful gaze. Someone screamed upstairs. Faster than the Flash, Dick jumped up from his seat and tripped up the stairs, he threw Damien's door open and froze at what he saw.
Damien was awake. He sat up in his bed clutching the teddy bear Dick had given him on his seventh birthday and…crying. Wailing. The other Bat children were ascending the stairs now as they heard the youngest crying; Dick sat down and cradled his brother in his arms.
"What happened, Dami?"
"You…Todd and Drake…Father," the child croaked, sitting in between Dick's legs and grabbing at his shirt and hair, Dick had let it grow longer since taking on the identity of Nightwing.
"What about us, kiddo?" Jason said carefully, stepping inside forbidden ground and sitting beside his brother, Tim stood awkwardly in front of them.
"Each of you…Dead or dying…you were…I couldn't…"
"Shh, it's okay, we're alright."
"No, you not!"
Damien pulled away, stepping off the bed and falling into the door a little clumsily. He was shaking and his eyes were wide, breathing was much too fast and his fingers were twitching, itching for a weapon.
"I'm not strong enough! None of us are!" He jerked a finger at Tim. "You died and Father was holding your corpse!" Red Robin blinked in surprise and instinctively reached for Jason, Damien ripped into the next in line.
"That…that clown beat you, Todd. To death, I heard you die." There was a cold edge to his voice, a thickness to it as his knees buckled; his eyes were then fixed on Dick.
"I let you fall." He whispered, another round of tears falling from his bright blue eyes. Dick felt himself shatter into millions of pieces. He stood up slowly, holding his hands out and walking towards Damien as if he was approaching a wounded animal. But Damien clearly thought Dick was too slow because he ignored his legs lack of mobility and barrelled into his older brother, reducing himself to further sobs and vowing never to let go.
"It's alright. We've had these dreams before." Damien sniffed and looked up at Dick.
"Really?" Jason nodded and Dick picked up the ten year old and helped him back into bed, lying behind him with Jason and Tim on either side.
"I had crazy ones about Bruce and Babs; I have more now because I have all of you. Jason had them too which is why we slept together until he reached high school. Tim had them, Stephanie had them, Babs had them, and Cassandra is having them. Bruce must get the most though." Dick said softly, brushing Damien's tears away and resting his head on the child's shoulder. Jason shuddered at the memory and Tim lay down on what was Dick's leg, shaking and shutting his eyes.
"Tell you guys what," Dick said in a cheerful tone. "How about we all sleep together tonight, that way no nightmares will come?" Damien and Tim nodded immediately and Jason shrugged.
"I'll go and get Barbara set up in her room with Steph and Cass, be right back."
Later that Night
"Everything alright here?" Bruce asked Alfred as they walked upstairs.
"Yes sir though it would seem that Master Damien has begun having nightmares as well." Bruce smirked.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Alfred chuckled, opening the door.
"I know sir."
Barbara and Dick were lying together with Stephanie and Damien in between their legs. Tim and Stephanie were curled up together beside Barbara and Cassandra was draped over Jason as he leaned his head against Dick's shoulder.
Number 4: Name-calling
"Daddy's boy."
"Short Stack."
"You've just sealed your fate, Todd."
Number 5: Talia al Ghul
Nothing says "I love you" like a 500,000,000 bounty on your head. Love you too, Mother.
Number 6: Week 1
"Hug me and this sword is going up your nose."
"Where the Hell did you get the sword?"
"Gordon has a shotgun in her room, Todd has an arsenal of firearms, who knows what alien technology Drake has, and Father has a collection of villain memorabilia including various weapons; what's wrong with this?"
Number 7: Year 1
"You have permission to hug me, Grayson."
"I need permission?"
"…Look, do you want this hug or not?"
Number 8: Father and Son
"Father, may I ask you something?"
Bruce looked up from his paperwork and gave his youngest son a tired smile, beckoning him over and lifting the ten year old onto the seat next to him, pushing the files aside and ruffling Damien's hair. Damien frowned and swatted Bruce's hand away, pouting a little childishly before recovering his usual stoic demeanor.
"What's your question?"
"Do you love my mother?"
Bruce raised an eyebrow and leaned back, bring a hand up to scratch his chin before sighing deeply, staring out the window and into the grey that was Gotham City during the rainy season.
"That's…an interesting question. What brought this on?" Damien looked away and stared at a photo of his entire family. Bruce stood at the back with Alfred, Dick and Jason stood arm-in-arm (though Jason was sporting several bruises and an ankle bracelet), Tim was standing beside Barbara in her wheelchair with Stephanie and Cassandra on either side, and Damien was standing in front Dick, frowning as usual.
"Everyone else had parents that loved each other, no matter how brief, but Mother…" Damien rubbed the back of his head and shook his head. Bruce nodded and stared outside again, Jason was fighting with Tim again and Dick was called in to mediate, Cassandra was sitting up in the tree drawing and who knew where Stephanie was.
"Your mother is…" Bruce blew air out his mouth and chuckled. "Your mother and I…Well…huh." Bruce got up and walked to the other side of the room and examined his appearance in the mirror. He looked at Damien then ran a hand through his hair.
"Talia and I have always been…intrigued by one another. Our motives are puzzling to each other, I don't understand her devotion to the League of Assassins and she can't fathom my devotion to a broken city. We have helped each other in the past as allies but we've fought as enemies. She's taken a personal stab at me and I don't appreciate it."
"What do you mean?"
"Dick told me about the bounty she put on you. That's personal."
Damien looked down and off to the side, hands turning into fists at his side. Bruce smiled softly and walked back to Damien, pulling down the neckline of his short to reveal a jagged scar that ran down his chest.
"Our last encounter before you were born ended with me breaking several of her ribs and giving her a cut above her eye. This was her parting gift." Damien ran a hand down the scar and frowned, Bruce sighed and leaned forward to kiss his child's forehead.
"Back to your question though, I love Talia but not in the sense that Dick's parents loved each other. I love her…because I have you now."
Damien's face lit up and he looked down again, smiling a little and leaning his head into Bruce's chest.
"Thank you."
Number 9: "Damien, the humanitarian…Never thought I'd put those words in the same sentence."
Dick raised an eyebrow and Jason rolled his eyes, pushing the door to Damien's room open and smirking, the ten year old was sitting on his bed amidst dozens of cats. Dick's mouth fell open and he stared sideways at Jason.
"Should we call Catwoman?" Damien looked up from an orange tabby mewing on his lap to snarl at his brothers. Dick put his hands up in defense and backed away slowly, Jason started chuckling and Damien got up from his seat, grabbed the door and pulled it shut.
"Should we tell Bruce?" Dick asked as they walked downstairs.
"Nah, I'm trying to convince him that Damien is his and Catwoman's, think this will push him over the edge?"
"If you mean he'll go back on his morals and decide to shoot you, then yes, mission accomplished."
Number 10: "You should've seen this coming."
Damien sitting on the toilet seat with multiple scars.
Tim lying on the floor with a purple-blue ring around his neck.