Birth of the ultimate shinobi.

Me: Er... well this is awkward... well you know what, not going to give excuses... all I am going to say is that theres a guy birthday... today I am pretty sure, cause I really rushed this out to get it done in time, thats what got me going again, anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY PhazonLordKaito, here you go! LETS GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD, IT. IS. ALIVE! NUMBER BOTUS IS ALIVE!

Previously on Birth of the ultimate shinobi

"Be careful out there Naruto, the world is dangerous but I have a feeling you will be able to take it like a maelstorm, well good luck Naruto! And may the odds always be in your favor." with an echoing chuckle the man disappeared, leaving Naruto to fall backwards into a sewer system, a pair of dark red eyes staring down at Naruto with a small grin.

"It seems you lived... you should get some rest now for tomorrow your life will change forever."

With a dark chuckle the eyes disappear as does the chuckle soon after, leaving a form of anxiety in the air as Naruto fully passed out, his mind over worked from the whole experience.

Naruto's dream.


Naruto laid down as a baby, wondering how he became like this before those two figures appeared again. They smiled down at him, a bit clearer than last time but still were fuzzy, he tried to reach for them, but something seemed wrong, they seemed pained almost. Their talking was muffled, not understandable. He was a little afraid and yet he knew that it wasn't from the two adults, wondering just what it was he turned his little head to see an even larger blot in the background, dark red, it seemed evil yet... pained. And as soon as the dream started it stopped, yanking Naruto from the dream world to reality.


Naruto sat up with a gasp, panting heavily as he looked around before frowning. The bright light of the white walls and the smell of medicine could only mean one thing. Crinkling his nose he went to sit up before wobbling a little and staying in bed, guessing he wasn't fully recovered before he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Turning he smiled to see his Jiji there with a grandfather like smile on his face.

"Glad to see you are better... Naruto."

Grinning Naruto jumped from the bed, into the old mans lap and laughing at the noise the man made because of it.

"GLAD TO BE BETTER JIJI! Can I have some ramen now?"


C2: Birth of the ultimate Shinobi Part 2


With a happy sigh and a burp, Naruto jumped down from the ramen stands stool, having eaten quite a bit from the treat the third gave him, the older man chuckled softly at Naruto and patted him on the head as they start to walk.

"Naruto... I have a question to ask you." The Third hokage spoke finally to Naruto, having been concerned this whole time because of that beam of light from before.

"Yes old man?" Naruto responded, smiling at the older male he thought of as a grand father.

"I was wondering, did anything happen during the... event last night? Anything different"

Naruto was about to speak but a feeling inside his gut told him to say otherwise, and usually his gut was right.

"No not that I know of, I sorta just blacked out.. like usual." Naruto responded and noticed the third let out a sigh of relief making him narrow his eyes a moment before turning back to the road. The only thing on his mind right now was the new things he was going to get before glancing over at the old man, needing an excuse to get going.

"Hey Jiji, do you mind if I go home by myself? I would like to get working on a new pr- Er I mean I think I should get some rest" Naruto said with a not so innocent grin, making the third sweat drop and let out a long drawn out sigh before ushering the boy with his hand, needing to take care of his own work awaiting him at the office.

"Alright Naruto, but don't involve me or the womens bath, you remember what happened last time."

Naruto shuddered before letting out a devilish grin.

"Understood Jiji! I will cya tomorrow Ne?" With one more grin Naruto took off running towards his apartment, leaving the old man to wonder just what sort of 'prank' he had in store for everyone this time, with a small chuckle he placed his pipe back in his mouth and decided to take a walk around the village, to avoid unnecessary paper cuts and headaches. Naruto himself was running with abandon, wanting to get to his home as soon as possible to begin his training.

As soon as he arrived how ever he was a little wide eyed, the whole place was trashed, almost demolished, barely standing on two sticks as he walked inside and shook his head, not really caring about the house though. Walking into his room he found it completely upturned, everything a mess, though after moving a few things around, he found the articles of interest he had rushed for. Grinning like a mad man he strapped on the cloak and felt its weight, along with seeing how it looked on him before setting the swords, bow and scroll on the now correct bed.

"Man they really trashed this place..." with a sigh and a shake of his head he began to tidy up, though it was quickly interrupted by a growl from a large animal.

'Come on kit, forget about this and get to work on your training, you can worry about this later!' A voice called out and he yelped.

"W-Whos there!"

'Its me kit, the voice inside your head from earlier, and don't talk out loud it makes you seem crazy, I can hear your thoughts you know'

'No I didn't know, you expect me to know everything? So why the hell can I hear you now!'

With a drawn out sigh Naruto could practically see the annoyance on the figures face, even though he hadn't seen it before.

'When you were inside and I activated your blood line I made a link between you and me, so now I can see what you see, hear what you hear, so on and so forth' Blinking rapidly Naruto tilted his head before nodding a bit, though not understanding much of it he started to walk back to his room. 'So why do you want me to take care of this so badly Ehhh?'

'Because being inside your puny frail body is a disgrace, I would prefer my container to actually be able to handle a punch, unlike you'


'I said talk in thought!'

'Right... well I can do better than you! How else did you get stuck in me in the first place!' With an annoyed snort the voice receded back into his mind and he rolled his eyes before opening the scroll, the voice soon explaining how to sign it after his many thoughts of trying to figure it out, soon a fresh new name was applied in blood next to the old one. As soon as that was accomplished a set of hand seals appeared out of the blue inside Naruto's mind, and without hesitation he followed the seals closely before a smoke cloud appeared, making Naruto cough as he tried to wave it away.

As soon as the smoke cleared Naruto stared wide eyed at a dragon sitting on his bed, rather small but it was still there, staring at him silently, sizing him up, it looked very old, with grey-chalk colored scales, white skin on its wings, red eyes and horns that looked chipped and had been weathered against time itself, the eyes seeming to stare into Narutos very soul, seeming to have seen many things, those ruby orbs. Naruto himself could only squirm silently, fearing he might anger the dragon if he were to speak, even Kyuubi itself stayed silent out of respect, knowing that something older than himself had to be quite powerful. The respect on both their parts soon diminished when it let out a snore, a little bubble coming out of its nose as its head tilted to the side.

"OI!" Naruto yelled out in irritation, crossing his arms as he glared at the old dragon. The elderly lizard snorting awake blinking before its eyes settled on the young blonde boy infront of him, tilting his head a moment before letting out an annoyed snort.

"Boy I was having a good dream you better have had a good reason for rousing me!"

Naruto just stared at him for a moment, annoyance flourishing on his face before letting out a sigh, sliding a hand down his face he gives his head a shake before looking the dragon straight in the eye.

"A man told me that you would be able to train me and my new abilities, that you were very wise and powerful, but also very annoyingly old."

He finishes with a little twitch in his eyebrow, staring at the lizard before it tilts its head to the side. Letting out a chuckle he gives a quick nod and stretches his wings.

"He has always been a thorn in my side, well my boy I will train you with your new powers, HOW EVER, you need to learn the shadow clone ability so we can train somewhere else without people starting to get suspicious, shouldn't be too difficult since I can practically sense you radiating with a lot of chakra, go to a large area that has no humans around, and train your chakra to summon at least one clone, then summon me again."

Before the boy could stop the dragon a scroll appeared, and it disappeared, leaving Naruto alone. Grumbling and kicking a chair over he slipped on his new cloak, swords and bow, before picking up the scroll and opening it, inside was a simple stance for using the swords in their basic form, how to activate them to their advanced, how to use the shadow clone jutsu, basic chakra control just in case and certain instructions in case he gets stuck. Sighing he slipped the scroll into his pocket and looked in the mirror, not looking worse for wear and looking pretty bad ass with that cloak on he lets out a grin and leaps out he window, already thinking of the most perfect place to train.

With a good 30 minute run he arrived at a place where he ran sometimes from the villagers, having found a large cave quite a distance inside, the forest of death. He was sure barely anyone went in there, climbing over the gate he runs at top speed, arriving at the cave he stares down at the swords, wondering just what kind of sword they would be. Heading deeper into the cave he heads as far back as possible before sitting down cross legged. Setting the first one into his lap he stares down at it and wraps his arms around the sheath and the hilt of the blade. Closing his eyes he feels the world turn around him, the breeze moving between the leafs in the trees outside of the cave, as he concentrates he begins to pump chakra into the blade, and it begins to glow as he continues.

Finally with a resounding explosion, Naruto opens his eyes and coughs, waving a hand infront of his face to clear the smoke he looks down at his lap and gasps with his blue eyes growing to the size of dinner plates, instead of the normal plain looking blade it was now replaced with something much more deadly looking.

Starting from the bottom the hilt looks like Iron cables twisted, fitting into a two handed sized grip, the guard a sphere but is made of five bands with serrated edges all along the outside, the front of hilt is cylindrical with three sections, stacked on top of each other and rotating in different directions, from the point it resembles a double bladed claymore not much wider than the point of its guard, sliding up the blade till it juts out and loops around to connect with the cylindrical parts, creating a form of guard, on top of that the blade itself is black obsidian, red arches running through it with bolts running along the flat end. All in all it looked like it could tear anything to pieces, trying to lift it Naruto gasps, the weight needed was incredible, wondering how he was supposed to use this without ripping his arm off was going to be a challenge.

"So you are my new master, not much to you I would say" A voice called out, making Naruto look around, as he looked the blade shimmered before a ghostly figure stood infront of him, a large man with dark clothes and wild looking black hair, what looked like rivets or some sort of piercing ran along much of his skin, and small red eyes stared down at him with a superior grin, on his left shoulder was a tuft of black feathers, what really made him stood out though was the fact he was eating some form of metal like it was his lunch, just calmly tearing chunks off.

"My name is Wamuhorufuresshurippa, or in your tounge Wormhole flesh ripper, though everyone either calls me Metal head or Gajeel, take your pick kid"

Naruto stared up at the large man, blinking a few times before it finally clicked, looking down at his sword than back at the man he gave a nod and a grin.

"Thats AWESOME!"

"I know I do tend to impress, a few notes before you try to use me, I take a LOT of strength to use, so don't try wielding this form till later, also as my name suggests I cut short holes into the universe, just imagine being at a bath house and able to cut a hole into the womans side, you would be able to see through without actually having to make a hole, and if I happen to break which I doubt but its better to get this out now, just dip me into molten iron, or some kind of liquified metal, I will do the rest! Now to turn us back to normal, just pull the chakra you use to change us back into yourself now if you don't mind I need a rest"

With a final wave the swords spirit disappears back into the blade, returning it to its normal form except now on the hilt there was a sword cutting a circle in half, filing that information away Naruto picked up the other sword and resumed his meditation to unlock the other form, Naruto had noticed that along with his new items and powers he also had greater intelligence, and noticed a few things going around that he wouldn't have before, it also helped him relax and be less brash.

With another explosion his second sword changed, Naruto looked down and was surprised at such a drastic difference between the two. Instead of a large blade that could probably cut a mountain in half this looked like your average Katana, although with pristine white sheath and hilt, with a long lavender sash coming off of the bottom of the hilt ending with a red bow, the blade had a cross guard and open frame swirl, it looked quite fancy put pulling it free is what made the difference, itched into the silver blade was pearl white dragons circling around, seeming to glow with pure holy power and suddenly a kind yet young voice rang out, and a small girlish figure appeared.

"H-Hello, my name Is Kaze o Senkai, otherwise known as the Whirling Winds or Wendy if you prefer"

The girl was small, yes and rather cute for a sword, she had wide innocent eyes and long blue hair with red bows keeping it in two pony tails behind her, she currently was wearing a white pristine dress with gold sash to hold it in place, she smiled brightly at Naruto and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Unlike my counter part I have to have a command for you to seal and awaken me, which would be 'Turn to the heavens Kaze o Senkai' a few things about my abilities, I can only use wind style attacks but I can also heal you and your team mates, though it would take a lot of energy on your part, I'm sorry if thats a problem. When fully release my blade becomes and invisible blade of wind that can cut through pretty much any type of stone and most metals, I can also create a wind barrier around you that will protect you from most items, and a full wall for your allies but again it will take a lot of energy, I'm sorry!"

The girl seemed to be on the verge of tears and Naruto did his best to calm her down.

"Hey no its fine, I don't mind at all! Your perfect in my opinion!"

Wiping her eyes she looks up at Naruto with wide glimmering eyes, asking if he really meant it and he gave a curt and kind nod, smiling she gave him a hug, well the best she could do as a spirit before returning to the blade which remains in its current state, sliding both onto his back he begins his training to master the shadow clone jutsu, even if it took him all day. And that it does, hours tick by and soon the sun sets on the day, with him having made great leaps in success, it seems that not only did he gain powers and brains but knowledge as well, seeming to know most things about chakra already just need to practice so his body is used to them, grinning he thanks the old man in the sky before finally with a triumphant shout he summons a few clones, then the dragon elder who was again, sleeping.

"HEY OLD GEEZER WAKE UP! I DID WHAT YOU TOLD ME TO!" With a snort the angry dragon wakes up and stares at the clones, giving another annoyed snort at how fast the blonde mastered it he sets his wing on the boy and without a word disappears, leaving the clones to clean up the mess.

The training begins on that day, having taken Naruto to the home of the dragons the training he received was harsh and brutal, but he took it all and his abilities grew in leaps and bounds, they taught him lost techniques that no one knew about, and by the time his training was done 5 years had passed, having just entered the academy he was more than ready for it having been trained to master Jutsu unlike anyone had ever seen, his power rivaled some of the greatest jonin in the village, obviously he couldn't take on a kage yet but he had great potential only at the age of twelve. Grinning he walked down main street, his swords strapped to his back, the jade wolf as well, cloak blowing in the breeze. He was gaining looks from all the people, having used his clones to make him look like he once did, it was a shock to see him in his present state.

He was currently wearing a black vest zipped up only half way exposing some of his chest, wrapped around his waist was a orange dragon scale scarf, his pants were average shinobi pants and sandals, however the look was still a change from his usual orange attire, sliding into his seat at his favorite restaurant, ichiraku ramen the owners were equally as surprised but very happy for Naruto to have such nice things, and it even made Ayame blush a bit from how he went from childish to this in only a day, grinning he started slurping down bowls of ramen, having not had any in a long time.

Though even with his training he failed to notice the brown haired girl following him, his swords having caught her eye, she was easy on the eyes with her hair in two buns and wearing a pink Chinese styled shirt with white pants, but if anyone knew her they would know she was quite the tomboy, as well as having a big interest in weapons since they were practically her entire life. Walking up she sits down behind the new boy, having never really seen him around she holds out her hand and smiles, introducing herself to him.

"Hello, my name is Tenten, I was wondering if I could take a look at your swords for a moment? I'm a weapon lover so I am always interested in seeing new and beautiful swords such as your own."

Blinking Naruto was not expecting that, smiling he set them on the bar area and let her inspect them, Gajeel wanted to cut her fingers for touching him but he told him no through their mind link, he watched her silently as he ate and took in her form, piecing together a new things with his new intellect.

"Well my name is Naruto, that sword right there is named Wormhole flesh ripper, and the other one is whirling winds, they are quite close to me and I almost feel like they are family"

Naruto explained and Tenten laughed softly, knowing exactly how he felt they began to talk, exchanging pleasantries as she examined his swords, while he eat his dinner peacefully, unlike most new people he felt relaxed around her, like there was no need to worry about everything and he enjoyed that feeling. Tenten on the other hand was feeling a strange warmth, it was kind and gentle like it was holding her in a loving embrace, looking at Naruto she realized it was coming from him, giving a smile she begins to ask questions, like where he acquired such items and if she could get any, he simply shook his head and said that he got them from a man in the sky, which she snorted at and pestered him for more info, which he simply waved off.

Hours pass like this, the summer day slowly drawing to a close before they part ways, each feeling pretty good after their session and Naruto promised she could examine his swords more later, but he needed to be somewhere. Stretching Naruto arrived at the Uchiha complex, having been invited by Mikoto for dinner since he was alone, smiling he slipped his hands into his pockets and stepped inside, looking up at the moon it was a beautiful night and everything was going his way, however he frowned and thought he saw a figure but as soon as he blinked it was gone, shrugging it off he headed inside and instantly felt something was off, drawing Kaze he started to step slower into the area, thats when he saw the bodies.

It was gruesome to see, bodies were littered everywhere, blood soaked the streets, people hanging from roof tops by their feet and hanging to walls upside down from objects impaling them, parts cut off and strewn everywhere, the stench was horrifying, but Naruto instantly ran forward, pulling his hood up he blended into the wall as he headed towards Mikotos place, seeing the light still on he realized they might be still alive, arriving he slipped silently inside to see Itachi standing infront of his parents, blade dripping with the blood of his fallen family, gritting his teeth Narutos eyes flashed red and before Itachi could strike down his one mother he leaped forward and slammed the sheathed blade into his head, knocking him backwards and giving them a chance to run, though they weren't fast enough.

As soon as they started the room exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere, the ceiling collapsed crushing Mikotos husband, and her legs as well, knocking her head against the ground she passes out, fire begins to spread and threatens to kill both Itachi and Naruto if they dont' flee, feeling his work is done Itachi gives one last look and a fleeting tear before he disappears into the night, pulling Mikoto free he carries her in his arms till they reach the entrance to the compound where Sasuke had just started walking in, yelling for him to get help Sasuke quickly runs off, even with his mother injured. Help soon comes and ninja quickly try to put out the fire, as a medical anbu unit takes Mikoto away, the odd thing about them was that they had a symbol on their masks, root.

Collapsing on the ground Naruto ran a hand through his hair, letting out a strangled sigh, it was the first time really seeing other bodies, it was not something he wanted to repeat often if possible, looking up he could see his grandfather figure coming towards him, obviously worried and willing to take him home, although Naruto wasn't that tired, he knew he wouldn't last too much longer, accepting the old mans offer they walk, both in silence to Narutos apartment and Naruto gives a quick wave goodbye before slipping inside, and although his dreams should have been filled with nightmares of the uchiha massacre, all they were full of was a brown haired girl with a beautiful smile.

Slowly puffing on his pipe the 3rd hokage looked up into the night sky, staring into the twinkling stars as he let out a tired sigh, smoke streaming from between his lips

'Your son.. he has the potential to be one of the greatest shinobi of all time Minato and Kushina, I just wish the rest of the world could see it that way.' Grumbling in annoyance he heads back to his office, mentally preparing himself for the mountain of paperwork awaiting him, unaware of the things that were to come, and how true that single thought of his was.


End of chapter 2


Me: AND THATS A WRAP FOLKS, I sort of rushed it and theirs less diagonal in this chapter but I do hope you enjoy, Love and criticism is accepted, how ever hate will be used to feed my marshmallow addiction, WHO WON, WHOS NEXT!? YOU DECIDE! EEEPPPIIICCC RAP BATT- woops wrong ending...I AM BACK SO BE PREPARED FOR THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF! BIRTH! OF! THE! ULTIMATE! SHHIINNOOBBBIII! ITS GONNA BE LEGEN- wait for it...DARY!

Side note, deleted the chapter I just uploaded so I could re-upload THIS one, with this edit right here that you are reading because I forgot it, there is gonna be quite a bit of fairy tail hints, its like my favorite anime so what can you expect, SO the lost technique they were talking about earlier is going to be some form of magic from Fairy tail, what ever magic you guys choose/who ever picks the most interesting magic gets to be it, like if 100 of you chose fire dragon slayer, thats what he would get but I am leaving it to you, thanks for reading~