Chapter 24: Big Finale

So I decided this is the last chapter of this story in order for everything to work out. The sequel will be posted next week if possible. Also I made a cover art for the story too so please check it out and let me know what you think. It's simple but it :) please read the AN at the end of the chapter

"I'm pregnant." Logan confessed. The brunette searched Kendall's eye for some type of response but got nothing. Instead the blonde just sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Logan rested himself on his elbow and sat up as well.

Kendall put his head in his hands and then rested his arms on his thighs.

"Uh, that's- that's, wow, um. How long have you been pregnant?" Kendall asked mind boggled.

"I'm starting my second month next Wednesday." Logan said looking down even though Kendall couldn't see him.

"Wow...That's great. Um, what do you plan to do with it? The baby."

"I'm gonna raise it. What else am I supposed to do?"

"Why would you do that?"Kendall asked turning around to face Logan.

"Because it's my child, Kendall! Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't see why you can't give it up for adoption or just get..." Kendall trailed off. Logan's eyes went wide at what Kendall was suggesting. He didn't even have to finish the sentence for the brunette to know what he was talking about.

"You want me to consider getting an abortion?!" Logan asked in disbelief and hurt. Kendall stood up from the bed and started pacing. "You want me to take an innocent life?!"

"It's the same thing when you've killed all those other bad guys!" Kendall retorted." Plus, you wouldn't have the time anyway with the life you live!"

"That's way different and you know it! This is a baby we're talking about. A human being is growing inside of me and it's one we both created. And you want me to destroy that?! That's heartless!" Logan said his eyes glaring daggers at Kendall who was turning red with anger also.

"Well, you know I'm not gonna be there for it! So why keep it, huh? I don't even fucking know how to be a dad!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't be a part of its life." Logan said causing the blonde to go silent.

"You know what? Fuck this. I don't need this. I don't need you and I don't need that baby." He said as he grabbed his pillow and the comforter and marched out of the bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Logan flinched when the door slammed.

"Uggggghhhhh!" Logan screamed, grabbed the vase from the bedside table and threw it at the door in rage. The vase shattered into pieces after hitting the door, but at the moment,he didn't care. He laid down and pulled the white sheets up to his chest, clutching them tightly. He allowed a few silent tears to fall before falling asleep.

Kendall paced back and forth in the living room as his mind raced. He thought of the baby and who it would look like. In truth, if he wanted a child, he'd always wanted a little boy. One he could teach hockey, which was his favorite sport, how to build stuff and how to get the ladies. For a second, he thought actually considered wanting a baby but quickly abandoned the thought for he had bigger things to worry about. The first thing was getting that piece of they ray back.

Kendall grabbed his laptop from the table and turned it on. While he waited for it to load, he went to check and see if Logan was still awake. He tip-toed to the door and twisted the knob ever so quietly. Once there was a crack in the door, he peered in and saw Logan's back going up and down signaling he was sleep. Kendall backed away slowly and closed the door softly and walked back to the couch.

He sighed heavily as he logged into to his laptop. The usual screensaver and apps came up. Kendall chuckled lightly when he saw his background on the screen. It was a picture of him and Logan at the beach party in Paris. They had a random partygoer take their picture while they were having a small picnic.

He then regained focus and pulled up his tracker and saw the pin blinking on his target's location. He typed in the decoder to the CIA's security cameras and tapped in to the feed. He searched through each feed until he found the one he was looking for. He smiled wickedly to himself and grabbed his phone to dial the number he called before. Kendall watched the screen and smirked as the man picked up the phone.

James was furiously tapping the keys as he typed in the coordinates he was given when his phone began ringing. He groaned aloud when it kept ringing even though he was trying to ignore it. Finally, it stopped ringing making James sigh in relief. He returned to his work when the phone began ringing again. James groaned and picked up his phone, hastily answering it.

"Whoever this is better have a damn good reason to keep calling!"

"Considering I know the whereabouts of your stepbrother, I'd say that's a pretty good reason, don't you?" Kendall smirked to into the phone.

James' face took on an unusual pale color before he soon took on an expression of anger. "Kendall?! You son of a bitch! I swear if you touch Logan I will kill you." James whispered threateningly into the phone.

"Well you're about an hour too late for that. And I think Logan enjoyed it." Kendall retorted knowing that would really push James' buttons

"Where is he?"

"Hasty, I see. I'll give you the location but you've got to give me something in return." Kendall pressed. He knew James was steaming by now and would do anything to get Logan back.

"What do you want?" James whispered menacingly into the phone as the others who left for food, which included Carlos, came back into the conference room. He tried his best to look normal but he must've failed epically because Carlos looked at him and frowned wondering what was wrong. The Latino got up to go check on his husband.

"Hey baby, what's wrong? You looked upset." Carlos inquired.

"Tell him the phone company keeps pestering you about your bill." Kendall told James.

"Nothing baby, just the phone company calling me about the bill." James repeated through gritted teeth. He hated lying to Carlos.

"Oh...ok. Well don't let them stress you out too much, ok? I love you."

"I love you too baby." Carlos smiled lightly at his husband before walking away. James immediately like he had just kicked a puppy. He scolded himself mentally for doing what Kendall said and not being truthful. Lying to Carlos was the worst thing James could do or at least thought he could do. When he said his vows to Carlos, he promised he'd always be truthful and loving to him no matter what. James would rather lose a limb than lie to Carlos or do anything that would hurt him. That's how much James loved him.

"Okay I lied to my husband, what else do you want me to do?" James asked with venom in his words.

"Now, now James, let's not be too anxious. We wouldn't want Carlos to turn around from his task and find out what you're up to." James' eyes widened at the fact that Kendall was watching him. He glanced directly into the security camera then back down at his laptop.

"Are you watching me?!"

"I have to make sure you do what I say." Kendall said as if James was supposed to be ok with being watched. "Now here's what I need you to do. Go down the hallway and unlock the vault."

"Why? What's in the vault?" James inquired making Kendall huff in frustration.

"Just get your ass to the vault. I'll explain when you get there."James huffed and immediately rushed out of the room, sparking Carlos' curiosity. Buchanan didn't seem to notice anything so Carlos left and followed the direction his husband went in.

James walked quickly down the hallway with his iPhone pressed to his ears. He hurried and rounded the dark corner until he came to a round metal door.

"Okay I'm here. What do I do?" James looked around to see if anyone followed. Thinking no one did, he resumed looking at ways to get into the vault.

"Do you have the key code to get in?"

"No. That's stuff only Logan and Buchanan can get into."

"Okay, hold on." Kendall said. James rolled his eyes and listened to Kendall search for something."Okay got it. Type in these numbers...890146167310." James typed in the numbers exactly. The door clicked and popped open slightly. James pulled the door open and walked in.

"Whoa.." James looked around in awe. He'd never been in the vault before. Just as he was taking in everything, Kendall brought him back into reality.

"Now that you've had that shock and awe moment, it's time to get what I've been needing. Now look to your left, your other left, you'll see a small little battery-looking object." James looked and saw the item of Kendall's desire. He grabbed and held it to the security camera, assuming the blonde was still watching.

"This it?" James asked.

"Yep. That's it. I've now sent directions to your phone telling where to drop the item off. Have it here by 12 noon and come alone." James didn't have a chance to speak before Kendall hung up.

The brunette groaned out loud before putting the item in his pocket.

"That wasn't the phone company, was it?" Carlos' sad voice echoed in the vault. James' heart dropped as he heard and felt the hurt in his husband's voice. He slowly turned around to face the Latino.

"He has Logan-"

"And you couldn't tell me that?! You had to lie and make up some stupid excuse to get me away."

"Carlos, I was on the phone with him how was I supposed to tell you?"

"I don't know, James. You could've winked or something!"

"HE WAS-" James saw Carlos flinch at his tone of voice and brought it down a notch before pulling Carlos out of the vault to the dark corner a little farther down the hall. Quickly, glancing around to make sure no one was listening, he turned back to Carlos.

"He was watching me through the security feed. If I made one bad move, who knows what he would've done." Carlos studied James' face as best he could in the dim light as he continued to explain. "They want this in exchange for Logan. I've got to get it there by 12 noon. Baby, I have to save him. He's my brother." James said holding onto Carlos waist. Carlos cupped his face and kissed him deeply and pulled away.

"I know, sweetie. Only one thing ,though. I'm going with you." James eyes went wide.

"Baby, it's too dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you. I'd never forgive myself if I let something happen." Carlos rolled his eyes at James theatrics. Ruining the sentimentality, Carlos spoke up.

"James, that's sweet and all but it's time for me to get out in the field. You've trained me on how to defend myself. If I let you keep protecting me, I won't ever get the experience I need." James sighed heavily and thought about matter heavily. He looked down at Carlos' big brown eyes and the slight pout he had on his lips. James rolled his eyes knowing he couldn't say no to his puppy face.

"Ok you can come! But be careful and follow my lead, ok?" Carlos squealed with joy and jumped on his husband while showering him with "thank you's"and kisses.

"Thank you Jamie! I won't let you down." Carlos smiled brightly as he hugged his husband.

"Ok,Ok. Let's go! He wants this by twelve and by the looks of it, it's gonna take a while to get to the place." James said looking at his phone before grabbing the latino's hand and secretly going out the exit.

Kendall reclined against the couch and sighed. He fiddled with his thumbs before shutting down his laptop and putting it in his bag. He got up and walked back to the master bedroom and looked at Logan's sleeping form. He walked over to the brunette and crouched down next to the bed and stroked his pale cheek. The brunette stirred slightly at the touch and settled down again. Kendall leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Logan's lips. He then stood up and walked out of the room.

Logan woke up feeling groggy and cold. He also had a terrible pain in his back. He slowly sat up when it dawned on him that he was on the floor.

Logan, now fully awake from his realization, noticed bars in front of him when he realized he was in a cell of some sort and in only a sheet which barely kept him warm.

"You always make the cutest noises when you sleep, ya know?" A voice rang through the room making Logan turn his head to see the feminine figure emerge.

"Camille?" Logan asked as she came into the light. The brunette woman came forth. Her usual curly hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She was dressed in a black jacket, aqua blue tank top, black pants and leather black high heel boots.

"Hey Logan." Camille said with a look of uncertainty. Logan was now standing up and got closer to the bars. He shared a light smile with his former friend.

"Hey Camille. How are you?" he asked as he pulled the sheet up more onto his body. He looked quizzically at her when she frowned slightly.

"What?" Logan asked.

"You're not gonna ask why I'm in this? Why did I go rogue?"

"Well I would, but I'd prefer to ask you these things whiled clothed." Logan quipped.

"There's some clothes behind you to your left. Believe it or not your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, or whatever he is to you is very thoughtful and told me to take care of you." Camille explained. Logan went slowly getting dressed as he took in what she said.

"He said that?" Logan asked pulling on a dark blue shirt, now fully dressed in a black jacket, black pants and black sneakers. Even though Camille was on the bad side, he didn't feel uncomfortable changing in front of her because she is or was his best friend. Plus they'd both seen each other naked before, but that's another story in itself.

"Yeah and a few other things like you're heavier than you look and how he was amazed you stayed asleep through the whole process of him getting you here." Logan gasped at the statement.

"Im not that heavy. Its just baby weight, which HE gave me!" Logan defended himself. Camille chuckled at her friend.

"It's good you haven't changed because of everything that's been going on." Camille smiled.

"Yeah but you have. Why? " Logan saw Camille's face sadden. She sighed as she sat in the chair next to the cell.

"I ,uh, needed the know the agency doesn't pay office agents as much as field agents. And this was my last resort. I got the money and thought I found love too but I guess not." She explained as she turned her head to the side and revealed a red spot on her cheek. Logan's eyes widened when he got what she was hinting at.

"Camille...Tell me he doesn't hit you." A small tear ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away.

"It was one time. We got into a huge fight and we were both in each other's face and everything was happening so fast and before I knew it..."

"Camille. I'm so sorry-"

"Don't be. He didn't get away with it. I kicked his ass once I got off the floor." She smiled lightly."You know me, I'm a tough bitch." Logan couldn't help but laugh. Through everything, Camille managed to stay positive.

"Are you gonna leave him?" Logan asked, shifting himself on the cell's bench to be comfortable.

"I want to but I don't know how. I've just never built up the courage to do it." Logan stood up and put his face in between the bars.

"Well, if I make it out alive, which I probably will once I come up with a plan, I'll help you leave him. You're still my best friend." Logan said smiling at her and stuck his hand through the bars. Camille smiled and got up and hugged her best friend. They pecked each other on the lips and laughed afterward.

"Kendall would be so angry if saw that."

"Why would he? I mean it's practically a lesbian kiss. We both like men and both feel no sexual or romantic attraction to each other. And plus he and I aren't even together." He shrugged.

"Logan, I really don't want to take over the world with them. I just want out and leave town and start over."

"It's not that easy you know. You're most likely gonna go to prison for treason."

"Yeah but a girl can dream, can't she?" She said sighing as she sat down on the floor next to Logan's cell. "How's your baby?"

"Pretty good. I went to the hospital and got checked up. I'm one month along."

"That's good. What do you think you're having?"

"I don't know but I'll love them no matter what." He sighed thinking to himself.

"I really need to get out of here and stop them." He looked down at Camille from the bench. "Do you have the keys to open this thing?"

"No. Kendall took them with him when he first put you in." Logan sighed heavily." I don't think there's a way out without the key."

"There's always a way out of everything. You just have to...look." He smirked looking at the top where the cell stopped. There was room for him to get over. Camille smiled a knowing smile but it faltered soon.

"Wait when you get over to this side, they'll think I let you go." Logan stopped to think about the situation. He had to get out but he couldn't get his best friend hurt.

"I could overpower you." he suggested. Camille nodded and smiled and watched her friend perform his feat. After four climbs up the bars and a flip, Logan was on the other side with Camille. The two smiled at each other and fully embraced each other in a tight hug when Camille broke the silence.

"You're gonna have to punch me, you know?" Logan pulled away from his friend and looked at her as though she was nuts.

"Excuse me? I'm not about to punch you in the face." He said resting his hands on his hips.

"Well, he's gonna wanna see to proof that you overpowered me and not that I let you go. Otherwise, it'll end bad for both of us." Logan sighed because he knew she was right. He stepped back from a few inches.

"I really don't wanna do this Cami."

"Oh come on, Logan. Stop being a pansy and just hit me." Camille said as she stood openly waiting for her friend to hit her.

"Camille, I'm not gonna hit you!"

"Yes you are! Now hit me!"





"AHHH!" Logan screamed,closed his eyes, and slapped Camille hard. He opened his eyes and gasped when he saw a red mark appear on Camille's face.

"Really, Logan? That's the best you can do? My grandma can hit better than you and she's dead!"

"What?! That wasn't good enough! Excuse me for respecting women."

"Logan, you're gay! This is basically a cat fight! And I trust you. Now, stop being a pussy and bitch slap me like I know you can!"

Logan sighed and prepared himself. He pulled his arm back and like before, except harder this time, slapped Camille.

"YEAH! That's what I'm talking about! Now, that's a bitch slap!"

"You're so weird!"

"Is it strange that I wanna have sex with you right now?"

"Yes! Now lie down like I've knocked you unconscious." Camille did as she was told.

"Oh yeah! Right! I love you Logan!" Camille said as Logan began running out. He turned around and smiled at the brunette woman.

"I love you, too. Gotta go!" Logan said, running out of the door.

James had driven until he had almost run out of gas. He refilled, got snacks, and used the bathroom, then got back on the road. He did all of this while Carlos was sleep in the passenger seat. James decided to wake his husband up to let him know they had stopped.

"Carlos...Baby. Wake up!"

"Five more minutes, Mami." Carlos mumbled sleepily and turned over on his side. James rolled his eyes and used what he knew would get Carlos to wake up.

"I have food." Within an instant, Carlos jumped up and smiled with bug eyes.

"Where's the food?!" James chuckled to himself as he gave Carlos the other half of the sub sandwich that he bought. Carlos devoured the sandwich within two big bites.

"Where are we, Jamie?" Carlos asked checking his phone for the time, seeing it was 10:45 a.m. The next day.

"We're a little bit outside of L.A. near a place called Brookridge." James replied cranking up the SUV and pulling out of the gas station and back on to the road.

"What time do we have to have the,whatever that thing is, there?" Carlos said pointing at the object on the dashboard.

"Noon." James said not breaking his gaze from the road. His mind was wandering all over the place, going to the unthinkable. All he could was what if he was too late and they had already killed Logan and just told him he'll get his brother if gives them the piece. Or what this whole thing was a trap and Logan was really in on it with them. He was brought from his revelry when he felt Carlos' hand on his bicep, rubbing it comfortingly. James looked over and saw Carlos' worried expression. The Latino leaned up and kissed his husband's lips softly. He pulled back and looked into his husband's hazel eyes.

"It's gonna be ok, Jamie." Carlos reassured. James smiled softly, turning back to the road. James could hope Carlos was right.

Logan ran aimlessly around the down the hallways of the building searching for some place that led to where Kendall and Mileaux would be. He found nothing after a good thirty minutes. As he ran around the next corner, he saw one of the guards walking his way. He stopped in his tracks and went back to hide on the wall waiting for the guard to come farther down.

The guard walked until came to the corner. Logan normally would keep still until the guard went the other way but he didn't have time for that.

"Hey!" The guard turned around and was immediately knocked unconscious by Logan high kicking him in the face. The man dropped to the ground and groaned. Logan rolled him over and took his gun then searched his pocket and got his phone.

"I am so sorry I had to do this." Logan apologized to the unconscious body. He took off running until he reached an air duct. He would've kept going but he heard the sound of voices coming his way. He opened the grate and climbed into the ventilation space. Once inside, he pulled the metal grate back in and kept as quiet as possible. The shadows and voices passed by the air vent.

Logan let out a heavy breath that he didn't know he was holding in. He decided to crawl further into the air vents to see where they led to. As he went further in the vents, he began to hear talking. Logan followed the sound of the voices until he saw light streaming in from a room.

"-Then we'll start the ray at 12:00 p.m.."

"But shouldn't we kill him before we even start the ray?"

"No I want him to see his brother die first and everything he's accomplished go up in flames. Then we'll kill him." Mileaux cackled. "Today is the day we start a new generation of warriors. Everyone will turn against the government and I'll get to see Buchanan burn! " Logan watched the scene in horror. He finally put everything together. Mileaux is going to use the ray to control everyone to make them turn against the government so that he can be ruler. He crawled back to other side of the vents so he couldn't be heard.

He pulled out the phone and dialed the number to the office. It rang until he heard Buchanan's voice resonate on the other side.


"Director? It's Logan!"

"Logan, where the hell have you-"

"DIRECTOR! That's not important. I was kidnapped by Kendall and right how they're about to start a worldwide mind control mission! I need you to listen closely Director." Logan sighed before he began delivering instructions.

"If you haven't already, but I assume you have, get the tactical sent to a factory, I think in BrookRidge. If you can triangulate my position, make sure it's right."

"Already on it, Agent." Logan sighed."You're correct. You're in BrookRidge. It's on the outskirts of L.A.. I'll have the team out there within the next hour!"

"Director we don't have that kind of time! It's 11:20 and they're planning to start at 12."

"I'll get the SuperJets prepared then. Stay in contact as much as possible. Be careful, Agent." Logan nodded as if he could be seen.

"You too." He replied before hanging up. He sighed before deciding to find a different hiding place because it was getting too cramped in the vents. Logan crawled until he got to the corner where he was gonna turn but Mileaux's head popped out and scared Logan.

"Oh good, I found you, Logan. I was afraid you left before the real fun began." He smiled devilish a grin that even scared Logan.

It was 11:55, James and Carlos just arrived at the old abandoned factory or what looked to be abandoned. James' heart was pounding louder than a bass drum. This was it. He was either gonna die or make it out with Logan. He told himself he shouldn't think like that. He stopped the car in a place where they could see who comes in and stay hidden as well.

"If we don't come out in ten minutes, I want you to call for help."James turned to Carlos looking deep in his chocolate eyes. Carlos' eyes began turning red, tears on the brim of falling. He grabbed James face and nuzzled it against his.

"Jamie, don't talk like that. I'm not gonna lose you."

"Baby, I gotta go and save him. I promise I'm gonna come back to you and we're gonna have our baby and everything's going to be alright." James said a single tear falling. He kissed Carlos' forehead then pulled him into a deep, promising kiss.

"I love you, Baby."

"I love you, too Jamie." They hugged. James released and grabbed his gun and was out of the car running to the building ahead. Carlos regained his composure and waited ready for anything.

Logan struggled against the big, bulky guards that held him. It was 11:57 and Mileaux was starting the ray up. Electrical sparks were already surging through the pointer. All the while, Kendall wasn't even looking at Logan. That pissed him off even more. The man had the nerve to knock him up and then ignore him. Mileaux walked away for a second, so Logan took the time to get the blonde's attention.

"Kendall...Kendall...Kendall. Look at me dammit!" The blonde responded by turning his head towards him.

"Are you really gonna let all this happen? I know in your heart of hearts this is wrong."

"Logan, I've already explained it to you."

"Fine if you won't not do it for me then don't do it for your baby." Logan heard the two men grumble behind him in confusion. "It's a long story you two, I'll fill you in later." They nodded at his reply. All Kendall could was just stare when something at the door caught his eye. James ran in panting right at 11:59.

"James!" Logan yelled out smiling.

"Loges!" Just as he was about to run over to Logan and knock the other two guys out, Kendall jumped in the way with a gun pointed at his chest. James' eyes widened at the fire arm directed at him. At that point Mileaux, came back from his little office to see about all the commotion.

"Ahh! Agent Diamond, Right on time!"

"Let him go now! I have the piece you want!" James looked back and forth between the gun and Mileaux.

"Kendall!" The blonde nodded and checked James' pocket until he found the object and threw it to Mileaux. Mileaux nodded at the men and they released Logan. The brunette man ran to his brother where they embraced in a hug. At the same moment, Camille ran into the room.

"Camille what happened?" Mileaux asked.

"I tried to stop him, but he overpowered me!" She made sure to show him the mark on her face. Mileaux glared at Logan but went to the ray and stuck the piece in like a key and started typing in a code.

Logan and James were going to run but Kendall had the gun pointed at them.

"Haha yes! Finally all my work is going to pay off." Mileaux cackled before slamming his hand down on a giant red button that sent a stream of light from the pointer.

The worst has just begun.

Carlos waited patiently for any sign of James and Logan but saw nothing. It had been 6 minutes that he waited. He was going to get out of the car and go searching for them but he knew he should wait until the 4 minutes were up and do like James said and call for backup. When he saw the unending stream of light come from the factory he knew that was bad. He immediately dialed Buchanan's number when he saw what looked to be the agency SuperJets landing in the field across from the car. 'Talk about timing.' Carlos thought. He jumped out of the vehicle and ran over to meet them. The ramp was letting down and Director was the first one to get out followed by the tactical team all stationing themselves around the perimeter.

"Director!" Carlos called out. The older man ran towards him.

"What are you doing here?!" he questioned.

"James was called secretly by Kendall and they wanted a piece for the ray, which has just been activated, in exchange for Logan."The Director nodded when his phone began ringing. He took it out and checked it.

"It's the President!" He answered quickly." Hello ?...Yes sir! What?! People are trying to infiltrate the White House?...yes we are working on it...Goodbye Mr. President." Buchanan hung up. Carlos looked at him worriedly.

"What did he say?"

"He said that there's about 3,000 people trying to break into the White House. They seem to be in. trance like they're being controlled by some source, which I'm guessing is Mileaux controlling them through the ray."

"What do we do?" Carlos asked.

"Nothing we can do without risking James and Logan's lives. Let's just hope they can disable the ray." Carlos sighed in defeat.

"Oh life is wonderful! Don't ya think?" Mileaux asked rhetorically while staring at multiple screens displaying his act of terrorism.

"Now here's the fun part! I get to kill two of the CIA's top spies and rule the world in only a matter of minutes. Any last words?" Mileaux smirked as he pulled out a gun as well. Kendall also still had his gun pointed at them. Logan and James didn't know what to do. There was no plan to get them out this time. They looked at each other and hugged one last time.

"I love you, Loges. You're the best brother anyone could have!" James said tears in his eyes. He thought of the promise he made to Carlos. He prayed that Carlos would find a guy that was better than himself.

"You too, Jamie. I love you." They heard the sound of the gun click into place.

"Well I really do hate long goodbyes. Sweet dreams, boys!" The two spies closed their eyes and As he pulled the trigger, the unexpected happened. Kendall jumped on in front of the gun, tackling Mileaux to ground. In the process, hit the red button and disabled the ray. The shot rang out throughout the room. Logan opened his eyes seeing they were both unharmed but he felt his heart drop when he saw Kendall's lifeless body get rolled over as Mileaux pushed him from on top of his body. Small tears left Logan's eyes as he realized Kendall was truly dead.

Mileaux was about to get up when Logan struck him unconscious and let out an angered scream. He fell to his knees at Kendall's body and sobbed. James grabbed Logan by the waist and pulled him up,walking towards the exit and looked over at Camille who knew what he meant by that look.

"Destroy it." He told her. She nodded pressing the self destruct button that was rigged to blow up the ray and that entire room in one minute. The three of them plus the other guards ran out of the room at the beginning of the countdown. They all made it out safely by Camille leading them through a passageway. Carlos smiled when he saw James run out with Logan in tow.

"TAKE COVER! IT'S GONNA BLOW!" James yelled to everyone who then scattered for shelter, Camille hiding with James,Carlos,and Logan behind the SUV door. Then, a loud booming sound echoed throughout the air followed by smoke and flames.

The four spies stood up from their shelter and walked over to the director.

"Well done, Agents. Because of you three, everything is as it should be." The director commended the three. He then caught a glimpse of Camille.

"Officers arrest this agent." He said pointing to Camille. Logan looked up at the director. The officers then took Camille into custody before Logan tapped one on the shoulder.

"Guys, please take care of her." The officer looked him in the eye and nodded gently before walking off with Camille. Logan walked back over to where James and Carlos were talking to Buchanan. Director saw Logan and patted James' shoulder before walking away.

"What was that about?" Logan asked pointed at Director.

"He's thinking about giving me a promotion." James smiled.

"That's great!" Logan smiled. James frowned when Logan looked away.

"Are you ok?" James asked. Logan sighed heavily and put his hands in his pockets.

"Not really." He chuckled lightly. James pulled all three of them into a group hug.

"Let's go to our place. You don't need to be alone right now." James suggested and Logan nodded while Carlos wrapped his arms around Logan's shoulders and walked him to the car. Logan took one final look back at the factory.

"It's over. Only new beginnings from here." He said rubbing his stomach before getting in the car. James started the car and they all drove off into the distance leaving all the past memories behind them at the factory.


I hope you all enjoyed my first fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. What I need you all to do now is write in a review or pm 5 Baby Girl and Boy names. First names and middle If you feel like going the extra mile. I appreciate you all so much and I hope you read the sequel because so much is in store for it:)

I'll be waiting for those names. The sequel should be out in a week or two.

Until next time,
